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Trustcx ehall givt notice - <br />_� of salo inclu�inR the dme.tertne and plece of eale and a descdptioti of the property ta be sold as requlrod by the applicable _ <br /> � law!n effect at the ticae of the propased eale. _ <br /> • ' Upon sale of the property and to the e�ent not pmhibited by law,'fruatee shall malcc and deliver a dced to the Property sold _ <br /> . which conveys absoluta titto to the purchaser,aad after first paying all fces,chargas and costs.ehall pay tu Beneflc3ary all = <br /> ,�;,�; moaeys adva¢ced for repairs. taxes, insurancx, llens, assessm�nts and prIor eacumbranet�and interest thereon, and the . <br />.;�;;..,,f:tik�:, principal and interost oa the Secured Debt, paying the surplus. if any,to Trustor. �eueficiary may purchase the Property. <br />;;•. ,.�� The recitals in a�iy drxd af conveyance shall be prima fucie evidcnce of the facts set forth thecein. _ <br /> r;:i:i;:�� .:. <br /> ��:i,J„ °•_ <br />",;��..:1��� � • All remedies ar�e dletinct. curr.ulative and not exclusive, and ttte Benetic�ary i�entltl�d to�t rereedies prnvidect t311aw or - <br /> equity, whether exprasly set fotth or not.The acceptance by Beaefciary of any a��m in paymeat or partiul payment oa the - <br /> Secured Debt afur the balsace is duo or Ie acceleratod or after f�reclosure prooxdinge ue filod eh�ll not co�utitute a w�iver <br />��':e�e�'�;-ii� Of Eti1Qf1C� 's d t to uire ftill and co lete awe of an exlatin default.B na exercisin aa irmedy on Ttustor's <br />---:�a..,..r �!' � �1 m1► Y B Y B Y . <br /> - `°�;�� default,Beneficlary das not walve 8enefieiary's right to later cc�m[der the event a def4�lt if ft eontinua or uAppene agein. <br />-_.�� <br />'� �� : 18.EXPENSES;ADVANCE9 UN COVENANI'S;ATTORNEY6'FEES; COLLEG"i'i0N C0.Sf3. Except whea prohibitod _ <br /> v4 — by law.Tnuwr�nea to pAy all Af Beaeflciuy'�expanea if 1'nucor bteacba�ny coveteant in thio Dood of Tnut. Tiu�ror <br /> �:''�`a� ' wif]�leo pay on dem�nd all of&neficinry't exprntn 1�ncurr�d in coilecting, intuting,prcservin4 oR protoctin�the f�npatY <br />.�._i:..1.:h-i, <br /> -��•� or in�ny invetatodes,wdlu. Inqwctio�u or other cx�minstlon by Bkaeflciuy In rapect toihe Property. Tnutor�rea to <br />_._.n,�?�. p�y�ll coue�nd expeneei lncurrod by Brneflciuy in enforcln� or protecting Beneflciay'i rishn snd remodla under thi� <br /> ;;�r�� Dad of Trwt, �ncluding.but not limitod to,utomey�' fee�,court co�u,�uxJ other le��l expmea,Once the Sacured Debt i� <br /> fully and fuully p+�id,Beneticluy a�rea►o rcle�ue thi�l)oed of Trwt and'r'ewtor�roes w pa►y Cor ury recorduio�oo�u. <br /> ___= All�uch amounu wre dae on demru�d wd will beu intereat trom the tlmc of the advuwe at thc hlghat ruc in effoct,from <br /> �•°""� � time to tlme,�s provided in thc Bvidence af Debt�nd u pennitted by Itw. <br /> --_— 19.�NVOtONMENTAI.LAWS AND HAZA1tD0IJS 3IJBSTANCLS.As ueed W thlt�oalon,(1) "Eavironmental I.�w" <br /> =_ . roe�. witl�out limiutiun.the Compcehauive EavironmenW Rapoae. Compenaatioa aod Li�bility Act(CF.RCLA� 42 <br /> U.S.C.9601 a xq.),all other foderal,etate u�d local IAwe.ngulYione,ordin�nses. court ordere,attomey generd opinlone <br /> _' or interpredve lettert conceraing the public halth, stfety, welf�re, environment or a hsizu�doua subat�ace; ead (2) <br /> . "Hauodoue Subu�na' mru�s my toxlc. radio�ctive or huu+doua muerl�l, w�ate, polluuat or watouninaat whicb F�s <br /> _— cl�racurittia which rcnder the subst�ace daageroua or poteadilly daagerow to tho public hea1W� eafety� wdfire or <br /> eavimnmeat. 17x temi iactudes, wiWout limituion, any substances defined as "hezudow materisl," "toxic subatioca," <br /> _� "harudous weste' or"har.�rdaus subaana"under any Euvironmrntal Law. Tcustor npraente,warrants�od agras thu, <br /> � - ; except os previoutty di�closod and acknowlodged in writing: <br /> A. No Hnzardous Sub:twnce has bcen. is,or will be located.uansported,manufaetured,treated, refined. or hu�dled by <br /> any person on,under or sbout the Property. oxcept in the orr]inery cou�c of buaina� and in strict complisnce wlth <br /> � all applicable F�vimnnxntal Law. <br /> -. � B. Trustor bn aot�nd wUl not cwse,contrlbute to,or peemit the nleax of Any Hoz�r�dous S�batmct oa the Proprrty. <br /> C. 'Prustor will iaunediately notify BeneflcIuy if(1)�nleaae oz th�eatenod nlease of H�zerdow Snbatusce occuts on. <br /> • uuda or�bout the Propecty or mlgcates or Wrestrns to migrate fr+om nearby property; or(2)there ie a vloledon of <br /> any Enviromm�tai Law conceming the Property.In such an event,Trustor will take di necessuy remeclial action in <br /> � ` accordance with Envlmnmeatal Law. <br /> � D. Truator h�s no knowlodga of or resaon to believe then is aay pending or thmtcned investig�tion, claim, or <br />°-�`��'�� procxeding of my icind nlating ro (1)any Hazardous S�bnanco loeatod on, under orabout the Property;or(2)any <br /> viol�tion by Ttustor or auy teaAat of any Envlmnmenr�l I.iw.Tcustor will immediatdy aotify Beaeficiary W writing <br />- -- as toon a�Trwtor has reason to believe there is any auch pending or threatenM invatigadon.claim,or prooeeding. <br /> ° .. In such an eveat, Ba�eflciary haa tlie dght,but not the obllgation,to particlpate in sny such pmcoediag includiug the <br /> right to raxive capia of eny documents nlating to such proceed�nga. <br /> — _ . B. Truawr and every tectaat hAVe beea,are and sha11 remaia in full compliance with aay applicable$nviranmental Law. <br />"��`�'�� F. 'Ihcre are ao w�derground atorage tanks.private dumps or open welle located on or under the Property and no such <br />-__ <br />