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<br />_",..:��. • TOOETFIEp WITH�II th� knprowrt�nb nnw or h�lbr�nct�ci en th�pr�aMrty� �nc1�M eufrnmts. �Riwrtenana�, �nd _
<br /> - • IbRun� now a h�R�►�p�rt ol ih�propMy.AA n�M�am�nh�nd u1dNb��f�haN uso be wvarld bY Ihli S�curNy In�tn��nt.
<br />.�,,�, AN ol th�tarpoM�p U iM�rt�d lo In th4 Socwity tn�ttum�nt��th�•R'opeHy,"
<br /> _�.,� BORR0INER C�VENANI'S IMt Bomow�r h I�wAiMy ��t�d o1 th���qt�r hK�by conv�y�d and M� th� riphl lo �nnt s�d
<br />�`�.� coev�r 1h� Propwty �nd Ih�t th� P►rop�ty w un�ncumb�nd. �xc�pt lor �ncumbr�na�n of r�cord. Borrowrr wimnt��nd wM
<br /> �� dNmd p�n�niNy th� Iltl�to th�Ropaty a�qknt dl ct�kn�end d�nd�, subjacl to�ny�nr.umbrwncaa ol nrcord. (Q --_
<br /> ;;� TH19 9ECURITY INS�FtUMENT cumbinti unllorm cnvm�nt� for Mtlonl ut� �nd non-unMorm cov�nanU wMh knitady
<br />�;�,�;; v�tbn�by jurhdlctbn to con�tNul��unMam ��axMy fn�aummt coy�rk�p rNl pi'uP�Y� � -
<br /> • UNIFORM GOVENANT9. BorrawK�nd L�tlK cov�eunt�nd�prM��tolawa:
<br />_`;�: 1. Paym*nt of Princip�i �nd Int�►srti PMp�ym�M �nd L.�h Chsrqw�,9cxraw��hall P��A�M P+�Y wh�n�
<br /> _ due th��ol �nd IniKNt on tIM d�tl wldlno�d by Ih�NoN�nd any p�yntMd�nd Mt�clwpN tlu�und�r Ih�N01�. �
<br /> .'_y�.� Z. unds tof TrtxN �nd tnwrMlC�. 8ub�ct to�ppMc�bN Miw ar lo �writl�n w�Nwr by 6�nd+r, earowK �Mil p�y� -
<br /> --__= tn L�nckr on tho�iay nwiilitily I3+Y��w�it: ifi 43i0 4i1�IIiC NOZO� unU ttto Na;� ta ps:d Ite ht�. a t¢rn("Fun•1�')tor: (e)yrt�j� _
<br /> _',,,,j,� wcn� �nd asM�m�nN whl�h rtNy �ti�in pWrNy ovw thi� 8�axiry Inshun�nl u� N�n an Ih�P�c�ty; (b) Ywy IM�N�old
<br /> _� P�Y�+ts or pround nnts on th�Propw•.ry.M�ny� (o) Ywty h+�wd a WcPary fnwria�o� prKr�MKns: i� Yw1Y Ilood Inwr�na�
<br /> .r::: Pr�n�, M�r►y� (�)YNtlY moAO�W Inwma pnrr�lum��N�ny��nd(� eny vuns p�y�bi� by Bcxioww ta I.w+d�In��oaAana W
<br /> Y_r�� wlth tM provisbn� ol p�nQnph s� In W�u ol iM p�ymN�l ol nwrtp�Q� Insurna pnn�lurru. Th�s�NKns�n a�ci 'Ettorcw
<br /> N�nn.' Lmdu m�y,�t ony dm�. coM�c!�nd hold Fund�In �n �unl not to atd�d IM mudrtKUn �nwunt�NndK fat �
<br />`T�:�*� t�du���►r r�ht�d nwrlp�0� lo�+� mwY nquln lor Bonow�►'� Naow �ccou�t undrr Ih� f�r�l R�I EeUi� 9�ttMm�nt Proortt�xa
<br />--'�` Aet ol 187A aa amanded kom tlme to tkn�.12 U.B,C,1 2001 N s�q. ('RESPII'►, unl�s�no1h� I�w th�t y� to tM Fun:h
<br /> r�:.�� ��t� �I�ssK �mount. if �o, l�ndr rrNy,u�r►y dm�� coN�ct�nd hald Fu�di fn m �mount not to �xc«d tM Maer rr►otrnl,
<br />'"°':�� L�dr may�sdm�t�th� amount ol Fund�du�on ih�batls ol amnt cMq� rd rwaon�bN Mtknet«of �xp�ndNuns M lutun
<br /> x_�.,.�; Esaow tbms a otherwls�In�cconMnc�wkh�ppNo�bl�hw.
<br /> ----- Th�Funde�haR b� hdd In�n Inedtutbn whoa d�po�lt�an Insund by �Nci�rd ap�nq,fnetummt�Nly,or�r►�Ny (kidudinp
<br />-='�'x� L�drr, M UndK is �uch �n In�tlludon) or M �ny F�clxaf HorrN Loan B�nic. l�d�r sh�M �pply the�Fund�to p�y th�E�arow
<br /> ."'�'� tt�rtu. L�nd�r m�y rtot clwp� Barow� tor hokNr►��nd�yk�q th�Fu�d�. nnwy anMy�lnQ iM w�aww�ocoaN�ot v�tlyinq
<br /> s� M� E�crow k�na, unl�s L�ndw p�ys Baroww fntenst on th� Funda �nd�pfc�bN Mw pMn�ite l�ndr to m�k,� euch �
<br />- =- -= ahar�. Howavet� La�da may �equire Bartnwer to pey a on�lkne cMKg�f�x�n �+dnt rnl awN 1�c npoding e�vie� __
<br />-- us�d by LmdK In conn�ctlon wkh ihia b�n, un{�s y�IfaW� I�w provklN olhKwhe. lh�Mie af �eM►Nd Ia m�d� a
<br /> �pplc�We Irw►pukw int�nst to b�p�id,L�ntN►�hNl not 1»nquind to p�y Bortoww�n�hR�nat a�rt�ks�on tM Fu�d�.
<br />=�,�� Bortow�• �nd ltnd�rn�y�yn� In writinp,howw�r, th�t fnlnrm�t sh� M pid on th�Fun�ls. l�ndlr sh�1 ph�to Bomov�,
<br /> without chr�,�n �nnual�ocountl�p of tM Funde, ehowina cndks and d�Elh to lh�Fu��nA the pcwpos�tor wl�kh�oh
<br /> - - deblt to the Funds w�a m�de. 7tN Funds�te pl«!�d as�d�liontl s�cu�Ny kr�tutm s�axwd by the S�Owky Inttrunw�t
<br /> -- B th�fuada h�ki by Lendr�caed th�Rmau+te p�mllt�d to 6e hafd by�p�llcabN Mw,��nd�r�hNl�ocwunt to Bartoww
<br /> 10►tM acasa Fundys� accord�nc�with tM requirwn�nts o(applc�Eis Nw. tl th��rtw�x�t d the Fundo hMd by LendK�t�ny -
<br /> - tkn�la not sir(Ncieci�to pay the Eeerow ftw� wh�n du�, Und�r m�y sn notiry BarowK in w�it�q, �nd, In sueN us� 9arowu
<br />-"..,.j� shM�p�y to L�ndwr the �naunt n�ssasary to m�k�up th�dMlcNncy. BarowK �h�M m�k�up Iha dMd�ncy In na �non th�n
<br /> -_= t�rM�re monthy p�ynxnts.�t LandePo soN A��xNbn.
<br /> �'+�+ WYrt��nt in 1UM oi�N wmt s�ctx�d by thla S�cutNy InaAum�nt,L�ndK�haN promptly tMu�d to Bortowa any Ftutd�
<br /> -- h�id�lw+d�r. l�und�r p�ngnph 21. Lmd�r sh��equin or aw th� Pro�wy,l�nd�r. P�for !o the�o�q�tkion or sab of thr
<br /> -_—= F4oprN. shar��nY Funds hMd by L�ntla�t ths time ot aoquhlUon or wis u �ct+�dM��Nnat thn wtrp�a�+ed by thN
<br /> ...-�:�ai� �8�. /lppltea�'iean of Paym�nt�l. Unt�a �ppNe�lh law Pro+rid� eth�wM�. dl p�yrewnlA noMwd Ny l�neMr�x�du
<br /> -,rL7� pif�QApt1�1 Qld 2 01MN b0 E(�p�d: Ikti,t0 Mly pf�{1iy111Al1t Gl�f�� du! UAder th! NOtR 6�rCdK1.1C M110tM1q p�y�bM tlfl�ilf
<br /> »_'� pr�pnph 2;thkd tc interost dw;tourth.to principN dur,�nd Mat,to ury Int�ch�du�uncfer the Noh.
<br /> - 4. Ch�r� U�ns. 8arovrer enV p�y M wc.s, .ss.sur�nt�� dur�� tin�s md Mpo�itlona �talbuW�M a tM
<br /> - pro�ty wMeit n�atlain priorily ovx thle Sec�+riR�r Mswm�nt,�nd leasahdd payrMnb oe grouncl r�nte� if�rty. Bar+ow�r shd
<br /> - p�y th�ae ot�ip�rliuna ln the m�nr►K(xovkNd tn Ra�r�yaPh 2, or If not p�id N th�t nrnnr,BamvrK shi pry ttNrn on tinN
<br /> d(r�ty to the pwson ow�d paym�nt Barowa ah�N prort�th►iumish to L�nder� nofbw oi rnount� to br p�{d und�thM
<br /> - paraynph. R Bon+ower m�k� Moa� �..-yzwstt ��r, Sa:rm.•:° sh� �'!�! R!�rt!eh to L�s3� rr::$� a'.:l�tc:s� !he
<br /> — payrrnnta.
<br />--- BorrowK�haM prom�►ly disduYpe any lien which has prk�ity ovK tMs S�curfry InstrumK►t un�ea�Barowec W qMS In
<br /> w�itln9 to ih� payrtMrtt of th�ot�lfyaticx� s�cu�d by th�N�n In � m�nnar acaptabl� to L�nda: (b) aMetta in yood b�Mh tM
<br /> Ien by, or d�lmds �st anlan�t of the Cia� in, Npd proc��s whkh in the Lendx'a opird4n o�b to phwnt tM
<br /> - eoforcwrnnt of th� tlwr, nr(c)aswne Tran t�s holdK of th�M�n�n aynemnt eNht�dory to lawda�suborc�tlrq th�wn lo
<br /> - t1�ie�1cuAty Inewment. H L�da afelerrrAnM th�t ury pa�t ot tha Propertyr Fa wbjed to� Nri ne.�li�f rtry att�ln piaMy ww thN
<br /> S�Yc�xi�In�hvment, lmdw may ghrn Borrow�r�notk�kl+ntltyinp the Ilen.BarowK sh�N aMlsl�tha� N�n or qic�on� a moro ol
<br /> th��ctlota�d forth�6ovR wkhin 10 day�af tha gkMig of noUc�.
<br /> = 5. Haa�rd or Prop�rt�t Inwr�nc�.Barower eh�k�ep the krxxove�rMnts now a1� or h�redtw rwt�d oo tM
<br /> � PropKty insund�gehst bsa by 11n, ha=rds hciud�d within ths t«m 'extncled oowra9e' �nd any othar hwrds.Indudinp
<br /> 11ood�or 1laodhp, tor whkh Lendw reyuirN inwranct. Thla Insur�ncs nhal do m�ir►tNned In the emou�ts�nd for tM pwlod�
<br /> -- that L�ndu requk�s. Ths fnsurnne�eartiu prov{dtnp ths Ineuranca ehaA ba ehos�n by Bortower subJ�et to Und�a�x�ovd
<br /> rrMch shal not 6e unnasonaby wlthhNd. M BorrowK hYa to m�hWn covsa9e d�acrbed +bov�, LendK may, at lmdw�
<br /> option,obtafn cov�nq�to prot�ct L�ndar'e rfght�h tha Proprry fn eccord�nce with pu�pnph 7.
<br /> AN tnsurane� polciM and r�nwwls sMN be aa;epUbk to LE�Ifkf Nd 6ha1 Indude a stand�rd moct� cbus�.L�ndr
<br /> sh�N hav�M�dpht to hold th� policha�nd r�enewds. if Lender roqufrea, Barovwt eh�N promply�e to lt►nsla NI ��o�ipts of
<br /> pa{d pntriNxns�nd nn�w�l notic�s. In th�weet of loas, 6ortower ehap piv�prort�pt noHc�to th�k�s�xance nurt1K and L�nd�r,
<br /> L�a1er m�y mra proof o1 bsa H not mad�pror�Ny by Bortovret.
<br /> Unlsaa Lend�nd BonvwK othx���yne in wri�ny,insu�a proca�ds ehaN be y�ed to netontlon or ra�ir of th�
<br /> -. Pro�ty drrrQed, M th�nstor�tlrx�or npYr la�conomfa�Ny iMalbl��nd LendK'a saaxity is nal Itasm�d. M th�r�stontlon a
<br /> - rep�k b not �r:ona�rt�ly fe�eN* or Lend�r's 6lqJ�y WW{d I1!IQ6iNild.the Inaunna prooeed�sMN be�ppM�d to th�suna
<br /> — s�cund by thfe Sewrity In�tn�ment, whelhx or not then dus. wkh any exaes p�id to Bortowrr. II BonewK�bandons the
<br /> - __= Ptoprty, or dan not anawer within 30 d�y� a notica irom Londer that the neumce urrler hae oitered to settls� cMim, then
<br /> L�nder nu�y coNect the inaunnce proceede. Lendx may uae tha proceeda io npak or rosAOn the Property or to p�y suma
<br /> `-:�.:�:� secwed by thfs Seaxity Inotrum�t,whethx or not then due. The 30�day paibd wIN beph�Ncrsn the notice le givan.
<br /> _--=— Unbae Lmdar and Bortower oiherwisa ogre� in wrtting, any �pp9catlon of procmada Yo pHncl�al ahaM not extend a -
<br /> 4�;�� poaQion�the due d�to ot the monthy p�ym�nts rolerred to In paagrapha 1�nd 2 or cMnps Ihe �mount of th�payrtnents.M
<br />_ _ und�r pwyreph 2!Ihs Prop«ty Is acquked by tender, 8orrower's rtyht to hy hsutmce policks �nd praaads roaultlny irom
<br /> -_ � drn�� to tha Property prior to the acqufsitlon shal p�ea to Lender to the extent of the sums by tl�is Sacurity Inatrument
<br /> ••-� frtrmdMtely prior to ths ecqulsRion. _
<br />:_�. 6. Occupsncy, Pns�rvatlon, Mair�t�nanc� md Prot�ctlon of thr Proprrty; Borraw�r'� Lwan _
<br /> — AY.wiL.�liww. 1�..�iuJd� p.wn...r�IuY�un�nu �afahlich �nd ��u tFu PrnnrN ae Anrrdva✓t nrMdod raild�nr�wifhh
<br />�:.;.a�� .�.�..�..�.., �..��.�.�__•'--- °—----�•• -----... –•- --- -- � �--�• - - - _
<br /> sixty d�ys RRer the�xecuUon of thls Sewrity Insfi�ment �nd shaN conti�u�to occupy the Propaty �s Bom�wer'a prfndpY
<br /> '��+=���r ' resMenee tor at loeet one ye�r�Rer the d�te af occupancy,unlase Lender olherwlss ogrees in wdting,whkh coneent nh�ll not =
<br /> ������� ' be unroasonabty wkhheld,or unlesa extenwUny ckcumatMCea exlst whkh aro 6eyond Bortowa's control. Borrower shaM not
<br /> ���i;'`'', , siestroy, d�mage or hnpak ths Property, �Now tha Pro�eAy to detaionte,or oommit weste on th�Property.8ortower ah�N be In �
<br />'�"'"�- ;� defauR H�ny tateituro acUon or pro�'�g, whethar dvH or crirt�net,Is 6egun th�t In Lender's pood hkh Judflmont could rosuR �-
<br /> �,;�"�'" ,. fn torfaiture of the Property or othonWse rtulMaiy impak the Nen crestMl hy Ihh �!iiry Instrument or Lender'e eecurity hterest �{
<br /> •�Y�^�'�� P.
<br /> � �.�M• I
<br /> �
<br />�"' � • F1316.LM0(1/9l) Payo 2 of 9 �
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