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<br /> '[�QCl&7'H61� WITH nll thc improvcmcnts now on c�rcatter crcctcd on �hc praperty,and all ca.gcmcnq,nppurtcnanccs,and _
<br /> Cuctures now on c�reaftcr a part of tho proputy. All rcplaccmcnts and addldona shall also bc covcrc,�l by this Security InswmcnG
<br /> All of tho forcgoing is rcfcrnd to!n this 3ccurity Inetrumcnt as tho"Property." _
<br /> BORRUWfiR COVEAIAN'fS thtu�orn�wer iA lawfuily aCised u[I}io eaW�;{�ereby conveye.�l s��d f�av�he rigiu w gra�it cu►J �
<br /> ccx►vay the Propeity and that the Property ie unencumberod, eacept fur encumbranccss of record. Barrower warrants end will
<br /> dcfend gcnerelly the dtle w tha Property against WI claims and demands,subjccs to any cncumbranccs of rccad. _
<br /> THIS SECiritIT'Y YNSTRUMSN'f combine9 u►tifortn covenants for nadonal use and non-uniform wucnsmta with limitcd
<br /> verieaons by Jurisd,iction to consdtuto a unifortn sccurity instrumcnt covcring m,al property.
<br /> UNIFORM COVIINANTS.Borrowu and l.ender covenant and agrca es follows:
<br /> 1.Pay�ent ot Pirincipal�nd Interest;Pre�r�yment And Lstt�Charges. Borrowcr st�all prompUy pt�y whc» dua the -
<br /> principul of and int,er�st on the debt evidu�ccd by the Note and eny prepayment ared lau:chargcs due under tho Nota.
<br /> 2.Funcit tor Taxes aad Insurnnce. Subject w epplkeble law or w a writteri waiver by I.endu, Borrower shall pay to
<br />. L.ender on the day montlily payments aro d�undcr the Nate,unal thc Nut,e is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for.(a)ycarly taxcs
<br /> and assesscroents which may auain priority aver this Socurity Insmuneat a4 a llen on the Proputy;(b)ycnrly lcasehold payments
<br /> or groand rents on the Propeity,if any;(c)yearly hazard or proputy insurance premioms;(d)yearly flood insurancc premfums,if
<br /> �Y�(�)Y��Y��888c insurance premiums,if any:and(�any sums payabk by Borrower to L.�tki. in accordance with the
<br /> provisions of paragraph 8, in Iku of the paymrnt of moctgage insurance premi�nu. 'Rx,se ioeins are cailed "Escrow Itecns:'
<br /> I.endar may,at any dme,collxt and hold Funds in en emot�nt not to excecd thc m�zimum amount a lender for a federally related
<br /> mongage loAn may require for Borrowcr's cscrov�account under the fcdemt Real BstatG Settkment Pmcedures Act of 1974 as
<br /> ema�dcd from time w time,12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unlcss unother law that applics to thc Funds set�a lesser
<br /> emount If so,Lcadu may, at any timo, colloct and hold Funds ln an aznonns not to exceed the l�ssur emounG Leruler may
<br /> csdmato the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data snd reasonable es�s of expendiaues of future&scrow Items or
<br /> �therwise in accordance with appHcable law.
<br /> Tt�e Funds shall be held in an insdwBon whose deposits are insured by a federal Agency,insmimentaliry,or entity(including
<br /> Le�►du.if Lender is such an insdtudon)or in any Federal Hame Lo�n Senk.I.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow
<br /> Itatns.Lendu may noS charge Borrower for holding and npplying the Funds,annually analyaing the escrow acc:ount,or verifying
<br /> the Sscxow Iums,unies.c Lendu pays Boraower inteaest on�he Funds end applicabk law petmiu Lendcr W make such a charge.
<br /> - Howevu,l.e,nder may requiro Borrower to pay a one•time chasge Jor an indepen�cnt reai est�to tax reporting suvice used by
<br /> Lender in connecdon with this loan,ualess epplkebk law provides mtherwIsc.Urdtss en agroem�nt is made or applicub#�law
<br /> ;equires ini:�cst ta bc p:�id.Lender shati not be roquind to pay Horrowu any interest or eamings on tha Funds. Bormwcr and
<br /> '� L.cndu may a�ree in wridng,howevu,that Interest shall be paid on the Fnnds.Len�cr sh�.l give ta Borrowa,without cbtuge,An
<br /> � annual accountimg of the Funds,showing ccediLS and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which ext►debit to the Funds waa
<br /> s rnado.Tha Funtis ane pledged as addidonal secority for atl sums secured by this Security Inswrnent
<br /> ; If the Fuads beld by Lender excocd the aawunts pumitted to bo held by applicabk law,Leader slall acmunt to Bacqwer fa
<br /> . the excess Funds in eccordance with ttie roquirements of.applicable lnw.Jf the aznount of che F�nds h�Jcl by Ler►der ac any pme is
<br /> + nol suffioiull lp pay the EsCrow Items whe�►due,Lrndu may so nodfy Bomowu in wtiting,and,in such caso Bumowu shall pa�� -
<br /> ' to I,erKkr t2�e amount n�ccssary to makc up the deficiency. Bo�rower shall make up the d�ciu�c,y in no morc thsn twelve
<br /> j monthlY P�Y�ts.at Lender's sok dLscxetion.
<br /> '� Upon paymeat in Cull of aU sums socured by this Sccurity Inswmei►t,Lcndu sl�all prompdy refw►d W Boirowu eny Funds
<br /> . �
<br /> ''. held by I.end.7. ff� under paragra�ph 21,L.ender shall acqwre or sell thc Pcoperty.Lender.Prior W the acquisidon a salc of the
<br /> . , Property,shall apply eny Funds held by L�ndes at t�e dme of acquisition or sak as a credit against ihe aums secuc�ed by this
<br /> .{ Securlty Insttumen�
<br /> � 3.Appliation of PAymPnb. Unkss applicabk law provides othenvise.aU payments receivad by I.eadr,r under p�raphs
<br /> 1 end 2 shall be appliod:first,to any prcpayment ct�argcs due undu the Note;second.to amounu payabk undcr pursgraph 2;
<br /> third.to int,�rest dua;fourth,w principal due;end lau,w any late charges due under the Nae.
<br /> �.C�r�es:Liene. Bocrowcr shall pay all taxes�assessmaus� charges. Cu�es and imposidons etulbutabk m the Propaty
<br /> which may amtin priority over Ihis Sxurity Inst=ument,and lea9ehold paymcnts or ground rents,if any.Borrowa sh�ll pay thesc
<br /> � obllgations in tha manner provided in naragreph 2,or if not paid in that manncr.Borrowcr�.hall pay tham on timo dirocdy to thc
<br /> �xraon owod paymr,nG Borrower shaU promptly fumish to L,c,�dcr all noticcs of amountc to be paid uad�r this paragcapt�. If
<br /> Barowu muilces these paymeats directly,Borrowe�shell prompdy fumish to Lender receipts evideacing thc payments.
<br /> Borrowet shall prompdy dL�chargt a�y Gen which has priodty ovu this Sxurity Instrument unless Bomowcr. (a)a.�rees tn
<br /> wridng a tbe payment of the obligadon socured by the lion in a mannu occeptable to Lender,(b)contesu in good faith tha lien
<br /> by,pr daf�nds against cnforcement of thc lIen in, lcgal pror�cedings which in the Lcndes's opinion opea:�tc to prcvent the
<br /> enforcemuu of the Ikn;or(c)sec�res from the holder of the licn an agroement st►tisfactory to Lendu suboMlnuting the licn to
<br /> this Sccurit�r Insuumcn�If Lender detesmines that any part of the Property is subjr,ct to a lien which may apain priority ovcr tiiis
<br /> Security Inswment,Leader may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or telce one a more
<br /> of ihe acdons set focth abovo within 10 days of the giving of nodce.
<br /> • Form 9028 �/00
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