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v�V.�_ . .._ . ' _.:.. . . . ., --- _ .. . -��,. <br /> �4'I9': • <br /> . �- .. V �R� :_� �_ <br /> .�r`$P'in�' . . __-..___. <br /> .� - ...,. -T .__ <br /> .- ... ..�..v�..r.e ... .� ... q w� �pr � n.r __ . �w.�..c...... .__ _�_' <br /> ..x Y 1 � ��u�l/�@��11 _" " ' ww....�.�.���.---�.�...�.__....._.w_�.....__._.__ _ --... .._ _ . <br /> 9?- 1043R'�' <br /> "Proceeds')In connectbn with condemnation or other taking ot fhe PropeRy ot part thereof, or lor conveynnce In lleu of corxtemnetkxf. <br /> Lender ahall be entltied at Ite aption to commence,eppeAr In and proeecute In fte own nema any actlon or proceedinga,e�nd ehaM elao <br /> be enUtled to make any compromisx or settlemRnt In connectlon wll�i such taking or damage. In the event any portlon of the Pr�peity Is <br /> so teken or damaqod, l.ender shell have the optlon in its solo and absulute discretlnn,�o apply all such pmceeds, aftor daductiny <br /> there(rom ell cvsts and expenses Incurced by it In connectlen with euch Praceed�,upon eny Indebtedness secured hereby and In such <br /> order e�Lender may determine,or to apply ell such Proceecls,after such daductlona,to the restoretlon oi the PropaRy upon auch c�ar <br />� ditbns as Lender mt►y determina.Any epplicatlan of Proceeds tu Indebtednesa shall not extend or postpane tho dua deto o!eny pey- <br /> ments under the Note,or cure any defauit thereunder a hereunder.Any unapplled funds shall be Raid to Trustor. <br /> 8. Perlormana by Lmd�r. Upon the occurrence► oi an Event ol Defaull herounder, a if any ect Is teken ex legal proceeding <br />_ commenced whlch meteriatly eHecte Lender's Interest In the Property,Lender may in ifs nwn discretlon,but without eWk�aBon to do so, <br /> and w:thout not�e ta or demend upon Trusta and without releasing Tn,istor from any obllpatbn, do eny ect whlch Truator has eproeci <br /> but falied fo do and may also do eny other act II deems neceseory to protact the security hereof. Trustor shall, Immediately upon <br /> demansl therefor by Londer,pay to Lender ell coals aM expenses IncuRed and sums expended by Lender in conner.tion vrith the exer- <br /> Gse by Lendar of the forayoing rlghta,togather with interest thereon et the detault reta provided in the hlote,whir.h shall be adderl to <br />_ the inde�tednese a�cured hereby.Lender shall not Incur eny Ilabllity becauso oi enylhing It may do or omft to do hereunder. <br /> 9. Hazardous M�bri�ls. Trustor shall keep the Property In compl(�nce with all appllcable laws, oMinances and regut�Uons <br /> r�clating to IndusMal hygiono or onvironmontal protoation (coUoctivctly retarred to horef�ns "Environmartttsl lnurs').Trustor sht►II kaep <br /> thA Propertyr free from all substances deemed to be hezerdous a tox4c under any Environmental Lewa(cullocdvely�efeRed tn heretn <br /> as"Hazardous Materinis").Truator hereby warrante and representa to Lor.sler thet there are no Hazardous Meterials on w under the <br /> Property.Trustar hereby agrees to indemnify end hold harmtass Lender,Its directors,officers,employoes snd ogents,and any cucccis- <br /> sas to I.ende�e interest,from and egainst eny and all da►ms,damages,bsses and Ilablli8es arising In urx�rbction with the presence, <br /> use,dispooal or transport of eny HazsMoue Materials on,under,irom or about the Property.THE FOREGOINO WARF7�►NTIES ANQ <br /> REPRESENTATIONS, AND TRUSTOR'S OBLIGATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FOREGOING It�DEMNITY, SHALL SURVIVE <br /> RECaNVEYANCE OF TH1S DEED OF TRUST. <br /> 10.As��ynm�nt ot R�nb.Trustor Ix�reby asslpn�to Lender,and grents Lender e security intarest In,all prosent,futuro and <br /> after erising rents,issu�s end profll.5 oT the Propedy;providod that Trustor shell,untl!tha occurrence af an Event of DePau�,h�,r+eunder, <br /> have the rlght to collect arxi retaln euch rents,Issues and profits as they become due and payable.Upon the occurrance ot an Event of <br /> qefeult,Lender may,eithet In person or by agent,with or without bringing any actlon or proceeding,or by a receiver appointod by e <br /> court and without regard to the adequacy of its securiry,enter upan end teke possessbn of the Pr+operty,or any part thereof,In!fs own <br /> n�me or in thp name oi the Trustee, end c7o any ects which it deema necessery or desireble to preserve the value,marketabflity or <br /> rentability uf the Property,a any part tNereot or interest thereln,a to Increaae the income therefrom or protect the securily heroM end, <br /> with or without teking possessbn of the Pro�rly,suo for or otherwise collect the rent&,issues erid proflta thereof,induding tlwse paat <br /> due end unpaid,by notifying tenants to make paymente to Lender.Lender may epply renW, issues and profits,lesa costs Qnd expens- <br /> es of operetbn and collectlan including ettomey'e fees,to eny indebtedneas eecurod Mreby,ell In auch order as Lender may datar- <br /> mtne.The entedng upon and taking possosslon of the Property,the cdlectfon of auch rent�,Issues end profib, and the appBcallon <br /> theraof as aforesaid shail not cure or waivo any defauR or npUce of defauit herounder or invalldate any ect done in response to such <br /> uniauii cx purounni io uucii nouw oi duiauii a�d,noiwiin�ianding ine conanuanoa in posaersion oi ine propariy or a►e ooiiociion, <br /> reGelpt and appllr,atbn of rente,issuos or profits. Trustee snd Lender shall bo entlded to exerdae every right provkied for In any of tha <br /> 4oan Instruments�r by law upon occumonce ot any Event of Detault,Including wlthout limltetion the rlght to exerdse ihe power oi sele. <br /> Further,Lender's righta and romed(es uncler thls peragreph shall he cumulative with,end In no way a IimitaUon on,Lender'a rlgnts and <br /> remedies under any esslg�ment of leases and rents recaded egalnst the Property.Lender, Trustee and the receiver shaN be Ilabb to <br /> a000unt only Tar those rents ectually reCOivod. <br /> 11.Ewnts ot D�huk.The folbwing ehelt conatltute en Event oi[Mfault under this Daed of T►ust: <br /> (a)Fellure to pay any Installment o�princlpal or Inter+est or any other sum secured hereby when due; <br /> (b)A broach of or detauft undar eny provlsion contained in lha Note,thls Deed W Trus4,any of the Loan tnalrumente,or eny <br /> other Uen or encumbrance upon tho Property; <br /> (c)A writ ot ex+ecutlon or attachrnent ar any slmllar process shell be entered egainat Tru�hx whlch ahell becortb e Nen an <br /> the Pr+nperty or ony portlon thereof or Inter+est thereln; <br /> (d)There shell be filed by or agafnst Tnrator or Borrower an ectlon wxier any present or future faderal,stete or other stetute, <br /> law or npuladon nlaHnp to bankruptcy,lnsolvsncy or oSher rolbf for debton;or thero shdl be sppolntad sny hustes,roceiver or <br /> liquidator of Trustor or Borrower or o!aM or eny pe►t W the Property,or the ronts,tssues a proflts theroof,or Tn�stor or Bor►ower <br /> shaH make any generet asalgnment for the benefit ot aedlta�s; <br /> (e)The safe, u�nsfer, Ieasa, asslgnmenf. conveyancn or further encumbrence of eN or any pert oi or eny interest in the <br /> Properry,etther volunterily or Invotuntarily,wittaut tho expresa written consent of Lender;provlded that Trustor aheA be permk- <br /> ted to execute a baae of the Property that doee not conteln en optlon to purchese end the term oi wMch c}aes not exceed one <br /> year, <br /> (f�Abandonment of the Properly;or <br /> (g)Ii Tn�stor Is not en Indivklual,the tssu�nce,sele,tronsfer,essi�nment,conveyanc�cx encumbrance of more than(M a <br /> corporetbn)a total of percent of Ib lasued and outstanding atodc, or(if a partr�ershlp)a total W per <br /> cent of partneishlp Interesta,or(H a Ilmlksd Il�blliry company)a totel of peroent ot the timite�l Ifabilfty compa- <br /> ny interosb or voNng dghts during the pe�icd this Oeed of Trust rematns a Ifen on the propetty. <br /> 12.R�rn�dMs;Accokratlan Upon D�huk.In th�event of erey Event of I�efautt Lender may,without nodce exoept a�roqulred <br /> by lew,dedare ell(ndebtedneaa secured hereby to be due end payable and the same ahall thereupon become due and peyable wlth- <br /> out any presen2ment,demand,protest or notke ot eny klnd.TheroaRer Lender may: <br /> (a)�emand that Trustoe exercise the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,end Trustee steall thereaRer cauae Tn»tors Inter- <br /> est In the Property to be sold and the prnceeds to be dlsUlbuted,all In the menner provlded In the Nebreske Truat Deeda I►ct; <br /> (b) Exerclse any and all Nghts provided tor In any ot the Loan InsWmenta or by law upon xcurronce of eny Event of <br /> Defauft;a�d <br /> (c)Commenoo an ecUOn to toreclose thla Deed of Trust as e mortgage,eppotnt e recelvor,or sp�l}iccilly enforce any of Mr� <br /> covenante horeof. <br /> No remedy horeln confomed upon or reserve.d to Trustae or Londer is Intonded to be exGusfve of eny othor rExnody horetn,In th0 Loan <br /> InsUUmenb or by Iaw provlded or pormitted,but each shall be cumulaUve,shall be in addltl�on to every other romedy given hereunder, <br /> In tl�e Loan Instruments or now or horeartor exlsG�p at law or In equlty or by stetute,and may be exerclsed ooncurrontly,(ndepandently <br /> ar succeal,►e�y. <br /> 13.Trustae.Tho Truatee may restgn et any time without cause,end Lender may at any tlme end withou¢cauae enoolnt a suc- <br /> ceseor or subadtuto Tru3tee.Trustee shal!not be Hable to eny party.Induding without limltatlon LenAer,8ortower,Trustor or any pur- <br /> chat�er of the Proporty,for any bss nr damage unleas due to reckless or wltHul misoonduct,and shell not be requlred to taka eny�action • <br /> In connecUon with the enferrement of this Deed of Tn�st unless Indemnitled,In wnting,for all costs,compensatbn or expenses which <br /> may be easor�ated therewith.In od�(tlon,Trustea may become a purohaaer at eny sele ot the PropeRy(Judidal or under the power of <br /> aale grented hereln);postpone the sale of etl or amy pallon of the Property,as provlded by law;or sell the Property as e whole,or In • <br /> separaM parcels or bta et Trustee's dlscretlon. - <br /> 14.F��nd Ezp�rnts.In the event Tnislee eells the Property by exerGSe o(power of sale,Trustes sNall be entitted to epply�., <br /> eny sale proceeds flrst to payment of a11 costa and expenses of exaclsing power of sale,inclsiding all Trustee's fees,and Londer's end <br /> Tn�atee's attomey's fees, actua�ty Incurred to extent pe�mltted by epplicable lew.In the event Borrower or Trustor exsrcises any�ight • <br /> pravlded by law to cure an Event ot DefAUlt,Lender shalf be entitled to recover trorn Trustor all costs end expenses ectuulty Incurred ea - <br /> a roauR of Trustors default,Including wlthout Ilmitatlon al Trustee'e end attomey�n fees,to th�r ext9nt portnitted by eppHcaWe law. - <br /> 15.I�utun Adv�ncn.Upon request oi Borrower, Lender may,at Its optlon,make additlonat end future advances and read- <br /> vancea to Borrower.SuCh advances end readvances, wIU�Interest Ihereon,shall be securecl by this Deed of Trust.At no tlme shaA the <br />-----.�..,���,�_.�,.,. - <br /> '--v..,�...�....:.,.+�:�8.w:ln�as�ii�.i.+t+7tw�alPVV:qi7�Nlfw.l��r��ws�..,:":�t w3su•l%.v'r.�aiAtirt y.�a.aa�.-�..--_.�s_e__.--------- <br /> _,�_� -. <br /> __°__-.._.. --_�.. <br /> , �� ...... ° . _ ...___ _ `_ _ .__ .. _ ' ._ . . . -.a:s�..._—�-_._— <br />