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<br /> •x.r....,4...�.':,xi _ ���'::�'��rr7e"._1:-'
<br /> -..�� . - �00990 05/30/1997 c
<br /> � .: ;;�; � orr.Lx�► Avi�► J?- 104434
<br /> � UNIFOFtM COVENAN7'9. Aam�wer and Lesder covenuit u�d a�rx ts follows: =`�`��
<br /> `r 1. P��nenQ of Prindpal aad Iaterwt. Horxuwer shill pmmptlY MY �n due t6c princlpal ar�d lntcrest L.'_-°
<br />, _� I�btedtxss evidenad by tbe Note wd lue chu��provided ln the Naa t,,;_
<br /> •,.� �tu
<br /> 2.F1�tor Tiura�nd I�s�u�anoe. Subject co�pptiable law or�wriatn w�iver by I.eader.Barrawcr s1W1 pAy co
<br /> Lender on the dsy maothlY P�Y�� of principal nnd intorest ue C�yable tuder the Nae.uadl the Npte is paid in full,a ��ry;.-
<br /> sun►(txreln 'Fuads")e9ua1 to ane•twelftt�of the yearly tues�ad assessmeats(includi�condominiwn anid plarmed uolt __.
<br /> dcvelopwent a,�sessa�:nts. I�'wy) wtuch m�y att�ia prlority oaer thls Deed of Trust.�ud gcouad nats oa the PropertY�if �-_-
<br /> ,. tna �
<br /> . ;.' any,Plus one-twelith of yarly pxemtum installmenta for In�c�d iawrivace.�lu+one-twelRh of yesrly premium iacaUmoma e
<br /> "�`��� f�r mon�aye insnrtnce. if any. all as rasontbly esdmstod lnitiaUy wd from dme to dme by Lender on t6e b�sia of �,_
<br /> nts nf Fuads :�;;
<br /> . assasmenta and bill��ad rwonabk es8muts thereomoats to the bol�ler of P��u B��doed of uust if axb holder =--
<br /> �.�,,,; � to Leader w the extent tbst Bocrowcr mtices such P�Y --
<br /> ` • is an Institudon�l lender. `=�
<br /> ,. If Borcower pays Funds to Le�der, the Tunds shall be held ia w lasdrodon tLe deposlts or�ccouax of whicli ue -_
<br /> iasurod or�u�nnteed by a Pede�l ar stau a�eacY(includin�Lender if I�nder is such an iosdtudon). Lender shtll npply
<br /> , the Fiwds w pay said taxas.atsessments.insuiance Pnmlums tad�mund c�crs. Lender my not rharQe fnr sa boldln,$ud
<br /> . spplyin� thc Funds, �mly� s:id account or vcrlfYinD�ad comPilis�said sssccsuoentc s.ad bills, unttss Lendcr WYS
<br /> Barower intecest on tt�e Funds aad applicable lttw permitri Lender to mwlce such R ch�r�e.Boscower and 1.euder auy a�rx
<br /> , � in wridng u tlye dme of r.auudon of this Dad of Tmst tbu interat on tbe Fu�is chall be ptid W Hormwor. Borrower
<br />�`;����^:�,'�' svch agroemeae is m�de or�pQlicible l�w mquines s�ch intemst to be qid,Lender shill not be required to MY
<br /> � �. +:r� any intenst or arnin,�s oa the Fu�s.Lender shW Qlve tofor wLich�ach debit�to�the Fuods was�m:de. Thef Fu�ds uti LL
<br /> :._+..+7�'.1J,.; y
<br />= .• :�, . showin� crodiu and debits to tht Funds a�i the Purpc�ee
<br /> . � pledged As addtdoaal security fox the sums secured by this Desd of Tn�st. able rior to
<br />=t' "� "'"' I f t h e a m o u�o f t h e F u n d a 6eld b y L,ender.togathnr wlth tLe futtue montWy iffitallmcn�e of Funds psY P
<br />-. �".� � rents,shall ex c e e d t h e w o o u o t r e q u i i'e d w W Y a i i d
<br /> the due dst�s of taxes. �ssessme�s. insuiancc Prcmiumn and 8round
<br /> - , taxes, assasnuent5, imvrauce Pnmiums uid gmund renta is theY fill due, such excess shall be. at Aorrower's opdon.
<br />::���'��-. P �Y�P+td c
<br /> :•�;.= either ro w Bomnwer or credited to Boao�uar on montWy fast�llmenca of Fua�s. If ���i�
<br /> =`y���., resniums and gmund
<br />- • beld by I.endor st�U nnt be ta►ffcient co pxy twces. asses.�ments, iaturmce P tus�s Lendes may
<br />_=:���,r to mnte nP tLe deflciency in one or more PuYme
<br /> --.-r•�;.. . Botmwer stuU pay w Lendrs xny araount naessuY
<br /> _:;�;�:�� ' require. nfund to Horrower any Fvnds
<br />.�'y+�°�:"; Unon p�aymen3 in full of�ll sumg secured by thifl Dced of Tn�at.Le�er shall�m�Y� �;L�.i�*
<br /> --=.•=i�,�. held b Lender.If unckr 17 bereof the PiapertY i�sola or tne PropcRy�� -' �
<br /> �.-�:�=�?lr Y �� rlor to tho s�la c�f the PropertY or its scquisiti�on by Lender� wy Funda held by
<br /> ,.� sh�ll �pply. ta I�tta ttun immcdi,tcelY P
<br /> -r,;�a� _� Le�er at the tiane of�pplicuian�s credit�gainst thB sums secured by this Doed of Tiu.�t.
<br />�'°u}�'c�.�� 3.Appliadloa ot P�ymed+�. UNess applicabl¢luw pmvides abe�w3se�all Pay�e�s Ixeivod by I.onder uuder the
<br /> �..�_;;�� Note ind paragrxphs 1 �ad 2 he�f sU�ll be xpplicd by l.en�er fiist in piynxnt of�moaap P�Yablc to Lendor by Bosrowes
<br /> .v--._.--`�" undcr parng�h 2 bemof�thm to lntecest pAysbla oa d�e Note.a�sd th�a to tLe p:incipnl of the Note.
<br /> w�� 4. Prlar Mortpses wd DeeAr o[Tirurti Cliee�IJen. Bonower sball Perfocm �11 of Bomov�er's obli�dons
<br /> �.�:.y w� under�ny mortg�ge, deod ot uugt or oti�t s�CUleLy A�"B:•BL L•.s$L 1 LCn�:a'••iCl!�L piiiMl!y 4v�r this Deed of TNSt. _
<br /> '"��� i�luding Bormwer's cov¢tmnts to m�lce psYmo�e when due.Borrow�et ehill piy or cause to be pttd�Il wces,�ss�s�en�s
<br /> -_ ' a�other chuyes.Hnes ud inoposido�attr�butubla t�the PropenY w}dch may�tain a priodty wer tWs Dead of Tn�st.
<br /> -� aad IaschoW paymeats or�co�und rems,if u►y.
<br /> S. Has�rd L�eurance. Honower stWl keep tha imProvements now ex�tiny or here�fter erected oa the PrapetcY
<br /> = insused a�ainst loss by fire.hasards included wJthin the arm"exteuded covenge'.a�d such other hautds as Lender may
<br /> __ = ra�uire and in sac6�mou�s�ad for such peciods as Leuder may requin.
<br /> The i�urance cacrier provl6ing the insurance shall be chosen by Bormwer subject to appcoval by Lender;Provlded.
<br /> _�� Zhit such �pproval shall nos be unreuonabfy with6eld. All insvrance Policies �ad re�w�tts theroaf stu�ll be in s form
<br /> ---------- accapcable W I,e�er and sL�ll i�lude a staadu;d motsffia8e clwse in fivor of a�in s focm�ccaptable to I.ender. Lender
<br /> �' si�116ave tLe ri�ht to hold th�policics and cencw�ls t�aeof, subject w tl�e term►c of aay mortgaQe.dxd of tnut or other
<br /> ------_---- securIty a�rreccment wlth a liea wLiich has prtority over�Detd �curier wd Lender. Leader msy mike proof
<br /> In the cve�of loos, Boirower shall giva prompt
<br /> -.�-,,�� of loss if uot made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> .'^:;� If the Praperty ic ab�ndantd by Bormwor, or if Borrower fiilx to respo�to I.eader within 30 days from ttie d�►te
<br /> .�� notia is m�ilal by I.euder ro Bomnwer th�t tho inzvrance carrier offecs to seule a c�aim for iawrance benefiu.Lender is
<br /> _��;,.,,;,,�� �uthorined w collxt aad�pply the insurance praceeds u u�kr�s°Ppon eIther to restatuion or reptir of the Prope�tY or
<br /> "^':'� to the sums sxurod by this Dad of TnLCt.
<br /> _, f. Peerec�M30o� wd M�latemooe ot A�otratyi �d�i �0°d0m��i ��� Udt DErelOpooeots.
<br /> °�;����� � wd slull mt commit wiute or pem�it imp�im�eat or deterioration of the
<br /> __�y�r, Bormwer s1W1 keep the PropertY� Qood npa�r
<br />_--�-:_-°�� property iad stall comply wltb the pc+nvlsions of any leise if this Dad of Tnut is oa a lcasehold.If this Dxd of Tcust is
<br /> :��:�:.�,��� = on a untt in a coodominium or i planned unit dwclopment.Borrower shsll perfotm�Il of Bomower's oblig�tions under che
<br /> �4�,.
<br /> ;�;3";�•:=� decLtatioa or c�venants cra�tin�ur govezning the co�omlaium or plsnned unit dr+elopment, the by-Lws aad ngulittans _
<br /> --',��.°•'��'.�1• and Conitituent doCUmentS.
<br /> "..`I.T.v.a
<br /> _ .Y�;<:.:,:.-, , of the co�ominium or pVu�d unit dcvelopment. nts contained in this
<br /> 7. Protactlon ot I.ea�ar�Secuttt7•If Boctower fiils to perfotm the covaauits wd a�o�me
<br /> - - Dad of Tnut.or if any�cdon or praceeding is commenced wioich m�teriilly a�ects Lendsr's int°rest in t�e�'°p�f',�en
<br /> �r.�� �. i �e .vv1m� nnnn entlCl t0 B02i0YVCf. II11Y D1ikC fil1Ch iQ�CS� l�S�11ISC S11C�1 SUIILS. �C�lId1I1�
<br /> -'_.�-.4,.--. �_. `-- -�- I.GaM.a� w� w.�.o.v ..�'^'^ -f-- — .
<br /> : �. _.t .r � nasonable utorneys' fees.and tske such�cdon as is�cessuY to prowct Leuder's inurest. If L.GIIOCi�oino mociYsgc
<br /> � iasur�nce as a condidoa of m�ldng the loan secured by this Deed of'Ikvst. Botrowct sh�l1 WY�Pn���9�to
<br /> : ., � mainuin such in�rance in effect wnil such time as the ro9uinment for such i�s�r�uce tecmlmtes in accordance with
<br /> - • Bornnwer's and Le�cr's writun agroement or�ppltcable law. �.��i��t theseon,at thc Nou rau.shall 1r:conx
<br /> , � Any amounts clisbursed by L.ender purswnt to this puaQr+Ph
<br />_, � uWidow�l indebteduess of Botrower socurM by this Deed of Tcust. Uuless Botrower u�cll.endel a°'t�t�other termc of -
<br /> , paynoent. such �uwunts shall be payabk upon nodce from Le�er co Borrower E+eq� WYment thereof. Nothing
<br /> conuined in d�is p�ra�caph 7 sb�l roquire I.�nder to iacur tny expenSe ar t�lce sny�eao�txKUnder.
<br /> 8. Lo�pectka. Leuder may m�1ce or cause to bs mu�e nasomble enMes upon and incpecdoas of the Propercy,
<br /> . provided ttat Leader shall Qive BoYrowcr notia prior ro tny such iaspecdon spocifyins reasonsble cause thecefor sel�ted to
<br /> � � Lender's interest in the Property.
<br /> • I Nebro�k�261�76-) i1�96 OriQiaal(R�coxdwd) Copy�Srrach) Copy(Cu�Ena�r) F��o 2 ots
<br /> °-— -
<br />