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.. .•.:. - ,:,,� <br /> ' _� -- �' <br /> � ' +h-r�wH.sri-�A;;,l.•��. ' '>_.vr-�vc. _. <br /> i� . _ _. __�,. ,. _ _'C4i1�7[P�7Y"w!`F�!'�'Cr.� '"q��•r�i�:-- _ <br /> . r <br /> . r, __.—y�.,.�'."��` '_ <br /> r ...».�,. _...,� ----Y.�� _.,,,,;,....� ,. <br /> �r,r <br /> . msr�sq.�.,� --- - <br /> -.�_.-.,..^.:yl"St1P`�SF':.__..,,,�''.�:�.�+`•�-�_'�'��'s.���'Ri�����.1�C1�:Y!�PLF��4=x3u..=..-__--—_. —_ <br /> _. . .__..—_ __.._. .. <br /> '_. <br /> __ .__._ . _...... __ �.� <br /> pay►ncnts muy no longer be rcquircd,at the optio <br /> n of l.ender, if mortgagc insurance covcragc(i,�n ho ama1a;��lo�►°d <br /> that Lendcr requireti)pruvidal by au insurcr apprnved by Lender aQain becomes avciilnblc and is obtuinecl. Borrower shall pay _ <br /> the premiums rcquircd to maintain mortgage insurance in effect,or to prov ide u loss reservc,until tttc rcquirenxnt fue u�o�i8++8� <br /> insurance ends in accardance with any written ugrcemen►betwccn B�rrower and Lcndcr ar applicnbie law. <br /> 9. Inspection. 4endcr or its agent muy make reusonable entries upon ond inspectic�ns of the Property. Lendar shall give <br /> Borro�ver notico at tl�p time uf ar priar to an inspcction specifying reasonable cause for the inspecti�n. <br /> 10. Condemtt��tbn. 'the proceeds of uny nwurd or claim for dnmages, direct or cansequentinl, in c�nne:tlon with any <br /> condemnntion or ottier taking of any p:ut of the Property,or for conveyunce in lieu of condemnation, nre hereby nssigned sr►d <br /> shall be puid to Lender. <br /> In the event of a total taking of the Propeny,tha procads shull be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, <br /> whether ar not then due, with any excess puld to Borrower. In the event of a partial tuking of the Propeny in which the fair <br /> market value of the Property immaliatcly before the tuking is cqual to or greater than thc amount of thc sums secured by this <br /> Security Insuument immediatety before thc taking,unless 8orrower and Lender otherwise a8rec in writing. the sums secured by <br /> this Security Instn+ment shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following frection: (a) the tatal <br /> amount of the sem� �c� red imi 'di�ttely��et�re the t,king, divided by (b)the fair mn�ket vnlue of the Property imm�diately _ <br /> before thc taking. Any balance shall be paid w Borr�..•cr. In the event of n partinl taking of thc Property in which th� fair <br /> market value of the Property immadiataly before thc taking ts less than the amount of tha sums securcd immediately bcfore Ihe <br /> taking,unless BoROwer and Lender otherwise agree in writing or unless upplicabl�law otherwise provides,the proceeds shull <br /> be applied to the sums sec;ured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are chen due. <br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,aftcr notice by L.ender to Bonower that the condemuor offcrs to make an <br /> award or settle n claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lendor withim 30 days after thc dace the notice is given, <br /> l.e�xler is authorized to collect and appty the proceeds,at its option,elther to restoration or repair of the Propeccy or to the sums <br /> secured by this Security Instn�ment,whether or not then due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agrec in writing, any application of proceeds to �rincipal shall not eatetxl or <br /> postpone tlu�uc date of thc monthly payments referred to in pun►grs►wh^ 1 a F2�°T inn�of the ti►ne for�paYmentaormmodification <br /> 11.Borrorrer Not RNeaseu�POTIIla�'YfICC Dy L��t�w ,.u... _..*.e---.. - <br /> of amortization of ctx sums secumd by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower ahall <br /> not operate to release the liability of the o�iginal Borrower or Borcower's suacessors in interest. Lender shall not be roquired to <br /> comttxnce proceedings against nny successor in interest or refuse to exte��d time for payment or otherwise modify amortizadon <br /> of the sums secured by this Security Instmment by nason of any demand��de by the original Borrowcr or Banowcr's <br /> successors in interest. Ai�y forbearance by Lender in exercising uny right or remedy shall not be a waiver of ar preclude the <br /> exercise of any right or remcdy. <br /> ;Z. g;���•� e„d A�4igns Boundt Joint and Scverwl Liabilitiyi Casigners• The covenants and agreements of shis <br /> Security Instrument shall hind and benefit the suceessors and assigns of L.cixl�r and L'orro�:er, s�bjec► to�he provisions of <br /> paragraph 17. Barrower's wvenants and agreements shall be joi�it and several. Any Bonower who �g��h�n�u�t <br /> xnstrument but does nat execute tha Note: (a) is casigning this Security Inst�ument only to mortgage, g Y <br /> Borrower's interest In the Pcoperty under the terms of t�is Security Instn►ment (b)is not persona�lY obligated to pny the sums <br /> secural by this Security Insuument; s►nd(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borcower may ugree to extend,nwdify.forbeiu'or <br /> make any accommadatioas with rogard to the temis of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. <br /> 13.Los�n Chuges.d�the loan secured by this Se.curity Instrument is subject to n law whych sets maximu►n loan eharges, <br /> and that law is finally imer,preted so that the intarest or ott�er loan charge collectal or to be collectal in connection with che <br /> loan�xceed the permittal limits,then:(a)nny such loan charge shall be reduood by the umount nccessaxy to reduce the charge <br /> to the permitted limit; und(b)any sums alres�dy collectad from Bonower which exceedod permitted limits will be rofu►uled to <br /> Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owod under the Note or by making a clircet <br /> payment to Borrower. ff a mfund reduces principal, the te�uction will be treated as a partial prepayment without ru►y <br /> prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> 14.Notias.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument r,hull be given by delivering it or by nnailing <br /> is by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The nutice shall be directed to the Property Address <br /> ar any other address Ronower designates by notice to Lender. Any notia to l.ender shall be given by f►rst class mail to <br /> Lender's address stated herein ot any other addmss L.ender designatcs by notict ta Burrow�r. Any notice provided for in this <br /> Security Instrumcnt shall be deemed to havo bcen given to Borrower or Lcnder�vhcn given ns providal in this pura$reph• <br /> 15.Governing Luw; Severubillty. This Security Instrument shall he governat by federal luw and the law of the <br /> jurisdiction in which die Property is looat�l. In the event that any provision�r clause of this Seturity Instrument or the Note <br /> canflicts with npplicabfo la+��. such conflict shull not affoct othar provisians of this Securcty Tnstrumcnt or the Notc which can be <br /> given effect without the contlicdng provision.Ta this end tlw provisions of this Securi�y U�st�vment and the Note are declHral <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16.Borrower's Copy.l3ocrower shall be given ane conformed copy of tlie Not�and of this Security Instrumont. <br /> Fam 3028 9/80 <br /> P�ge 4 01 6 <br /> -- ..�.z � �����•��� -- =-� - ..__ — <br /> - .rr� �"�.a.�x i:::v:�:it?fri��''.�;'.•.,.` --- -�- -�.� --- <br /> �- Wa7wr�eTfy�y�eu F� �;p�\4..i �� K�� ��'k, ���Fr.Y]T ._ _ _ _ .'_ _ __. . � .. . _. <br /> - - '�i�t��� r� �7t""�'���l, + �"'°sz"�a`"'r --- — --� – <br /> -- – '�ic s tY�w +F �"+�ra,�.�� `#:�' •,.�f� es . - <br /> �- �� ',�' :�,.�.� <br /> s t�:�, f;.'�� �� � f ti., .� T <br /> � a -::��•Ps, L a � ,�r�F �E�SY�,+ ..�..,.. --� —- <br /> __—x''��.r�4...,-..�h,,.' `,�i��n�;�� � . : ' " ��s�- -- <br /> r k � <br /> a.����;�o�e'si��r"m�_w�wenis�mew�e�nwavx�ri� '1 7i --- <br /> .�f �+ �!'��4�� <br /> TT�{�i`� �"� ' ¢ ..� '!.-�'ry S �>k�; --_ <br /> —_.i a.�� .Y�1. fi. t �`t�•__`:°..'. •.�]►�C. 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