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<br /> �� contlbta wMh �pp��C�b� kW� suoh contlict ehRN no4 alhat othK ptavkbn�ol lht�SrCurity ImwmM►t ar tN� Not� wNkh Gn b�
<br /> phhn Nhct wRhout Ih�conttbthp provY�{on.Yo thls �nd th�provhbm of tAlr SrCUr!tY InsRrumK�1 tnd ttia Note ar� d�c�u�d ►c �.h
<br /> ::��, a.w«.aw.
<br />;_:r� �n.trum«ie. —
<br /> ;.t 16, eorrow�r'r GOpy. Bortow�r�hall b�pM+i one conformKJ acpY �}��Noh wnd of ihb 8oaurity �
<br />��titi. ' 16. Hu�dou� Subsunco�. Borro+i+K sh�l not oauN or parm�tPtn Pne�+cs, u��, dis�onnl, ntnrope, or nlMSe of 1
<br /> ��-- �ny N�nrdous Subst�ncN on or In th�Propaty. Borrow�r sh�q not du,rtr�r dk�w �nyoM Ns�to Ao, enythlnp �fNcthp tM � �-
<br /> Propilrty that b In vloytbn o1 �ny Env�ronmc+�t�l Lasi.Tho precedMp hWn eMtn�csa 4 r���pt�p�flPPpoprtat�to norma� Q c:
<br /> -:.::� etor�on th� RropKty ot �maN qu�ntkia of Harardous Sub�Unc�n fhat m� pMlsnNy �
<br /> rnki�t►tkl us�s artd to maht�nanC�ol th�Prapltty. � _
<br />:_..�...�i� Bprtpw�► YhaN prompty plw LMdK w�itbrl notbs oT �ny fnvoetf�Rtlon, ctuhn, dem+ad� wwwfl or other actbn by anY �
<br />_ = pov�mrrMntai or npuktory �p�Y or prNtl� ptrty Invoivinp th�Prop�ty �od a�Y ��doue Subslonce�r EnvMonm�nlal I.�w o� �
<br />'�'� whbh BorrowK hts �atu�� knowMdp�• ��Bonows� bems, or h notNWd by any prnranmenu� or ropulotnry authorNy, th�t �ny
<br /> :a� romoval or oth�► rwn�dMdbn ol wny Ha�ardoua Subatu�ce�ntfectNip thA Pro�tY hti nec�aWY. Borrower shall prompliy tdca�II
<br />���:=_. ��csss�ry nrn�dl�l�ctbns (n�caordu�co wkh Envfronmental I.aw.
<br />"' Af uwd h thk p�nOnPh 16,"Hazudoua Subspnc�o"�n thoa�aubetancaa doAn�Ad �s toxb or hnmrdoue substancos by ._
<br /> �'`�
<br /> _,.�� Envkonmmtal I.aw and th� toNowlnp substancss: qasollnd, karoaono. other flammtAk� or toxb pMrokium qroducta, tox
<br /> --- �:t��� �h B�EnvironYmmttal I.�wsntbmwns NdKd I�ehand kwesof tha Ju�dfc'.Iondwhm the Proparty antlocated tha!s e
<br /> th�pu�pnp
<br /> to hsakh,sahtY or snvlronmental protsctbn• T
<br /> F�� NON•UNIFORM COVENANT3.Bortowar�nd Lender Nrther covenant�nd epree�s fouows:
<br />_;`�_�",� 17. Aq1ynmMt of RCRb. Bortower uneendRloeafN essipns and tranatars to LendK �p tho ro�ts and ravenuea o1 ih�
<br />__-- prpp�rty,Borrowbr wthoriz�s Lendu or Unders apmts to collect the rente end rewnuss end Aereby dhects each tenc�nt of tho
<br />.'=,��� Property to pey tne ronts to Lender o� Lendors apents• However, prbr to Lende�s notice l0 8orcower of 6dROwwe breach af
<br /> any aovrn�r►t or eprswnent h the S�ourity Insirumw�t, Borrower sh�ll aol�ct and nceNa e0 rents ttnd reveriu�s of Uis P►oP�Y
<br />='"=``�� as trustM for th� benMR of Lend�r e�d 6ortower.This aeatpnmmt o1 renta conetkutss m �bsotuto assipnrnent md not an
<br /> ------ asslpnrr��t ior additbntl securily ony.
<br /> - Ii Lender piws not�� o} bn�eh to BortowK: (�) aU ronte roceNed by 6orrowK shal be hdd by Banow�r u truet�for
<br /> w
<br /> - — henslft of Lender only,to b�appM�d to ths eums sreund by tha S�eurlty Inetrurr�sn�t(b)UndK shnll be entkMd to aolat�nd
<br /> nt,ylw aN of th� nnb of tM PropMtY��nd (o) e�ch tanont o} tl» Property shaN pay �1 rwri� due and unpa{d to ��ndK or
<br /> I.�ndK'e�p�t on L�ndKs wrkt�n o�rtMna to cn�i.n.ni. ��y act that would pnvK►t
<br /> - Borto�w�r ha� not�oacuNd�ny Prlo►astklnmmt of the�M�nd h�a not and wiN nol p�Ao
<br /> -- Lendor from aKOkinp ks rqhts undM' thN Pu�pnph 17• .
<br /> - UndK ch�N not W n4�+lnd to�nN►upon„��ra�on�o�y d�a w ctt�nY trkr�th�k �bnaoh`1Any n.PP�bn o�f nnb
<br /> Borrow�r. Howwer� l�nd�r or� wdlCi�ly�PPo
<br /> �haN not cun or w�lw�nY dMwk or Nv�Md1t� �ny otMr rqht a rMrMdY ol LMtdlt•ThM at�lpnmint of nntr ol M�PrOpMtY
<br /> �I►�M Mrmin�t�wh�n ttN d�bt NCwW by tIN&�curkY Instrum�nt M Mb h fu1.
<br /> 1d, por�olo�un procfdu��, It L�ndK nqulr�s Imm�dlRt� p�yn��nt In full und�r P��;
<br /> � L�nd� m�y Invola th� powK of wle �nd �ny oth�r ��m�dNs p�rmitt�d by �pp
<br /> L�nd�r Nwll be �ntitl�d to coll�ot �II exp�nw� Incurrtd In puraulnO th� remtdiN prov�d�d �n
<br /> thl� p�rapnph 16� includinp, but �ot IImINd W� reaornbl� ���/�� �� �nd co�ts cf tltl�
<br /> svid�nce.
<br /> If the power of �ate t� Imrokad� Trustee �II r�cord � notlee of dstauit in sach county n
<br /> which any pKt of thm PropeKy �� �ocK�d �nd ah��� m��� coPka oi�uch notict In the n�nner
<br /> pre�cribed by apPllcable law W Borrower �nd to the other penons pr�cribed by �pplicable I�w.
<br /> After the time raqulred by app�ic.�b�s I�w, Trustee st�ll �Ew public notics of Mie to tM pet�ons
<br /> �nd in the m�nnsr preacribed by epplic�ble taw. Truatee.without danand on Borrow�r,shdl �sll
<br /> � p�operty �t public wction �o the hf�hest bldder n the time wnd ptece and und+�r tM terms
<br /> desiqnated In th� notice of Mle In ons or more parcet��nd in eny ader Truat�� d�termin�s.
<br /> Tru�tee r�y poatponm a!s of ell or my pucel of the PropertS► aY P�btlo snnouncement at ths
<br /> time �nd place of �ny previo�asly acheduled ale. Lender or its de�lpnea may purchae the
<br /> Property aR�ny Mie.
<br /> Upon �ecetpt of payment of the price bld� Trustee aiw�� de�wer to t1�e purche�er Trusbe'�
<br /> __� deed convey(n� the Proparty.The recitat�in the Truotee'�deed�pr�eerds oh�e wlee In the
<br /> �e �� o} � statements mdde thereln. Trustee sh��� �Pph►
<br /> folbwinq order: (�) to ell cosU and sxpen�es ot exe�cl�inq tha power of aUe, and ths al%
<br />---��� t�cludin� th� p�yment of the Trustee't tea� �ctualiy incurred, not to exceed 10�4
<br /> ----= oi the prinolpal amount of the note �t the time ot tle� decl�rstion of deteult, �nd rasaon�ble
<br /> -- — �ttorn�ya' feaa u permitted by lew; (b) to nll sum+� ucured by thl� Seourity Inatrumant; md (e)
<br /> -_° eny excsq f�o the per�on or perwns IeQdty entltlecb io iL
<br />— If the Lender'� IntereK in thl� Securfty Instrumeee4lss held by the Secretary and the Secrotary
<br />=-��� raquiro� Immedlats payment tn tull under Pareqr�ph 1. the Secretrry may Invoke the nonJudlcial
<br />��-��''-�'�,� power of als provided In the Slnqle Famify Mort�sqe Foreclaure Act of 1994 ("Act")(12 U.S.C.
<br /> .,�_. �. ....� h� raauestllta� t01'QCIOMtI'a COMlriIitlQR�� dli1QM!!d under the Act to commenee
<br /> v.v. yt�cs-I —• --�-
<br />- `�'�,� foreclowre end ta sell the Property es provtded in tt� AcL NoiNnp in Tito p�ec6amy .Q.••o�•••o
<br /> '�:Y;-f'''z j�' shall deprive the Secrotery of eny rlqhte otherwtae av�itable to a Lender utidor this Pereyreph 18 _
<br /> �;.-�r �� or rpplicable Isw. -
<br /> � .�;R,: t� •
<br />-::s:`�-_'', . 1g, Reconveya�ce. Upon payment of sU sums secured by thls Socurily Inewrnent, Londer snau request ruscee o
<br /> '�'�'�•:�.;'�'� reconvey tt�e Property and sh�N surrender this Securky Instrument and all natad evidenchq debt secured by this Securlty _
<br /> '�� In6trument to Truetee.Truatee shnll reCOnvey the PropeRy wkhout waRnnty and wRhout ch9rpe to the pemon or peroons Iegu�N
<br /> '� ' Y onlRied to R.Such pereon or persona shall pay�ny rocordallon Coete,
<br />- P �� � .
<br /> ,a ��
<br />:- l.yt.', { '�
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