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<br />'• � �++p•.��t, •�380Rqg 'i'URNaR (�7�0AA� 200998 06/OS/1997
<br /> � � �' � UNIFONM COVBNANTS. Bon�ower and Lender covea�at an0�ra as follows:
<br /> . 1. P��merrt ot IMnd�1 �nd Inte�t. Borrower sh�ll promptlY PaY when due tbo prlt�clpal Qnd interest r�._
<br /> �� indebtedness cvidenced by the Nate�ad lasc ci�r�ts as provided in t�e Noto. t..
<br /> �•{� 2.Ftiwd�for Tuca�uad I�urance• Subjac to applic�ble I�w or�wrltceu wa�iver by I.ender, Borrower sl�ll Ray to
<br /> , Lender oq tde day mo►ul�1Y P�Y��of prlacipsl wd intecest an psy�ble uader the N�te,undl the Note Is pnid in full,a
<br /> sum(here[n "Funds')equal to ox-ewelfth of the yearly taxes and Assessment� (including coadom�uuw and planacd unit
<br /> j. devcloQrn�nt asscsametus. if ta�r)which m�y�tttaia priodty over tl�s Dxd af T�ust,wd anwnd rents ou the Pcoperiy,if • .
<br /> �Y,Plu9 one•twelfth of yeArly pnmiunx iasWlments for lnrard insuru�cc. plus one-twelfth of yculy pnmleim insallmnts ��.
<br /> .•,�.+�:. , for tnortgage iasuraace, i�wy. dl As re�sonxbly esduvted inithUy wd fcom dtne to dme by Lender �n t�e b�sis uF �,.
<br /> Assessments aad bips sad resson�ble esdm�tes thereof. Bosower shall not be ob8gated ro mate such p�yments of�urds -�-
<br /> ��+�"°•�'� to Lend�r to the eatent th�t Borrower makes such payments to the hulder of�prior mottg�e or deed of wst if susb holder
<br /> ,rl►�.Mr+� �. :
<br />.,-a'� is�n iacdtudonal Icnder. ��"
<br /> If Borrow�r psys Funds to Lender. the Funds sh�ll be held ia in insdtudon tLe denosits or accounts of which ue �' �
<br /> ■_:
<br /> � imvred or gurtrnncxd by A Fedenl ar stau agency(including Leader if L.e�er is such aa institu�on). Ia:mer sball apply _-
<br /> the Fwfds to pty s�id wces.issessm�ents� iasur�oce pnmtums and ground rents. Lender miy not chuge for so holding anrl =
<br /> n
<br /> � �. applyin� the Funds. w�lyz{n� add �ccount or verifying nnd compilIn� s�ld usesvuents and bWs, unless L.ender piys -
<br /> �. gorrowu interest on the Fwxls�nd applicable law pecmits Lender to m�lce such a chuge.Bonower nnd Leader may agree -
<br /> in wridn�u tttle dme of eaecudon of thic Dad of Tzust tl�t inurest on the Funds s6a11 be p�id to Borrower. aud unless
<br /> � such agrameac ia mide or wpplic�ble law requins such inurest to be paid,I.onder ahW not be nquined to pay Borrower -
<br /> any interest or e�min�s on the Funds. L.ender shiU give to Borrower.wlthout clur8e. aa an�l accoundng of the Funds
<br /> s}wwing crexllts rnd debits to thc Fnads sad ttte g::.�se for �vhich t�ch dsbit to tbe Funds was made. 'ILe Funds ane _
<br /> ; .
<br /> � plodYed as addiuoaal sa.vrity for the sums secured by tfi�s Deed of Trust. -
<br /> If tLc�mount af the Funds held by Le�r, tagether with ttise fuwre m�tuhlY lnctallments of Funds p�yable pdor to _
<br /> -`�`����';
<br /> �� ths due dates of tues,sssessments. insur�ace premiums and grouvd nnts.sUall eaceed the an�eount re�uired so pay said `
<br /> taxes. �ssessments, iasurance pnmiums and ground re.nts as they fall duc� such eacess ahill be, u Borrower's opdoa,
<br /> 1 . "':. ,,,� ' either Pmuq�tlY iepaid to Borcower oa credltal ro Bonower on monthly insrollnaents of Funds. If the anbud�f the Puads _
<br />.-.-•,y�:�' held by Lender shall not be su�cient to pay tuos, assessments,insunace prtmiums and grou�ren�as thay Eall due,
<br /> ;°'::.:. '�, Borrower shiU piy to Le�er any amount�rY to m�lce up the defieleney in one or moce paycnents u I.ender may
<br /> -_° �t_��.�,. require.
<br /> :y,f-;., Upon piytnent ln full of all sum9 secured by this Deed o€Tcust.Lender shtl!promptly refw�d to Bomower tny Funds
<br /> �.;.;�..-.
<br /> `k��'' ...' 17 hereof tl�e Propercy is sold or tl�ee Property is othenvise�c4ujred by Lender,Lender
<br />-,.,�'_":f�� held by L,ender_ If under pu�8dph
<br />.-�.�_�;�c:.�?sf sLill tpply. nD liter d�au imuac�aciy yaiGa ta ih:,v.1C af i1SC.°.'II�S!`� 'sI 1L°�•.�:I��L b;1 stvl�r� �ny FnnLc held bv
<br /> _�'�►,� .��� Le�er u the tiiae of q►plicuion�s a c r a l it against the sums securod by this Deed of Tnut.
<br /> --�?�*�: . 3.A a[Pa�ne�. UNess appllcable Isw pmvides othen�rlse. �Il ptyments nceivod by L.ender uoder the
<br />-==="�9"���� Note and puagt�phs 1 wd 2 heteof sh�ll be applled by I.ender&st in payYneat of amounts ptyxble to I.eotkr by Borrowar
<br /> ^��a.'.'•-� w�der p�r�r�pL 2 tiereof.theu W interest p�Yable on th�Note.and then W the p�lnclpal ef the Nou.
<br />__�.�,;�
<br /> - --�„_�� 4. Priar Martp�es aad Deeds o[Tndti C��+3 IJaoi. Bocrower shell perform�il of Bortow�er's obllgadoas
<br /> _ yader�ay moet�e, dad of aust or other security�roement wlth�liea which 6�s prio�lry over this Deed of Tnut.
<br /> ��"°� i�ludin�Barow�r'a covenmts to m�ke paiyments whea due.Boaower stWl pay or ctuse to be p�id all tuces. assessranta
<br /> _.,,;;�..;,;�.,i� and otber chu�c�, fias and impagitions aaribuable w the Property which mxy atnin a p�iodty over this Ikod of Tmst.
<br /> =..x�� aad le�sehold patyments or�round rents.if my.
<br /> S. �rd I�u�noe. Bomower sh�ll kap tLe improvements now esisting or beraftar erecud on the Property
<br /> insund sgxinst loes by Sre,ha�cds iacluded wlthin the tam"extended coverage',md auh otber La�rcls ts�.ender may
<br /> °_"�,� crcluire wfl in such aa�ats awd for such pedods�s I.ender may aeguin.
<br /> 1Le ivsuraace curier pmvldtn�tiu insur�nce stW1 be chosen by Borrower subJect to appmval by Lemer;pmvtded.
<br /> -- �h�t such�ppro�v�l sL�ll not be unre�soaibly withheld. All insurance poUcies tad re�w�ls thereof shall be in� focm
<br /> --- accept�ble to L.euder iod siull include s su�rd mortga�e clause ia fivor of aad in a focm uceptable w Leader. Lender
<br />_�.�-._� stull have the right to hold the policies and nnewals dier�of, svbject to the tem�s of any mong�ge.dad of trust ar other
<br /> —_`�:.;'�� security�eement with a lien which has pdority aver this Deed of Trust.
<br /> —.;%� In the eve�of loss. Borrower shall glve pmmpt�tice to tLe i�uurance c,uiier md I.ender.Le�der �y milce proaf
<br /> .�`� of Yoss if not m�de PmmptlY bY Borrower.
<br /> "�:`'-""s If the Pr�arperty 1s abindonod by Borrower, or if Boirower fWa to nspom to Le�er wlthin 30 daya fc�m the date
<br />-� -- ' nottce is miiled by Le�er to Borrowa th�t the ias�*��carria offers to seWe a claim for iativrance be�Sts,Le�er is
<br /> ---�-'�"�'��;� authorized ta collxt u�d apply the insuzance proca�ls at Lenckr's opHoa etther to nstondon or reps�ir of the Propaty ot
<br /> _e��x•...�
<br /> --;`::.;;;���,r;.• to the sums seciued by thi�s Deed of Tnut.
<br />-- v,-,•;�•• 6. Pnye�r��dan and Malnt� of 1Propety: I.ea�ehoidsi Condomfnitmai P1�noed Unk Derdopmente.
<br /> '_��-.;.,,�:...• ������p�riy�Q��p�ir and shall not Commit wasu or porn�it imp�drment or detedoradon of the
<br /> -_ '•'r� groperty wd s�il comply with the provjsioas of any les�se tf this Dad of Tnut is on a leasehold. If this Deed of Tnut is _.
<br /> �� on a uait in i caadominium or a planned unit development.Bonower s6all pedotm�ll of Bosrower's obligutoag undet the _
<br />-- _ . dxlaration or covenints creatinQ o�g�+omin8 tl�e co°dominium or pl�wned unit developmcnt,d�e by-Lws and nguluions =
<br /> � � of the condomrintum or plaaned unit ckvelopmeui,wd coasdtuent documems.
<br />_ . . . . �� 7. Protectlon ot Lmder't 5ecurit�. If Borrower fails to perform the ooveaavts u�d tgroements contained in this �
<br /> � Deed of Tnut.or if tny acdon or praceeding is commcnced which matecially afEocts Lender's Intetrst in tbe Property,th�n ;,
<br /> _ „�'4'•�.�' �, Lender, at Le�er's option. upon mdce to Bormwer. may makc such app�annr.ss, disburse such sums, i�ludiug :,
<br /> ` ` �_, rc�sonabie utumeys' fees,and alcc such udon as is necessary to protect I.onider's inurest.If I.ender requind mortgage _
<br /> -.. ,- Insuruice u a conEittion of mating me to�n secumi�y cnis�ad oi inuz, nor[vwor soaii pay inc pRiiiiudi�i izquiiai io -
<br /> maintain such ins�uance in effat until such time as the rrquirtmeut for such intivrrnce terminues{n accordwce with
<br /> � Bornower's�nd Leader's wcitten agmment or appl�cable lew.
<br /> pny amounts disbursed by L.encler pursuant to this pu�gnph 7,with inierest thereon.nt the Nae rate, s�ll become
<br /> �ldiqion�(;nclebtodness of Bozrower secural by this Dad of Tn�st. Unless Bomower ind Lenckr agrce to other tecuu of
<br /> � payment, yvch amounts shall be payable upon nodce from Lender to Barrower requesting piymeat t�ereof. NaLing
<br /> contained in this pangrsph 7 slull requin Lender to lncur any expense or take wy udou hereunder.
<br /> , g, Impedlon, Le�ier mry m�fce or cause to be made reasonable enaies upon and inspecaaus of the Property,
<br /> provided tlut Lender shall Bive Borcower notice prior to any such inspection specifyIng reasonable cause thecefor relata! to
<br /> Lender's interest i�n tLe PropertY•
<br /> _ Nebn�k.26876-3 II/96 OriQiaal(R�eordad) CopX(SSaaCh) Copy(Cu�to��r) P.Ye2uf5
<br />