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. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASSA, County of Hall • • <br /> - . <br /> , ..... o clock . . .............:..: M. <br /> Filed for record on ..:....:A�:��...St.l��., 19..7�. at .,....2 .23....... ' P . <br /> a reco ded ' the ee Record 7 , Page ' O � <br /> .....1..2.......... ......:-�...�........... <br /> ........ ......... ....... ........................ By ............. ............... . ............ . ........................ <br /> . ...... .. ........ . .......p y .g.. . . .......... <br /> giater of Deeds De ut Re ister of Deeds <br /> SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED <br /> George W. Landenberger and'Jo Ann M. Landenberger, Husband and Wife, each in his and <br /> her own right and as spouse of the other , herein called the grantor whether one or more, � <br /> in consideration of Nineteen Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars and No�100— - — - - — ($19,250.) <br /> reeeived from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto <br /> Marvin D. Duryee and Annette K. Dury�e <br /> Husband and Wife <br /> as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following described real <br /> property in .............Jia7.l......................................... County, Nebraska: <br /> ��vEef.�sKA aocun�E�v A�Y, <br /> � S�Ai�JIP TAX <br /> AU G 1 J i?73 <br /> Lot Twenty—Four (21�), Block Fifteen (15), in Ashto � , � <br /> Place an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hal ��/� �r� <br /> County, Nebraska. <br /> To have and to hold the above descrihed premises to�ether with a11 tenements, hereditaments <br /> and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the �rantees and to their asaigns, or to the heirs and assi{,rns <br /> of the survivor of them forever. <br /> 9nd grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their assigns and with the heirs <br /> and assigns of the survivor of them that grantor is lawfu]]y seised of said pre.mises; that they are free trom <br /> encumbrance <br /> Subject to all easements �c restriction.of record. <br /> that grantor has good ri�ht and lawful authority to convey the sarne; an�l that grani;or warr�nts an<1 will <br /> defend the title to saicl premises a�ainst the lawful claims of �z11 perSOns �vlioinsocver. <br /> � It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the grantees, <br /> the entire fee title to tP�is real proJ,r�rty 5h:i11 vest, in t:he surviving grantee. <br /> Dated � 19 73 <br /> ( 0 /�/�1 �- �/ /�//�i7� <br /> .................................................................................... .........c�^Y�a��7�e..`..Y..:. ..�,,:4:G�r�:��rlrF�.4.h�'f�`�..'�.� <br /> .....J. � <br /> George W. La denberg r <br /> .................................................................................... .�. ��,�... .��..�...� . ��.. . .. <br /> Jo Ann M. La�erger ��'� <br /> l <br /> STATE OF ...vl���:��� ..��5..............................� County of ......��.......................................: <br /> Before me, a notary public qualified for said county, peraonally carne Gerorge W. I.andenberger <br /> and Jo Ann M. Landenberger, Husband and Wife, each in his and her own right and as <br /> spouse of the other <br /> kno�vn���o rne t4�be:the identical person or personH who signed the fore�oing instriament and acknowledged � <br /> the execution tlier-eof to be his, her or their voluntary act a.nd deed. <br /> � Witness my hand and notarial seal on ........ .. .. .... ....�..............................., 19..�....�.... <br /> � • � � ) - <br /> ........�.....�....\.,A...l. .. .. . ............... Notary Public <br /> MycommiHSion eapires ....�.,�,,.,,�s..,......�................. 19..�....�.. <br /> Form 42 approved by \ebraska �tate Bar�'�ssociation Feic�n&Wolf Co„Lincoln,Nebr. <br />