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4` and orded the D e }tecord Pa e � <br /> �� .... ... ........, g . �... , .... � ;: <br /> Y. , - , � , . � , . . � . .. <br /> , ....... .. .. ........... . ......... ........ ....... By ...... ................... . .. <br /> . . .. ........ ......... ............... .. <br /> ';}� Regi er of Deeds Deputy Register of Deeds ± ` <br /> � �, <br /> � . _ <br /> SURVIVORSHIP VVARRA�VTY DEED <br /> IDWARD JENK]NS AND CH1�FtLANtJE M. JENKINS, HUSBAND �ND W.CFE� • <br /> e, ' EACH IN HIS AND HIIZ O�NN RIGHT AN� AS SPQUSE OF EA,CH OTHER <br /> , herein called the grantor whether one or more, <br /> i <br /> in consideration of SIXTY ONE THOU�AND TuVO HUNDRED A?JI) N0�00 DOLLAFtS (�k61�20d.00) <br /> received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto . <br /> ERN�ST J. THAYER � JANICE M. THAYER,, HUSBAND AI��J 'dy'IFE <br /> as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following described real <br /> property in ..............:......Ti..�..�.................................. County, Nebraska: <br /> I,OT TPUE'NTY—PIVE (25) IN BLOCK FOUR (�.) �y��RRSK� I�v��M�NTAR�, <br /> IN THE REPLAT OF RNERS�DE ACRES, .�N �fi������ <br /> ;:. ; "�J,' <br /> I�DITIOPd TO THE CITY OF G�iVD IS3�t;.1v'Dy I�ALL , �' *� <br /> COUNTY, ?�IEBR,�SKIi. � ? �� �� '/ <br /> To have and to hold the above descrik�ed premises t;ogether �vith all tenemeiits, hez�editaments <br /> and appurtenan.ces thereto belonging unto the �•antees and to their assigns, or to the }ieirs and assigns <br /> of the survivor of them forever. , <br /> And grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and i;�ith thei.r assigns and �,vith t�e heirs <br /> and assigns of the survivor of them that grantor is la«�fully seised o£ said premises; that tiiey are free from <br /> encumbrance �",z:CEPT EASLP��'i`1i� r�idD R�;�i_2ICT�CT;S O:a it?�:CC�� <br /> � <br /> that grantor has good� r:ght aaict larvful authority to convey the s�ame; and that graritor wa,rrants anc� will � <br /> � � de£end the title to saici prcmises abainst the lawful elaims of all persons ti���houlsoever. <br /> It is the intexii,ion of �zll �>aT•ties l�ereto that in the e�zc,x�t of tne death. of either of ttie �rantees, �, <br /> ihe e�itii=e fee titie to this real propeaty �ah<�11 �-est ir. tl�ie siar�i�-in� ;rantee. <br /> � � � Dated. �l� � l,�v�;:,� _ , ga ,' S <br /> ,� <br /> i . <br /> . ......................................�..................,........................... ,�..?'.;�c�G'71��:._i?.0 . .......� ..a:S,:..:7.............. <br /> . . <br /> ........................................................ ...........................� . .� _..t ��-.. � �... �� .':. ..,o.,s+:. '�..,.....��...-=� . . <br /> . �I1�,�.'�_�rt�x� +_e tiE,':...��J,..Qu . � <br /> . ST�TE OF i';I;BP�,r,Si�4 � ., <br /> �, , <br /> �o!a�ty of �..k�u.,� . <br /> ............................ .............. ...... ` ....,......,...........,....,.............................,.� <br /> Before me, a notary publ.ic c�ualifi.ed for said coi�nty, ��e�•se�:�i�;✓ cazne � � <br /> L'y.lL��.���i.1i� V��.�•1A���AVV �a%V,.1 �J�ytii?yil Rt:�.� iti• U�i..�.1�._�ril.� �"illi)D�1i4 1 �ju7� �ut1NI'1� . <br /> E`,ACI? T� $IS AIdT� H�+;R O�rN P�iGHT :1?��l �:.� S'r'OUS!' OF' �:�;G,? 0'�'??� <br /> ,,,'���.�n���,.,,,���, ` <br /> ,�..`� � ,O�N dQ,�'�.�o be the identicai persc�n or persons who signed the i'oregoirig instrument and �ieknotivledged <br /> ��.• t �t3yereof to be his, her or their volunt�ry act a.nd deed. _ <br /> . �•� + <br /> . � �, <br /> . <br /> : ���Ti essLmy hand and notarial seal on ... � y ,;- c L� ,... � ......... , 19 �..�........ <br /> :.. . <br /> �� ' � 1n � I �� •. <br /> ."�, � i � i 1 <br /> 9j������v�� '�: ....... J � J..�/�:�":. ..�.:.��.�.ZW........................... Notary Public <br /> ; . <br /> � ' �/ <br /> ��: : , <br /> � ,���''�°'� NE�a°;�•'`��bt My COThTT11SS10I1 0%j�1T8S ..1.).C.��� .�.�. ' �9 ( �_..... <br /> j.................. . ;.. <br /> �• .....� ��' <br /> F orm �.2 To be approved b,y \ebraska State Bar�ssociation Fetton&Wolf Co., Lincoln,xebr. <br /> F,, <br /> ,�_ � � � � � � � � � � � � <br /> � ,� <br />