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<br /> "Nrocoeds')1n c�xsnrt�:.Uon wllh condemnatbn or other leklnfl af tl�e Property or part thereof,a far convsyance In Ileu of cx�ndsmneUon•
<br /> L.ondor choti Cd enq�hnd�t Ite optton to oummenca,eppeer In end proeacute In its own neme any ectlon or praseed�n8e�and shail ala
<br /> be entllled t�m�k.e r�.�y compromlee or eettbm�nt In ccmnectbn wltl�such teking or damege,In the event any portlon of lh9 Property In _
<br /> sr�leken a dumn�tF3, l,onder aheil have ths optlun In its sole and e�beolute dlacretlon, to apply all such p�oceeda, eRer deductlnp
<br /> therefrom ati cost�aa�d expenfes lncurrsd by It in connor,tlon with euch Proceeda,upon eny indebtedness eeCUred hereby and in euch
<br /> ordar as Le�xbr e�r�;��daMrmine, or to apply ell ouch Procaede,after euch deductlona,to the restoretlon oi��e he due date of ny p+i -y
<br /> ditbns ea LNxitr t*^:'r.y ck+termMe.My sppllct�tlon ot Proceed�to Indebted�ese ehell not extend or�watpo
<br /> ments und�r tl�Pf+.�d.ot cure eny default thereunder nr hareunddr.Any unapplled tunds shall be pald to Trustor. —
<br /> B, p�rfotmfi�x;�n by L�ndir,Upon ths occuRence of en �venl oi Detau(t hereund�r, or It eny act Is taken or Inpel proces�dln{) �
<br /> common�x�wh,icte rt�af�ri��ly affette Lende�'s Intereat in the PropeAy Lender msy In its own dlscretMn,but without obltgation te do eo,
<br /> and wifhout no0r.e t�.�or demend upon Trustor end wfthout releasirp Truator irom eny Abllgetbn,do any act Mrhk�h T�ualor hes apsoed
<br /> Dut fatied to do arx'�may a�eo da eny other act it deema neceasxy to�frotect the security hereof. Trustor shall,Immedlatety upon
<br /> demerM tMsrefor i�y i.snci�r,pay ta Lender ell coats end expanseb Nicurred and sums expended by Londer In connect{on uvith the exer-
<br /> dae by ler9der ai tl..z�toregaing riphta,together wlth Interest theroon at the defauit rate provided In tho Note,whlch shall be edded to
<br /> the�ndebMdn�se s�!�:�rt+A hereby.Lender ahell not Incur eny Ilal�liity because of enything it mey do or anit to do heroundar.
<br /> 9.Haurdoux �Aat�ri�ls.Truator shail keep tho Property In complience with eli applicable laws,ordinancos end regulations
<br /> releqnp to tix9i�ftb�w�t t�yglene or environmentel protectlon (collectivey reterred to hereln as"Environmental Lews').Tr�stor shall keep
<br /> the Property trme tror�atl substances deamed to be hazardous orloxic unsier eny Environmentai Laws(collectivelY referted to herein
<br /> as'Ha�zard�a�M��r�riat•;).Trustor horeby wereants end represenb tc�Lender that there are no Hezardous MateNaia on or under the
<br /> Properly.Tnkttla�h�naby agrees ta Indemn!fy and hold harmtess Lender,its directors,officers,employees end agents,and any succes-
<br /> sors to Lerwie��I��*rest,from and agalnst any end all clafms,damages,losses and ifabiiitiesTHE FOR GOING WARRANTIES AND
<br /> use,dlapoaal or trar:sport oi any Hazerdoua MateHais on,under,irom or about the Property.
<br /> 10. A�siq�vx»nt oi R�rt�,Tn�stor hereby assigns to l.endar� and gran4s Lender a security interest(n,ell present,tuture end
<br /> aftor a:isinp rentn,Isssues end prtiofils oi the Property;provided t�at Truator shall,until the ocaurrence of an Event of Cletat+it,hereunde�,
<br /> have tt�e right W oNtect and retain auch rents,iss��es and pr�ts as they hecoma due and payable.Upon the occuRence o1 an Event of
<br /> t�ofpuit,Ler�de,�ra���,efther in person or by agerrt,with or wlthoui bringing any acti�n or proceeding,or by a receiver appolnted by a
<br /> cou�t and witt,o�rt r�c�rd to the adequacy ot its security,enter upon end take possessfon of the Properry,or any part thereof,in its ovm
<br /> name or iro the r��E�ne of the Truste[i,end do eny acts which it deems necessary or desirable to preserve the value, marketebflily or
<br /> rentabllity of tt►t+�r�party,or eny pan thereof or interost therein, a lo increase the Income therefrom or protect the security hereof eixl�
<br /> wfth or witl�ouc E�It,r�g possesslon of tha PropeRyr,sue tor or otherv�sa coilect the rents,issues and proflts tl►ereoF,inciuding those past
<br /> due end un�akl;b�,�nodfying tenents to make payments to lendec Landor may apply rents,lssues and profits,leas costs and expena-
<br /> e�u(ope�atl�on ar�r,1 collecGon irtduding attomey's feea,to eny Indebtedness secured hereby,eN in such order as Lat�der may deler-
<br /> r.�`ra. Tl���..!�".�u�ssi.°.Sl��.41 a�.n+e±�nf the Prooerty.tha collecHon of such ronts� isaues end proffts.end ths epplkatlon
<br /> thersof aa aforesaid sheN not curo or weive any defauft ar notice o(detauit heraunder or InveiWete any sct dons In rseponse to�
<br /> defwlt a purxwrd t�such notloe ot de(auk and, noNrithatending tM oonUnuance In poassasion of the proPorty or the oolbctbn,
<br /> nosipt md�ppNr,atbn W ronts.luue�or protite,Truatee and Lender ehall be endded to exerdse svsry�ipht provlded tor In s�y W the
<br /> (�oen Inkrum�r�f,t or by lew upon ocaxronce of eny Event of Deteult. indudlnp wtttwut INnitatlon the ripht W exerdas ths powsr d e�le.
<br /> Fixthst,Lends�'s Mqhts e�►d rernedief uncler thb PsrsproDh�hall be t��P��y'Lender.Truatee and the roceiver shaN be Ilable Eo
<br /> nrt�edM�wxMK sny�utpnme�t of leeees and ronb reoorded egelns
<br /> a000wxaNy t�x tl�wee rona.ctwNy reosnied.
<br /> 11.E:be�k of MhuR.The following ehaN conatltute en Event af Defauft under this Deed of Truat:
<br /> (�)Feliure to pay eny Inctellment of prindpet or interestor any othar aum secured hereby when due;
<br /> (bj A G•each d or def�ult�nder eny provision conte(ned In tlx�Note,thls Dead of Truat,eny oi the I.oan Insbumenb,or eny
<br /> o�xX tiHn c�encumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> (q)A w�rit of execudon or attachment w sny simllar process shall ba entered agalnst Trustor which shall bacoma e Iien on
<br /> tl�Pmperry or eny portion ttiereof or intereat therein;
<br /> (d)TM�re shall be filed by or egainat Trustor or Borrower an act{on under any present or future federal,state or other atetute,
<br /> yw p�r���tbn rsl�dng W bmkroptcy,Insolvsncy or other rslfe(for debton;or there shall be appolnted eny Watee,recelver or
<br /> MguidaAOC�d Tnntor or Borrower ur o!ail or any pan of the Pr�perty,w the ronts,(saues or profit3 thereof�or Trustor or Bortower
<br /> shaN t►aicK�any penerel sesignment for tlie benefit of ctedNas:
<br /> (e)ThA sale,trensfer,leaae,esalgnment,oonveyance or further encumbrance of ell or eny part cf or any Interoat in fhe
<br /> Proporty,�ither voluntarily or Mvolunta�fly,without the express wfllten consent of L�nder,provided thet Trustor shall be permit•
<br /> Md W exr.wte e lease o11h�Properly thet does not conteh an opUon to purchase and the tertn of whlch does not exceed one
<br /> Y�':
<br /> (n,�t.�nndonment of the Propetty;or
<br /> (g)!1"Fruetor ta not en Individual,the issuance,sale,Irenster,assignment,conveyance or encumbrence oi nwne than(ff a
<br /> caporatic�n)a totel of percent oi its Issued end outstandtng stock,or(ff e partnership)e totel of peh
<br /> cent of pc�rtnership Interosts,or(it e Iimited IiaWlity company)e total of percent ot the Itmited Ilabllity oompa�
<br /> ny kkurcate or voUng righb dudng the period thla Oeed olTrust remalns e Ilen on the property.
<br /> 12.R��udbs;Acc�Nntloe Upon Dafault.In the event ot any Event oi UFitault Lender may,without notice except ea required
<br /> by�ow,declune ell(rxbbtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the seme shall thereupon becomo dua and payable with-
<br /> out eny pr�eee��AYx�nt,demand.proteat or notice oi any kind.TheroafSer Lender may:
<br /> (�y Ct�mand that 7rustse exerolse the POWER OF SALE grented herek�,and TruatE+e ahaN thereaQer ca��so Truators Inter-
<br /> est Iro d�o Ptoperty to be eold and the proceeds to be distributed,aU In tfie manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act:
<br /> - (I�j Eixerdse Any and all righta provlded for In eny o1 the Loan Instrume�ts or by lav�upon occurrence of any Event of
<br /> Cklfuuil;and
<br /> (C)Commence en adbn to f�orecloae thla Deed of T�ust as e mortgeye,appdnt a receiver,or spaGflcaily enforce eny ot the
<br /> — CovrrtOttts Iferoof.
<br /> Nu renwdy honeln conferred upon a rosarved to Trustee or Lender is Intended to be exGualve of any other remedy herein,(n the Loan
<br /> In�trumentn a'by Imn►Pro+►�ded a Perm�tted�but each shell be aimuiative,shnll be in eddltbn to every other remedy given hereunder.
<br /> In tt�e Loon Inatruments or now a hereaRer existlng at law or in equity or by stetute,end may be exercised concurrentiy,independently
<br /> _ or succeaiv�iy.
<br /> � 13.7ncstM.The Trustee may resign et eny time withoulcause,and Lender may at any time and without cause appoint e suc-
<br />;� cessor or�utsatltute Tn�stee.Truatee shail not bc+Ileble to eny party,Including wi►hout Ilmltetion Lendar,Borrower,Trustor or any pur-
<br />_� clwser ot H�o Property,tor any bss or damage unless due to rsckless or wllltul misconduct,and shall not be requlred to teke any ectian
<br /> - In connocUon with the enforcement of this Deed of Trust uniess hdemnifled,in writing,for all costs,compensation or expenses which
<br /> -' moy bo a�sociuted therewith. In eddiUbn,Trustee may beCOme a purchaser at any sale of the Property Qud�lal or under the power of
<br /> eaW g►�ntud h�r�otn);postpone Ihe sale of all or any porUon of the Properiy.as provided by law;or s8i1 the Property as a wholo,or In
<br /> �� �rat�p��ota or lots at Trustee's discretion.
<br /> 1d.f'eai and Exp�nse�.In the event Trustae sells the Pro�oerty by exercise ot power of sale.Trustee shall be ontided to appiy
<br />��' anv•sale prucoeds flrst to payrnent of all costa and expenses oi ezerclsfng power oi sale,Including ell'Frustee's fees,end Lender'a end �
<br /> Yrustee's attcmey's teos, actualiy Incurred to extent permftted by applfcable law.In tho event Bonower or Trustor oxer�ises any right
<br /> , provided by Ic��N to cure an Event of Default,Londer shail be entitled to recover from Trustor all costs and expenses actualty incurred es
<br /> a rosult at Trtc�stote default,Includinp without Ilmitation alt Trustee's and attomey's fees,to the extent portnitted by epplicable law.
<br />-= 15.Fc�turo Advenc�s.Upnn request of Bortower,Lender may, at its option,make additlonal and tuture edvances and read-
<br /> ,,,� vances to Bonowor.Such advences and readvances,with Interest therean,shalt be secured by thls Deed of Tnist.At no lime shaii the
<br />'�� -
<br />