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filed foC iecord.,,�"_e , 9J 3 5 1 1 D : <br /> , at s 2.�M m �ook.........I....... of ....;eed s _ <br /> .. . ............... <br /> �j �• : . <br /> . � �� ��n'�lr��J � .......... ... ......... ..... . � . � F . . .. .. <br /> .. .�Ra�ister a��Caeds, �.., ���,�fp, ,���raska <br /> Mu Uacobsen <br /> GUARDIAN'S DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE5ENTS that, in pursuance of an order of <br /> the Hon. Edward Dixon, Judge of the County Court of Hall County, <br /> Nebraska, made on the 30th day of March, 1973, I was licensed by said <br /> Judge to sell at public auction in the manner provided by law., the <br /> real estate hereinafter described; that thereupon I gave notice of the <br /> time and place of said sale as required by law and at the time and <br /> place therein specified, to-wit: on April 27, 1973, at 2:00 o'clock <br /> P.M. � at the north front door .of the Court House in the City of Grand <br /> Island, in said County, and after said sale had been held apen one . <br /> hour, I sold the real estate described as follows: <br /> The West Ten (10) Feet of the North One Hundred Eighty-seven (187) <br /> Feet of Lot One (1) and all of Lot ( 2) , Block One (1) , Ingalls & <br /> Turner 5ubdivision, Village of Cairo, .Hall County, Nebraska� <br /> at public auction to Fred W. Harb and Elizabeth J. Harb, husband and wife, <br /> as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, they being the highest <br /> bidders therefor, that said sale was thereupon reported to said Judge of <br /> the County Court and by him in all things confirmed and I was ordered to <br /> make a deed of said premises to said purchasers. <br /> NOGV, THEREFORE, I, Harry I. Turner, Guardian of the Estate of <br /> Permelia Hays Turner, Incompetent, in consideration of the premises and <br /> the sum of Thirty-four Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($34,000.00) so bid <br /> and paid by Fred W. Harb and Elizabeth J. Harb, and by virtue of <br /> the powers intrusted in me by said order and proceedings, do by these <br /> presents grant, sell and convey unto the said Fred w. Harb and Elizabeth <br /> J. Harb, husband and wi�e, as joint tenants with right of survivorship, <br /> and unto their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of <br /> them, the real estate hereinabove described with all the appurtenances <br /> ' thereunto belonging, to have and to hold the same unto said Grantees, <br /> and to their assigns, and to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of <br /> them forever. <br /> IN WITN�:S5 WHEI2EOF, I have hereunto set my hand this f ._� day of <br /> June, 1973. <br /> f' <br /> _� f <br /> �i�-�-� ��.�,.. <br /> Guar ian o the Estate of �Permelia <br /> Hays Turner, InCOmpetent <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ( ss: <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) <br /> On this /�j day of June, 1973, before me, a Notary Public within <br /> and for said County, personally appeared Harry I. Turner, Guar.dian of <br /> the Estate of Permelia Hays Turner, Incompetent, to me known to be the <br /> identical person and officer described in and who executed the above <br /> and foregoing instrument and he acknowledged the same to be his • <br /> voluntary act and deed as such officerfor the uses and purposes <br /> therein mentioned. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and afficial seal <br /> the day and year last above written. <br /> �, ;� ��� -l�--r�'�---�---, . <br /> , -> <br /> , �,���;�� ';� Notary Pu l,ic <br /> . _, d ��� , � � <br /> . .. " � ' %� / . . <br /> / <br /> � � My;.r�ammission expires: _.�,�//� 2�C� ,.�,� <br /> � � ; � , — �.r�-__. <br /> f �>, ,'�' <br /> ....•�f;�.�� - .. � <br /> . _ ��,`=v • ' �V��F?ASKA 1��MEf�'��1', <br /> S�"��ti?"A 'I'AX <br /> �i.'f��e .l �.i �J S � � - <br /> ��� <br /> ��� �� ► <br />