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<br /> TNIS �XTENSION AGREEm�SVT macie �nd executed this Z�� day oP �.
<br /> June � 19 97 , by and betweeri HOP'IE FEbERi1l SAIJI�G� AND LORN �
<br /> ASSOCIATION OF GRANO ISLAND� hereinaft,er reFerred t� as "Lender". and \ G
<br /> F�dARnS Bl Il' ❑TN, .oRp_, A �fahraSka �nxpprat i nn � ��
<br /> hereinafter referred to as "6orrower".
<br /> ItkIEREAS, Borrower hes preuiously executed and delivered unto Lender
<br /> e certain iVate secured by a Flee�i of Trust/Plartgage upnn that real estate
<br /> described as: Lot One (1). in °Fonner Subdivisian" an additian tn the city of Grand
<br /> Islande Hall County, Nebrsska -AND-
<br /> Part of the Southeast Quarter �f�•the Southeast •Quarter (SE�SE�) of 5�ction TwPnty-One
<br /> � �["1 j� i ownship 'tieven �ii j ivorin, nange i3ine �'�i wesL oP i.ne "oii-e r.i�i.� iiaii Couniy,
<br /> Nebraska, more particularly described as Follaws: Beginning at a �oint in the East
<br /> line of said Section which is 341 Feet South of the Southeast Corner oP Pleasant Mom�
<br /> ' Subdivision, as the point of beginning and cantinuing South 165. 5 feet� thenc� West
<br /> and parallel with this Subdivision 327 feet; thence North parallel with the East line
<br /> 165.5 feet� thence East 327 feet to point of beginning. Excepting Therefrom a certain
<br /> f tract of land more particularly dsscribed as follows: A tra�t of land being the southerly
<br /> six (6) feet of the northerly three hundred forty-seven (347) f�et of th� westerly three
<br /> and fi�e tenths (3.5) feet of the eayi,etily thfrty-six and fiv� tenths (36.5) feet of
<br /> ••" hte Southeast l�uarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE�SE�) of said Section Twenty-One (21)�
<br /> � lying southerly and contiguous to Pleasant Home Subdivision in the city a� Grand Island
<br /> � Nebraska. And also excepting a certain tract of land more partieularly describPd as
<br /> -,_ follows: A tra�t oi' land in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (�E�SE�)
<br /> of Section Z1, Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.m., comrnancing at the South-
<br /> � east carner of Pleasant Home Suhdivision in the city of Grand Island, Nebraska; thence
<br /> running west on the sfluth line of Pleasant Home Subdivision for a distance of 297 feet
<br /> tn the southwest corner of Block 16 in Pleasent Home Subdi.visiani i:hence running south
<br /> . and parallel to the east line of said Section 21 a distance of 341 feet to the actuai
<br /> � point of beginning; thence running south and parallel to the east line af seid Section
<br /> . _ 21 a distance of 165.5 feeti thence running west and parallel ta the south line of Pleas-
<br /> ant Home Su�division a distance of 30 feet; thence running Nox•th and parallel to the
<br /> which Oeed of Trust/I�'lortgage was dated December 19 � �,��n��nuedrpage 2)
<br /> � end filed for r�cord on December 20 , 19_96 � in tF�e aff ice oF the
<br /> Register of Qeeds of HALL � County, R�ebraske� as Oocum�nt No.96-109851
<br /> � 96-109889 :
<br /> �, lQ1EREAS� such Dee�i of Trust/P'lortgage had a steted maturity date of
<br /> mav '_, 2017 , ��(X :
<br /> < �
<br /> ItHFREAS, Lersder and Borrower have mutually agreed to re�ew end extend
<br /> fi�e indebtedness secured by such Deed of Trust/P'{ortgage,
<br /> NDIJ, THEREFORE. in �onsideration of such renewal and extension. thw
<br /> parties herQto give notice in accord with NE9. REU. STAT. § 76-Z39 of the
<br /> continued �ffectiveness af Lhe Uer.cl �r rr�,t/P'lortgage abnup described in
<br /> the follcnuing respe�ts:
<br /> _� r
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