. .,7.n lF.l�y.�d: . . . . .�i"..i:tr..: ;it`('trl;:irr.-i.i r�
<br /> q� �� t:: � � �,< �. . ( t;
<br /> � 4i� ]� . . '� -. ..., . �.J �Ya„�r gf'eyp1�_.
<br /> r ,.. ::.c — -- --_______... -•-
<br /> 'i�:4�_' � ' . • .t:?r.• _. - - - —---==:r..y�..=�n.r.n.�n-r.�---�,.wtti.._^_.— ---
<br /> .N� .iy. .. ' afn..i��Y�.. .-_. . ..... . .. . .. __ ... . ..- �.. i_
<br /> . • , ���
<br /> �.�:f.� .
<br />.;�{-•�F?i--_-�'Y�7
<br />-::.,:..�cr.�%.�.i� . .
<br /> •""��,�� oonHicte wkh �ppNC�bN Mw, tuoh aonfNot sh�M not alhat oth�r provkbns of thh 8rourity Instrum�r►t or th� Noto whfah ctn be �
<br />:�r�...,.. .;,
<br /> piven eHuct wkhout the contlVCtlnp pravlsbn.To thh�nd th�provkbnl of lhls S�CUrky InstrumM�l�nd th� Note IIn d�oMnd to �.
<br /> �' � '�� be ew�nbM.
<br /> �`:,
<br />__�� _ :' �� 16� BO►fbWff��Copy. BortowM�haN b�pNM� on�oontomtld copy o1 th�Not��nd of tha C�curNy U�lrum�nU � _
<br /> . ' . � 18. M�z�tdou� SLIb�t�I1C0l. BaROw�r �hall not causo ar p�rmN th�pn�enc�, use, dkpo�al, storap�, o� nAa��Q� 1 _
<br />��!:�'�•� Bortow�r �h�� not do,nor �NOw anyon� Na to do, rnythhp �fhotlnp th� "
<br /> �ny Hw►dou� 8ub�t�nCN on a In th� Prop�rty.
<br /> . f'rop�rty that l� tn vloNitlon af eny Envlrbnm�ntal Law.The Dr���p�o t�nlenC�� sh�N not �pPN tQ tl» pr�t�r►C�, u��, or �,
<br /> � � �ta�p�on the PropKty of �m�N qu�ntRlN of Huiudou� &ub�tanoK lhat�n pmK�Ny naoqnt�l to i��roprl�:� to narm�l � �
<br /> .�, nNd�ntkl u�N rnd to mtlntM��na of th�PropalY• �� _
<br />:'.tz"^°` �w7
<br /> Bprrow�r th�M prOmpty QM� L�►dM �"r►Nt�n not�CO ol �Y Inw�pWlb�� cMkn� dMnand, I�wwN or oth�r rctbn by �ny
<br />,a�!+� povwnrrhnql w rput�tory �aonay or prlwt�D�rtY hvoNlnp lh� Property �nd my H*rardou� Sub�tonc� or Envlronm�nt�l I.�w o1 �
<br /> '�"""'�r whbh BortowK h�� satud knowNdp�. If Bwrow�r I�md, or fs notNrd by �ny powmrrNntal a rpuktory Muthorky, thr.t u�y
<br />� "� nmov�l or otMr rMn�dMtbn o}�ny Hwrdous Sub�Unc��a f l�o t k tq I h� P r o p�t y M n�c a s W� 8orrowrr shab prompty l�k��W
<br /> �:�, , n�C�wry r�r�wdW Uotlon� tn acCard�nc�wRh Envkonm�nul Law.
<br /> ' � M utad In thk puipnRh 16, "Hasudoue Subst�nca'�n thoei�ubstanat dMkud a� toxb or harsrdou� substancN by
<br /> Envkonn►�t�l L�w and Ih� foNOV�inp substances: pnsoNna, kero�M�, othK fi�mm+bN or toxb p�trolwm product�, toxb
<br /> _ •�: .3• D�stbid�s md h�h^WH�nn�ital l.aw�trr�rtNtf�ai I�a„�d kws of th�Jurbdiatbhn�whK t h P�porty b IocRt�dA h ts��laU
<br /> :�_�::,'•'� tIN W►WnPh 18� E
<br />-_��-•
<br /> ==t to hwkh, t�Nty or�nvkonmmtal prot�tbn.
<br />���`�' ''�'' NON-UNIFOF�A COVENAM'S.Bortowsr�nd Lend�r lurth�r covsnu►t Nd aprN u (oNOws: -
<br /> ��.^��i,�'��
<br /> .,�;>r�• 17, A�si�nm�nt of Rents.oorrow.r uncondxton�xy usipns�nd tramisn to Lender�M th�nnts and rw�nua of th�
<br />-a,�:'?: ` prop�ty, �ortow�r Ruthorixss La�d�r or Lander's�pents to colfect th�renta �nd rov�nuos and hereby dinats Nah t�nant ot th�
<br />-�;��r � Propwty to pay tM rents to I.and�r or 4M�dws�pente. HowwK. prbr ta Lend�f notiC�to BoROwK of Borrower's bnllCh ot
<br />''L'�.�-`
<br /> ��,' �ny cowmnt or�pre�rrnnt h ths Securky Inatrurt�ent, Hortowcr shtY colNat and recNw �M ronts �nd rsvenuss of th� ro
<br /> - � ��� u huete� for th� b�nNk of Londer and Borrower. mis assqnm�nt ot renta constxut�s an absolut� assqnment and not an
<br /> ---�af3�
<br /> �;;��� assipnrt�t lor addkbnat s�curky ony.
<br /> ���� ����r qh�s not�e o} broach to Borrow�: (�) ���rents rsceAr�d by Barowtr ehaG be hsld by Bortowsr�a trustN for
<br /> —�` b�nsNt of Und�r�N6�ofa���t�nd (o)goaah t�nmt Of•th�P operty anaN tP�Y ���`�° d���t�cUnder o�r
<br /> -_�a.y�,�
<br /> —_-��a�� ncslw aN of t e
<br /> LNtOKS ap�i�i Oi i..'w�uvi o':.7lti.�t L�..".T.O!!L�!n!��tanant. .
<br /> --;�;-,�`�� Borrower h�e not ex�cut�d�ny prior assipnment ot the rents �nd h�d not and wIN not p�ortn any�Ct that wouid pm�vrii
<br /> -=.-_�•— I.�nd�r frpm�oc�rclsinp ks riphts under thfa P�npnph 17.
<br /> °�-�; L`ndar 6hap not be requted to enter upun�►oke conKal of or mshlah the Pro{�erty b�foro or aR�r qNiny not��of breaoh to
<br /> ��� BortowK. Howewr. L�nd�r u►a ludbkly appohted nCSlusr tn�Y do eo at any tYn�th�re MJ�bre�oh.l4ny �ppllcatbn of renls
<br /> ---= dhaq not Cun or waMs any dMauk or Invldideb any othK rfpht or rort�edy ot�e�dK•This asslpnment of nnts ot the ProP�rty
<br /> — �haH brmimt�whm th�d�bt e�CUrod by tho S�CUrky Insbum�nt is p��d In tuN•
<br /> ' 18. Foreclo�ure Procedure. If Lender requlres Immedlate payment tn tull under Par�lr�ph �,
<br /> .______�_ Lender may Iriv�oke the power of �ale snd eny other remedle� permittad by eyyplicable law.
<br /> Lender sheli be enUtlod to coiteat ell expen�es incurred In pur�uiny the remedles providad ti�
<br /> _ thi� parpr�ph 18� inetudlny, but not Iimited to. ressonable eteorney+�' fees end cos�s of t1Us
<br /> -�— svid�ncs.
<br /> -� If tthe power of sale is Invoked, 7rustee shafl record ■ notice of dshult In e�ch county In
<br /> — whlch �ny pwt of the Prope►ty la located and shtll msll copies of �uch notice in i�ma'�
<br /> preicrfbad by �ppilcable I�w to Barrower �nd to the other penons pre�crfbed by �pp
<br /> After ths tlms required by �ppUcable law,Trustee �hsll qive pubiic notice o4 w�te bo ths par�ons
<br /> —= end In ths m�nner pre�cribed by eppllc�ble l�w. Tn�stee. without dem�nd on Borrower. N��� �e��
<br /> the property �t public wctlon to the hlqheat bidder at ths Ume end plic� �nd under the t�rma
<br /> deapnded In th� noUce of ale in one or more p�rcets and in �ny order TruM�e determines.
<br /> = Trunee may postpons s�te of ell or any parcol af the Property by public announcement at the
<br /> = Ums and pl�ce of any previouary scheduled sale. Lender or It� deNqnee may purchws the
<br /> �='�'�'�'� Properly at�ny �sle.
<br /> ___--= Upon recslpt of p�yment of the price bld, Trustee shall dellver to the purchaser Truates'�
<br /> ----a deed conveyin� the Property. The reciW�in the TruaUes'�deed shell be prime facle evidence o!
<br /> -� the truth of the sLtement� mede thereln. Truatee si�ll �pply the proceeds of the al� In the
<br /> ��'°���'� folbwinp order: (�) to ell cost� and expenaes of exercletnq ths power of sale� and ths aale,
<br /> ����� Inaludinp the payment of the Truatee's feea�ctuaity Incurret�� not to exceed tOX X
<br /> =�N`�:'���t� of the principal smount of the note at the time ot the d�scl�r�tlon of dehult, �nd reasonable
<br />-_-�.,,:"r;�" attomeys' tees es permitted by tew; (b) to all aum� securad by this Securlty Instrumant; end (c)
<br /> j.��`I
<br /> -.;,L,.;h sny excew to the perwn or parsons Ieqaliy enUtied to f�
<br /> --=:1'�'�=;�;=� • If ths Lendsr's Intere�t In this Seauriry InsVament Is held by ths Ser,retery and the SecreLry►
<br /> -='=e�•°x�� .
<br /> u�-.�':���' �aqulres Immedlate p�yment in full under Parapr�ph 9, the Secretary m�y+ invoke the nonjudlc a
<br /> :-��,�.:-�
<br /> ___._;.< ,.~r--• power of ale provided In the Sin�te Family Mortpwe Forectwuro Aot of 1994 ("Act") (iZ U.S.C.
<br /> ��-`���;� _ 3751 ��.) by requesUny s torectosuro commtaloner desipnatad under the Act to comm�nce
<br /> _ _ .� u����.... t.. �1�� nr�r�dlnRf aentenee
<br /> °-;�`°.i`.:=:;.� forecloaire �nd to seU the Propeny as providea in a:�o ..�.. �•��.•..� ... �._ •--------�-
<br /> -=:•r;.,�'+�°'�' shdl deprNe the SeCretery Ai any rlqhts oth�rwfae svaitable to s Lende� under thls Parepraph 1A
<br /> "._:'- a nr�ppitcable Iew.
<br /> .�`�,•�.;,.;-�,,
<br /> .:.r •� �.
<br /> `-•{y%'c•�'' `�"��'�� 19. Reaonveyanee. Upon payment of all sume secured by thls SaeurNy Inetnrmmt, Under ehall nqwst ru�te� to
<br /> 'r'���+w=*�� reconvey ths Property �nd shall surrsnder this Svcurity Inawm�nt md �u noted o+rldenclnp debt sxurad by thls Securlty
<br /> t
<br /> ''����'=r.�:.} : InsWment to Truatee.Truatae ehali reconvey ths Prop�ty wRhout wamnty and wkhout ehuQe to the puson or psreone ley�
<br /> ;��� _ »: :�' entRlW to k. Suah person or persone sh411 pay any recordatbn oosts.
<br /> � ..i*�,
<br /> .� �. :,w- .a-f���- ..
<br /> .�.�-'!�'•.:.:'�.�;• P�p��ol 6
<br /> ,�'. �., - • F6e19.LM0(o/Y61
<br /> __•������� '�
<br /> aew000s
<br /> „ . . . . ... "__ "'_ �tJpi��dAwv� -�-a. `•..:z-.-..-.` '_.. ..
<br />