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<br /> BoKOwwr �wrow�oc�wnt undK tA�I�danl FiNI Eat�N BMtMnNnt Pro�A+rw Aol o! tit74 u �n�nd�d A'om th»!o tkr�� 18 U.�.C.
<br /> 2801 N Nq.('F�SPA')�unMs��nothK kw Mat MppMs to dw Fund��Ma�bswr�rno�x�. N so,L�ndK nwy�at�ny tins.cowot Mid
<br /> hold Fund�h�rs rnount not to woNd d�NasM rncxrrN. L�ndK m�r�NhwM tM�nax�/of lund�dw f�n lM ba�N W oumnt dw
<br /> �nd�ton�bN rslNxtN of sxp�ndkunf ol luhxs Esarow IMm�a otMrwiN h�ooaduw�wkh epplb�bN I�w.
<br /> TM Kund� sMM b� hMd fn �n MHltutbn wlwa dposla �n M�und bY • hdKu ap�ncri fn�fn+minaMty, a �Gty (hoNdt�p
<br /> lrndM, M UndK M wth�tf httkutbn)or fn w►y Fsd�ral Honw Lwn Bank. Ur►tl�t�h�l appy tM Fund� to p�y tM E�crow Il�a.
<br /> I.�nd�r rtwy not atwp� Barow�r fa holdNp and�ppylnp th�Fund1, �nnwy uu�lysinp th�Kcrow �eaount, a vaMyinO tn�Escxow
<br /> Il�nu,unk�tt L�du payb Bortow�r InNnet on 1M Fund��r►d WpHc�bM Mw pwmit�L�nd�r to m�k�woh�cha�. How�+wr,Lwidrr
<br /> rtwY nquiro Borrowlr to MY �on�tMm of�!or�n fndM»ndlnt nal NYN ttx r�porttnp Mnrfo�ui�d bY L�►d�r in 4axwolbn wkh
<br /> this lou�, unMt� appNcabM�aw provkfM otMnwiw, Unbu�n�prwma�►t N rr�d�or�PPAcabM yw nquirw fnl�nRi to be pald,L�ndK
<br /> th�N not b�n4uind to p�� BarowK�ny inMntt or Mmirps on th�Fu�61. Boirowr�nd I.�nda rtwy�prN h wrRt�o�how�wr�th�t '
<br /> Int�l ehaN b� pdd oo Ms FuaO�. L�nda �h�1 piw to BarowK� wAhout olwp�� m mnual�ocountinp of th� Fund�� �howMp
<br /> cndlb and d�blts lo tM Fund��t1d tIN pu�poN br whkh McA d�bN to th� Funcb wat mad�. 71N Funds�n pNtfp�d a �ddRlond
<br /> wcurily hx aM wmt s�ourM Dy thN&axky IntEnxr�nf.
<br /> H tM Funds ANd by lwndK�oocMd tM�rta�x�ta P�Md la b�hNd by �pP�M I�w�l.�ndK�h�M socount to Barw�wr for th�
<br /> �xcuf Fund�Y► �000rtlu�oi vrlth tt►�nqutMnM�a of�ppMcabM iaw. If th� anount of th� Fund� Mld by L�nd�►at �nY th� R not
<br /> tuMfaMnt to p�y tM Esoraw ibrn� wh�n dw,L�ndr nwy Ro �otlry Borrowu M wrltlr►p,�nd, h woh cata BortowK s1W p�y to I.�ndK
<br /> tM�rnwnt n�aswy to mMc�up tM dNlcMncy. Borto+wr stul m�k�up th�d�ticMnop h no mon than t+wM�s monthry D�l�a��t
<br /> l.�ndw�sow df�c�ntbn.
<br /> �P�MY��h lu1 0l�N wens acund by thk 8�eurltY Instr�xnMtt.Und�r shal PromD��Y rMx�d to Borr�w�r�nY Fund�hYld by
<br /> I.,M�d�r. M.und�r Pr�Orph 21�L�nd�t thH�cquir�or NI!tN Propwty.LM�d1t� Prlor to tM�e0�itkbn o�asi�ol t!M P�opattY�st�
<br /> �DPb�ny Funda Mld by l,mdK Rt tM tim�ol�c4uistion or s�M as r ar0.t ap�lnst th�wnr acund b1r thi�S�aub Nsfrwn�nt�
<br /> 3.ApR!!C1!l10�1 0!Pay1!lelrtU. lhtNea�hw prowd�s o+h�wfN,�1 Wl��s^�A�d bf�4�n0u und�r p�nonphs
<br /> t �nd 2 ahw bs �p(�d: Ifr�tt,to �nY pnpayrt�►i clwpn dw un�M►t!w Nn�o�c s�eo�d�to a"w�x'b��M'rnd+r P�►pnPh 2:thMd
<br /> co Inew.se du.:buAh.ro a�clD��dw��nd wb ro�ny I�M clwo�aw �e�d.c r�n�1 NoM.
<br /> 4. Ctw�e�L.lena. earowa an.r vay a axw, �uws�a�+.r.e.,cmra�a�� m.. .nd Mr�osRwns �uan� co n�.r�oa«tr
<br /> whiCh n►ay atdh prkx�y owr thN 8�crxRq Instrum�nt, rtd (�n�'rAd PM)�ss�n1+ or pround ntNa� �any. Borrow�► shaM p�y 1hM�
<br /> obAp�tions In th� nrrx�pro+rid�d N pwpnph 2,a M not�I�,'liyf nwir�,BoRawK ch�1 p�Y th�m on drM dinati�to tM P�non
<br /> ow�d payrrwn4 Baroww th�M P��R�N lumkh to LondK alY rtoli"vw of�nquna to b�p�ld undu this p�ropnph. M Barorwr m�ka
<br /> ��WY�a �1h BOROM�s11�1 promplly kunlM to Lw1dM�apts 1vidMie�'�9►M WY�n�nb.
<br /> BarowK�hal Dr�N dk��D�W►y wn which hat prioriy owr thM S�curtY In�lnxr�nt unMss Borrow�r:(a)�pw�in wrkinp to
<br /> tM p�yrtNnt W ttw obNp�tbn wcutid bY tlw wn In �nwx��oo�b1�M Lnd�; (b)conMSt4 N pood Nrh th�Mn b�r�a d�t�n�s
<br /> �pat�st�nlorcM�nl M tM N�n n�f�i ProcMdirp�whlah in th�L+�ndws opinbn op�raM to Pr�wn tM�nion.wnMM W tM Mn: a(o)
<br /> ..c�wa lrom N�.hoidar a en.rn en.on.n+.ne subf�ctor�r ro Undw wbardbatb0 tM Mn to th(�S�c�xk�r In�MurtNn� M LandK
<br /> d�MtmYws N►N anp Pr►ol tM Prqqrty R wb�ct to � Mn whfah mq M�N{xiodlY owr thM 8�curRY insMUm�nt, L�nd�r n�Y Ob'�
<br /> 8on'owK�nq�IdMntl�Ytp tIN i�n. BoROr►sr�Wkh tM M�or t�oM or mon o1 th��ctbr►s Nt lorlh�bcw�w1fiM/0 tkys
<br /> a a»o�w a noro..
<br /> . s. Nazrd a Proputy inauranc�. earow.r sh�l 1c.�p aw lmprawn�ne. now «asa�w a h�+.Nw «ro»a on a�.
<br /> �op.ny h.�,r.a .�s�a:s by ir�..n�.ra� r�c�a.d w�a,h au �m�.aw��a co+r«.�.' .�a.�y oa,..h.nro.,r�c+�+eirw Aooa�o.
<br /> nooaMw, �«wn�n�o;,aa �.a�+r.. r,w��.. Thr inwnnq shY b� nKtMlh�d YI tiN YnOiN�b �rW 1or tft� p�tbdt tfMt LM�dK
<br /> ��......�� r.r �"C�!'Y..�S fl" A�n�wr��i�W!!Rfl LY1d�s�fOYr�W�I�1 S�fW��
<br /> iiyuiiw. =iii iiswarwu G�w�iw yivbi�i�ry �7: ..wr�.,.:...� � ---
<br /> �p�byr wRhINId. N Qa►owr MII to m�MWn Cowrp� dMCrb�d �bow. I.mdK m�Y.�t L�ndMs optton.obf�h Cawnp�to
<br /> proNCt L,mdN's �qhts In IM Prop�ry M�oca�wkA p�npnph 7.
<br /> A1 hturr�c�PoNciM�nd nn�w�k th�N be�oo�pabi�b 4nd�r�rfd�ha1 Mo1rd��tW�da�d ma1pW�CiwN. L,�ndM�AM hiv�
<br /> tM�Ipht t0 h01d tlN pONCIN Mid t�wM. M lM1dM fpulrM� BOttowrr�hN P�D�N OM tG WbM M 1�1� W P�p'���
<br /> �nd nrNw�notioM. In th��wnt a(bts�8omoww shaM plw prompt natlo�ro tfN NRUrara� orrN►�nd.UntNr. L�ndK mqr mMo�
<br /> aroa a a..�na m.a.prompty br eo�row...
<br /> Unbsi L�nd�r�nd BotrowM'oth�wM��prw b wrkYp,inlun�rq�Pr'aw�A M�N b��ppl�d W nstoratton or npat W tIN Prop�AY
<br /> • dr►��d� M fM ntM�allon w np�Ir N�conomlaly N�tbM �nd 1.md�s tacu�MY M not W��d. N tM hsMrMbn a aP�ir k not
<br /> �conombab t�asblr or l.�ndKs s�curty would b� Ua�Nd,th� hwrano� DrooMd� s1�M b� �Pf�W th� wms s�ownd bY lhls
<br /> S�aulty In:durt�n4 wM�thK a not th�n dw, w11h �ny wx�a P�Id to 8oaowK B Ba!owK�Mndon. !i» PropM1ri a doM noe
<br /> �n�wK wkhln 30 d�Ya • noHa hom UndK M�t tM Mwr�na c�rtfr A�s ofNnd to e� a cl�Yn, thN► LMUM► m�y col�ct th�
<br /> fnwr� Proc�. UncMr may uio tM procNda to nqY or nston tM Prop�tY or to Wy f��ns s�cw�d bY thM B�arRr
<br /> In�wm.n�,Mn.cfwr o.noc c►Nn dw. rne 3o�day wr+od w11 epin wb.n th��oac�Is p�r.n.
<br /> UnIKS Undu er�d BarowMr oth�wis��prw h w�lthp� �ny �WPlbatbn of Mrow�N to P�M�Opa�sh�N not aMnd or pos�lorN th�
<br /> dw d�b o1 th� monthy payn�nes nMrnd to h puapnphs 1�nd 2 or oh�np� tM�M of 1ha paymml�. M und�r p�npnph 21
<br /> th�Prop�Ay N�cquY+�d by Und�►� Bartovr�s rqht to�ny hsunna Po�olw �+�d Procwds nwldnp kom d�re�to fM FropKtr P�
<br /> `• to th� �cquktlon �hal pass to L.�nd1r to tM aMnt ol tM surtn s�ourrd by fhM S�a�AtY Inttrun�nt MnMdh1M/ P� !o Gw
<br /> acqukkbn.
<br /> 6. Occupmoy, Pnssrvatbn� Matnten�nce end P�otectlon of 1tN Property; Borrow�r'� 1.o�n
<br /> . ApPllcatlor�; Loaseholds. sorrow�. �har 000uar.arabkn. �nd uN cn.P�op�ty as earowK's v��k►��n�td�o� wkntn �kty
<br /> . days�Ibr tha�oaCUtbn 01 MIr S�CUrtp M�tnirtNnt�n4 ahaN contkiw to occupY tM Proputy u BorrowM'�prtnopal rKIdM�lor�t
<br /> � IMSt on� yMr a1iMt 1tN d� of oocupaney. unMts I.NidK othMwii� �prM h wAtNp� whbh oonMnt shaM not b� unrM�son�bly
<br /> wNhhNd�or unl�sl rcNrNJ�tinp ClrCUrmYnC�t wtf�t whbh� bhrond Bortow«'�conkol. Bortorwr shaA not drstroy.dYn�O�or htpalr
<br /> the Prop�ty.�row 11�Prop�tr to dowlon�, or commk w�sN on th�PropNty. BarrowK shu W N dN�uR M�ny iorNRur��otbn or
<br /> proc�etlM►p,wh�th�r clvi or ctlminal, N b�pun that h I.�ndM's pood hkh JuOpnwnt could nsult M IotUMure ol Hw Prop�rly or othwwlt�
<br /> rtwbrlrb MWt tM W�n crwbd by thls S�cuAly InstnxrMrtt a I.md��s�curltY Inl�nst BorrowM m�y Cuh wCh � d�MuR �nd
<br /> � -•----•• -• --- .,_� .- ---�-� .' .-- --••-'--'�- --"-- — ° ., .�r� _:--:-rw...w.. ...rw.�h■� �n��ne1�a mnA I�h
<br />� • ��rmatR ��panrNw+ n W4�►r� �or v� v�ui��ry u��uw..v� �nv...�...ry .�..�.........�� ...r.�.__.� ...—. -._..--�- -- .__.
<br /> d�mM►stion.pncludK torNl�x� of th� Bwrow�s ht�wt M tM Prop�ty a otMr msarl�t M�pahnK►t of tM Mn a�bd by Mts
<br /> S�cwky Instrum�nt or Und�s sacurty int�nat. Barow�r sh�ll �ko b�b d�Muk M Bc�rirowK, durirp th� lo�n �pplc�tbn procKS.
<br /> paw m�brWly hM� or Ir�xrt� tnlamatbn or �ut�rNnts to l.:�nd�► (a hlwd to Pr� L�nd�r wth �ny rMt�rial htortnatioa) In
<br /> conn�oUon wRh tM loon wtdaic�d by th�Nob,tncbdY�p,Dut npf Irmk�d to.npn�ntatbne conarnMW Bonnw�� occupanc+Y of th� _
<br /> Pro^r!; !s �p�InC!�+•1 r.nld�nc�. If IhN S�curRy InaM�fnMf!11 an � fNNhold, Borrowv ttt�N compN wkh �Y th� provkbns of tho
<br />- laas�. I} Borrowlr acqulr� IM tkb to th�Propwty, th� Ma�hold�nd tM fN tkN shaN not ma�unla�tM I.�nd�r�prwc to th� _
<br />- mw�pa h wrkhp. Fe+�n aor�lw -
<br />� Ft04i.1M0(7/ia) P�O��01 f .
<br /> 1%
<br />