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<br /> •Proc�eds')In connectbn wilh condomnetbn a olhsr t�klnp of the Property or pan thereof,or for conveynnce in Ifeu oi condemrwdon.
<br /> Lender shail De entitled at lis option to c,�mmence,eppear In and proaecuta In Ite own narne any ac;lon or proceedin�a,�nd ehell eleo
<br /> be entitled to make anycampromise or settlemenl lii connectlon with such taking or demape. In lt�e evenl uny por9bn of tha Proparty In
<br /> so teken or damaged,Lender ahall have the option in Its eole and sbeolute dll�Cretlon,to epply elt such {�rocee�ie, att0r Anductlnp
<br /> theretron►all costa and expensas Incuned by It In connect{on with auch Prucesdr,upon eny Indebtadne�s eecured hereby end In euch
<br /> oMer as Lender may delsrmine,or to epply all suCh Proceede,uRer auch deGuctlona,to the rearorrUon o(the F�ropeRY uPAn auch con-
<br /> ditione as lende�may determine.Any applicstbn of Proceecfe to Indebtednes�shall nat extend or posWone the aue dals oi my p�y
<br /> mt,ats undcr thc hote,or curo�ny detault theraunsier or hereurxler.Any unoppiled funda ehall bei paid to Trustor. _
<br /> g,p�rtwm�nc�bY L�ncNr.Upon the occurrmnce oi en Event of Default harounder, ar If a�y act!s taken or le{ra�P►ocra�l�np
<br /> commenced which materialiy eflecta lender's interost in tha Propetiyr,Lender may In fta own dlacrotbn,but wlthout oblipatlon W do eo,
<br /> and wtthout notice ta a demend upor►Truator and without rebasinq Trustor from any oblig�tlon,do eny act whlG�Tn�ator hae a�reed
<br /> but fetled to do and may also do any other act it deems necessary to procect the security hereot. Truator shall, Immedialely upon
<br /> dt►mand thoretw by�ender,pay to Lender all coste end expenses incurred and suma expended by Lender ln conne�ctlon with tha exer-
<br /> dse by Lender of the toregoing rlghb,togother with Inte�eat thereon et the detautt rete provlded in 4he Nate,which shail bo edded to
<br /> the Indebtedness secured hereby.Ler�der shall not Incur any Ilability because ol anythlnq It may do or omlt to do hereunder.
<br /> 9. Hazardous NatKiab.Tn�stor shall keep the Proparty In com�llance with ell epplicable laws, ordinancas and reputetbns
<br /> rols�ting to industrial hypiene or envircx►mentnl protection (colleatfveiy referred to her:+in es `Environmental laws')•Trustor ehala keep
<br /> ttx�prc�perty free frorn ell substences deemad to be hazardous w toxic undef any ErovironmenGal lawa(aoltectiveN rofemad lo hereln
<br /> es'N,azerdous Materlels').T►ustor heroby warrants end represents to Lender that there are no Hazerdoua Materials c�n or unde�me
<br /> Pr�perty.Trustor hereby ayraes to indemnliy and hold harmless Lender,Its directora,oHicen,emptayo«?ss and agents,end any succes-
<br /> sara to 4ende�s interest, trom end egalnst any and ell claima,damapes,bsses end IlabfliNes erising In conr►ectloo with tha prasence�
<br /> u:a,d'isposal or trar��t ot any Hazardous Materials an,under,from or ebout the Property.THE FOREGOING WARR/1NTIES AN� _
<br /> 10.Asslanm�rft oi R�nb.Trustor horeby assrovided tha�Trustor shall untle theroccurcence of en Event o'f De�aultt�hereunder�
<br /> aftflr a►ising ronts.�ssuea end Profits of the NropeRy;p
<br /> h�vo the�ight ta colled a�d retain such rents,issues and qroflts es they become due and payable.Upon the occuRenco of an Event ot
<br /> qef�uft,Lender may,either In person or by agent,with or wlthout bringing any ectlon or proceeding,or by o receiver appolnted by a
<br /> court and wittwut regard to the adequecy of fts security,enter upon and teke pos;seaslan of the Property,or any part thereof.in its own
<br /> name or in the neme of the Tnutee,end do any acta which It deems necessary or deelrabte to prese+rve ihe value,markelebi�ily or
<br /> rctntability of d�e Proparty,a any paR thereof or Interest thereln,or to Increase the income therefrom or protoct the seaxity hereof end.
<br /> wii'h or witlaut takk�g Poseession of the PropeAy�aue tor or otherwise colbct the ronb,Issues and profits tiiereof.including those past
<br /> due and unpeid,by�wlifying tenants to make paymento to Lender.Lender may apply rents,issues and protits��ess oosts end expens-
<br /> es oi aperatbn and coNecUo�induding attomey's fees. to any indebtednass secured herebY�all I� such order es Len�er may de�er-
<br /> mine. The enlsrk�g upon and teicing poseeaslo�oT the rropariy�inn i�iihi:ii'vr,�i a;;�.:,so��,t"..�:.-�w^•�'Fr�flra,anf tl�e applicaUon
<br /> thereoi as a(oresakl ehall not aue or waive eny default or notice of default hennurxler a i�validate any�ct done�n resPonse b�duch
<br /> deh►�11 mr purauant to such rwtice oi dafault and, notwithstanding the continuence in possassbn ai the property or the cdlection,
<br /> �aMxnenb or Dy�law upon oa:urtnnce of any Event o De'Iaulet,rinciuding without IlmiteUon the right tohaxercise�for i��oi eale.
<br />- Furlher,Le��ler's righb and nemedies under thia paragraph shell be cumulatNe with,and in no way e Nmitatl�on o�.Lenders�iyhb end
<br /> rtxriedies under eny assiprwnent of baeea and rents reoorded a9atnst the proFerty.Lender.Trustee and 1he receiver ahaN be liabb Eo
<br /> ac+couM only/or those rc+Ms atttwMy rocefved.
<br /> i i.Ew�ra ui D:::�:.Ti�Y••lfa�:a:s��l�t!caasli*�.,.�t�ers E�ent ot Defeuit ur�r thls Deed o!Tnur
<br /> (s)FaNut+eb pey any k►amkrt�ent ot principal or Interest or eny other aum securecl hereby when due;
<br /> (b)A breath cf or defeuit�x�der eny provisbn cantelned in the Nobo,thfs Dead of Tn�st,any of ths Loan Inshumenls.a any
<br /> otF►er Ben or encumbtanCe upon the ProPertY�
<br /> (c)A writ d execuUon or attsd�ment or any almilar process ahall be entered egainst Truator wMs�shaN becorne a Ne�on
<br /> the Property aeny patbn thereof or Intereat theroin;
<br /> (d)There sha11 be filed by or agatnst Tnistor or Borro�wer an adbn under eny present or future federel,stata or other statute,
<br /> Iew or rspulatlon nlNinp to bankruptcy,insotwr►ay a otMr rolb!for d�btors�or 1Mro�hall be appokitsd a�y Wates.ncelver or
<br /> liquid�tor d Tnutar or 8orrower or of aM or rrty paR of the PropertY.or the rorrts�lesuea or profils thereo(�or Trustor a Borrower
<br /> stwN make a�perleral oS3fQnrtient f01'the b9tlefit o(Credit0l'e;
<br /> (e)The sab. tronafer. lease� asslgnment ca�veyance nr tuAMr encumbrence M eH or any part ot or eny fnbereat(n ths
<br /> Property.eitt�r vduntarily or Invdu�►terNy.wHfiout the express wrcitten oonsent oi Lender;prrnided that Tnntor shall bs pemrt-
<br /> ied ro sxecub� kese of fhe Properly that does not oontein an opHon to purohase and the tertn oi wh�ch does not exoeed ons
<br /> Y�
<br /> (n Abrndmrr�ent of the Property;or
<br /> (9)It Trustor Is not an tndfvidual, the tssuance.sele�hanster,assipnment,conveyance or encumbrenoe of moro�n tif a
<br /> corporaUon) e E�I ot perannt of its Issued end ovtstending stock.or(fi a paKnership)a total of�_Pe�.
<br /> _ cenc or �artr�sn�v Mcerests,or(if a limited NabilkY compenY)e totel of percenc or a,e iimnea ua�u�r oompa-
<br /> ny inte�+eals avoNry rights dudnp tlie period thts Oeed otTnest rsmalns a Nen on the�roparty.
<br /> = 1p,RKrMdi�;/�caNrallon Upon DahuK.In the event of eny Event of DetauR Londer may,wlthout rwtice except as r+equlred
<br /> _ by law�dedare aN indebtedne�s secured hereby ta be due and payabfs and the same shall thereupon bacome due and PaYable with-
<br /> - out anY P�tmenl,demand�Protest or notice of anY Wnd.�hereaRer Lander may:
<br /> ° (a)ae�ro+rd thet Trustes exerdse the POWER OF SALE grented hsretn,end Trustea ahaN thereei0er cause Trwwlo�'a MOer-
<br /> est In tlxa Property to be sold end lltio proce�ds to be disbiAuUed,all In the mannet�rovlded In the Nebreske Ttust Deeds Ac�
<br /> - (b) �xe�+dss any and all rtghts provkkd ta�in a►�y a'f tf�Loan Irsstrumenb or by law upon occumence of a�y Event ot
<br /> Defeult;end
<br /> (c)Co�runer►ce an actbn to foredose tMo Deed ot Tn�t es e morlgape,appolnt a recefver,or specHi��ty enioroo any of the
<br /> = covenants liersot
<br /> '� No remedy hor�ein conberced upon or resenred to Trustee or Lender is(ntended to ba exdusive of any other romody here�n.In the Loan
<br /> ? Instruments or by taw providod or permittaal.but each shaA be cumulative,shaN be I�addiUon to every other rerviedY 9hren horeunder,
<br /> ,_.��.r..I..oMuw�nf�N nnW N AYYa}�Af AYI6�Ifb Y�I91Y Of Ifl SQUHY M DV S1HUIt0.and may be exe�cised ooncurrent►Y��ndePe�ie�th►
<br /> = or succesively. M
<br /> - 13.7rwt�s,The Trustee may restgn at any tlme without cause,and Lender may st eny Ume end wiCnout cause appoint a suo-
<br /> ' cesaor or substldite Trustee.Trustee shaN rwt be Ileb{e to any party,Induding without Ilmttatbn Lender,Bortower.Trustor a any put-
<br /> chaaer ot tt�Propedy, fa a�y loas or damage untess due to recicleaa or vrfltful miscor�uct,and shall not ba required to take any ectbn
<br /> = in connectbn wilh tlie eotoncement ot th►s Deed ot Trust unfess Ir.demnifled,(n vrritinp,for all costs,comPensation or expenses which
<br />__ may be essociated tliarewiM.ln additbn,Trustee may became e purchaser et eny sate of the Rropedy(judidal or under the power oi
<br />-� sate grented herem�;postpone the seie ni nii ut anr{►iNUw�Oi tiw i��C•'j..'�.cf;,as preeide!t by law;nr Ee1� the Property as a wt►ote.or In
<br />- saparete parcc�8s or bts et Trustee's discreUon.
<br />"� 14.FMS�ed Exp�rn�s.in tlie event Tn�stee seHs the Prope�ty by exerclsx ol pqwer of sale,Trustee shall be entitl�ed to apply
<br />- eny sab proceeds firet to payment of all costs end expenses ot exerdsinp power oi eale,Induding all Trustee's fees,and Lende�'s and
<br /> � Trustee's attomey'a to�s, actually Incurred to axtent permitted by epplicabb lew.In lhe event BoROwer cr Trustor exer+cises any right
<br />- provided by law to are an EvenC of DeFciuft,Lencier ehaN be entitied to recov�er from Trustw d!i casts ond expenses ect�lly incurred�a
<br /> - e reault ot TrustoPs default,Induding without I(mftetlon ell Trusiee's eixf attomey's feee,to the exte�t parmilted by applicabb law•
<br />� 15.Futurw Advmcas.Upon request oi Bortawet,Lender may,et its option,make edditional end futuro edvances and read•
<br /> vances to Borrower.Such advences and readvences,wilfi interest thereon,shail br�secured by this Daed of Truat.At no time shall the
<br /> � _
<br />