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<br /> C. AI►Ya I:OODri11�1 an �I,7t�t p• 1�O�D1tt,�t� husband and wiPe, GRANTOR, in \
<br /> con�ideration of estate planning conveys to GRANTEE, c�.�toLYli p• w�D�►
<br /> tr.ut�tiae, the followinq d4scribed real eatate (ns defined in Neb Rev. Stat.
<br /> �6�aoi) : ._
<br /> au urdi�id�d oa�-D�1! (��? �t��st ia aad !o �aaL a�d ���rr on� oi th� gollowiaq traat■ ot
<br /> iRriAs
<br /> Lots Oa� (i) aad �ro (Z) aad tihs �oulA 1lal! ot !h� �fosth�as! 4uart�� (liWR�t) �
<br /> th� �1ort.��si Quart�r o! th� ionth�ast Quart�r (111N��Ek) � �� u�t �lt o! th�
<br /> 3oubh�ast Qu�rt�x G�t�s�t1 oi R�ation '1'�irt=-two (3Z), ToMa�bip 11in� (9) lforth.
<br /> Itang� �1�� (2x) N�st ot tA� i�1 l.M., Ra11 CouatY, 1t�braslca;
<br /> 1► traat oi laad b�inq part e! tL� �i�st 1a1� (Mk) ot �tior► Tbis�r-tbr�� (33),
<br /> Tw�n�hip Mia� (!) aoslb, �aaq� �1�� (lZ) II�sE oi th� ith p.11., Itali CouatY.
<br /> n�Draska� xilh said tir�c! b�i�sq► ios� particularl� d�sorib�d as lolYow��
<br /> �i�rrisag to th� �Inrth�ast Carn�r ai th� sast 1f�lt oi t.b� ltor'�b�st qwst�r ot
<br /> ,.. .�..t��,. sa .�a assu�inv thr s�Rt �ia� ot Oor�rat��►t Lot 1 ia said s�atiou -
<br /> x�.. --- ,_.,..�
<br /> ss burisq • 00• 13' 13" K and ail b��riny� concainwd 'n.r:a.� �a� ��.-- ._
<br /> tb�r�tas= �h�sa� R 00• 13' Z3" N aad parall�l with th� iact li»� o� Gb��rarMOt Loi
<br /> � � q�a �atioa 33 a distanc� o! 9i3i.! i�Nt to !h� ta�uai pl�a� ot b�qiania9:
<br /> th�c� coqkisuing K 00• 13' �3" M a distauc�of 117.l7 i��t; th�ao� N 40• �9' S1"
<br /> N a distana� ot 1�A.3S iss�= lhpc� M 30• 04' �8" M a dislsaa� aY 143.t6 tMt;
<br /> ��a� 11 Z1• 11' !.1" M s distua� a� 1�Sl.� t��tf tl�1c�� 1� 10• 1s' 17" M u
<br /> distaac�ot lii.s7 �tNt�f thwa� 110�' 39' �3• 1r� di�taso� o! 377.3�.i �n���
<br /> M i9• �i' Z!" = a dista�►c� oi 7i0.�t t��t to tlo� plac• o! b�ginuinSi
<br /> •.Z7 a�stis, ior� or l��s= and
<br /> Lot Two (1) ia tL� INSt tal! o� !h� iouts�ast 4�rt�r (M�ysi�t)� aad that part a�
<br /> th� lhst tal= ot t� 1lorth�w�t q�►ast�s (�fsl 1Yia4 Bontb ot th� 1ti��r �oad,
<br /> ' also kao�ao� as !n� xL ssland 1Go�d, lwth ia Motian ThiatY-th� (33), 'to�n*�hip
<br /> 1fin� (9) 1Wrth. �aa9� �1�� (19). 1t�st oi th� ith P.�., �all CouatY, 1t�bra�ka,
<br /> �11 0! tL� �bo�� with accr�tioa• th�r�to;
<br /> /outh��t Qwrt�r of th� iouth�st Qmart�Y (sM6t8N�t). �otion Thl.rtT-tMO (3Z)•
<br /> To+�nsaip 1�in� (9) ftortih� 1t+�a9� �+i�� (iZ) 1I��t oi tb�w ith P.It., Eal� Conalt•
<br /> �Y��1u, a�d bs� �oat.� 10 acr�s o!° �Traa+� oi baad costainisQ 31.i� aor�s (?�Yiag
<br /> ioulh oi tl� �i.���t �oad, siso ksoxa +as bh� sL isi�ud �oad) in th� ioe'1�1��
<br /> Q�ast�r (�r) oi �aeios xli�eta-os� (31), Zbwrn�hiy lfia� (!) tlortb. 1N��r9
<br /> (iZ) 1►��t of th� 6�3�.M., 1a11 CouatY, It�br�slca, �or� parbiaul�rl� d�scrib�d a�
<br /> foilows�
<br /> Mqiaaiuq at a t�ac�posk locat�d ia�plac� o! th� oriqiaal s�ak� at tlti� iouth�ast
<br /> cora�r ot �aid i�atios 31, tn�ne� ia a 1�orlh�riY dir�ction oa tb� ��th��c�ou�►at?
<br /> lin� a! �aid swbion 31 st � distana� o! 1,733 f�E to a qa� pip� I
<br /> road, t.D�sc� in a soubh�st�rl= dir�atio�:�a�laag�and o��rit dir atiion paxali�l
<br /> distusa� o! OZ4.7 iest to a qas pip��
<br /> c�st�r oet�aa old aou�nd on�th�iout4 baundaz? �in� o! �a d���ction6Thirtt on� (31)
<br /> (Mhich �oaod is ■aid to b� Lh� liortrb+ast aorn�r oi s�atioa six (i), zb+mship
<br /> =ight (1) 1W�eth, �anq� Tw�l�� (17) , M�st oi th�ith P.M., 1ldass CouaEi, 1f�bra�ka)
<br /> tltmiem in �n fast�slY dir�at�on �lonq !h� �outII bouaadsr� lin� ot a�ation Thirtr-
<br /> oa� (31), to t1t� plac� o! byiani.ag� �aiQ 10 aastis b�ing uuispro��d;
<br /> � tra�t o! l�au1 •itwt�d fa tb� ltorthw��t quarl�r oi th� iouth�a�t 4�steY
<br /> (111MrfMM) lY�ng lfort� of !h� 1ti��r lt,wd, alw lmown R� th� il� islaad �oad,
<br /> itII i.a�.�=ali CountY 3lribr��shi���rtic lwr Y d�ar�b�d as�iolloMSe oY th�
<br /> C��wsoing at a poin! wh�r� th� 1to�rlh bouadaz7 lf�a� oi �h� Iti��r Road, alw kaoMa
<br /> as Ln� ila Isiand �oad, int�rs�ct� th� 1Nst iia� oi 3aatl.on ThirtY-thrN (3�)
<br /> ano�� d�aorib�d, b�ing th� poin! o! b�g3aainq. and th�nc� ruaninq is a
<br /> 1Wrta�a�t�rly dir�ction along and upoa th�Mortb bound�rr lin� o! th� s�id Ai��r
<br /> ltoad alro kaoxn •s th� �l� I�lwnd Itoad a distiaac� o� 77• iwt, Lh�aa� runninq ia
<br /> a ltortn�rly dir�ction ea a lin�parallsi to th�sast Lin� of •aid s�atioa ThirtZ-
<br /> e3rN (�3) a di�lama� oi 316 tNt, tti�acs ruasiag ia w southx�st�riY dir�cti.on
<br /> - alosq aad upon a lin� tdat ruas parall�l to tL� Itorlh bouad�a7 lin� oi t.tt� ��id
<br /> Y
<br />---
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