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<br /> ."�.i.�i�:'t`._.
<br /> ' . � `% . ����rh.r-._
<br /> . �.
<br /> . .,� . . . . . �.t--�, y�l - - .. . .ec:+i:_'"
<br /> . � ..o . �:.. . :.
<br /> �. •i." ' / .I .•A�;' � � ' ��..',J,�._... . " "'
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<br /> . yM�r.i11�Y'NwLfM�rr.....:rr)i--i.:e+..-•-....._. �-...._
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<br /> ° 'Ba��Ky ��crow �cc�wnt und�r th�bd�i RMI E�ut� SNtl�m�nt Prx�durN Rct of 187� �� on�,�d�Src;�;tlrte ta t!ms, /2 U.B.o. `-
<br />--*��'.�r�� �p1 ��p. ('RE8l�A').unN�s�noth�►Mw tluit appNn to Ih�Funds sMe�(MeK �mounl, M w,L�nd�r m�y,�t�ny Um�, coM�cf u�d
<br /> � hold Fund�M �n emount not to excwd th�Ne�r►�mount• LmdK rtsay�dkswt�th��mount ol lund�du�cxi lii�beN�of curnr►t d�i� --
<br /> �t '`�" �nd rN�on�b1��etMn�tn of�xp�rtdilurh ol Wwn E�uow It«ns w oth«wit� Mt�ecadana wNh �ppAc�ble I�w. �'�'
<br /> ,�' � � Th� fund� �h�N b� hNd In in InsUludor. who�a d�poNt� �rs I�»ur�d by a IM�r�I �p�nay, MitUutn«i1RNly, w �nUty (k►dutpnp =��
<br /> ';}, � l�nd�r, H Lendrr Is�uch�n MnptuUon) a in �ny F�der�l Hom� Lwn B�nk. L�ndu eh�A �pply lh�Funds lo p�y Ih� Esc�ow It�n�. ";:-
<br /> '• � L�nd�r m�y no4 ch�rp� E1orrowK tor halding �nd �ppylnp tho Funds, �nnuaNy�nN)zk�y ths s�crow �ccounl, or vKMylnp th�Esaov(� _
<br /> .`.`'�. ItMn�,uc�IM� L�ndK Wy�Borrow�►M�t�rM on ih�Fund�md�pplic�bN kw p�mil�l�nd�r to trMk��uch�ch�rp�. HowwK,L�dN'r� "
<br /> - r��� mny requke 0orrowK to pay�onatkn� ch�rp�tor m ind�p�ndent rMl eft�t�t�x repoKlnq axv�e ui�d by L�ndrr In aonnK.Mlon wMh� �_..
<br /> �` thl�ban,unNss�ppNcabN faw prov{d��oth�n+rls�. Unhf�m�qrwnwnl IY m�ch a�ppfc�bN I�w��ukN Int�rNt to b�p+W.Lrnd�r�
<br />-'�Yr�,�� eh�N not t�rw��r�d to p�y Borcowa�ny k�tK�st w Mminpa wf Ihe Fund�. Borrowx md LmtiK m�y�prN In wrtNnp, howwK,th+il Q _
<br /> :�� Int�tnt �h�M be p�M on th� Funds. Undu eh�N phr� fo Bortowa,wNhoul ohvpe. �n annud occounUnp of th� Fund�, �howkip� _
<br />,_;r,.:,,._; ,�- credls� �nd d�bMle to ths Fundd�nd th�purpos�lor whkh Mah dN�H lo ih�Fund�wa�m�d�. Th��und� �n placiy�d as�ddidonal p �
<br />- e�curity la�H sumf n�cur�d by thle S�twrfly Inatrument.
<br /> ' �� 8 th�Funda held by l�nd�r sxca�d Ih� uncvinte p�rtAltsd t�b�held by�pplfabN Mw,L�►d�►�haN�ccount to Borrow�►ta th��
<br /> �,�;.'"� uccan� Funds b accord�nc�wkh the raqukemante o1 �ppNcaW�kw. If th� �mount o1 ihs Funda hNd by Lend�r�t�ny tkn� le not -
<br /> • .�r: aufAcNnt to pay th�Escrow Items whm due,l�nder nwy ea notiy Borrowar In writlnp, �nd, in such as�Bortowa shaN p�y io l.�nder
<br /> : .��� th�emoun� n�c�ssalr to m�ke up the d�C{ency. BoROwx ahaN rr�ke up the dstld�nay In no mon than twsNe monthy p�ymenta,�t
<br /> �' ' , Land�'e sola diacrNbn. -
<br /> � ;��,i;;�� Upon p�ym�nt In fuA o1�N suma sacured by thls Secudty Inetrument, Lender ah�N promptly ntu�d to Borrawr�ny Funds h�id by
<br /> "`���"�'•�'^ 4end�r. t(, und�r pu�ynph 21, Lendar eh�M�cqute or n�ll ths Propxty, Land�r. pbr to th��cqulskbn or sal�oi th�Propwty.�h�N
<br /> = �:'.',::
<br />``. .,��,w �Pply rny Fwids he�i by Lends:at iho tlme ol ecqulettlon or a�l��a �a�dit�g�kut the num�a�curd by thle S�curlty InsUum�nt _
<br /> ;�,�,'s`�:. 3• ApP1ICatIOn ot Piym�nts. l;��i.�s appNcabta kw pwvtdee othawise,vll p�ymente raceived by L�nder under P�9�Ph�
<br /> . �_?1� �. 1 �nd 2 ehaN bs�ppN�d: flrot,to �ny prep�yrnent chrrqee du� under th�Nat�; serond,to �mount�p�ynl�und�r panpnph 2; thkd
<br /> � ��� � to IntK�at dur, lourlh, to prindpal dus; �nd last, to my kte charpea due under the Note.
<br />- •4^`: � 4. Charp�s;U�ns. Bortow�r eh�M p�y �II t�xea, �saeaam�nU, chupes,ines and kn,�osNbns �lqibuW�M to th� Prop�rty
<br /> ��' wh�h may ett�ln prb�ilY over thls Sacurfty Instrum�nt, md le�aehold �yments a ground rents, N �ny. Borrow�r shaN p�y th�ae
<br />�—•T''�'.l�7
<br /> obMgtlione in th�m�nner provided in WnBnPh 2,or H not pNd In th�l m�nner,Bwrowa shaN pay th�n on tkn�dincty to ths pK�on
<br /> _`�-',;� ow�!p�yment. Bartow�r st�N prompty lumiah to Len��r�M noUces oi�mounts to ba pNd undr thb p�npnph. H Bortow�r m�iaa
<br /> ',+W`: the�s p�ymenta dkecty,Bortowx shaY Pror*iPUY tumiah to Lend�r receipta ev�dencMp the paymente.
<br /> �-�E:�:Y+�,
<br /> z-:� �:- ` � Lartower ah�ll promptN dlscharoe any Ren wh�h h�e prloriry over ihiw Security InaWm�nt unkss Brxrower. (a)�qr�s in wrltinp to
<br /> =�;k;F.
<br /> �,��.;� the pe��t ot th�obNp�tlon aecurod by the Nen in a mmna acceptable to Und«;(b)conteats{n qood faNh th�Nen by, or cMUnde
<br />--"-::-. . a�yw N o..��;��t�ti.r.R in,1�.1 oroca�dMaa whfch h ths Lersderb opk�fon opente to prav�nt th�enforc�nmt of th�M�n� or(c)
<br /> -`����;%�'`�` seax�e from th� holder of ih� Nen an ipre�ment eatiahctory to Lendu aubordinitlng ths kn to !Ms 3�cudly ImtrwnMt. tl Ur►drr
<br />'=':i..w»L�,�
<br /> _:,.;z:� dd�nninea that �ny pert o1 tha Proparty Is aubJect to a Nnn wMch rn�y Rttrin prbrity over thls Seaxiry InetnH►Nn4 Und«' maY pk�
<br /> '�!!L�,� gprto,y,�K��oUcs�d�ntNying th�Nen. Barow�r nh�M eaUsty tha len ar trke one a mare of the�cdona aot Iath�bovs witMn 10 d�yn
<br /> ,•uR�_
<br /> ���� of tha pivinq of nodcs.
<br /> .._:_T��. '
<br /> ._rJ.r,��.
<br /> - 6. Hrsard or Prop�rty Inau��nc�. Bortower ehaN keep the fmprovemenl� now odadng or heresRK enct�d on the
<br /> ";"'`-='s�a prq»�ty bwnd �p�M�at bsa by fire. hwrde fncluded wNhin the tetm'extended co+renp�' �nd�ny oth�t h�z�rds, hdudinp*ood�o►
<br /> v ----- lbodlnp, to► wh�h LendK requkes inaurance. This Meuru►ca ahal be m�kitafn�d in the �mounts �nd tor the perfod� th�t Lmd«�
<br /> — roquker. The Inaurena rartier provldMip the Insumnca ah�l b�chaaen by Borrower nubJect W ta�de�'a:.Fpra�W'::�h!e!s ah�.� n�t be
<br />-- - unrwaon�by wlthheld. It 8ortower hN�to m�{nt�in crnen9e deaalbed above,Lender rtwry, at Lentkr's optlon, obt�k� cover�IA
<br /> _ protecl Lendsr's d9hts In the Property In accadance wrih p�ra�nnph 7.
<br /> AN insunnc�poNc�s �nd ronewa��bfiaN be accept�ble to Lender�md ahaN induda�atendud mat9ap�cMua�. L�ndar sh�N Mv�
<br /> th��Ipht to hald th� poNcks md renewals. If Lender requkes,Bortawer eh�A pranpty �Ive to Lender�N reoeipts ot pald prert�luma
<br /> �nd nnewal notkxr. M the avent of b:s, Borrawar shaM ghre prompt noUce to the Inaurance cer►ler�nd Lender. Lender may m�k�
<br /> __ proo(01 bss H nol m�d�promptly bY Boitawx.
<br /> UnNes Lendet�nd BorrowK olhenvias�prea h writhy,fnsu�ance proea�de ahd 6��ppll�d to rostonUon or np�k of ths Property
<br /> d�rrM�d, H ths nelontlon or repak le economlc+Jy teasfbla and Lend�r's securily la not le�senad. N th�restonUon or n��fr i� not
<br /> u " �nor�t'�r iMSM�Is or Lendab eeeudly would be lesaened, the Inaur�nce procMde ehal ba appNed to ths sums secund by tMls
<br /> S�curMy Instrum�nt, whether or not th�n due, wHh �ny exc�ai p�id to Bortowr. If Bortow�r �b�ndons th� Propwry, or de�f net
<br /> �n�ww wfthin 90 d�ys ■ noUce irom lender th�t ths Inaurance c�nier haa oflKed to aetNe a cMkn, then L�ndK may coN�ct the
<br /> �----- fnaunnce procrad�. LendK may ua�the proceeda ta repak or restoro the RopeAy or to p�y sume s�cund by thb S�axlty
<br /> InaUUmK►t,whether or not thm due. Ths 30�day pariod wiN beph wfien tha notice Is pMen.
<br /> -- Unles� Lend�r�nd Bo►rower oth�rwlse�grne In wrNlnp, �ny appl�aUon ot prxeede to p�incipai ehaN not exlmd or poetpone ths
<br /> _— du�dwt�ot ths monthy p�yrosnts �eferred to M parapapha 1 md 2 or chmpe the �mount ot tfie paymente. it und�r pu�gnpl�21
<br /> ------- th�Property Is�cquked by Lendx, Bortower'e dght to any(nsunnce poNdes AndpracNda resulfMp hom dime�to th�PropKly Cxior
<br /> -�"�"`== to lhs �cquts;tion ahd p�as to Lender ta the extent ot the aums aecured by thla Securiry fnatrument MnmediatNy prbr to the
<br /> _,���,�,'� acqukNion.
<br />_r:;�.:.:,.� 6. Occup�ncy� Pr�a�rvation� M�IManance and Prot�ctlon of th� Prop�rty; Bo►row�r's I.u�n
<br /> �'=":�'� � ApPIlCatiOn; L��seholds. Borrower nhsN oecupy,eatebNsh, and uae the RopMy �n Borrower'e prfndpd roald�nc�wRhin ebcty
<br />—-T.t`�AbN3i?
<br /> ,:;�,�?!,�'� d�ys erier ths exwutlan ot thls 3ecurily lnetrument and ah�p continue to ocapy Ihe Propaty�ft Botrow�r't prindpal ntid�nc�ta�t
<br /> .-:X"^�a'i:a%r+
<br /> „_�����Y la�st ane ye�r �Rer the date o( occupancy, unless Lender othervYas ngreet� N wrNhg, wh�h conssnt shaN not bs unroaton�by
<br /> ��� wrihhdd, or unkse exhnu�ting dreumaunce� exist whlah are beyond BoROwer's contrd. Borro+vm ah�N nat d�etroy,d�ye or knp�k
<br /> `s�'��,� tha Property. �Now th�Property to detedante, or carnmlt waste on the Properry. BoROwer ehaN be In detault H�ny 1oHekun actiom or
<br /> �-z��`.:'�� proceedlnp, whether civA or cdmfnal,la begun th�t In Lender's good fafth Judymer�cauld re�uft(n farieilun at the Property or otherwls�
<br /> ° m�teri�Ny impalr the fllfl (XE�[QO OY Inls �irrty inatNmani a �enaer o eacuml ii�iaesi. ourror►w inar aai� oucn i wi�im inv'
<br /> '•st�`x� � reinatate, ae provided in puagnph 18,by csushg the actlon or proceeding to be dlemlaaed v/Ih a tuNng thnt, In Lender'a Qood f�th
<br /> . .`� ` ' detemdmtion, preclude� torlelturo of the Borrowerb fnterest In the Propertyr o�olher rr�te�fsl NnpNmtent o1 the Hen created by thls
<br /> ° . ' ' �• Security Instntment or Lender's eecurity Mtaeat. Borrower aheM also be In d�lwtt if Borrower, durinq the ban appNc�tlm pronesa,
<br /> , gave mat�rialy false or lnnccurete intamailon or etetements to I.ender (or 1aUed to provide Lender wflh any meterial Inform�Non) In
<br /> conneclbn wHh the lo�n a+rlde!nced by the Note,Inciudtnp, but not IYntted to, �epresentaUons conceminp Borcower'e occupenty oi the
<br /> � �` property ae s prindpd residence. fl Ihis Secudty I�strument la on� leaaehold.Borrowc�r sha7 compy with eM the provlsbns o1 tha
<br /> Ic�se If tlomower ncqukes fee tfUa to the PropMy, the leasehoid md the tee GUe efisM not merpe unlese the Lende� epreea to ihs
<br /> ' `' m�rper in wrfting. F«m so2e olgo
<br /> • e
<br /> . `�r F1029.LM0(?l98) Peqe Z of 9
<br /> �r.ti:,
<br /> , - . � ,�
<br />�. .__. ,
<br /> .
<br />