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PAflE i Of��. -_ _ <br />= AodmoN��.rE��sST'��9� ` <br />- LIMITED wAAAANn:ly s�le ni1 �ulYSire nMry ��NSt yw�r ywr usl�w�sA�ll M IWtN le wy d�Ati MI re�li�s rM1r tAe�qnss LIMITfD wARAAMri pw nttM h ' - <br />_ M el t!N ti�I siq tlls CMtrxl.��ahpiw rl�Ab�1 tMlli�s widlr tM Nxr�t��!1 M i�INr o1111�tMi rl�Ats K r�lln, �t Irr K ia qrlry,r�A�n ttM <br /> �L M.LkNk tuh T�w. - <br /> Ql MAIMIfACIrNE!MMNOw IRd01EIS AtE NOi CUA�ANIFEO AQAptiT COIIDEMSATION,IIOISNA�fBAMi1110N OA F60ST.PRODUCiS AllE MOT CUAAAMTEED A6�INST COAAO.SIOM QitE <br />_ TO A11fRSE CIMMiIC CONNiIpK. <br /> If0YE1,REL 111E SEMMAIE "IwITEO MARAAMir"IIINCN IS A SEIARATE IIAITIEN NISTRtlYENT IEIIAIMNC SOlEl1 TO M�MUFACTUAEO PROGUCtS bi illE PACESEITEA COAPORATiON <br /> ANI IMIMCII"lI1MTf1 wAARANn" IAS�FEN OEIITERfO i0 EACR REStECi11E IU1FA IN COMNECflall t1711 TMiS 3�1E.TME F4REiUIM6/RUriS10MS AEGRDIMO COIIOEMSATIOM 00 NOT <br />_ MrLy 10 SIIMIO, <br />- FwtMr,TM ht�ttu Gt�r�tfe��kn NO REI�E3EIRATION OA NAAR1Ni1 pi AM�p1ilG OR N�INIIE IMiATSOE�E1, F7lIRESS OA WPlIfO,w(TM REStECT 10 TME ENEICY <br />_ SA�Ii1GS I COYlO OA II�I ACINE�E 1� IISf OF TNE tR011iCT(SI. 1 wNrst�1 11�1 a�ry tMm s�s I�KN�w 1�Nr1M�t���I�r�t hctus,!�cI�i� Id Mt <br />- Ilelbl b.tle t�.pr�tln n�/Ntlit�d iad�tb���ry Iro�a,duµrticebr slte�++d stTl��I sry Ma�N,tiw tp1 if w�lity N t�tr�ctfM N�y Aw,rq t�Tc�l� I�r lilt - <br /> �������Aw, �rMrr �ItKiK d tMirMSqt s�tNr�s,tU�tic uNltieia aM kcrilea H w�Aw, rpd�tM t�H n»rp CwswN fK <br /> • PREPAYM1fEIVTANDACCRUALQF'I'NE FINANCE CHAKGE:Evcn though I do rat tu�e�o pay mom than the rcgular uheduled nwnthly paynKnt.I have thc right <br /> lo pmpay�he whole omcwnt owing io ycw in full at any time or in part Gom time ta time_I understand that tlr_finance chutge(interctiD is camputed daily. 1 know my <br /> fiaaace charee will be less iP I m:J,e an euiyp�ymen6 and it will be higher if 1pay I�te; I dso remgniu th•rt any neressary;xl�usmxm to my tdal tieance chary�e will <br /> be rcflected in my Gn�l bill:1 also tnow Ihat thc amcwnts shawn on p�ge Z for thc Fiwuce CharEe,Total nf Payments,�nd the Total SYIc Price nce cstim•rtes based on <br />- the assumption�hat you will n�cei�a exh of the paynxnts eaacUy on its Jue dwte:and I knoW that therc will be nu afund if 1 prcPay hecausc thcre is nmhing to refund <br /> when 1 am chugcd on u daily bas iv.I knaw that�f all rchatcs,rcFunds and crcdits to whicFa I mig hi be entitted am less than nne dollar(S 1.00),no rcfund will be made.! <br /> may co�untuily Frepay the amuu�N 1 o�.e y�u,in (ull ur in part,ut any�ima[f i make a paniai pRpayment.1 must cnnhnue In m:ike my rcgular p�yments until l have <br /> paid iI u�.�ums uwed.1 fcnow Ihat d I prcp•ry the whole�mount,you may collect or rctain fium nx a mmimum charge not brcater dun S IU.01). <br /> SlDL`ul.-ORDf.R GU1�76:I knmv thM yau Iwve meuu�ed my houu u�d its openings so Ihat you can make Ux Produccs ro fi�my perticular Mwu and rhu the goods <br /> ;prc�6obly w iil not fit any c+�e+r houses,so I kraw that 1��r:.r,��rrneel this contrxt at nny►�ix rn�ter the perial of time given to me by law in which to cancel.l4fis th�t <br /> kgal ptcial of tirae,i kcx,iti rchu I luce the obligauon tu pa.•��,u in Cu11 the amount owed. <br /> COM.'�IENCEf11E1VT OF�FlNA1VCE CHAAGE:'iht Cnmce ch:r�ne(vM;rest)is estfmated to start a;'.�?:::r 30 days of the date of this contr.act,eacrpt in the aveat <br /> that yau complete the instal�tii� of th.-goods and urvices on enaher d:.Y.:_�1en the finantt r_har�e(int��n.:.T�s,ill begin to run on the d:v�that I sign the Cnmpirticm <br /> Certifica�e.'Ihe amountof fenaa,x c1u�e�i:a:ttsU may be morcor Ias th�n C`r.:rm:,unt dixloseddeperdingon tlx�.�vnts l pay you and my cimelu.+es.s in makingpaymcnts. <br /> IDE�'AN.T.1 will he in defatilt m�ra*r dzs«ncru�tL• L[don't ni�lcc o p�yn�ent when duc- a 2_ 1 brcak any promise 1 madc to yuu in lhis cont[xr,or 3.Soitxthing clu <br /> -� tuppens which causes you to be:ie ve m boal faith that I do not iotend to pay you u pmmised;a4.1 default on uny obligatio�c Eorwhich I am using my home�s collatcTal: <br /> ' or 5.Something happens to my houu w•!!!ch thrca�ens your rights,if any,in it. <br /> COLI.ECT[Or COb'TS:lf I un indrfxL�of this contrnet and you demand full payment,f ixrcasonablt attort�eys'fees u►d forctE!ier celated expenses such as coun cosa, <br /> title surches and money you eaperded to c�l.l•ct the amount due or to prolect my houu,if yau an:afloweJ to collect wch am,w,�u by law. <br /> OTHEA RIGN'I'S:You con choose noe w enforce any of the rights under this conusct�s oflen as you w�nt..-ithout losing them.Ot,you can delay enf�ing�ny of the <br /> �aF►ts w5.cpout Iosing them.Yau cza dso usc any rights now or in thc futurc given ta you by law. <br /> 'Lt:I.AIS:I know that y�w will use�nur 6est efforts to insull tt►e Pcnducts I am purehasing oa my lause,but 1 also undentvr.i ifiat in somc situations you may ea;twnter <br /> ilelays dut ate uu4ad by strilces,v�•cuher conditbns,delays you havc in obtaimqe,rr►ateaais,m fa other masons that arc br��nll}our conwl.1 will�at LakO}';4�.�'c�bk <br /> for wch ddays. , <br /> EST��OR bLZI.MYMEIVT.If 1 un in defauli under this contract.yW CSq(StC�YR:8'.1 TT�ui I owe under this conttactp.��-able at onee.I s�cRee to p��uau intetCSt <br /> tA�t am,wot�t the muimum conuiciwl rate u�lowed by law unUl the amours i owe you is pnid.I also know that you can f�rcclose the rtaRg�1 h+�ve gwem io ydu. <br /> �T10N:IF 1 have a dispuk or clilm with you conceming the yuantity,quality or pedornunce of ttx Roducto,I underswnd tlutmy d'n;�ne may Ix submitted <br /> and s�tt}ecl aocading to the mediuion•ubitntion pmgnm thnt mny have de�•efopcd In my rommunity.l al;a3TOw that any decision madc by a��fbittytor(s)would 6e <br /> terod in the couct luving jurisdictian over me and you. <br /> AGB VALIJE:I know that[Ixvindows,woodveork,siding,brick and aher materials dut luve to br mmoced by you fot this instaU�tion h�re�s�Ivaao v�lue. <br /> . n you trmore them,you cm ha�n them fa whatevcr purposc you want. <br /> IAL SI7'UATIONS:Due to Ihe uniqutness of sonx of the Products that you sell,I unhrstand t}ut in s{xcial situuions your Regional Office�my have ro nevkw <br /> appto��e tfiis conmrct.l atso understaM that�his sale riccurred in my home and that you and 1 m�y nos h�s�.n fiad all the Cortect iufom»UUn important to this tranuction <br /> our fingertips;I give you my eonsenl to cormt any obvious ertors that may hnve oewrred when Ihe btinics in�fnis contract were completed. <br /> ALID i'ROVISIONS:If any ision of this conm�ct violates thc law and is unenforce�ble, the�st of thc contract will be v�lid.If�ny part of this contn�c�t royuirct <br /> yment of mae inte�at thue the av pe�tnits,then you will only ha��e the righf to collect Fzao rne IGe amount uf intercst which the law albws you to cdkct. <br /> INPI.FTENF�S OF77iIS CONfRA�i:'[hfs contnctcan only be ch�nged if bcxh ycau a�i i�gree in writing. <br /> i� NOTICE <br /> � ANY H01.DEF1 OF THtS CONSUMER CREDIT CONTRACT IS SlIBJ1�CT TO Al.L CLAIMS AND OEFENSES WHICH THE <br /> COULD ASSERTAGAIMST 7HE SEL�ER OF GOODS OR SERYICES.O�TAINED PURSUANT HEflETO OR WITN <br /> �� �TO�HEE�E��H�EOF REC�2VERY HEREUNDER �1P ZI1E DEBTOR SHAI.t �lOT EXCEED AMOIp�PS �AID BY THE <br /> � RANCE CANCELLATIQN:If I lw�e r.yuestad insurnnce in this pw�chase.I may c anmi such nquest for insu�ance for any rcason within fifteen(15)dyys from <br /> '�e date of this eaWact by rr�tifying}a�a tfie hoidrr of this cnntr�ct in wnhng !know that th emiallation of my cover�ge will be urranged with the insutame camer(c) <br /> �d a fuU rcPond of my prcmium(s)loget}xt wtith applicablc fivance charge wil)be cmdited to�his contrxt. <br /> E Nq'I'E:lf[tuve t��qutstedinsuc�noe iu thispurchut,I will rc�ctive within thiny(3U)daysa ccrtificate of insurance morc fully deuribing the insunnee coverage, <br /> ' that if there is any conflict in ihe co�•enge or tlx language of the certificate of insuntntt ond�he followin&Notice of Proposed(nsurance thu I am covercd only to <br /> ►r!exknt suted in the following hTaice of Proposed Inwr�nce.(also ktaw that 1 hnve insutance covenge only�f 1 have been charged for it. <br /> � NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br /> 1 take naicc Uwt eitbcr CreJit Li(c or G+edit Accident and Neallh Inswancc,or bah,willbc applicable to this Inst�llmcnt Salcs Contract only it!havr ch�sra it by <br /> s mg the rcquest for such imunria.'this inswu�ce will only cover the person fii�ning the n�quest nt the cost fa ench rypr of insuru�ce shown.Suhject to a�a:e�v:�na <br /> t�tbe mwran�e compiny,the insurwce uill be effrctice as of today and will eonunue only for the number of months after the effective date equxl to the�tm9aEr oP <br /> tAIY paYments.l undetstud that�hic�tticul�r insuruxe may not provide covrtage for rnr I�st&w payments.�r►d Uut durinB that period uf•Zmt(will nM fiaeC any <br /> i� coversae.AII bnnefib and poc.�eods of the insur.�nce will be paid to�you or to e fi n�nciai instimtwn if it punhues the[nuallmene Saies�Ccmtrart ro the extenl <br /> o ats iMexsfs ancl nny baluxe will h p�x}ab7e ro mc.The initial nmouut of CYrdit Life Insur+ncc Is dx vnount ttquircd to rcp�y the'RNaJ of F��ymencs;thettafttt the <br /> irlunncY decrcases by the u�xwnt ofcac�monthlY p:Yment on�scheduled 30 dey basis.If I m�-ointly obligated on the Insqllment Saks C'.o�;ti:��s4th a Co•Bu�er,and <br /> M�haYC R1dA tilglkd(hC�equest for Ckdit Life Insunnce,�iath beneRts will be p�yable only ri�rtspect to tlx first one of us to die.Subject to exclusions,ele�nxtions <br /> a�waiting period shteJ in the insur�nce policy or certificuc.Crcdit Accider.t:ux1 Health ln�wmre is for the benefit anwunt d.I!SOth of each month's payment fot exh <br /> d�r�that I un totally disabkd due to H in ury or sickncss K•hiie I ow•e any paymcnt to you: laxrver.1 underst�nd that 1 have to tx p�ventecl f�m workmg Que to such <br /> k+lU disability[or mott tlun fotuteen 1l4�coastcutice days befarc the insurance benefit iL p��d Sxk to the first day of my n;u1 Q:sability.I�ko know Uut I au�lo! � <br /> Wai��y fewra�ee h�on yor ff I�r over f5�ea�s of�c today,�d 1�bo kno�tlut tk Iasrnnee cm'eraee Pr'ovWed te ne may ee�hi�a ma�clmaas�mouM <br /> «��R���P�Y� ����k���mou�l that 1 oxe ou.Due to tlx maximum ir►;xr;�of coverage stated in dr ic;�ruice policy.I know thu <br /> ae�unpoid unount in excess of thr unusanx co�rrage w�ill still ha�e to bapaI�d.If the Insaallment S�ia Cca_cnet is prcp�id m full pnor to G:e last payment datt,any <br /> wsars+ed ins�uance premiums will be rtfurded to me in�he manner�xeuritrd by law.Within t3i��y(30)days.l will rceeive lhe cerrificate of insurance morc fuliy m.�scribing - <br /> m�inwrance co��enge.If Ne insuranoe is not acccExed by the insmance company,1 will rcc�ei�e a rc(und of the insurance pr�ir.:,cros 1 have paiJ. <br /> hllv S!N-101•NL'•H�IF FAGGs <br /> �: <br /> .'��i.. . � . . . . . r.� � • ' -.f. <br />�'�.�i�r. • . . . . .. ..... . '.p i. r��r', ' � � . � w . <br />,,.��; 4� . � _�..- . �•,. . �� ,.. ' . <br /> ,4�s,P • •�p�j'Y'��'fi_4, ;,;• � � <br />:.�'u a. -.iis.�r,,. .- <br />���4j"t ' ' �J . .;,��5. � �, •�, '� <br /> -� �� , �� . ,,�'� '. ,. . , <br />?� ,,J�r .. ' „ "" � � � <br /> .. c. �.x ..i,} _ ,� <br /> ,,,�,� .;a.. °,�.,;:; ,r <br /> _ T'� . . . , , . ..v} �,�,�, .,p•C ' <br />-��1}:�� � . . � .. . � I � . . ' . .. <br /> t+�;,.,, <br /> . • .� . . .. ' . '.�... ,Y;..' � ��:1_�'_'_"-_-.�__�_.. <br />