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<br /> � 1997 b and anion RUBY SCHULTZ and ,
<br /> This DEED OF TRLIST is made this 2nd day of Junc, , Y 8 �
<br /> husb�nd aad wife, hereinafl:sr referred to as "Trustor�," whether one or�riore, whose mailin8 address is Poat e
<br /> p�� �O= �, C�iro, Nkbraslu� 6s824; 'I'HE STATE BANK OF CAIRO, � Nebr�sic� B�nkins
<br /> Corpor�tioa,hereinafter refsrred to as Trustee, whose mailing address is Bo=428, Cairo, Nebras{c�6�24;
<br /> and THE STA.TE SAN�; OF CAIRO, s Neh1xslc� Bsnkieq Cor�wratioa,
<br /> her�inaRer refened to as
<br /> ��geA�f'�ci�ry," wvhose mailing address is Bo:428,C�iro, Nebraal�6��4.
<br /> For valu�ble considr,ration,Trustars irrevocebly grant, transfer, convey and assigs�to Trusta. in trust,
<br /> with power of sale,for the bene5t and security af Beneficiary,uader snd subject to the terms and condi�ons of
<br /> this Deed of Tn�t,the follct�wing described real property locatcd in HAI.L C�unty,Nebruska:
<br /> Lot One�(1),Block Nme(9),in the Original Town of Cairo,I�all Counry, Nebraslca;
<br /> togett�r with a11 buildinga,improvements, fixtures, streets,alleys, passegeways,easemrnts,rights,privac8es and
<br /> ��.,,��_�Kt rhnreon and all personal propercy that may be or hereafter bxome an integral part of such
<br /> ��. ...n nrat _ . • , • �_�:_ ......, to
<br /> buildir�g�and itx�provem�nta. all crops r�ised thereon, and all water rights,ai1 oi w�ucu, ii,�;�u�,,.�g:�1:,,....w-si..,
<br /> aad eddirions ttrereto,are.hereby declared to be a part of the real estata conveyed in trust hereby,it being ag�oed
<br /> that all of the foregaing s�i�l1!x hero�n�fter referred to as the"Property." _
<br /> a, peyment of indc�tedness evidenced by Trustors' nate.of evea date herewith in the princip�l sum of
<br /> S23,000.00,together witb interest at the nte or rateS providen �,�erein. an 8�1�!��dance v�.����
<br /> at�d extensioas of such note.both princiPal and interest on the note being p y
<br /> set forth thatin, whlch by this refec'ence is hereby made a part heroof; and�ny and all future advAnc�s and
<br /> rpdvat�ces to Trustors hertunder pursuant to one ore more promissory notes or credit ngraments(heran r,alkd
<br /> "Note"};
<br /> b. the paymeat of ather sums edvp►nced by Beneftciary to protect t�e s�ocurity of che Not�;
<br /> �, t}�ppf'ormance of all coven�nts and agreements of Trustor set forth herein;and
<br /> d, all present and future indebtedness and obligations of Trustors tu Beneficiary whctha dicext, indirect,
<br /> sb�olute or contingent aad v�+het1�'arising by note,guaranty,overdraR or ottkrwise;
<br /> 1. To pay w2xu►duti,the principal of, and tha interest on, the indebtedness evidec�c�ed by tLe note,charges, fas and all other
<br /> suroa as pravidod tn the loan instzuments.
<br /> 2. Tnutors arc the ows+e�5 of ttu property and liave thc righa and authority to exewte tlris Deed of Tnut in re�ecx to the
<br /> - P�rtY• nts asui all o[t►cr charges agaiiut the pr4pe►tY, bd'oro the same beoonsc
<br /> 3. To paY, when due� all taxes. spucial asscssnx 's interesi herein or upon tttiis�Aood of
<br /> � ckiinqekc�t. Tn�ton stnU pay all taxa ac►d assessments which may be levied W�on Benefiaa�' nt of the whok or any part tl�eroof
<br /> Tcust or trie debt oocurod t►erebY,witbout regacd to any law that may be enacted imposing PaYme
<br /> upon the Heneffcia�Y• insured a nst damage by fin and sa:h ott�a haTards as
<br /> - 4. To IooeP tho improv�menta now or t►ereafter located on titie propertY� S�
<br /> the Betxficiary n►aY ro9uic��in amountt and oompanics acaptable to the Bencficiary,Such ins�uance Policy sbaU oontain a stat►dacd
<br /> mo►t¢atte clause in favor of Benefciary. Tmstor sl�all prom�*xly repair. maintain and raplace ttre PropenY os a�►Y Part tt�ereof,so
<br /> � �J��. wri�n
<br /> ' t}ut,e�t for ordinary wear and tear,tne Pivp�Y�;�::��^•••.,�•.°.°._.
<br /> ] S. In the event tl�e propenY,or anY P��nOf S�be�t°�'c�nont domain.4hc Beneficiary is entitled to callax and
<br />-'� reaive all oompensation witich may be paid for anY Pmpe�tY takcn or for damages to properry nnt taken,and We Beneficinry shall
<br /> _-� apply such compea.wtion,at its option,eithtr to a reduction of the indebtodness sceured herebY•or to r�epair and res�ore tho properey
<br /> _� so taken.
<br /> � 6. The &netiaary �y, but shall havc no obligation to, do any act which Tn�stors tiavc��t failed to do, and ihe
<br /> ��c�,o�y�Iso do any act it dams neoessarY�o P��t�lien hernof. Tnistois�g�cc to u n demand.azry suma so
<br />`' �xpendod by the 8tneliciary Cor thc aMvc puxposes•and any sum so cxpcnded shall be added ro ttx:indebtcdncts sxured h�rebY and
<br />, � (�omc sccvrod by thc licn horeof. Thc Bcneficiary shall nv incur any liability Ixcaas�c of anything it may do or omit to tb
<br /> K�� heceunder.
<br /> 7. The&netic,tiary stwli hava tt�C riF,t►t.Po"�er a�►�authority during the continuance of this Dxd of Tnut to collect tho rents.
<br />— issues and profits of thc propcny and of any persoa�l PropenY �ocatcd thcrcon with or without ta6cirtg posscssinn of thc propertY
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