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<br /> C. y�,g� w�ppD�ltlli and C7IAOLY�i P. �OOA1q111• husband and wife, GRANTOR, in�"�
<br /> considexatiax►. of es�ate plannfng conveys to GRANTEE, C. R71YE IfOOA][i�i, �
<br /> trustse, th� �c��.�.uwing descril�ad real estate (as defined in Neb Rev, Sta�
<br /> 76-2QS) :
<br /> � �d�,��,d� an�..�l�f (�S) iak�r�st in aad to �aah and ���rY oa� of rch� iollor.riuq traat� o! -
<br /> iwd:
<br /> tt�w 1Wr��s Qwrl�r at tb� south�a t Quart x�f11iM�R�sAt) �aad �i sa�t �3.�t o� th
<br /> sout.h�AS� Q�art�r (�iall�s) o! O�ctioa Thi�rbt•tMO (3��, 'l�oMn�bip 1tia� (!) lfortb,
<br /> IUA��.�'�Ml�� (1�) N��* ot th� fih P.M., 1ta11 Count�, If�bYaska;
<br /> 71 tr�ct of land briny wrt o� th�1t�st 1[ali (M�t) ot s�ai:ioaa Thirtt-thrN (33),
<br /> Tow�q�th�p 111nw (9) aorlh, 1Gwg� �1�� (11) K�s� af th� ith t.11., Ea�.l CountY�
<br /> ��px��lca, Mith raid traat b�in9 rwr� ysrtiaularly d�sarib� as tollw�a�
<br /> 1t�f.�rr�aaq to th� ltorth�ast Corn�r oi th� liast Eal! o! �b� �lortbw�st quast�r oi
<br /> s�l.!{ �wotion 33 and sssu�ing th� =ast lin� oi Oo��rns��►!I.�t � in �aid s�atios
<br /> sr 1�xi.ng s ou' i3° 3a'° � �;.: a22 wa:,�� ��.,f.��.e h�r�in ar� r�lati��
<br /> tbi��tt+p tmnaa� � 00• 13' Z3" M aad p+►rall�l with tk� ust liu� oi oor�r�rsst Lat
<br /> tb�wt�a�co�ntl.nuiag �300'�13� 23�til a diatwa� oi !17 97 i�tfl h�uc lf �0 g�9'iSi"
<br /> M • d3.stana� o! i�Z.BS #��t= thsaa� fI 30• Ot' �3" N a di�tiaao� o! 1�3.�i iNtj
<br /> t�p� 1t Zi• 11' 11" iP s distsaa� ot 159.� t��ti; th�nc�e 1t 10• �s• 17» M a
<br /> d�a�xisa� ot 1i1.57 i�wt; th�aa� 110n• 39' �3" M a distana�o! 9??�3Z f�ntahinin
<br /> X S!y �i� Z!" ■ a distaaa� o! 760�0� i��ti to th� plaa� ot b�gim►iag. 9
<br /> �.�T aar�s, �osti or l�si; md
<br /> I.at �wo (2) in th� N��� ltalf ot �� Wuth��st � ia sou h�ot�th� �i�r��oadf
<br /> t�w 1f��t sali oi thw lforth�ast Quart�r (N��) ! 4
<br /> •Z+�r� kaox�t i� th� slr Isiaad ltosd� botb ia s�otiion Thirt!-tbr�� (33), 1'owu�Lip
<br /> lti.� (!) Moxth. Raay� 1►e�l�� (iZ), /i�st of Lh� 6tL l.�., ltall Coust?, lt�bra�ka,
<br /> al.l o� th� sbo�� Kith aaar��ioas tL�r�ta;
<br /> iontbw�st Qwrt�r oi th� b�stb�n�t Quart�r (sMkilNt). s�atioa This�LY-tMO (3Z).
<br /> '1'p�riship Ni�� �!) lforth, Raaq� '1M�1�� (iZ) M��t oi th� ith l.If., sall Co�ultYr
<br /> W�Ip�.�slca, aAd th� ionlh 10 aar�� of a �ract ot lan�d aoatsi�ia►q 31.i� acr�� (ltis�
<br /> �wrt�r��M1�1t)oi��Na��,Thirtt-ok�LL(31) �hTowa hip xiu� (!)dii zth, ltaaq u1'w�l��
<br /> (1a) If��t of tL� ith �.It., �wil CouotiY, x�braska, �or� partianiarlY d�sarib� Rr
<br /> lo1loM�t
<br /> �qiau�.nq �t a t�aa� post locat�d in pxRa� ot th� osiqinal slak� Rt Zh� iouth�a�t
<br /> corn�r ot �sid i�atioa 31, th�aa� ia a 1lorth�rlY dir�ation on �h� �st bound�r�
<br /> li.�� oi said s�otion 31 at a disla�an� ot 1,733 f��t to a qas pip� ia th� couati
<br /> rnad, th�ac� in a soathx�stwrly dir�atioa aloaq �ad upon said aountY road �or a
<br /> d��taaa� oi $��.7 l��t to � g�s pip�, th��aa� in a south�r3r dir�atiQa parall�l
<br /> to th� 10art bouadart lia� of said t�atiou 31 a distaaa� oi i,i3i !Nt to th�
<br /> aa►t�r oi w old �ouad oa th� eouth boundarY lin� o! ��id t�alioa ThirtiYrons (31)
<br /> (�Dich round i� sRiA to b� th� ltorth�asti corn�r oi s�ction eix (i), ToMa�hip
<br /> �iqbt (Y) xoslb, AwQ� TM�l�� (17). M�st of th� 6th P.1t., 11dus Conn�Y, 11�braska)
<br /> th�nes� �ln aa sast�rly dir�otioa alonq th� bubh bouadarY liu� of s�alioa ThirtY-
<br /> oa� (31�, !a th� plaa� o! brgl.aaiey, �aiQ ZO acr�s b�iaq �irpro�b:
<br /> 11 traa! o! la�fd •itu�t�d in t.�� 1�orth��t Qwr��r oi tL� �outIIw�st Quart�r
<br /> (�IIyiM�) lrisq ffortb oi thw ltitsr IEoad, wiw knowY► a� th� il� isiand Road,
<br /> s�otion shi�etY-thrN (�3), Tows�hip 1fin� (!) 1tos�Eh, Itang��l�� (i�) N�st ot th�
<br /> il;h 1l.r�., sall Coualrr 1t�►ra�ka� �ore psrtiaularli d�sarib�d as tollae�e
<br /> _� _.__ L.._.._
<br /> Car�r�nainQ at •point wh�zy th� ltortII bouadars iin• os cn•:ci:�= ;w..�., ..... ..�...._
<br /> a� th� Elr► isiand �d, int�rs�cts th� M�it lia� of s�otioa ThirlY-threo (33)
<br /> ebo�� d��orib�d, b�inq th� poiat ot b�qinaiag, aasd th�ac� ruaaiag ia a
<br /> ltortn�asL�rlY dir�ation aloaq aad upoa t.h� North bounAarr lin� o� th� �aid Iti��r
<br /> 1loaQ al�o knwra �� th� �1r x�lwnd itoad a distaaa� oi 778 i��t, th�na� raaainq in
<br /> a lforth�riY dir�atioa na a lia� parall�l to t1e� iast Lin�ot ssid s�aLioa TListt-
<br /> th,�N (39) w distana� oi 3].6 f��ti, lh�no� ruanf�nq ia a iouth�w�ti�rlY dir�ctioa
<br /> - alaaq and upon a lin� that run� pasesli�l to th� ltorth bousd�rr lia� ot th� said
<br /> 1
<br />..a
<br /> �
<br />,,� _ _
<br />