`' + r1 ��r;�.t� ��i�� . ••;��{�� , l�r -
<br /> ,t�r,� " .��� -.
<br /> � �
<br /> +�rra aa�o�n
<br /> !!��rr ':�v�'�- - ?..a:��r�,.'='-'
<br /> :,, . ., �e���S�:";�:l.i���}e�'�. ___ �....'� ----- --'-- ----
<br /> . y i�{�Ll'�r n�{.. rl..r'iA'��V`ltl. 1 —y..�,l'� _Z-_ — ....._.�_ ...
<br /> , wt.'.�p 4�rJn - t�L�t:l+�4r-a�ltt'�.' . - �_._'""__
<br /> '� '
<br />__,.�...�•-'a�-.-.t��. . .
<br />._ ........ --..�.�......._.�,........ - .�.�._ .
<br />:::��"_ 97.. �.04449 =-
<br /> _-- BorrowK'�acrow�coouot und�r th�Nd�r11 RMI E�tRa BMtIMnM►t Proo�durM Aot Of 1�'!4 u�rrNnd�d kom tit» t0 IYrN� 12 U�S.C.
<br />':nr��� __
<br /> � �'�' 2fW 1 M s�Q• l"fiEBPA')�un�s�noet��w�ha��pP��e�o e�s Fuad���IN�M omsuni. I!so,
<br /> �ndK mry�at anr tt+w�oaN�cl ind
<br />:;,+�,f"�.E;�� hoW Fundf In an urwunt not to�eccstd tM laar wnaunt. Unda mnY MtYnaM th��rtwix��N w��M�w�bs�k af cumni d�u _
<br />-:;7e;�--- �ntl r�sonabM M1MrMtw ot�ndltu� ol tupx�F.�orow IIKrN a oM�wiw in�coadenc�
<br />;�3ti"' '��� Tlio Fund� •h�N W Mld M ar1 fA�tltutbn whow d�Po�Ns w hwnd bY � Nd�n� �Y� hsWmw►faNtY� or�ntkY (includYq
<br /> ��,yow �q�n�� or v�rlyYp th�E�craw
<br />-`'X,;e'''.�� I.Rr►d1r� M I.N�OK N Woh �n in�UWti0n) Ot h �r►Y FfdK�� HWn�LOan B�nk. UndN'�h�N�PPN tM FW►d� to O�Y iM EtCrow ' f
<br /> R
<br /> I.undw truY not oh�rp�Borrow�r for Aoidtq �nd 1�DPN�ths Fund���r►nuallY W►nb HowwK,I.�ndM
<br /> � McebM I�w p�its I.�n�to m�c�tuah�ah�.
<br /> • ;.....` 111�m��unll�fl l.�ndM p�Ys 8ortow�w Inl�o:l on th0 Fande R�d�t rMl Mtat�Wc hP�� �I�uNd 6y l.�d:: N conne�tbn w1h -
<br />-�}__� •on♦tkn� oh�rp�to►�n hd�p�n b�bM hw nqufr+�hbntt to W paid�I.�dK -
<br /> •5_ mey�Wu� Borrow�r to paY t k rtwd� or app „wrN�W�hownrM� thlt
<br />-.__Y�� Il�it loan,unlas �pPi��M i�w provldK otMrwk�. UnM��� ����nds. 9orrowK Nd LondK m�Y �
<br /> ���� shall not bo nquMrd to P�Y Borto�er eny hUnst a wnk�p� as addktond
<br /> - fnterest ehall b� p�ld on th� Funds.�L�ndK�for w bh�aoh dWk t th�F nd�wa mad�utTh�Funds �nf PMdp�d�� �ho�tiY�O
<br />�.'� :,�� aredlls ond d�bk�to tl►�Fund�and P��Initrum�nt.
<br /> �P' �' - saaurlty Mr aA sums a�ound by this SicurkY �bN kw,I.mdK�h��°U1t to Bortow�r 1or th�
<br />:n:.:-�
<br />,���.". If th�Funds h�ld by L�ndK�Md t��py°��mNt�d to b�hNd Y�PP
<br />._..3,i''r �- wccws Fundt In �caotd�nc�wkh tM nquM�q of�ppNcabM I�w. If tha Wnount of th� Funds M1d by L�nd��t �nY�L�nda'
<br /> �„�,,;. w notify BorrovrK h vrrktW�M'►d�h tuoh Cas�B� mon hNN W►Ymmtt,ot
<br /> -=��'� autflof�nt to P�Y th�F.sorow It�ms wMn Ew�L�nEK may In no mors thui twNw
<br /> =�::�• • tltio unount n�c�awY ta m�k�uP tM dMlcNnoY. Baraww�hap m�k�up th�dMbl�noY
<br />_=--_�- l.end��toM dbcnt{on. Iny�Wmmt�L,�ndM shaN promp►N rMund to Bortow�my Fund�h�idby
<br /> ,�,��i. UP�� MYm�11!k1 tuM of It1 Wc1M NCUrrd bY thf�B�CINky !l�dKr p�t0 the�C4�NkiW1 Or�01� of tFN P�OpNty� {h�M __
<br />°_:�+�!?���:. LendK. It. under D��h 2t� I.�dK lhall�a4��a aN ttw PropMtY,
<br />_-�,-�;' apPN NY Funda hNd by L�ntfM at tA�tYn�of aoQuMkion a sW as�cndit�palntt tM wms� ��by 1.����P��hs
<br /> t cNUpM dw undK th� Nob; s�aa+d,to �mounb paYabr und�r pernpr�Ph 2: NYd
<br />:;�.r - 3,AppilcaUon of Paym�nts. unwss��M�w w�'ot�'""'�"�ar p.rrr�+
<br /> -_ - 7 and 2 sh�N bo�PP�: Hnt��OI dw; �ed la�o anY ti!�ohWM dw undu th�NoM.
<br /> --==—= to ht�ntt dua:fouAh�to prY�cp� M�a �nd ImpotRbn� attrbutable to th�FroD�rt�Y
<br /> — 4.Ct1l1'{J��i UlM. Bortow�r tKRI paY aN fazK, uasfrtNnt�� �h�� d r�nb� Y �n9• BoROVrK �haN D�Y �
<br />��� whloh m�y attah priorkY ovar this &�curkll �spummt, �nd Ma�hold P�'i�� rx � on tL� dha11Y to th�p�n�
<br />-- - obYWtlons In th�rtwir►�r provid�d M P�h��a'M not Mid in th�t m�nmr.BarowK shaN WY�^ h If BoRO+w� rnkM
<br /> - IumbA to l.�ndK�M notic�s of�rt�ounts to M P� und�o thM p�npnP •
<br /> ---- Ow�d D�YmmG Borrowa sh�W'omp�b �Nh t0 Und�r nc�ipb� �+��0 1he paY�a.
<br /> _"-'�'�' thw�D�Y�'�^b dinott�►�Borrow�r shaM D�P�y �this 8�aurMN IotbwrNnt unl�t� Borrow�r: (a)�pr�M „"R��
<br /> = BorrowM'sha�promP�N�h��^y�^whbh ha�D�KY oonbttt In�ood Mlih tM Ym bY. a d�►ats
<br /> tM P�Y�t Of tM ob�twn s�aww ui 2�:°^�'"i whbh in th�Und�►'a toP���10 p��^t tn��iaw.:��i a!!S�!"�' °t{�'!
<br /> -- -��� ep�h�t onloraer►wnt of tM�n in.MO��p���satkl�otoaY to UnO�r subordinatlrW th� Nen to tbi�9�etx�tfr Imtru+Mn� M UncMt
<br /> -. ---- sopuae kom th�hold�r of th� Ihn an W���^ t to � Nen whbh t►xY att�h D�� �this S�curky ImWmM�f. L.md�r maY�
<br /> - - d�t�rtnh�s that mY W�rt ol Iha Prop�rty
<br /> � BoRawK�notfe�W�ntWUW lh� Wn. BorrowK�haN MtNty th�IMn ot Wu on�or nsore ol tIN�otions s�t io+th I�bove wkhin 90 daYa
<br /> ot th�pHk�p of notic�.
<br /> IfIMH�IlC�. Barow�r �haN IcNP tM h�p►o+�^M^� now Mdttln0 a ►�'� �'�°� on th�
<br /> ----�� 6. H�1'd Of P1'OPKIY .. Mt,+r��1ed wthh th�bMn►"�od�nd�d cowr�"and�ny oth�r h�rar�.includin0�OOd� a
<br /> __-- __' PropMty inwhci��rl�r.i uy f.:. �s:.-n'= "'1'h� Miunnoo th�1 b� nMt�taYMd fn th� �mounts md for tM p�rbds th�! lr�d�r .
<br /> -= IbodYp. lor whbh L�►dK ►puYN tnfixrnc�„��sh�M b�ahoan bY��wbM�to L�ndws �PPr'o+�whbh � not b
<br /> _ nqulns. TM Nwr�o�rtMr D�ov� �� abow. l.«�dK nwY� �t L.�ndM's optio�� oDfab wwrq� �
<br /> -- �c�at�n�bb wkhhNd. If Bort'ow�r M„ �ocordr�w Pr�h 7.
<br /> _�`�'�'� prot�at l.mdd�rqhb in tM Prop�tY N t0 I.Nida�nd�haN Nalud�a stand�rd nwrq�elwN. LM►du ahM�
<br /> AN fnar�nc�DoNCfM�nd nrnwaM�haN b��oaP� to I.�ndM'aM noiMPa of Paid P���
<br /> th� �IDht tD hold th� DeNoMi �nd nnlwaM. H I.�nd�r ncN+ir�s�B°R°w ode� to t�tunnc�ceriK ond I.�nd�r. L�nd��1�
<br /> md n�swal notl�w. M th�svM�t of bss� BoirowK shaN plw P��
<br /> _ proof of bss N not m�d�P�nP�N bY�rmwK. M wrkinp�hsunr►a P��hall b��PP�to n�tontbn or►Kwlr of lh� ProP�►Y
<br /> - ---- UniNf UndK�nd BortowK oth«wNo�» � not Na�d. M tM nslW�tiot� or npaM� �
<br /> dawp�d,M tM natondoe or np�ir M �conon�ioab M�bM�nd I.�ndK'd acwRY �h�N M�OP� �tM wnw ��br �
<br /> �conomfca�h► NubM or Und��s�My wouid b� iM��d� tM inw�na p�o�M������tM�Y.a dols not
<br /> S�curky In�Wrt�►� whN� or not tl� dw�wllh �►y �� P� LO � oMK1d to NtlM a cYtn. tMn UndK nr9 �t tM
<br /> ---- �ntwK wkhin 30 dafn • notia kam IanrNr that the bwnr�w��nston the ProP�y a to paY sunx a�cuad bY d►is B�ou�tY
<br /> -- hsutwtc� P���• LMidM n1�Y uN tl� D��� to npaM
<br /> _.� Inshum�nt� wMthK u not th�n du�. 11�30�d�Y DK�wM bpin wh�the notk�M G� P��thaN nof atend or D���
<br /> ' Unf�s Unda md Baroww ott�wb�� h wrri�C��nY�WOlication ol Proc� H undK P���21
<br /> ,�_�g du�datY of dN monthN WY�� n�� to h P�Ph= 1 �r►d 2 or CIwW� t�M���k�9� t0 th�ProPM�Y P�
<br /> ���1 tM ProF�Y M so4��bY L�ncMr. Ooa'av+�s ripht to�nY hwnnc�PoNOMs �nd P��� Imtrummt �rmwdt�tslY p�ta to lh�
<br /> ��� to th� �aqubkbn �h�Y p�ss to l�nder to th� �oct�►t of th� tums racund bY Mk S�C��Y
<br /> ------- aoou�skbn. BorrOwN''s LWn
<br /> Y.. y._?,,�� 6. Oeoupsney. Prese�vu�lon� Malnter,me� md ProUoUon of th� Prop�3i: ��w�n �ech►
<br /> vu
<br /> --'��.�� App1ICtU011; Lld�Oh0ldf. F)artow�r stwN oc�uP9��atablkh��nd ua tM Prop�rtY a �owK�s P�� ��� ia�t
<br /> ��__.�,-. days afl�r tM�acution of thM S�evrky In�bunwnt�nd�haA continw to oceuP„wrk„G��bh constnt sh�1 not W ut��on�blll
<br /> ---- �" ialt on� Y� aflK th� dab of occuP�� unN�s L�ndu oth�vris� �w�
<br /> _ a inp�ir
<br /> - wMhhNd�or unNts�od�nwtirtQ CincumstancM�ckt whbh an beYond Bartow�s Borro+as��sha�A b� dNwR r�►Y'��lotbn or
<br /> ----,•'� ..._e..,,,...� ■reW th.Proo�tY to d�tKfa�ab,or Commk wata on th�P��Y•
<br /> --- ......-,.---••--
<br /> •.,.,,�ti�.v,r in torNMun of tM ProPM1Y a ah�^"�
<br /> �ri•:,��',��•� prpcMdhp�whNM►olvil or arMYial,M b�IMt N l.�►Wr�poao iaw��Nw•�.»^------
<br /> "_._"_'sl'i'r}L�' J:
<br /> ,:,;.� {,� m�t�rt�Ny YnpaY th� IMn cnet�d bY Mk &aurltY InsWm�nt or Und�� s�aurkY ht��. Borrow�r nKY Cun wch a dNwR m
<br />-- "",r;�r�,�'., nhstat�� u P��� �^pv�h 18�by ausY►G tlw�otbn or P���to�ah«mm�t«itl�Yrp�i�me^t ott th� IfM cnat�d by lhM
<br />� �'C !
<br /> -'..s�'"'*�- ;��� dN�rtnlnatbn� P��oludN Iorl�Nun of th� Bortow�r'a ht�rMt In tlt� PropMtY
<br /> � Ytt�rqt. BotrowM �haN �ko W in d�fauk M Bomowet. durinp thv ban aPP1iC�tbn Proc�ss�
<br /> --;:`'�'"` '..., l.�nd�r WNh �nY mit�.'I hfOrot�tton) Yt
<br /> - �_� „ S�cu�lty Insnum«+t ar Lu►d�� s�urky
<br /> '�����_ �-__-..,..hPom+!Y�on or atat«rNna to UndK(or hNrd to P��
<br /> � w mat�r�ly iai.: or .��....w� tatlons conc�mhp Baro+�'e oc:cuoannr ol tM
<br /> --_:^:�i?�?''�b� .. 91l
<br /> :_`r,._... '`6r...
<br /> -.°,K•��F�-,.-';�,:. . . conn�ctbn wkh th�ban rvid�nc�d by th�Nob.�s�m'n� r onMa w�sanaa, earow.r �nar oompN wtch�r m� v��"� d ttw
<br />=�:.�� �e :+ Property as a prM►oWd rKMd�nc�• If thk &�ou�NY unNas tM Unda q�M� to the
<br />-�,�� 1M i�as�hold !nd th�fN tRM sMN nW n'wp�
<br /> �••-�•'•'�7' M/N. If BOKOwK�CQuM�! 1N tllN t0 th�Prup�tlr� Fo�m 00Q�W�
<br /> =-_,•�uvn.:...r. ��h wrkYW.
<br /> ��
<br /> p,p�!ot 6
<br /> —_--. °�'e FtO�.lMO(t1�1
<br />.. ' �i.
<br /> ��
<br />