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�� on ' . ...... at . . o'clock . . M., °,_ <br /> ..... ...... ..... <br /> � ... • <br /> �� �� ,i� � j . _ <br /> � . <br /> �(�i� rt�� <br /> ; ' an� r in D d �ecor .. ..1Z1. ........, Page . �-3�.... - <br /> ���1973 <br /> � ..�, � � � (/�//�} <br /> i:,�. � �� ...,� . ..���.... .� .... ..... �.y 1..... .......: .:....... ......... ,... ... � �1 II���Y $.� ��. <br /> � �6 <br /> �;, � Deputy County Clerk or , . <br /> Register of eeds Deputy Register of Deeds a ` � � <br /> 4� � � - � . � . . � . . . . � � . . . � . � � ' � . � � . ts <br /> �� � � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . <br /> F . � . . . . .. . . . . . . �� . . . � . . '. . . �... Y � <br /> � � � � ��� �� ��� JQINT���TENANCY� WARR�iNTY 1�EED �� � �� <br /> � <br /> GLEN G. KEMPER and JO AI�N R. KEMPER, h�usband and wi�e, each in his and <br /> .her own. name and ra,ght and as spouse o� each other, � <br /> , lierein called the grantor whether one or mare, <br /> in �onsideration of TtaENTX^TWQ THOUSAND THREE HUNDREA FIF'TY DOLL.ARS ($22,350:00) <br /> received from grantees, does. grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto <br /> RICHARD J'. STREHLE and LXNN A. STREHLE, husband and wife, <br /> as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, the following described real property in ..G.x'.aS1f.�...�5.�.1nd r <br /> ....................Hal 1................................ County, Nebraska: ' <br /> The Central West Farty-Four Feet (44`) of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter <br /> (SE4SE�), Section Eight (8) , Township Eleven (11) , North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th <br /> P.M. , and which is more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point Forty- <br /> Four Feet South of the Northwest Corner of a tract commonly known as "Huston's Reserve," <br /> and more particularly described in deed recorded in Book 86, page 237, records of Hall <br /> County, 'Nebraska, the same being a part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter <br /> of Section Eight (8) in Towr.ship Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of. the 6th P.M. , <br /> and running thence South along the West line of said tract a distance of Forty-Four Feet, <br /> thence East at right angles and parallel with the South line of said tract a distance of <br /> One Hundred Thirty-Eight and One-Half Feet, thence North at right angles and parallel <br /> with the West line of said tract, a distance of Forty-Four Feet, thence West at right <br /> angles a distance of One Hundred Thirty-Eight and One-Half Feet to place of beginning, <br /> the same being a rectangular tract with a frontage of Huston Street and a depth of One <br /> Hundred Thirty-Eight and One-Half Feet, all in Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> � To have and to hold ti�e above described preuiises to;ether �vith all tenements, hereditaments � � <br /> �and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantees as joint tenants. � � <br /> And grantor aoes hereby coeenant �vith the grantees ttiat grantor is lawfiilly seised of said <br /> � premises; that they� are frce from eneumbrance; that �hey ar'e Conveyed SubjeCt to � � � <br /> easements, restrictionsr conditions and reservations of record; <br /> that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the`sanie; and that grantor warrants and will <br /> � defend the title to said premise� a�ainst the la�vful claims of all person5 whomsoever. <br /> ;i;.�r y <br /> Dated � f �� r I9 ��• <br /> � � � � � ' <br /> c� , <br /> `,.- <br /> .��:c...../..�1.. �,-..�.�.,. ` ' � � <br /> ..:...,�. - ... ...,.- . � .. �r.,l.:...:�:. ��: .71...:�::%�z����. <br /> , ;,�t::................. ...:... .... .... ......... <br /> (Glen G. Kempe�) � (Jo A.nn Ra Kem�er) <br /> � • STATF OF NE�RASK�, Countv of ...................Ha11 � � � � <br /> � � � I3efore me, a notary publie qualified for said county, personally eame � <br /> Glen G� Kempe.r and ,Jo Ann R. Kem�er, husband and <br /> wife, each in his and her own name and right and <br /> as spouse of each other, <br /> � <br /> kno�au to me to be the identical person or persous who signed the <br /> foregoing instrumexit and ackno�aledge the egecution thereof to be his, <br /> her or their voluntary ac� and deed. <br /> ,T�.iy� , ,. <br /> ' Witness my hand and notarial seal on ........�:..:..,.�-..,,,,,,,,�,9,7,�„�,,,,,,,,,,. <br /> .....................�..�'.... .............:�.:'.:.:':..........:........... Notary Public <br /> , • • • �'' ✓ /`�'� 7,� <br /> My commission egpires ........C..Q....:...........,................,...., 19............ <br /> Form 4:5 Approved by Nebraska State Bar Association Feiwn at woit oo.,Linaoln,xebr. <br /> �t=� r � � � � � � � � � � � <br /> � ' <br /> . <br /> ., - <br /> �...�� �.:; ,., ,; , _� <br /> _. , . _ ... , <br /> y <br /> ,� <br />