14 ' ..
<br /> � •.
<br /> .»�^_
<br /> OMr - .. . � .. . i� � � .Rl.�l:�A�: ,i'J.'.1'� . .�1.'��i.ad��.. —..-..:-'...�'ry-__
<br /> , ...�.: .u�
<br /> �eA�+wnp'y�e•.uu• .. i � • _.. . ... ...-,r...�_.... _.. -..-
<br /> �_'�
<br />: p� 1d, B01'fOWOf'� Riqht to iielnst�te. If BorrowK Rw�t� cKtah condRbne, Oorrow�r sh�N hav� th! rMht to htv� �
<br /> �nlorc�nM1 01 thli t3ucurliy InelrumM�l dKconthu�d �t �ny IMrN Prb► to th� MAW ot (�)6 d�ys (or �uch othM p�bd t��ppMCabN
<br /> ., �W may �p�efty Inr reinatetement)bslor� eeM af th�PropMiY pureu�nt to any pow�r o} tal�conufnsd In thls S�curity Inttrum�nt; or �
<br /> (b) �ntry of � Judpment �nloroln0 thh S�curNy Inft�um�nt, 7hot�cnndNbns �n th,�l BorcowK: U)P�Y• ������ �ume whlCh then ((�
<br /> " woub W du� unckr thi� S�curKy In�trum�nt �n� Ih� Noto�s M no �cc�i��llon h�d occurt�d; (d) cur�� •ny d�huM ol�ny ath�r 1J
<br /> � � cuwnmt or �presmmt�; (o) p�y� ��� �W��K Ncu�nd In �n(orolnp thb SscurMy In�trummt, IncUdlny, bu! not�inNed to, rMSOnWN �
<br /> �ttom�y�' I�N;�nd (d)t�k�s�uch satbn e� L�ndK m�y naonsbry rrquln to u�un th�l fh�INn of thl�Sscu�Ny Irnlrum�nt, Und�r'� � •-.
<br /> ' ripht� In lh�Prop�ty and Borrov+�� obNp�tk►n to p�Y t� sums wcund by thM S�curity InstNm�nt sh�M continue unchilnp�d. Upon �tir ,
<br /> . rC!Mt!tternent by Bnrrow�r, thif S�curRy InstrumMt �nd lh� obiip�ibns e�cund h�r�b►r shAN rKr►1�h fuly NltctMN ts Y no�eeN�ntlon O `
<br /> had occurnd. 11aww�r,lhh rlpht to nh�uta�h�N not�ppy In lh�cato ol acc^.'�:rallon und=r pnrn.m�h �7. ,#�
<br /> ���r�
<br /> , �, � 19. Sale of Notd; Chan�e of Lwn Servicer. rn• Not• or a pllAi�l ht�r�st „ lh� Nol� (toqNhllr wRh lhls Fi�CUrRy T _
<br /> � Inatrum�nt)rr�ti�ua sold on�or moro tlm�s wKhout prbr notfa ta Bortow�r. A tafe nwy nsuM In �ahsnp�h tM a�tky (known Rs th� � �•-
<br /> •�p�n SMVic�r') tNtt colbcte monthy p�yrtNnte tkN undK th� Not� and thh &�CUrNy Inttrum�nt. ThKr aFaa may b� one or mon W �,i�=-
<br /> ' �diriii�`�4` --_
<br /> �,,,,,,,�{r�� ` chu►p��of the 1.o11n Swvict�r unrobtod to��b h 14 bow 4ndhapPlic bbhk� T�hnotlC�nwISN etats�h�rtn�m1 a d addns�of�lhs �-
<br />- t j , not�� of th� ohanpo In eccordancc wkh pu�prap `
<br /> , n�r Goan Swv{Car snd tho nddress to which p�y��6 ahould b�mad�• Th�notfce wfN�bo contah �ny othK htomytbn nquind by
<br />- .. t I �pplicabM kw. _ -
<br />- ' 1 20. Hazardous Substances. BoROw�r shall not cau�e or pKmR th� pros�ncs� ues, dbpo�al, storps,or nlws�o! �ny
<br /> Hwrdoua SuLstences on or In the Property. BonowK shaA not do,nor�Mow anyone Na�to do,enythhp afNclhy th�Proputy tha!
<br /> �� Is In vbktbn of any EnvYonmmtai Law. Trie pncedhD b+o smt�nc� she��not��P�p�oprkts to nortnai nsidmtial us�s u�d o
<br /> Propwty of srrN11 quantkbs ot H�urdous&,bstanc�s that uo peoe►aMr AG"
<br />. � rtwNt�nanc�of tho Propwty.
<br /> . Borrow�sl►ell promptty gtv�Lendsr wrkt�n notfc�01�ny irnr�stipdbn� c�lm� d�rtynd� kwsuk or otMr actbn by tny powmm�ntat ` -
<br /> or repui�tory Apeacy or prNate party hvotviny th�Prop�rty �nd �Y H�dous Substuica ar Environrtqntal Lnw ot aYhhh Bo�row�►has
<br /> � ot ut'yk HeW�d us 1SUbstan�aftectlnp rt�nP opertyyis n�suY Bortower sha�MOmPtytyriks aN n�c�ssyyl «rNn�di�l�ic}b st�in
<br /> �ccurd�nc�wRh Envkonma�tal law.
<br />- . As usad h thfs p4n9nph 20� "Haurdous Substuic�s' an thosa subsunca deflrud as toxb or hs�ardou� sub=W�c�s bY
<br />_�,. ,* Envirunmental I.aw �nd the folbwlnp substanc�s: p�solYh, k�ros�s. other fMrtunabN or toxb pebroNum ptoducls� toxic psstfctdaa luid
<br /> h u b f c f d e a, vo Mti N soM�nta, rtNt�ri�k conuhinp ash�stos or fo�rt��dt�hYd�� �nd r�dbactiw maiWkls. As us�d in V�is P��V�Ph 20,
<br />.r � � � 'EmrtonmM►tal 4w" me�ns hdKal kws u►d I�we of ths Jurisdlatbn where the Property Is locatsd th�t ro Mle to he�Nh, s�i�t y or
<br /> � envirenm�ntal protectlon.
<br /> �: ,. _.,
<br /> i�. NON•UNIFOF�IA COVENANTS. BoROVw��nd Lenda IuAM►Cow^�nt Nd p�«�s IoNOws:
<br /> 21. Acceler�tlon; Remedles. Lender she�l �hre noUce to Borrower prlor to acceler�tlon tolbwin�
<br /> `� � genewer'� breach of eny covenent w e�reement In this�_Security �M��neUce stwll aDeClfy:
<br />:�,:i•:�,:--•t�.. - h 77 unless �pPiicaoio w.. M:�;sE.......!!�••----•°
<br /> acceleratlon under pKa�rap
<br />- �� �:'• (a) the debult; (b) the �ction requked to curs the dehult; (c) � dne. not lea th�n 3O days irom 1he
<br /> �. =:,.�;: d�te the notic� Is qtven to Borrowar. by whlch the deisult mu�t be cured; �nd (d) tlw�!isilure to cure
<br />��`-.: ,. the defsult on a be�e the date epecifted In the noUce m�y rewt�I��Ce i� �� inform
<br />�=��,��"•.?�'� aecured by this Security Instrument end ale of ths Properly.
<br /> ,--�`',"�;�� BoROwer of tha rlqht to �elnatats �fter uccelera�n �nd the rlqht to brin� a court actlon to �ert the
<br />������:�...
<br /> --��.d� �on-exiqancs of� default or �ny other defeme of Borrower to�ccelention �nd a�le. If the dehu t •
<br /> -- -.••_���;���� not cured on or betore the data �qeciQied In the noUce. Lender �t its optlon may requlre immedists
<br />- -�.__:�j payment In tull of all �ums secured �y t h is S e c u rl ry Instrument without further demand �nd may
<br /> --•-�l-�t=� Invoke ths power ot s�le and any other remedie� permitted by epplicabte Isw. Lender ahNl be
<br /> ���=�u,�
<br /> -_:;.;:;;;�,�.� entitted to collect dl expe�ses Incurred tn purwiny the remadles provided In thls para�r�ph 1.
<br />------��:.�� includln��but not Ilmlted to� reaw�ab�e ettorney�' tae� end coas of tttle evidence.
<br /> - it ths power of ale 1� Invoked� Trustee sh�ll record � noGce of dahult in each county in whlch
<br /> =-'6'"""°�� ��ry part of the Property Is located end ahsll m�ll copies of such no�ce I Ilcable Iaw�Aiter the�me
<br /> ----__ �ppliwble Isw to Borrower �nd to the other peraont preeeribed b app
<br /> ---- �"—= raqutred by �ppticabte I�w, Trustee �hati pive public noUce oi�ale t�o the penons md in the manner
<br /> p�ear�bed py �pplicsbl� law. Trustee, without deQnand on Borrower, sh��� se�� the P�cPen71 �t pubtic
<br /> -__�� auctbn �o the hiqhest bldder �t the time snd pl�ce md under tha terrr�a detl�nat�d ����°I yaf edl
<br /> - �3� - - qle In one or more p�rcels and In aro� order 7rustee determines. Trustee may po�a
<br /> - _- -= or My prcel of the Property by pubDc ennouncement at the time and place of my prevlously
<br /> at�n ssle.
<br /> ----- �c h e d uted aale. Lender or its desl�nes may purchese ihe ProPerty Y
<br /> ��� ��= Upon reeelpt of payment oi t h e pr ice b i d. T r n�ri e e a h d l d e l l v�r W t h e p u r c h a�e r T r u s t e e's d eed
<br /> - --- "�- conveyinp the Property. The recitala In the T�uet�ee�� deed ahell be pri�rm� iecie eeidence of ths truth
<br /> -„�"" = ot the ststemenb mede thcreln. Trustee she�� �pP�Y�e pro�eeds of the ale In the followirty order:
<br /> __- (�)W dl coat��nd e�quense� of exercialn� the power ot eule, a�nd the tel�. Includln�the payment ot
<br /> - �� the Trustee's tee�actudly Incurred, not to exceed 1096 96 of Uvs princlpal Nnount of the note
<br /> J�"��"°�°• ' �t the time of tho declKatlon of dehult� and r��sanabie ettorney's tees as permitted by law; (b) to all
<br /> =.:-�;�."��
<br /> _ ._ : _� swer�a securod by this Securlty Instrument; ��rtd (c) sny excess to the person or per�ome lepai
<br /> '-L:`��: � enttC:ed to tL
<br /> ^��'�'��.�.T��� 22. Reaonvsyanee. Upon paymsnt of tll suma aecurod by thls SeCUrity InsWment,Lender shaN neq�estTrusieb to reconv�y
<br /> ,.•''�,..._,'.e•. -
<br /> •' the PropsRy and shtA surtender thb S�curily Instrummt�nd tN notes evidenchq debt seCUred by thls Securiy Instrument to Trustss.
<br /> �'•;f','-.�a�:.:� . Truste�sh�1l reaonvey th�Prop�iy without wuranty and wRhout cherqe to tha p�on or pKSOna iep�ly entNMd to k. 3uch parson or
<br /> '�•^,'.�. ,. _ persons ehaA pay�ny recordatbn coats.
<br /> .� .
<br /> . ` 23. Substltute T1'ustee. lendw, at Its optbn, may kom tme to tine remove 7nrstee and �ppoYtl a sttccessor Wstee to
<br /> ���_ �nY �stse sppofntYd h�nunder by en hsWme�+t recorded in the county fn wh�h 4hls SeCUrky Instrument b recorded. Wdhout _
<br /> �.� .:.�. ....,.... .�a ��trn r.nniarnd uuon Tn�sbe heteln utd bY
<br /> _��•=C�s�- - � . ..._ ...�... r-^^ _'_ -""- -' •
<br /> � �• conveYance of the Proporty. successor m,stee snep auca.eo�v :� �•��
<br /> � '�°��� applicabM irw.
<br /> � `: 24. Request tor NoUcea Bortower requests that coples of the not�es ol dehuR end sale be sMt to Borcowe�'s addresa
<br /> whlCh fs ths Propsrty Addrase.
<br /> � �6. Rlsiers to thls Security InatrumenL II ona or more rlders aro executed Dy Bortower aed rocorded toyether wkh
<br /> thb Sscurity I�alrummt,th�covsntnts and�0��^e^ts o�s�ch such rider shaM ba fncorpontad hto and sMq amend tnd supplement
<br /> � � th�covMw�ts and�qre�nents ot lhis Security Instrumsnt A5 H the rfde�(s)wen i part o}this Security Instrurtant.
<br /> �
<br /> - 1
<br /> • rorm aoae vroo
<br /> . i s,. . r F�Oti.lMO(?/�) P�g�4 01 S
<br /> — I EG600�8 . . . _
<br />