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<br /> �R� •
<br /> �A � .
<br /> ' � . ... .. b++Y� � ''�i?.
<br /> •�, . . ... -.'IJ�
<br /> , oh .• :UlZtt!Y .L�(••
<br /> � , " ._ ru 1��... � /: - � ..._._i...... .. . .�,c....>..�..�.�wr.�.. .. i.h+�1.�a�..1 .... -
<br /> . . .. : _ . .. .
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> . ,. . . - _ ii - .. ... .� . . . ......"" '.'"' _-_- ... ' .
<br /> . . . ....... . .... .... . . . � . . LMT,..,
<br /> by thl�Mort�a�e.Mort�or�h�ll p�y to Mort��� th�mouat ot a�y dstlof�nay be�en thfl►Tlt�u'i+ww�i' _-
<br /> ments,tnrura�n�,e premlum� sna �r+�und r�nt�Rnd the d�po�lW h�reunder withln 10 d� Rfter dsmand i�wad�upon r,__,
<br /> MortQ�or mrywtin�pynu�nt thex�of. ;:-
<br /> �. YMpalr�l�alalw�ao�aad tilM.To pmmpt�y ropua�.reotors or rebuild ar�y buildixigs or improvsmsnt�aow as
<br /> here4ltsr on ths Property;W kwp thi Peop�rt�yy in Qooct oc�ndition wnd rep�fs.wlthotxt ws�t�.�,nd tte�lram mwb�nio'a or
<br /> othsr lieni not esprea3y�ubordin�t�d to the lle�a h�reo�aot to m�lcs� suifer or permit��u�a�°�minf�of l�w `��"��
<br /> „ ditniai�h or imp�ir the�v�lus ot th�Prop�r�►by WY ac�oeo=aiwioa to aot;wnd to aomp�9 1.-
<br /> with raapao4 to Yhe f*:a�s�{y � -
<br /> �. ��?^�.
<br /> � 7. Cond�m�utiaa, Ia the event ths Propsrty, or►ny put thereuf, ahwll bs taken by emfaint domoia.th�
<br /> Mo fi empo�nered W wll�ot and reoeive all aompen�tion whioh m�y be W►id tor�n�y propertY W[en os fur dam•
<br /> ...wr� • rtQ+1�eA �'�;�":
<br /> ,,„_- •�+l� a�er to property noL twlcea, aacl Mort��sh�l1�pPI,Y euoh oomp�niation. �L it�opdoa, eithes Lo �xeduotion of ths
<br /> x,..
<br /> indebtednes�seaured hemby or to repair wnd re�tore ttse properRy w dam�sd• �;A ^
<br /> �'.----
<br /> d, prriosmwaoa:ih�[ort�s�.MortQs�ee uuy�t�ut wh�ll.have uo obll�tion,to do any eot whiah tha Niort��gor �--;_
<br /> hs�a�n�ed buf tsi4 ta do,and Mort�t�es ayy�Iw do►�9 aot it deems neos�sarY to P�����a h�reof.11torfQ�or �
<br /> a�eee�to mpy►.upon demand. �uy suma w u�cpended by the E.tort�ee for the Rbovs purporeo.and �qY�ums�° C
<br /> �peaded by tha Mort�w� �all be addad to the ind�bt�dae�s�souttid h�r�by aad beooms ntb�soL W the lion h�e+�of. --
<br /> �+IortQe(�se shall not iaotu�psn�nalliabill�Y bea►uM ot�a�ythi°�it m�,y do or omit to do heseunder. _
<br /> ' p. D�tault;A�dpm�nt of Aant�.Time i�of ths�tencs hei»o�snd upon Mort��gor�default in aqy aoveaent
<br /> . or egreemeat of this Murt�a�e,fuoludtng ar,�enanta ta Pa,7a►3aea due the eume eeaured bY this Ma�t�t6p��e Mort�agee 6
<br /> shall be entitlsd,aL its�ole option and wlthout notioe,to deoLre�il sum��soured bY this M°rtg�°t°the immediwtslY =„
<br /> . � du�and�qyabla snd m�y oomm�n�e toreolwuss oi tLi�I�oai�+�'e bY Judiclwl ProoeedinWi and.Provldact Surthsr.tha�t
<br /> upon suoh defwult the Mo�e�e,or s reoeiver appointed by s�oourt.m�,Y�t its optioa snd wlthout raQard to ihe adeqw►�
<br /> . . , oq of th��ourify.snLsr upon�ad talce po�se��ion o!ths Pioperfy aad ooll�at ths renhr.issue�+und proIIts thsrst�+om and
<br /> appl�y the�oa llret to the oort af oolleatlon nnd operstion o!tha Properqi aad then upon the indebtedneM seaurad b9 ttti+�
<br />_ �� Mortga�s;�aid:sat�, is�ues and pmrit� be1nQ as�ianed to ths Mortg�ee se furthes aeourity for Yhs Payment ot tYxe
<br /> . indebtadnen seoured henby.
<br /> - 10. �'rao�s o[Piopat�If�11 or�ay part oi ths PropertY b sold or t:aasierreci without Lhe espx�s written oon- -
<br /> �' ; MnL of the Mo
<br /> rt�w. 1Nart��w m�y�!its wl�option�dwLr�R11 aumi seaur�d bY thi�Mort��to b�imm�diatel,q'
<br />°'------.�
<br /> due�ud�►ble.
<br /> t_- , , :
<br /> � !1. �atus� Adw�soN.Upon request of MortQ�or. Mort��ee m�}►m�1ce�dditional aad future�uivanoM to
<br />� ' i Mortgagor.Buoh�dvanoa�wlt�.i intere�t thsreon,�hwl1 b��eovrsd by this Mort��e when svldanoed by Pmmis�or9 aotM
<br />� « �q�ttng tt�at�aid note� an �eousad hereby.At no t1m�s5�11 ths prinoip�l smowst of ths indebtedneM Nsoursd b9 th�s
<br />+i`.-.�,.�•� . �ti,i ,�. Moziga�e.not inoludinQ�uau wdvamoed to proteot ths reaurii,y ot thfe MortQe�e�mo�ceed the original Note.
<br />=: .� �;;
<br /> "i� �'•. 3!. 1UswilaawwPsovlar]onr.
<br />-�.;,, ,, -
<br /> ,,.,.'i'�', .:..r
<br /> _-v..�_ny..
<br />�,:•,.�.Fv.th+:w
<br />;.;q,:,<:....:.:t.� (») �y��ye�a���fslnQ a�y si�ht or remoc�y sh�ll aoL 6e a�aiver thesrof.
<br /> _-__-r.K+t-•
<br />_�- `. ...-.E_ � (p) A11 rem�die�provldsd hersin are distina aud oumulstive to aoy other ri�ht atiorded by law or equiW.
<br />�y�x'4�°�'°'�°*a'� �nd nt�yybs e�srclsed oonourrentl,y.iadsp�ndeatJy or�uooessivs�y.
<br />�-.�.�
<br /> --�.�a�=:e-_
<br /> v`"----�-�:--i�_�,
<br /> �..,,.;:�;.'�-�,3 (o) The oo�venasta and a�reements oontaiaedhersin�hW bind.and ffis rlght�inure W.ths rwpeotivs�uo-
<br /> _�-.��..=i';��s��"y oe�sors ead�elRw otthe MortgaQor�adthe Mortg�os.
<br /> -°:.Y�iTM%�:y
<br /> "'-�""•:;''� !' (d) All oavenunq aad o�eeme�ta ot the Mo�or are Joint�ad�evsr�l.
<br /> "=;�: � �-al�• ! =-
<br />�'�,�''' � � � (e) The hssdtng�oi the parn�r�ph�of thi�MotR�a�'e for oonven9e:noe oaly and�2�all not bo su�ed to iat�r --
<br /> ___��,... . _
<br />-- +;.° prst or�etin�t�ie provfsianr hereoL
<br /> "'].'b�,,..;t''a: '
<br /> ._: �L,-���; . li.Ml�w. Upon p�yymeat ot alII e11+ms�eoured Dy Ll�is Mortgage.Mort�egee ehRU dieohar�e thi�Morf�ge�n� ----
<br /> _'- ;� -
<br />��,I.: !+±: : �th�ll eaowut�aad deliwro attisfaotory relew ther�for.
<br /> y ,:'l�t• �c.... ;,,r�-
<br /> .rJ�1E•�,. xL--
<br /> :.ytpi.er.. - _-.._.
<br /> '.. r��y�s r�r.� ��
<br /> '- ' c� • IId VyPPNF,ElB WHEREOF.Mortaagor ha�ezeoutedthlo Mortgay{e on the 8th d�y oi May -i��r�_• —_
<br /> � `G� Benowrr �(:'.'�_
<br /> Jo . Urbi na �,�,,,::�
<br /> " C�, c =�=
<br />— . ,;.5, , Boncw.r
<br /> - �ren E. Urbina)
<br /> . "�:' State ot Nsbrarlca. H d l l County ee: .
<br /> Y .
<br /> {� pa� p�h �yr ot Ma y _�18 91 "before me.the undersi�ed.s Notary Publlo
<br /> ��.
<br /> �; dui,yoommiwionsdandqualltiediortaidoounty.person�lyo+ms Jon 7 U►'bina and KarP� F, UCbi111_
<br /> ,�+;. <:
<br /> =- �....ti_..a v. ...:s.. .tn me 1mowII to be the _�•
<br /> ..�..:........ ......_+.T- ttMJY4��M Y �I� �G �
<br /> . ' identical person(s)whae aame(�)�re subwrlbed to the tore ing in�trument�nd aala�owlociged the e�eoutlon thereoi
<br /> tp� t h P i r voluntary i►ot aad deed.
<br /> � WittieM�y►bwud e►nd uotarlsl ee�l aL r'"�'"a T'-i -•"•a uohra ck a fn ssld oounty.the
<br /> date�torewld.
<br /> � I�y Coaimiirion enpirer. �GEMEIW.MOiAAY�M W IkOnW t .
<br /> OE1fRA McELAOY
<br /> wp�o.F�,l�rwll,tflt NMary Publlo
<br /> �
<br /> � NBCtoeeerAS �
<br /> - -. . .. - '� VINW15�17R�wuiw.iirw�v T.T�MC��.I.w 4�N.InNM IlrwVw I�Wfr�Vcl
<br /> f T �.•
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