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CONSERVATOR'S DEED <br /> Know all men by these presents that, in pursuance of an Order of <br /> � the Hon. Edward Dixon, Judge of the County Court of Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> made on the 25th day of January, 1973, I was licensed by said Judge to <br /> sell at public auction in the manner provided by law, the real estate <br /> hereinafter described; that, thereupon, I gave notice of the time and place <br /> . therein specified; after said sale had been held open one hour, I sold . <br /> said real estate, hereinafter described, at public auction, to Ralph W. <br /> Tilley and Ethel I. Ti11ey, husband and wife, as joint tenants�with right <br /> of surv9vorship, and not as tenants in common, they being the highest bidder <br /> therefor; that said saTe was thereupon reported to said Judge of the County <br /> Court and by him in all things confirmed, and I was ordered to make a Deed <br /> of said premises to said purchasers. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, I, Robert Stueven, Conservator of the Estate of Mae <br /> Koeplin, in consideration of the premises and the sum of Twelve Th�usand <br /> One Hundred Fifty & No/100 ($12,150.00) Dollars, so bid and paid by Ralph <br /> W. Tilley and Ethel I. Tilley, and by virtue of the powers intrusted to me <br /> by said Order and proceedings, do by these presents, grant, sell, and <br /> convey unto the said Ralph W. Tilley and Ethel I. Tilley, husband and wife, <br /> as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common, <br /> and �unto their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, <br /> the real estate described as follows� to-wit: <br /> Lot Two (2), in Block Eleven (11), Gilbert's Second <br /> Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nall County, <br /> Nebraska; � <br /> with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the� grantees and to <br /> their assigns, ,or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them forever. <br /> It is tMe intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the . <br /> death of either of the grantees, the entire fee title to this real property <br /> • shatl vest in the surviving grantee. <br /> In Witness Whereof, I have heweunto set my h�and this lltk�� day of June, 1973. <br /> N�BI�ASKA DO�� M�N'TAi� ► , <br /> STAMP TAX obert Stueven, Conservator of the Estate <br /> �UN �.g �97� . of Mae KoepTin. <br /> ��: / � �31�� . <br /> .� <br /> . . . � <br /> � _ �� � . <br /> _ .. : . . .U; ,. .�v:�. � ,:,, �.. :�.. ..,., �. ..:. :,.: <br />