<br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 18, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. on the first floor of
<br />the Ha11 County Courthouse, 111 W. 1 st Street, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />the undersigned, Five Points Bank, a Nebraska. Corpora.tion, Grand Island, Nebraska, as Trustee,
<br />acting pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the Deed of Trust executed by Maribel de la Cruz,
<br />a single person, in which Five Points Bank is named as Beneficiary, and Five Points Bank, a
<br />Nebraska Corporation, as Trustee, dated April 6, 2045, and recorded on April 15, 2005, in the
<br />office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, as Document No. 0200503316, by reason
<br />of default in the payment of the obligation secured by such Deed of Trust and in the performance of
<br />the covenants contained therein, including that breach or default, a notice of which was recorded on
<br />January 19, 2012, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ha11 County, Nebraska, as Document
<br />No. 201200509, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, certified funds, or cashier's
<br />check, the interest conveyed to the Trustee by such Deed of Trust in and to the property described
<br />therein as follows:
<br />Lot One (1) of Kunze Subdivision, an Addition in the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska
<br />The sale will be made without covenant or warranty regazding title, possession or encumbrances,
<br />for the purposes of paying the obligation secured by such Deed of Trust, including fees, charges,
<br />and expenses of the Trustee, sums, if any, expended under the terms thereof and interest thereon.
<br />T'he sale will be conducted by John M. Cunningham, Attorney at Law, 222 N. Cedar St., P.O. Box
<br />2280, Grand Island, Nebraska 68802, Attorney for Trustee, Five Points Bank.
<br />DATED: February 23, 2012.
<br />FIVE POINTS BANK, a Nebraska
<br />Corporation, Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska, Trustee
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<br />PO BOX 1208
<br />GRAND ISLAND NE 68802
<br />Please publish the above Notice of Trustee's Sa1e Five (5) consecutive weeks, as follows:
<br />Mazch 6, 2012
<br />Mazch 13, 2012
<br />March 20, 2012
<br />March 27, 2012
<br />Apri13, 2012
<br />Please furnish the undersigned with Five (5) copies of the published Notice immediately after the
<br />first publication.
<br />Please furnish the undersigned with Two (2) Affidavits of Publication immediately following the
<br />last publication.
<br />John M. Cunningham
<br />Attorney at Law
<br />P.O. Box 2280
<br />Grand Island, NE 68802
<br />