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. . f t. �. . . ...Y.\,.-,:•�..: . <br /> .� . � , :F:' <br /> � ,�p� �� —C'e.� � <br /> .a� �L�'i'l1�MD7N�/�'VV✓,e�uM���,�f. ',^:,�`'y:"'� ���+�++r.P•'���.y;.�. •.try•1G1'f"l'1', i�i —_ <br /> ,. _.. .-�e� . . .. .. . - . _ <br /> _. ;h� �. <br /> � <br /> " '"" "�"`"� COVENANTB /� -- <br /> , Borrower �preei to m�ke �II p�ymed�on th� ucund d�bt when du�. Unl�s� Borrowe �n��nd�r ��M����ny <br /> .. �y t 1. I�yrt+rnt�. -- <br /> i <br /> �� exclunlve�of�interest o�I principal,aecond to Intn�e B��nd hen to printcipe� pertle/pre�payment of the sacured�debt occu�s (or�ny reiiondi d b� _ <br /> ' T. not rbdace or excwe sny ochaduled p�yment unUl tM ocund debt le pald in fuil. �.: <br /> � � . .._. . ,,,,,,-....,_,...._ <br /> 2,CI�Em�Aydn�t Sitl WR�MM�y�M�tONi,.:Ml� snt�,and other chnrpe�nttrlbuteble to the roperty when due end will da}end titie �'=_ <br /> El <br /> � � to tha property�p dn�t�n Ime wh � I s n of this deed of trust.Lender mey requlre arrower to a��lpn eny riphn,cielms or -.- <br /> ; { defsnse�which Barro r y �� ply I�bor or meterlel�to Improve or m�lntaln the praperty. �y� <br /> l'!M!E:iP��.l�NY�, .��.. <br /> 3.I�uix�ne�. Borrows �'1itD pMOpReYlnets'Ild r termo acceptable to Lender et Borrower's expenae and for Lenderr'e beneHt.All �:� <br /> .� imursnce pollclst�hsil Includs e�tand�rd mortp�pa clwse In favor of Lender.Lender wiil be n�med aa loas payee or a�the insu►ed on any auch •-_- <br /> ineurance pollcy.Any Insurance proceede mey be�pq�ed,withln Lender's dlicretion,to either tha reatoretlon or repalr of the d�maped property <br /> 1 or to the eecurod debt.If Lender requireo mortgapa ancasnco, Borrowor nprcos tu mnintuln euch Incuronco for en lonp ee Lender�equlrea �i=" <br /> 4 ...�y�41l� ] �,. <br /> 4.Ptnparty.Borrower wfll keep the property in Bood wnd itlon and make ell repairc reaaonably neces�ary. <br /> '-`": <br /> ,r�iW�"�� b.Fa�p�ni�i•Borrower eproea to pay ell Lender'e exqnsea including ressonabte ettorneys'feea,If Borrovier breaks eny covanante In thla dead �s- <br /> �y wy��. of truat or in any obtipetlon secured by thle deed of Wtt.�orrower wlll pey these emounts to Lender es provlded In Coven�nt� of this deed of " <br />_,r•. � troat. - <br /> . �� 8.Prior S�eutitv Int��t�.Unlest Borrower first obuNt Lender'e written consent,Borrower will not maka or permit any chnnge�to any prior <br /> eecurlty Inlens�e. Borrower wlll perform all o}Bo�rowe�'t oblig�tion� under eny prlor mortgege, deed of tru�t or other secu►ity egreement, ` <br /> �'� I�cludinp BorroLvar's covensnt�to make p�yment�wMn due. <br /> �� 7.As�o�i»M of RN►ta e�d Proltb.8orrowar auipru to Lender the rents and profits of the proparty.Unlesa Borrower and Lender heve aQreed <br />_ � � otherwrse in writinp, Borrower msy collect and rsi�lnthe rents es lony oa Borrower Is not in default. If Barrower defaultt.Lender, Lender'e <br /> egent,or s court�ppolnted rscelver msy take poss�s►ion�nd manage the property and collect the rente. Any rente Le►nder collectc ehall be <br /> ' '� nece�stary related expenieaf The rero�efning imount ol ente will then apply to peymente on the secured dabi as p ov ded In Cove�antd1eny other <br /> ��t' a,L�N�oldr Condomitdumr,Plarxnd Unit D�v�lopmml�.Borrowor egrees to compIy with the pravlafons of any lease It this deed of t�utt is on <br /> � •Nu�hold.It thia deed of ttuat Is on e unit In e cadaminium or a pl�nned unit development,Borrower wlll perform atl of Ha�tower'�duties <br /> undat tha covonanta,by-Invla,or repuleUona of the candominium m pMnned unit developmonL � <br />�'-�- • �• 9.Aufhaity ot l�tx1M ta PKform fa Borrowe. If Borrowsr tall� top erform any of Borrower'e dutiea under this deed of trust,Leoder mey <br /> _;r"%.� � perform ths dutlet a eaues them to b�p�Mormed.lmder msy el8n Horrower'o neme ur p�y sny emount(f neoessny tor perform�nce.If sny <br /> conatructlon on tMproperty le discontinued or not cudsd on in e ren�onable manner,Lender may do whatevar le necessary to proteot Lender's <br /> `� „ aecurity intersst in tM property.Thi�may Include complatinp tho con�truction. <br /> '�.Y,�'.•. <br /> , Lender'e fnllur�to perform will not preclude Lender fram exercising any of ite other ripl�ta under the Iew or thfe deed oi trusi. ��, <br /> ^'i , Any�mounts paid by Lendsr to protect Lender't securfty Interost wlll be secured by thla deed of truat. Such emounte w(II 6e due on demend <br /> • and will bsar interest from the date of th�psyment uMil p+id in full at tM interest rete In effect on the secured debt. <br />:+4',+.'...v ;r <br />-� " 1p, p�}wlt�nd Acc�IwWot�. I� Borrower fails to m�ke�ny piyment whan due or breake any covenants under this deed of truat or any <br />`�° �� obiipstlon aecurad by thli de�d of tru�t or eny priamortpape or deed of truat, Lender may accelerote tha msturity of the cecured d�bt snd _. <br /> '-'"� • ,� dem�nd Immediats p�ymsnt and may invoke tM pawxof��te and any other remedie:permitted by applicabte law. <br />-:�,f�':_ .:•:. <br />�__'w;ry T:;`. 11.Rpw�t ta Hotk�of D�fw1t.It Is hereby roque�ted that cople�of the notices ot defauft and nele ba sent to e�ch pason who U� prrty <br /> .,,.��H� �� hereto,at tM addreae of sach auch persan,aa set fath hereln. <br />�"�•��-.'�.' 12.PowM of S�N.If the lender invokaa the powerd s�k, the Truitee shall ilret rocord in the office ot the repister of deeds of�ach county <br />�"��'•' ` '° whsnin the uust property or aome part or parCel tMrw1 la sitwted a notice ot detault containin0 the irdormation requlred by law.Ths Trostee <br />�..�w �• ,•;' h persons asp escribed b <br />-��.,,. ,r; , ahell dQO m�il copis�of the notiae of d�f�ult to tM Bc�rrower,to e�ch person who It a patty ereto, a�xl to other r Y <br /> ���,j�,,,_.,�• applic�bls I�w. Not lesa thm one month aiter the Troat�e records the notice ot default or two month� if th� trost property lt not in my <br /> t�t_,�!�,a•�•�. incorponted city a vtltaps�nd is u:ed in ferminp opa+tion�carrled on by the tru�tor,the frustee shall pive public notice o1 t�M to the penons <br />_„-*e �nd In the m�nner pnecribed by apppiicabie law. TnntQe,without demand on Borrowerr,t yshal�sell the proparty at pubiic auctlon to the hfphsst <br />�`".•'���� Tbuit�e�roiy poitpaneials oT sll oriny po cettof�=f�property by publfc snnouncem�ent af the time apnd pi�o�of anyrpQevlo sly icl�iedubd se}�. <br /> �--_�:";���„s�� Le�dsr ar Its des�qrNe may purchass the property at Ny e�le. <br /> � Upon rscelpt of p�Ym�nt of tha pric�bid,Trust�e sMl delivsr to tha purch�ter T►uttee'�d�sd conveyinp tM prop�rty.TM recitial�eonnlned in <br /> TrwtN'�dNd�hall be primo facis avldienc�of tha vutF�of tFw ct�tements contein�d thxeln.TrustN shall�ppty th�proceedf of tM�e4 in th� <br /> ---•���°�'������ tolbwinp wdsr. (�) ta dl sxpenses oi ths ��le, Ind�sdinp, but not itmited to, roason�bls Trustea's fe�s, reawn�bi� �ttarn�y'o feas and <br /> — s==�u�-�� relnst�tsment fees:lb)to dl sums aecured by thls dNd of truat,and(c)the batance,if any,to tM persons lepally entitbd to roceive It. <br /> --- 13.Fasdowa.At Lender'e option,this deed of t�u�t mey be foreclo�ed in the m�nner provide by epplicabie i�w fa forecbsu►e of mort9aqes <br />— ----== on roei prop�rty. <br />_,,,,,,,��,h1f1��� 14.M�qNCtla�•Lender may enter the property to in�peot It if lender pives Borrower notice beforehand. Th� notice must ct�ts tM�aaonabl� <br /> 1�:�.�� causs for Lsnder's inspection. <br />-- � 16.C�on.Borrower easigna to Lender th�p�aceeds ot my award or claim for damegee conneoted with s condemn�tlo�or other takiny <br /> of all a�ny part of the property.Such proceeds wiY bs epplied�s provided in Covenant 1.Thi��salpnment is aubJect to tM terme ot my prior <br /> • _ = acudty�oreement <br /> � -_;��� 18.WdvM.8y enerclsiny my rsmedy awilable to Under.Lend�r does not pive up sny riphts to later uss my oth�r rem�dy.By rat exsrei:inp <br /> -�� any nmsdy upon Borrower'e defeuit,Lender does not walva a�y riqht to latsr comid�r the svent a d�fau�t it it happ�na aflsin. <br /> �"""'�'"__�_'� 17, ,IaMrt�nd SwKr ��� Ca�ty��i: Suee�ors�nd Aulpeu Baxd. All dutlss under thls dsad ot trust �rs jolnt and�ewnl. Any <br /> Borrowa who caslyns thts dNd of tru�t but don raot co-:Ipn tM undcrlyIrtp d�bt ImtrurtNntU) do�� so only to �nnt arui conwy that <br /> � 8o►�ower'�Intu��t in th�prop�rty to tM Trust�e uM�r th�terms of this d�ed of trust.In�dditbn,�uch a Borruwe��preei that the Lend�r�nd <br /> _,_.��;.,;,_4�tY,�4;� my otMr 7orrowsr ander thb de�d of trust mry exund,modifv or make eny otMr ch�npet In tM terme of tMS d�ed of trost a the tecursd <br /> -�s• d�bt without thet 4brrower's con�ent and without r�N�sirq that Borrower hom tM terms of thli dead of Vust. <br /> --�w"�=� The dutte��nd benefit�of thl�dssd ot tru�t sh�ll bind�nd benefit tM tucc�storo md asalpne of lender and Borrowar. _. <br /> --�,;��*a�^� <br />'_`"=��`;-_--�� 18,}Iodc�.Unkss otherwise rsqu!red by law,eny noUce to Borrower chatl be piven by deliverinp It or by maUinp it by ce►tifkd mail�ddresa�d to <br />°""";;`��.; Boaow�r.�t the ptoperty�ddre�s or eny otMr Wdra� th�t Borrow�r hss piveo to Leoder.Borrower will piv�my notice to Lender by c�rtifi�d <br /> -=`-�,7^�, mati to Ler►d�r's�ddr�ss on p�p� 7 of thb dead of wst,or to eny otMr address which Lender haa dsslgnit�d.Any othsr rwtice to Lsnder chall <br /> �'�±�`" �:,"" be sent tA Lendsr'�eddross an eteted on p�pe 1 of IN�deed of truat. <br /> �.° "�•��'�' An notiCe shall be deemed to heve bsen pfven to Borrower or Lender when plve�In the menner eteted ehove. <br /> -- `�' . i�,�: Y <br /> - •@xi,.... <br /> --:..iTi' �`• � ' 79.?nrt�iK of tM Propety a� 8�41d�1 knK�s�h tM Borrow�r.!t sll or any pm of ths proporty or any intsrost in it f�sold or tnnstsrrod <br /> -:'.;�?,:°'��::'::, without Lende►'s prlor written canesnt, lsnder rruVdamand Immediats ptym�nt of tM secured debt. Lender m�y alm damend Immediate <br />- ;•i,;.•�. �• •� payment ff the Borrower is not a mturN penon nd e beneficlal Interest in the Borrower is sold or tt�nsferrod. However, Lender mey not - <br /> -'=-'� . �`°= , demMd Rayment in the�bove situ�tlons f}it is p►oh�ltsd by fedenl lew as of the date ot thb de�d of trust. <br />_ . `.;;•�: ; <br /> "� 20.R�cafwyanc�.Whan tM obtiy�tion secured bYthGa deod of truit h�s been paid,snd Lender haa no furthsr obliyatbn to m�ke�dvances <br /> �.:r ` und�r tM inatrument�or�preement�secured by tNt deed of uust.tM Truatee thall,upon vrritten requeat by tM Lender,reconvay tAe truat _ <br /> � propwty.The Lender shell deliver to the Borrowe�,a to Bonowar's�uceessor in Interost,the uuYt dsed snd the note w other evidence of the = <br /> - ��';'�, a6hg�tlon to aatiaffed.Borrower ehail psy ony recorddion coste. _ <br /> ��� ---- --�-_ e. e.-------- r........ �..,d.. ■r�.rvi.r■ nn::m mav remnv� 7rustae end ennoint e succeasor Vuetee bv first, m�lling a copy ot the <br /> : ,z.,. - <br /> '..,�r�- �•� aub�tftutlon of vueUe ea requlred by apphcable lew,ind then,Ey filinp the substitution ot truatee for rocord in the osiice ot tne rogiater ot�estla . <br /> of e�eh eounty in whfeh the truat property, or eorm Dsrt thereof, is eituatod.The suceeseor truatee, without eonveyance of ihe property,shall � <br /> ' � . succeed to all the power,duties,authoriry ond title af tiie Trustee named in th�deed of trust and ot eny successor trustee. <br /> � <br /> .. IP�p�7 0/21 . . <br /> " BANKEBS 6YSTEM9.INC.,ST.LLOUD.MN 6E701 U-l00•$97•23111FOIW OCP�MTGNE0/19/Ut _ _ •_ <br /> � <br /> ' <br /> �� ' . . . . .. . .. . . . ;:,-......_._..� . ., _ _ . .,.. .. .. . <br /> .. .... ... . ... . ... .. .. .. <br /> ... <br /> ..•. .. . - _ ._--- - <br />