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.. :1,�. �.)� • <br /> ii� " ,��1_i� . . . . . . . '1. i. <br /> �:�. .. . .. . . <br /> .R f�(. . , _ .._�tii:_ <br /> . , _ <br /> '+ ' ' �� - -- <br /> • ' �� - - _- <br /> �r'i+10+ _ <br /> -•I �tt'�YItiIUMlp1���''� . ..-.�. -.�___ .... <br /> .. . ..-. . _ . . ... . . . ..._ '.,+hYleV�f�M,.�..d.."..�_...,.......... �r.� �n' L`.. <br /> � ,+t. . �� <br /> .! � <br />-_"'tws:�.tJ� <br />,. COVENANT9 �7�w ���4��' <br /> s: , ..;ti�, -- <br /> 1. P�ym�nH. Borrowar �pne� to make dl peyment� on the eecurad debt when du9. Unlen Dorrower and Lender ayree otherwlp, any <br /> � peymmte Lsnder recelves lrom Borrowar or for Borrower's beneflt wfll be xDO��ed fint to eny amount� Borrowar owa� on ths cecured debt <br /> �{ exclwlv�of Int�nat a princlpd,t�cond Ro Int�n�t, and thsn to princlpal.11 panisi prepayment o}the secured debt occurs for any reason,It wlll <br /> - � �wt reduce or�xCUte�ny i��nt untLLttw•a� ed debt is paldlo tuu. <br /> Z.CtMms A�kNt T '�tl�roiUyr�vll�'���y��U tix� , ia�e� �nts,and otMr chtrpe�attribut�ble to�h�property whsn due�nd will detsnd title <br /> i <br /> to tM prop�rtY�O�Int �ny�Y Ilp�,vyt�i Wo�IA ir1���1t��►q en of this deed of trust.Lend�r m�y raquits Borrowsr to eetlpn eny rlyht�,ctalm�or <br /> d�hntes which Borro •;, R�Vt Rtpa►tk�wf�b tu ply I�bor or muerl�U to Improve or mafntaln the properry. <br /> �� �. k►�w�na. Borrowa wlll k��p the prop�rty In�und und�r t�rm� ecc�ptable to Und�r�t Borrower'�expertse�nd for Lsnder's benefit. All <br /> In�urance polictn thall Includs��t�ndud morta�p�ciaut�In favor o}Lender.Undar wfll be named n loas payee or aa the Insurod on any such <br /> Intur�nc�poticy.l�ny insurana�proaedr m�y Ue oppllod,withln LundoY'�dl:u�tlon,to olthet tho rootc+retlon or �epeir of the demeped property <br /> :,,„,�,� or to tM s�cund d�bt,I}L�nd�r rsyuln�matp�4s Insunncs,Bortower �pny�to mdntaln such Insunnce for aa lonp es Lender requlrea. <br /> �^� 4.PropNty.Borrower wlil keep the property In eaod Conditlon end make��reptirs reesoneEly neceaeary. <br /> 6.Ex�M. 8orrow�r aprses to pay�fl Lender'�expsnaet, Includiny re��ort+�bb attorneys'fees,tf Borrower breakn any covenants in thla deed <br /> i�. 01 truft or In any obilp�tlon sscured by thl�deed of tru�t.Borrower wil! p�y the�e smounts to Lender es providod In Covenent 9 of this deed of <br />� ; tru�t. - <br /> iicur�Ity fi tiri�i�� Bo�ower�wlll perfo m illf of�BorrowerLs noblipatlons�undar eny pr{orr mortpape�dA d of trust�ori othoiccue uprity tepaonmornt� <br /> Inctudinq Barow�Y�cown�nt�to mek�paymsnt�whsn due. ,�. <br /> u^-- <br /> 7.Aui�rr�t of R«tb�nd Prelfta.Borrower a�sipm to Lender tho re�t�end profit�of the propeny.Unlese Borrower and Lender heve epreed - <br /> � oth�rwit�In wrttinp, Borrow�r m�y collsct snd nt�fn tho rent4 as lonp�s Borrower it not in default. If Borrower defaulte, Lender, Lender's <br /> '` ep�nt,or �court�ppofnted recelver may t�ks potaea�ion and manepe the property end collect the rents. Any rents I.ender collects shall be _. <br /> �ppll�d flrit to th� cost� of m�naylnp the property, includinp court coiu and ettorneys' feea, commissions ta rental apente, and any other <br /> n�ceuuy related exp�nt�s.The remalninp�mount af rent�wf1l then epplYto ptyments on the secured debt as ptovided tn Covenant 1. _ <br /> ~ •,L��hdds•Condort�nium�;M�rNd UNt D�wlopin�nt�.Borrower•prN�ta comply with tfie provislons of anb Uase li thi�deed of truet is an <br /> � Y a ItstohalA. I�thl�desd of trust ie on e unit in e condominlum or a pl�nnsd unit tlevelopment.Borrower wiil pedorm ell of Borrower'�dutlee ¢ <br /> und��th�cown�nt�,hyI�w�,or repulatioro of th�co�dominlum or plenMd unh devetopment. <br />� Y� Authodty of L�rKN+to P�vlan�fa Sorrow�r. N Borrower faile to �dorrn eny of Borrower's dutlee under thl� deed of trust, Lender moy <br /> , , ortst uctbn on�tM prro{»rty i�discontinuedf ov not aaerled on In e reesoneblcemennem Lenderv ey do wh tever is necessary torprotect Lendur'e �� <br /> �:; •: •�., ncuriry IntM�tt In th�pro{�rty.Thi�m�y Includ�complrtinp the conetrualon. ['. <br />-.' •? Larxl�r's f�liure to pertotm wlil not preclude Lender from exercisin�eny of its other riphtt under the law or thla deed of trust. <br /> �' <br /> �'� �L''� ':'� Any amounts pald by Landsr to prot�ot Lmder'��ecurity Interest will b��ecaed by this d�sd of uust.5uch amount�will ba due on demand - <br />;�{ A 44j rnd wlll MN int�n�t irom the dat�o}the p�yment untll p�id in full at the intantt rate in eftect on the secured do6t, .. <br />� ,;,;�:_ y, 10. D�fwk �nd AeeMK�tloe. If Borrower f�llt to maks eny psyment when due or breaka any covenants under thls deed of Vust or eny o- <br /> S'r • oblly�tbn��cund by thl�d��d of trwt or�ny prlor morty�p�or deed of t�u�t, Lend�r msy accel�r�te ths maturity of th� aecured ds6t and - <br />=:aj �• •� d�m�M ImrrNdlat�p�ytn�nt md m�y Invok�th�power of uls and eny otMr nmedi��p�rmitted by�pplicable law. - <br />���;•r�r�;y.4�.; 11.IlpuNt ta NoHc�of D�h�At.It i�h�raby nqussted thet eople�of the notice�of defauit and sale be eent to each peraan who is a parCj - <br /> '� !"(7{i - INtOW�.i f�.::::ca....f.:..r:L�:s��s:an,as s-!lorth ht�_!r - <br /> ''•".:*• 12,�pwM of/�M,If th�Lsnd�r invok��the power of sale,the Truetoethalltiret record in th�ofilce of the r�pitter of deed�ot each county <br />_.��_ . <br /> -..��!±^/r�',;, vYMfaln tM truit properry w som�part or psrcel thereof le tituated e notica oi dofeuit contalninp the inform�tion requlred hy law. he rueteo <br />�N;;�,�•.,,,_:ti �h�ll�I�o mail copiq af th� notice of def�ult to the Borrowar, to eaeh perton who h a party heroto, end to othe►persons ae proscribed by <br />� L�• �pplic�bl� I�w, Not I�s� th�n one month dter the Trustee records th�notfa of default or two months if the t► fa nat In �ny <br />���=4i:'-*:" incapor�t�d clty o►vlllap�and I�uud in fuminp operetlona carrled on br the uuator,the frustee shell pivs public notico of eoln to th0 pereons <br />�:�'�^��-�1� �nd In th�mmrMr pmcrib�d by��ppplicabl�law.Trwtes,without demtnd on Borrower,shail aell Y�e pro{wrty at pu6110 auction to the hlphs�t <br /> —:=_;.au�$ WdGr,If requked by tl►�Farm Homeatead Prot�ctlon Act,Truateo ehell offar the property In two seperote nelea es required by eppiloable law. <br /> TruitN m�y pottporn tal�of dl or�ny puc�l of the property by pubiic mnancemsnt at the tims and plece of�ny provfouely acix+duled sele. <br />—�-w�� � L�nd�r or It�dalpn�s m�y purcha��the prape�ty et eny iale. <br />��a�:,�8w <br />_n��r�,,r�� UTpon rscNpt of paym�nt of th�prlc�bld.Truatae shett delivsr to ths purchasar iru�tes's ds�d conv�yinp the propirty.The realtlals conteined In <br /> �--""'� (oNUwirp a���(i►to illnsxpiniei�oi tM iile Includinph but�not�IMdted�to,�rensonsbleTTruitee�i feeiP�re�eomble attarney i�tiii and <br /> -- relntt�tMrNnt fees;(b)to�11 sums tscured by thi�deed of trust,and(a)the bali�ce,if any,to ths persons ispally entitled to receive It. <br /> 13.For�olorur�.At L�ndv's optlon,this d�sd of truit msy be(oreclosed In the mannor provids by sppticabte lew for forocloauro of mortpApes <br /> �_ ' on rsN w�v <br /> --- � 14,NNp�oqw�.L�nda m�y�ntu tM property to Inepect It if Lender gires Barower notfce beforehend. The noUce muat stato the reatonnule -- <br /> ° c�uN fa Und�r's Inip�ctbn. <br /> 1!{,QoMM�MMYOn.Bortow�r asdp�m to L�nder the proceed�of any awud or cl�im for damages connectsd with�condemnetion ar other teking <br /> --== 01 MI or�ny pMt of tM prop�rty.5uch procsedi will be epplied ee provlNd in Covenant 1.7hfs esalpnment Is subJect to tho torrna of any prior <br />�_ __. — . actxiry aprNrrNnt. <br /> 1A.WAiwr. By sxaclefnp eny►emedy�v�fl�bto ta Lender, I.sndsr dosa not Biv� up snY riphts to later uae enV other remedy. By not oxercisl <br />� __� �ny rertNdy upon Borrow�r'�d�f�ult,Lender does not w+ive sny right ta Uter conaldsr the event a defeult It It happens apsin. � -- <br /> ---� - 17� JMM�M tw�nlU�b�ty Co•Npn�n; Succ���on �nd Assl9ns Iound,All dutiei under thb deed of trwt are joint and ceveral. Any - <br /> Borrewer wtw co•sqn� thl� dNd of vwt but do�s not co•dyn th� underMn� dsbt instrumentlel doea �o only to prnnt and convey th�t --- <br /> BorrowM'�IntM��t In tM prop�rty to ths Trutt��und�r th�tsrrm of thl�deedo trust.In additfon,auch a 9onower apreea that the Lender�nd _ <br />—_•'�� �ny otMr Borrowa►und�r thl�d��d of trwt m�y sxtend,modifY or mak�sny other ch�npes tn the terms of thl�deed of trust or the secured - <br />__ - � d�bt wNhout th�t Borrow�r'�conNnt�nd without rol���lrp th�t Borrowr bcm the terms of thfs deed of truat. _ <br /> —_-- TM dutis��M b�nNit�of thb d��d of trwt sh�ll bind md b�n�ftt the suusseas and��siQn�of Lendsr�nd Dorrower. <br /> � -"� 1/.Plolle�.Unl�n otMrwis�rpuk�d by I�w, �ny notic�to Borrow�r shdl ba plven by delivevinp It or by,mallinp It by certified mall addretsed ta <br /> __ ==T-.�,� 4orrawM�t tM{xop�ty�ddnas a my oth�r�ddres�th�t Borrowe hn piven to LenJ�r.Borrower w�ll pive dny notice ta l.ender by co►tifi�d - <br />_----- m�il to L�ndN'��ddr���on pp� t ot thi�ds�d of tru�t,or to�ny othsr�ddnts which Lsnder has de:ipneted. Any other notice to Lend�r shdl _ <br /> �;•�, � b�wr►t to L�r�r'��dsk�w u�tat�d on p�pe 1 of thf�d��d ot trust. <br />�='x..;.,.� - <br /> w�, , , �- Any notls��hdl b�dNm�d to h�v�b��n plven to Borrower or Lender wMn ghen In the manner atnted abovo. <br />"`"`;;:� .� 1��TtMNf�r of tM Mop�rty a�t�n�11dY Intu��t In ffi�Barow�t.Ii�u or eny part of the property or any Intoreat In it la eold or tranaferred <br /> � � ��•' wlihout l.�ndN'• p►lor wrltt�n con�snt, Undor may demsnd immediato pr�yment of tho securod debt. Londer may aiao demend immediete - <br /> rx.�i�':?` payrMnt If tM 8orrow�r b not � naturel psrson and a beneficial Intoren In the Borrower Ia aold or tranaferred. Hnwever, Lcnder msy not =_ <br />��-µ _ demMd pWmmt In th��bow Ntuatlont It It ts prahiblted by federai lew n oi the data of thie dood of truet. _ <br />�-� Z0. RseoewyM�o�.WMn tIH obilq�tlon acund by thls deed ot trust hee been peid,end Lender hae no turther obllgetion to make advancee a• <br />��;,+• undN tM In�trum�nt�w� n�m�nt��scund hy thls dosd of trust,the Trwtee ehetl,upon written requost by the I.ender, roco�vey the truet � <br /> pro ty.Th�L�ndN�hNl�NIvN to th� Borrow�r, or to 9orrower'�succesaar In Intere�t,the trust deed end tne note or other evfdencs of the `- <br />��,,,,�_� obl�tbn�o a�tl�tiul.Florrowa�h�il pay my rocordation cocte. <br /> �F <br /> � ' it. /uooNSa Tru�tw. L�nd�r, at Undor's aptlon, may remove Trusteo ind eppolnt a succeaaor truatee by tvst, memng e copy ot me <br /> �,a" ' tub�litutbn n}tru�t����npuirsd by eppllc+bla taw,and tlien,by f111n0 tM sub�titutlon ot truatee for record In the office of tho reeieter of deods <br />_ .� uf��ch county In whlch th�tru�t prop�►ty,ar�ome pan theroof, la titu�ted.The�ucceosor truatee,without conveyance of the property, ahall <br /> � tuccNd to�11 tM pow�r.du1N�,authoritv�nd title of the Tru�te�named In tM deed of trust and of any succsssa trustoe. <br /> � Ipapt 2 of?I <br /> � � kAkMIM Rr�ifA1/.MIC.iT CL6UD.MN 6p01 11�100�9Y7�7J111 F011M OC►�MTO�HE 6/1151 <br /> � j <br /> qt <br /> _. f <br /> ...... � <br /> —, i <br />. Cd° . . .._. ., . ... ..,.. . ,._.r.__�...: .,-.r.__.,._._... �_._-_____. ..__ <br /> Y . .. ..- -- - ra.- _�....__y.�....�....y__.�.�._____ ._. <br />