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<br /> suhstuntially cyuivalcnt tnurtgagc in,u��un�a cnvcragc i, nui avuilablc,H��runvcr tih:ill pay tu l.�ndcr ca�h�uuntl�a�um cqunl to
<br /> unc-tw�lflh ut thc ycarly m��rtgagc insur.uxc premium hc:ing�xiid by liorrnvvcr whcn Ihu intiw';.mt:c euvcra�c lup�cd of tc�sCd tu
<br /> bc In cl'I'�rt. l.endrr will ucrcpL u�c und retuin thetic pay�nentti as u lus� re,r�ve in licu uf murtEaEc in�ur�utc�. Li�titi retierve
<br /> paymcn��may nu Inn}:cr Ik rcyuired, al thc optimi iif I.cndcr. iF m�itlgatic iu�ur�uirc ruvcr.igc l i�i ihc :�mnttm und fi►r the period�
<br /> il►at I rndcr rcywrc�) prueidrd hy;u► in,urr,r nppri.vcd hy l.ceidcr �i�!n�n (kc��m�:ti uvnilahlc �m�l �ti ulttuinc�.1. l3�irruwcr tihall pay y
<br /> thc prcmiuni�n��uirrd tc►mair�tain nu�r�gugc in•,um��rc ii� cfl'cul,ur �u pi•uviJr a lutis rc�crva uniil �hc ccquirco�cnt fur mungu�;c �
<br /> hi,wancr cn�l,in arrurdancc with�u►y wriucn:�brecmcnt bcnvecn liui«nvcr unJ I.rudrr ur:appli�:ahlr I;ia•.
<br /> 9. In.rptYHu�� Lrndcr ur i�.ac,cnl muy makc rcatiuu;�hlc cntrics u�Hin and in��x�riianti uf tlic 1'ru�xrty. Lrudrr,h�dl giv�
<br /> N��rru���cr notirc at thc tim��►f ur priur u►an in��xcti+ui ti�x�if'yin�:��c�i,mi,iblr r,wrc fur thc ins�x��:tiun.
<br /> IU. CondrntnuU�ne. 'I'hc pnxrcds uf';my ;nv:ud ur cLun�fnr d;nna�;c�, dir�:ci ��r runµ��i�cn�ial. in cunnrction �vi�h un�
<br /> cunden►naliou ur �►thrr tnkiu�; nt'any part of Ihc Pr�qxity.nr ii�r cunv�yancu in licu�N'rundci��n;niun.arc hcrctry assi�!ncd an
<br /> .hall bc paid tu Lcndcr. -
<br /> In thc cvcnt uP a tot:d tukin�;uf thc Pru�xr�y.tlic pr.KCC�Iti�hall Ix appli�d tu thc+umr,,ccur�d by�hiti Sccurity In.trumcnt
<br /> whethcr i�r nul Iltcn duc. witD i�ny r�ceti� p�iJ tu l�urra�eer. In U►�ev�nt �►f a partial t.il�in�i�t'lhe Nru(x�ny in which the fair
<br /> markct valur uf dtr Pru�xrly imrocdiutcly bcfurc thc lnking iti cquul lu „r�:rcatcr lhan thr antuunt uf thc tiwn,ticrurcd by this
<br /> Sccurity Instrununt itnmcdialcly Ixf'nrc�hr taking, unlctiti Ik,rro�rrr anJ l.cnJcr athcrwi+r aF;rcu in w�riling, the+unu sc�urcd hy
<br /> thiti Sc�urity Imtrument �hull lx re�turc.l hy Ihc cunount ut� Il�c pr�kccds ntulliplicd hy thc ti,llo�viug fniction: la) Ihc total
<br /> amuunt nf thc �umy +ccurcd immcdiutcly hcforc Ihc takiug. alivi�cd hy Ihl thc f:ur market �•alu�uP thc Pru�xny ionmcdiutcly
<br /> hcforc dte taking. Any 6alu�ticc shall !k �riiJ tu R„rru�vcr tn�hc c�•rnt i�f a partiul taking of tL`� Pro�xrty in which Ihc fuir
<br /> m;�rkct valuc��f thc Praperly immcdiutrl}• hcfurc Ihc►�iking iti Ic,+ tliau Ihc am+iunt uf thc tiums sccurcd innnediatcly befi�rc thc
<br /> t.►kin�;. unlr,+&irrower and Lcndcr uthr��wi,c agr��in wntuig�,r unlc,.�pplicahlc law uthcrwi,c provides, thc pnkceds shull
<br /> be applird W lhc tiunt��e�ured hy Ihi� Sccurity lu�truntcnt whc:lhcr ur uut th�,um,urc thcn duc.
<br /> If the Property iti uUaiwluu�J lsy Rurruacr,ur i(,ai�tcr nu�icc hy Lcudcr tu 13urruwcr tlint thc roudciuuur ulfcra w makc un
<br /> award ur scnlc u clain� for Jamagc�, f3urrowcr fail,to respuixl tu I.cnJcr �viihin 3l) duyn:4ticr thc Jatc the noticc is given.
<br /> l.cndcr is authori•rcd to collcct anJ apply thc pr�xceds,at its upuon,cithcr w resturatiun or rcpair of chc Praperty or to thc sums
<br /> +ccurc+.1 by�his Security Instrumcnt.�vhcthcr or nut thcn aluc.
<br /> Uulr,� LeiHtcr and t3orrower utherwise agr�c in tivriti:ig, :eny� upplicution �,f pr��csede tu principal �haill na exte�xl or
<br /> po�tpone thc duc datc of thc monthly p•rynunt. rcfcrrcd tu in parographs I und:ur rhitnQe thc amount af such payumnts.
<br /> I1. Fk►rrow•er Nuk Rele�sed;Furbezirance By I.ender NM a Wair•e�. Extension of the time far payn�ent or nwdification
<br /> of amunir.+tion uf thc�ums scrured by thi,Sccurity Inslrumcnt granted by'Lendc�to any succc�.�or in intcretit uf Botto�vcr shall
<br /> not operate to relcase thc liability of thc uriginal Borruwer or fiorruwcr's succe.sun in intarest. L.cndcr shall nut bc requircd tu
<br /> rummencc procecdings against any surccssor�n intcrc�t ur rcfuse tu cxtcnd tima for payment��r othcrwisc m«iify amartization
<br /> of the sunu secured by this S�curity Insttununt by re��wn of any demand made by the originsl Qurrow•er or Rorrower's
<br /> successors in intercst. An,y forbearance hy Lender in exercising any ri�;ht ur remedy shull n�t ne a wai�•er of or preclude the
<br /> exercisc of uny right ur remcdy.
<br /> 12. Succes.�nrs and Assigns Bound;Joint and Se►�crAl Lis�bllity; Co-sikners. Tha c�venants and agrecments of this
<br /> Security Instrument shall bind a�xl benefit the cucce�surs and nssignr i�f Lcixlcr xnJ Borrower, subject tu the provisions of
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's covei�rnts and agreements sliall be:juint and ,everal. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this S�:curity Instrument only to enong�ge, gnnt and cunv►;y that
<br /> .,..._.�.. a_ �_ c.s.•.c._..,.:2-•l:::;ir�::°:•t• :�;i-.::.^.L,wr.•^^.�!!•, .,I,lio�r�.ri�n��v�hr c��mc
<br /> F3a(!l)N'Cf�1 IIIICIC.It II►ISId�IU�/Glty t�inicl�u4 iC�iuS v� ���i.i�.w.7 ) �., p` ' ! •'o^•-- r-+
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument;aixl(c)agrees thut[.ender and any uther Ii�rrower muy agree to extend,modify,farbear or
<br /> make any accommodations with regard to the tc:rms of this Security [nstrument or thn Note with�wt that Borrower's consent.
<br /> 13.Lo�n CFwrges.If the luan sec�ared by this Securiry Instrunxnt is subject to�law which se¢s maximum loan charges,
<br /> and that law is fi�ally interpreted so that the interest or oth��r loan charges collected�r to be collected in comicA:tion with the
<br /> loan exceed the permitted limits,thn�n: (a)any such loun charge shull be reduced by this;+nbunt ixress�ry to reduce the charge
<br /> to the permitted limit; anc!(b)any sums already cullected from Rorrower which exceeded permitted limits will bc refundecl to
<br /> Borrower. Lcndcr may choose to make this refund by rcducing the principnl owed undcr the Natc or by making a direct
<br /> payment to Borrower. (f a refund trduces prinripal, the r��luction will be treatcd as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> prepayment chargc uncicr the Note. •
<br /> 14.Notices.Any notice to Borrower providecl for in�his Securiry Instrument shull b�;given by deli�ering it or by mailing
<br /> it by first class mail unless applicable law roquires use of anc�ther methixl. The noticc shalR be directed to the Propeny Address
<br /> or miy other nddress Borrowcr designates by noticc to Lcnder. Any noticc to Lr.ndcr shall be givcn by tirst class mail to
<br /> L.ender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designares by notice to Borrower. Any notice providvd for in this
<br /> Securiry Instrument shall bc deemed to havc been givcn to Borrowcr or Lender when Qiven as provided in this para�raph.
<br /> 15.Govetning Law; Severabil(ty. This 5ecurity Instrument shall bc governcd by fcdcrul law and thc law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is lacatai. In the event that any provision or cluur.e of this Security in.�tntment or the Note
<br /> conflias with applicable law,such conflict shall nut affect other provisions of this S��:urity Instrun�ent or the Note which can be
<br /> givcn effect without the conflicting iprovision. To th[s end the provisions of this S�urity Instrumcnt and thc Note are declared
<br /> c4 be severable.
<br /> 16.BorroM•er's Cupy. Borrower sl�all be given one conformed copy of the Nota and of this Securit� Instrument.
<br /> 17.Trans[er of the Property or a Beneflcial Intet�est in Borrowcr. If all or any pan of the Prooerty or any interest in it
<br /> is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in &nYOwer is s�ld or transfcrrcd und Borrowcr is nut a natural person)without
<br /> Lcnder's prior writtcn consent. Lendcr may. at its option. rcquirc immediute payment in full of all sums secured by this
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument.Huwever,this option shall not bc excrcised by Lendcr if cxercise is prohibited by federal law as of the date
<br /> of this Security Instnimcnt.
<br /> If Lcnder exercises this option. Lender shall give Borrower notice of ucceleration. 7'he notice shall provide a periocl of not
<br /> less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivercd or mailed within whlch Borrower must pay atl sums secured by this
<br /> Securi[y instrutnent. If Borrower fails to pay thcse sums prior to the cxpiration of this pericxl, Lender may invake any remedies
<br /> permitted by this Sccurity Instrurnent without further noticc or dc�n�nd on Bnrrowcr.
<br /> , !8. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. if Bottower mects ccrt,iin conditionti. Borrawer shall have thc right to huvc
<br /> enforcemcnt of this Se:curity Inswment discontinued at uny time prior to thc carlicr of: (u) 5 days(or suclt othcr period as
<br /> applicable law may spccify for reinstatemene)before sale of the Property pursunnt to any power of sale contained in this
<br /> Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing ihis Security inst.r�,nent.Th��se conditinns are that Bonower.(u)pays
<br /> Lender aQ sums which then would be due under this Sex:urity Instrument snd th� Note as if no acceleration h:�d occurrcd; (b)
<br /> cures any default of any uther covenants or agreements;(c) puys all expenses incurred in enfur�ing this Sewrity Instrument,
<br /> inclr�ding, but not limited to,reasonable attorney�' fecs:an�t (d) takes such actiun as Irnder may retuon:ibly require to assutc
<br /> thut thc lien of this Sccurity Instru�nent. Lcnder's rigl�ts in thc Property und Borruwer's abligation to pay thc suins secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument sh�ll continuc unchangal. Upon rcinstatement by Borrower, this Securi,y (nswtttent and the
<br /> obligations secured hereby shall rem:►in fully effective as if nu acceleratiun had uccurxed. However, this right to reinstate shall
<br /> not apply in the case of a�re�eration under paragrapn i7. _
<br /> 19. Sale of Noic; Changc of I.ostn Serviccr. Thc Notc or a parti�tl intercst in thc Nnte (togethcr with this Security
<br /> Instrumcnt)may bc svld one or morc timcs withuut prior nuticc to Borrowcr.A salc may result in a changc in thc cntity(known
<br /> a5 thc"Loan Serviccr")that collccts monthly payments due undcr thc Note und this Securiry Instrument. Therc also may bc onc
<br /> or morc changes of thc Loan Scrvicer unrclatcd to a salc of thc Notc.If them is a changc uf thc Loan Servicer, Borrower will be
<br /> given written notice of the change in acconlance with puraagr.�ph l4 above und npplicublc luw. Tl�e notice will state the name and
<br /> address of thc ncw Loan Scrviccr and thc addrcss W which p�ymcnts shuulJ bc mudc. Thc noticc will alw contain any othcr
<br /> information required by upplicable I:tw.
<br /> ZU. Hs►�.�rdous Substances. Borruwcr shall nut cause or permit tlie prescnce, use, disposal, storage, or release of:.u►y
<br /> H.�rdous Substances on or in the Propcny. Borrower sh.dl not dv, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting thc
<br /> Propeny that is in viulation of any Environmentul l,aw.Thc prcccJing twu sentences shall not apply to thc prescnce, use, or
<br /> stor�gc�m thc Property of small quantitics of N��ianious Substarccs thnt arc g�ncrally rccognizcd to bc appropriate to nom�l
<br /> residential uscs and w mainlenance uf thc Propi:ny.
<br /> F'.:ge J o�d Form 3028 9/90
<br />