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, ./ <br /> Filei iot �eco �Y 12, 1972 ��o� P� in 800 ��.�of ;DEEDS <br /> Page_� � �_........... . .,.,.,.,,Register of Deeds �ai! Cou�ty, Ke4r�sta <br /> 2.1—WARRANTY DEE ��C�Z� Rcse p�/8CObSBII Felton fr V{jol Company,Lmco n,Nebr. <br /> � <br /> WARRANTY DEED <br /> Rex J.H. Ottoand Helen M. Otto, husband and wife as spouse of each other, James H. <br /> Sheek� and Violet J. Sheeks, husband and wife as spou$e of each other and <br /> DA-L� REALTY & INSURANCE,INC. Lyle Fisher its��erein ca�ied the grantor whether one or more� <br /> in consideration of Fifteen Thousand (15,000) Dollars <br /> received from grantee, doea grant, bargain, sell, eonvey and confirm unto <br /> John rifcAhren and Wilma McAhren, husband and wife as spouse of each other and <br /> Jolene K. McAhren their daughter <br /> herein called the grantee whether one or more, the following described real property in <br /> ,,,,.,,,,,,HALL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, �ounty� Nebraska: A tract of land comprising a part of the <br /> Northeast �,uarter (NE,�—,.) of Section Twenty-Four (24), Township Ten (10) North, Range Twelve (12) <br /> West of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly de$cribed as follows:Beginning <br /> at a point on the north lizae �f the Southeast Quarter(S�µ1 of the Northea5t Quarter (NE-,�t-), said <br /> point being Five Hundred Sixty (560.0) feet west of the northea�t corner of aaid Southeast Quarter <br /> of the Northeast �uarter (SE�NE4); thence North 11 degrees 20' and running northwesterly, a <br /> distance of Five Hundred Four and Nine Tenths(504.9) feet, to the centerline of '�Yood River; thence <br /> deflecting left 76 degrees �8' 10" and running weste�ly, a distance of Ninety-One- and Two Tenths <br /> (91 .2) feet; thence deflecting right 23 degrees 10' and running northwesterly a distance of Seventy <br /> -Four and Seventy-Five Hundredths(�4.75) feet; thence deYlecting right 31 degrees 42'10" and <br /> running northwesterly, a distance of One Hundred Forty-�ix and Two Tenths(146.2)feet; thence def- <br /> lecting left 23 degrees tf2' and running northwesterly, a distance of Eighty-One and Forty-Two <br /> Hundredths($1 .42)feet; Thence deflecting left 60 degrees 31 ' Lf0" and running southwesterly, a , <br /> di5tance of One Hundred Eighty-Eight and Six Tenths(1$$.6)feet;Thence deflecting left 105 degrees <br /> 49'54" and running southerly, a distance of One Thousand Two Hundred Seventy-Eight and Twenty-Eight <br /> Hundredths(1 ,278.28)feet; thence deflecting left 90 degrees 45'46" and running northeasterly, a <br /> distance of Five Hundred Thirty-Seven and Thirty-�even Hundredths(537.37)feet;thence deflecting <br /> left 89 aegrees 44' and running northwesterly, a distance of One Hundred Fifty-Five and Ninety- <br /> Five Hundredthe(155•95)feet to the place of beginning, said tract containing 14.76Z acres more <br /> or l:es$. To have and to hold the above described p.remises together with all tenements, hereditaments <br /> and appurtenanees thereto belonging unto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever. <br /> And the grantor does hereby covenant with the grantee and with grantee'� heirs and assigns <br /> that �rantor is lawfuliy seised of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance <br /> that �rantor has gaod right and lawful authority to oonvey the same; and that grantor warrants and. will ' <br /> d�Esnd th� title to ssid premises against the lawful claima of all pereons whomsoever. <br /> Aated ��� /� 19�Z ,-� <br /> ' �f�--� �e/�-�� �����'9�'c��,._.��rc, <br /> ..L1lEE3R/�1SKwA..�D�U,D/1ENT�AR.1G.. ................. .....:....��...��.c:�::`l.�4��....!�:�:.�.. ....:���. <br /> r" <br /> . STAMP TAX �� <br /> . ... ..�. y�. ......,... ................. .,�,l.�n����(::..��ZGy.l4i'�,.,.:2"./....'�:C��., �L�%,/ <br /> ..:.... .. ......�.��...�.,'�,. 9 �.. .. .. , , C� <br /> � ��BY _ � �, �f�!t L�� � <br /> ...................................... ........ .....,..,........... ......,...�: � .� ...................................... <br /> ......................................... ..................................... %� �: � ��::....... <br /> �_� •�� <br /> STAT� Q�' NEBRAp�A, County of .........HALL............ ....................... <br /> • Before me, a notary publio quali�ied for said county, pereonaliy came <br /> Rex J.H. Otto, also known as Rex Otto and Helen M. Otto his wife, Jame� H. Sheeks and <br /> Violet J. Sheek� his !wife and Lyle A. Fisher as Preident of DA-LY REALTY & INSURANCE, INC. <br /> each in h�s and her own rig}�t � <br /> known�to m��b bs th� identical per�on or pe�aona who sigued the foregoing instrument and aeknowledged <br /> theae�eautio��hSe�eo� to be hia,her or their voluutary aat aad $eed. '� <br /> � �l a � � ; . . . . • � .. <br /> m' .�. ° ...c-S4' c.? / / , �f <br /> � � <br /> �- :� `��es�mys:hand and notariel aeal on ,�:...............: ,..., 19..� <br /> `� d..� e, V' : ,�: :.., ..... •^:• . <br /> � • � .., .-- n : ' � i <br /> _ � ,�, c.. .................� .. .... ...�.... ........� ....................... Notary Publio. ( <br /> ' �� J ' J`,'��c My aomralsaion ezpir� .. � � 19. z. <br /> r� ��c t ., .... ..................�....... � <br />