; i
<br /> _ . . .
<br /> • . . � • � UIC •LAt9�DEPARTME::T .
<br /> � ' DOCUr�E.1T No. 1-614
<br /> . _ . Pagc 3 -
<br /> ; � . � � �
<br /> ;!
<br /> • _ EXHIBIT A .
<br /> �.. . . , . . , z. , .
<br /> ', A. parce? of Iand situa�e �n the �2 hL:: of S�ction 15; •
<br /> .T, �x ;�, � �. 9 id, of t�� Si:.th Princ�.pal ;Ieridian, in Hall County,
<br /> Statz of :�e�rasr.a, nore parL�.cular�y uesczib�d as �o11.�zys : , • �
<br /> a ' . - . .
<br /> ��' ' Co��*�er.cinb 2t the northeast cornez of said Section 15; ' .
<br /> ; . . .
<br /> 7 . -
<br /> th�rice alor.; the easterlZ� iine of szid s�ction, S. Ot� •. _
<br /> de�rees 01 mir.ute 13 seconc'•s �. , a distanc� of 163 feet; . � .
<br /> . . , � . .
<br /> thznce S. fi9 de�xees 58 �ninut�s 47 sec�r.�s W. , a distance
<br /> ' _. of 27' ze�t ta tne Lrue poin� of� beoinning; , . � .
<br /> a.- - � _ � .
<br /> � t�enc2 �arallel iciti� and 27� ����� k•esterly.fror� sa�d zasterly .
<br /> '� --line, S. �0 c?e�rees 01 r:n_r_ute 13 seconds �. s a distance of 2410.1� �
<br /> �feet to a p�in� 56 ��e2� dis�ant nortneriy, :n?asur�a at rig3�t_ Gng1�s,
<br /> _.. �xo� the easi:-i:-est c�n�-�rl�.�z �o� -s�id S�ction 15;: . �
<br /> _ . . ;
<br /> � � �henc� p�rallel :.�iL� a�3 55 �eet nortnerly fxor� said east-��� � "
<br /> � - . _
<br /> �aest centerl.ine, �I. 89 d�or�es 33 r��.nutes ��. , a distance o� �1292.a0 .
<br /> " � feet�, ��ore or l�ss, to tn2 .�estarly� lir�e of the �:2 i�L% of sai:� � - - �
<br /> ,-. . . . . _
<br /> !--.� Section; . . . - . - . . . ' . . . . • . _
<br /> � �� the�ce a1o�g said :;�sterl; Iine, I�. 00 dnoY.'.es� 22 minutes �. � - -.-
<br /> i � I7.., a d�star.ce of 1533.� ��tt, :�ore ox less, fio a point on ta� . -
<br /> , souther2�- rio:::. of:*•��ap line of U. S. �ii��i:eay c.u.:.�er 30; � ;. . :
<br /> • - ' � thence alen� sGic� so�therl_y xight flf :.�a; o� U. S. FionrJay 30; �
<br /> " �i. 54 de�rees G6 ninu�es 3�J seconds. �. , a distance af 1i43:S i2e�; - .
<br /> . thence �. 7°. �°oie2s 43 �inutes 30 seconds �. , a �istan�� of �.
<br /> - 2p5 fzet �o �ze be;inr,ir.o of a curve caacave sautni�es�exly, ��he _ -
<br /> - - cent�r o= k�zica �ears S.. 0� eeorees 01 u:inute 13. second�,. E., a di.stance
<br /> o� �7 �eet; • . • . • ; � . . _ -
<br /> - . . - . t• . . . .
<br /> - - � . . ,•_ . .
<br /> t�1°_11C� S.7i:t�1L'aj�.(.'i"�.� 2'Orio• S�20O C11XVc^- � L`ilxOu.v�2 dI2 2I2�I.e Of
<br /> . 90 degxe�s 00 �inutes 00 seconds, an axc dist,�nce oi 1D5.24'feet; � �
<br /> - - thence dloag a linL at xi�n;. anoles to the- easterly Iine o�
<br /> . said Sectioa, K. S=? �°�rens 53 :ainu�2s� 47 seconds E, , a distznce of
<br /> - 5.Q feet to , the txue .poin� of beginnin;. : _ .
<br /> . �. �. _
<br /> , .
<br /> _ � Containing an a�ea .oz 2,313,7$4 �square f�et or 66.8g -
<br /> acres, more or l�ss. � �
<br /> � �,
<br /> ; .
<br /> �Ga ��� .�� ,
<br /> � . .,�V ���� _��,, .,��� �:��.���, �����.����s �
<br />