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The(oltowing ehail cunsdtute n�Event of Dcfault und�r tl�is Deer�of Trust. �?..w 1���A �- <br /> - (a) Faflure to pay any insullment of principAl or interest of any other sum secured hereby when due, � <br /> ;;:'';;`._f� (b;A breACh of ar default undcr any pro�i�lon contalned in the Note, thts need of Trust. eny of thc I.oan lnatn�menta. or __ <br /> �•r any ather Uen or encumbr�nce upun the Properry; °_ <br />__.�,�;.,;. .� (c) A writ of�xecudon or atuchmenc or any�imilar process shall be enured against 'frasmr which shall become a Ilen on.�' �- <br /> —���+.••''' tho Property or any portion t�erzof or interest therein; �� <br /> _.: (d)'There shull be filed by or ageinst Trustor or Horrower an action uader any preunt ar fueure federal, statc or othe�_� �:. <br />:�;,�1�� ''� statuu, law or regulatlon relning to bankruptcy,insolvency or other retief for debwra;or there shall Uc appointed any mtstee� � <br /> _� receiver or liquldttor of Truuor or Borrower or of All or any part of d�e Property, or the renta, iatitea or profitx thoreof. o� <br /> � Trustor or Bonower shall milce any general assignment far tho benofit of creditors; <br />=•t J�° (e) The sAle, aansfer, leise. i1SSI$IIIpCIIt, conveyu�ce or tlirther oncumbrance of all or any part of or any inter�st in the -- <br /> :�,� Property, either voluntadly or involuntarily, wtthout th� eapreas written consent of I.eader; provided that Trustor shall be <br /> . permitted to eaecute a lease of tlie Property that does nnt contaia an opaon to purchase and the term of which doe�not exceed <br /> `'.';E��� O11C YCBI; <br />° �c��" .� (� Abandonment of the Properry;or - <br />'^�!t (g)If Trusror ie not nn indlvidual,the issuance,sale,aansfer, assigameat, conveyance or encumbranca of r.►ore than (if a <br />- ��• rcent <br />'._;��;�� corporadon)a total of��ia p�rcent of its issued and outstanding stock,or(if a parmership)a total of �ir p� <br /> of putnership lnurests,ot(if A limited IiabiUry compu►y)a total of r,ia percent of tlte limited liabiliry company int�resu <br /> - =����m� or vod�3 cights during the pedod this Aeed of Trust remains a lien on thc Yroperty. <br /> _--- (h)If the oblig�don secaued bcre6y ta guarantced in whole or in part by the Pazmers Home Adminisuadon,bonower fitrt�er <br /> --_=- AgreeA that the lo�n(s) xcuted by this �nsuument will be in default should any toan procaeds be used for a purpose t�at w1U <br /> - --- contribute to exceuive erasloa of highly eralibls lu►d ur to ihe couversion of wetland to produce or to mAke poasible the <br /> ��''� producdon of an agriaultural tbrther explaiaed in 7 CNK Part 1940,Subput(i, fixhibit M. <br />��"� 12.Remedle�=Accekration Upon De[vult. In the event of any FsveUt of Default Lender m�y, wi�hout nodce except ns required <br />'��;,'P �� by law, declue all indebtcdness secured hcreby to be due and pnynble and the same sha�l thereupon became due nnd p�yable <br />`'`'L""'� without ury preaentment,dema�nd,protest or nodcc of any kind. Therenfter I.ender may: <br />__:��,�q� (a)Demand thzt Trustee exerclse du POWBR OF SALB grcanzed hereia,snd Trusue shnll thereafter cauae Tiusmr's incerest <br /> in tho Property to be sold and tho proceeds to be dlstribuud, all in iht manner provIded in thc Nebraska Trust Dceda Act; <br /> (b)Bxercix Rny and �Il rights provided for in any of the Loan lnstruments or by laa upon occurcence of eny Event of <br /> -- Defiult;ond <br /> (c)Commence an acdon to foreclose thia llced of Truat as a mortgage. appolat a receiver, or specifically enforce any of the <br /> covonants hereof. <br /> No remedy h�roia conferred upon or reserved to Tmstee or Lender is intended to be oaclusiva of eny other remedy herein,ln the <br /> Loin Instrttmenta or by law provided ot permitted,but each shall be cumulative, ahall be in addidon to every other remedy givea <br /> [ICILwlaci.u�uwc Lv�ui u�kwaa2uu vI tia��t S:CtG»�'.t L�23t��t 13::'L'f!L'^��??;er by srAr�r�;s�rni may be�exercLud concutrendY <br /> inkpeadendy or avccesaively. <br /> 13.Tnestee. Ttu Trusue mry resign st any dme without c4use, and Lendar may at aay tink end without cause appoint t <br /> _-•-— successor or aubstitute Trustee. Trustee shaU aot be liable to any parcy,including without limitadon Lender,Bonower,Trustor or <br /> any�wrchaser of We Property. for any foss or dunage unless due to reckleu or ail1Po1 mi�conduct,nnd shtll not be roquired w t�lco <br /> �ny acdon In connectlon with tlie enforcement of this Deed of Trust unless indemnified,in wridng,for all coats. compen�don or <br /> ' expea�ea which may t+c aasociaud there�vlch. In adAi�ion, Trusue may become a purctuxr at any s�le of the Praperty(judicisl or <br /> under th�power of sxle gr�nud herein);postpoae che aile of all or any pordoa of the Pcoperty, u providod by lsw;or xll the <br /> , Property�a a whole,or 9n separ�tc pucela or lota at Trusue's dixretion. <br /> 14.Fees fnd Expen�ee. In ihe event Trustee seUs the Property by exercise of power of s�le. 7lustee shall be entitkd to apply _ <br /> � any a�le proceeds first to paymeac of all costs and expenses of exercising ppwer of s�le,inr:luding tll Trustee'a kes, end LendePe <br /> t and T�usoee'e aaorney's feea, acd�ally i�xurced to extent permitud by zppl wR.�f�l1�i�A',�b we'or Tcustor exerclx� <br /> aay cigdt provided by law to cura w Event of Default, Lend�r shall be dd o custn �nd expenxs <br /> � acwaUy incuned as x result of Tzustor's default, including wlthout lim' t� w, fees, w the extent <br /> t' permitud by applicable law. <br /> -- 15.�tare Advances. Upon requeu of Bonower, Leader may, at its opdon, m�kc �ddidonal and future advances uid <br /> - readvu�ces w Bonower. Such dvancea and readvances,with interest thereon,ahall be secucrd by dus Deed of Truat. At no dme <br /> , shall the�rincip�]nmonnt of t�e indebudness secwad by Wis ITeed of'[tust, not including suais aciwnced W protect the socurity of <br /> thia Deed of Truat, excerd thc iggregau of the original princlpil amounts staud hercin, or S i�o,aoo.oo . <br /> afiichever is greattr. <br /> 16.Mt�esllaneo�u Prurridod. <br /> (a)�orroRSr Not�leleu�l. Eatension of the dme far p�ymen[or modificadoa of amortization of the suma aecured by dds <br /> Deec! of Tcust grmted by Lender to wy saccessor in inunst of Bono�ver sh�ll not operau w nkase, in �ny manoer. the <br /> :i Ilibility of the odgiaai BormMer aad Aonower's succassors in inurest. LeMier shall nut be nqutred to cc►mmence procoedloss <br /> � agaimt such succe.s�or or refuse to exurtd tum for p�yment or otheraise mocJify amonizadon of the�ma aec:uml by tld�Dad <br /> -- of Tcuat by reason�ef any demuads m�de by the oxiginxl Borrower and Bonower's successor�ia iaterest. <br /> — (by Leader'�Powen. Widwut affccting the liabiliry of rny other peraon liable for the piyment of�ny obli�ttiaa henin <br /> � menticu�ed, Aad without 4�f�cting the llen or charge of this Deed of Tnrst upon ony portioa of the Pcoperty nat thea or <br /> -- theretofUr rcleaxd aa aecurity [or thc full amount of all unpaid obUgarioa�,Lender may,from dme to dme and wlthout nolke <br /> — (i) ratwe any person ao 11�bie,(ii) eatend the mamriry or alter any of the terms of auy such obligaHon�, (iii)grant other <br /> ___ indulgexes,(iv)rekase or reconvey,or cause to be rcleased or reconveyed at ay dme at Lender'e opdon tny parcel, pottion or <br /> -- - — ' all of the Property, (v)take or releax any Qthcr or addidoaal security for any obligadon hetein mendoned. or (vq mtico <br /> ~-� compoaldom or o�her urangements with debtors in rctarion ehereto. <br /> ��°M�-� (c}Forbearaace by Le�r Not a Wolver. My forbearancc by Lcndcr in execcising any right or remedy hercunder,or _ <br /> -:;:;� otherwlu afforded by iy►plical�k law, shall not be a waivcr of or preclude the eaercix of eny such rigbt or nmedy. 7he <br /> � procuremeat of inwrsnco or the payment of tues or other liero or chugce by Lender shall not be a waiver of Le�er'a right to <br /> __� aceekrate the m�writy of tlk indebtedness secured by this Deed of Tcust. <br /> ,�.�_� . <br /> __ �;�,� . (d)b�cc�On�ad Aa�ns Bound;Joint iwd Sereral ILbWqr;Gpttoav T6e covenants oad agreement�hereta conqined <br /> _==���y.�„ st�all bind. and the righta Zxreunder ehall inure to.the res�ective auccessocn and assigns of Lender uM Tcustor. AlI covenanta <br /> . . _ 1�f�L_ S ��.t��..r�l m.�..wi.........� tlu��r�ar��u nf thta iS►.vl�f 7"raset ire fnr <br /> _ _.�� ' il1Y�[.R'.I(RII/A Vl {IU.IWt dlttt W JNIU�au�t w��.�a�. v�ruv�o w��....�...e..,..M r--e--r— "—---- -- --—•—- - <br /> ==�:;,,m comenicnce only and uo not tc>be used to interptet or defim the provisions hereof. <br /> --�.�r�i67 (e)Request[or Notkea.'11�c parries hcreby request that a copy of any nodce of dcfault henuader and a copy of any nodce <br /> -_ --— of sale t�ercunder be muted to eaah party to this Deed of Trust u the addtess set forth above in the marmer prescribed by <br /> '` '��-�� appltcable law. Eacept f►�r iny other notice required under applicable law to Ue given in anottier manner, any nodce provided <br /> �;�u�. <br /> -,,,,.,,�,c^- for in this Deed uf Trust s�ll be given by mailiag such notice by cectified mail addressed to tde other parties,at the addresa set <br /> ��?4 _ fotth above. Any notice pcovided for m this Deed of Tn►st shtll be et�'ecpve upon miiling in thc mtnner designated he�ein. If <br /> �'-=`'�F Trustor is morc than onc person,a►otico aent to the address set forth nbove sh�ll bc nadce to a�l such persnnv. <br /> ..t��T-`__�' , <br /> '��rf•: (� Inspectbn. Lender may make or cause to 6e made rea3onable entries upon and inspecdons of the Property. provided <br /> �►.+.�*_.�iy-s. that Lender shall g[ve Teuuor n�dce prior to any such inspecdon ap�ecifying reasonable cause therefor rel�ted to Under's <br /> ��;�++q�:�.� interest in the Property. <br />_--___._-..��, (g)Rec�►nvoyance. Upon p�yment of all sums secu��d by this Deed of Trust, Lender shall reyuest Trustee ro reconvey Ihe <br /> ;;;,� Property and shall surrender thi�Deed of Trost and all notes cvidencing iMlebtcdness secuted by this Deed of 7tust to Trusiee. - <br /> ;,;�,;,._.:_.!� Trustee shali reconvey the Property without warranty and wlthout charge to thc person or perso�s IegaUy entitled thanro. <br /> , • Trustor siiall pay all costs af rccordation,if any. <br /> . e+rcsun���sn+.,r►ti.n�..-oin� <br /> •1701 tiee�l Fr�tCl�wn��7M�1 W Snt�I4rri.�Ihd�NA�rOa � <br />