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<br /> � COVEMAMT6 � 1��� �~li
<br /> 1. P�ym�nb. Dorrower eqr��� to m�ke eil ptyrnente on the socured debt when due. Unless Dorrower��l.ender npree otherwiee, �ny '��`
<br /> paym�ntc lmq�►ncNv��frQm BorrovJ�r oT Tof BorlO�r'�b�nelit wfll be spplled fint to any amount�Borrow�r owe�o�the Q�cund d�bt
<br /> exclutivs of Int�ruY ar pineap�l!'��eohdYd Int�rut,��4d hen to principai.if parti�l prep�yment of the securud debt o�curc fqr eny reeson, it will
<br /> not reduc�or excusi�ny Ir,MduMt!p��MtM1R uni{!tM� ured dabt Is pdd in full.
<br /> : -t� � .. .;
<br /> 2.Cl�irn�A�wt i11N.6arowu will psy dl t�x�s.�ta`tsm�nts,md other charpe�attributsbk to thepro�rty when due And will detand title �
<br /> to tla prapetyap�In�t�ny cbims which wouW Impalr tM lien of thli dad of tru�t.Lsnder m�y requlrs Borrow�r to�sNyn ony►Ipht�,cletma or
<br /> � d�t�nns wMeh 6wrow�r may h�w�paln�t pntN�wfw wppty labor or mat�ri�lr to Improve or m�imNn tha proW►ty. :;���,_
<br /> ,, ..
<br /> 3. MsurRrese. Borrower wlll keep the proPany In�ursd und�r�orm�accept�hle to L�nder �t Borrower's expenee and for Lender'e benetit.All
<br /> } insw�nc�poiicl��chall includ��stmdud mortp�pe clauis fnl�vor of Lender.Lend�r will bs nimad�t lo��psy�e or�s tM�nsured on any sucl� , _
<br /> � 2 Insunncs policy.Any Inswana proc��d�m�y b��ppll�d, wltNn Lender'�ditcrstbn,to elthsr th� re�tontbn or npalr of tha damayed properry ,�'
<br /> �} or to ths s�cur�d d�fit.H lsndar rsqukes mortp�p�in�unnca,Bo►rower egraes to mdntsln such Insunnce for��long as Lender raqulres.
<br /> ��`� 4.PtopKty.Borrow�r wfll ks�p the{xoperty in pood con4itEon�nd m�ks�II repairs reason�bly Mcenary. ���
<br /> �r„�.,�N,,,Mil�► 6.Exp�nsN•Borrower apree�to pay all L�nder'��xp�nas, ineludinp rawn�bk attorn�y�'fe��, it Borrower break��ny covenante fn thi� deea _
<br /> of trwt or In�ny oblipation secured by thi�deed of trust. Borrawer wfll pay tMRe emounte to lender a�provided in Covenent 9 of this deed of ;�_
<br /> ,� trust. -
<br /> a.---
<br /> s b. pda 3�qxlty k�tKNts.Unless Bo►rowsr flrtt obt�fn�Lend1►'s written content,Barrower will not m�ke or permit�ny chanpe�ta any prior =
<br /> � security intK�att. Borrow�r wfll p�rtam dl of Borrow�r's oWipatbnr under �ny prior mortfl�pe,dead of trust or other security�greemnnt,
<br /> Inciudinp Harrow�r's coven�nU to m�ks p�yments whsn due.
<br />: y7,A�R of R�nb�nd hofib.Borrowsr a�sipns to Leodlr tM ronts snd profits of the propc+rtY. Unt�s�Borrower end Lender ha�e agreed
<br /> ,;. otMrw sf e in wr�tinp, Borrow�r may coltect and ret�ln the �ents u lonp��Borrawx I�not in de}wit.If Borrower def+�ulta, Lendar, Landx'a
<br />- sp�nt,or �caxt�ppoint�d nc�fver may t�k�poss�asWn and rn�nape the property and collact tM rents. Any rents Lender collects thall be
<br /> �ppli�d fint to the costs oi manaping tM prop�rty. fnckidinp court cott�and attan�ya' fee�, comminlont to rsntal ��enta, and any other
<br />�; necesury nlai�d expenses.TM rem�Tninp amaunt of ronts w�l tMn�pply to payments on the ncurad d�bt�s provided in Covsnant 1.
<br /> A.L�uNtoldr CotManh�lurn�;Pla�i Unk L1�vdoprrwrt+• Baro wer at�rees ta comply wish ttw provlsionc of any laaso It thfs daod ot trust fa on --
<br /> ,. , _ ,. a Ieu�hoW.if thh dad oi tru�t Is on�unit in a condominium or a p�anned unk d�vslopment,Borrower will pertorm ell of Borrows�'�dutk�
<br /> under th�cown�nts,by-1+1wa,or rpulatbns of tM condomi�un or planned unit dswbpm�nt.
<br /> 9. Autl�o�ity of L��dM to RwMrm ta SortowK. If Borrower feila to�perform any of Borrower's dutfe�under thi�deed of trust, Lender m�y
<br /> • �.: ,, p�Horm the dutbs or cau:�them to bs psrfam�d.L�nder m+y alpn 8orrower's mme a p�y u►y amount tf necstary tor pertarm�nce.If�ny
<br />±'�:.. �4 construction on tMp�op�rty b discontitwad a not cKri�d onin a roasonabN msn�er, Lender m�y do wh�tever is necesary to protect Lender'�
<br /> s�cixity Interest In the p►opsrty.Thb may Includa compbtirtfl the constructbn.
<br />_-",� 'w L.sndN'�f�INxs to p�rfam will not preclude Lender from exercidnp�ny of iU other righta under the I�w or thb dasd of tru�t.
<br /> :•_': �.
<br /> . . �
<br />�"- ` Any�mounn p�id by Lend�r to prot�et Lender'c eecuriry i�IKest will be aecurod by thf�deed of truet.Such amounte will be due on demmd
<br /> ,c�•
<br /> and will beu interest from the dste of the payment untif psld N tio11 at the interest rote in eNect on the secured debt. _.
<br /> l�°�''���'����'� - 1p, QNault Md AeeM�raUoe. If Borrower faSi:to make any payment wMn due or breaka�ny coven�nt�under thii deed of trust or �ny "
<br /> _ ' obflpatlon acurM by thf�deed of truat w any prior mortfl�e or deed ot trust, L�ndar may�ccebrete tfis maturity of the�ecured debt md
<br /> r l d�m�rtil immsdi�t�paymsnt�nd m�y invoks tM power of aaN�nd�ny otha remedi�s psrmitted by�pplic�ble I�w.
<br /> L`�;:-'.�M"' � 11,R�quwt tor Ma�kt�of OMwft.It Is hereby roqu�eated t'tut copiea oi ciis notice�of deiaurt�nd wie be seni io aaci�po�aGu wPw�e a �,:�:�
<br />��yr:�;;.:-• ,_� hsreto,�t tM addrsa of sach�uch person,es set forth Mrein.
<br />�.r,,,�,;_•:� •� 12.Poww of SM�.If tt►�Lsnder invokes ths power of�ale,thtr Tnistee shali first record in the office of the repist�r of deode of s�ch county _
<br />-_ • v • � wtwnin tM trutt propsrty or�ome part a parcel tMrsof is�Huated a notice of def�uit containkw the inform�tion r�qutnd by law.Ths Trustee
<br />�::��.Gt�;�, �� shsll�Iso mail copta�of the notice of def�uft to the Borrower, to each person who is a parry Feroto,�nd to othsr psnons as prescribed by
<br /> =-=-: �ppflc�b{s I�w. Not kss then one month�ftsr the Truuee rocords tM notice of detauR, a tvio months if the trust�xopsrty I�not in eny
<br /> ,dF-' incorporateJ city a villape�nd b used in tarmir�g opsratbns urri�d on by the trustor,the Trvtt�u�h�ll pive publio notice of nb to the peRaons
<br /> u
<br /> --��!b�`r �nd in ths maru»r prsscribed by�apppl(c�bls law.Trustee, without demand on Barrower,shall�sll ths property et public wctbn to the highoGt
<br /> -•��'�'�",,�.�,� biddu.If raquk�d by the Farm Horrwstead Protection Act, Tmttee shdl oHer tAe property In two�epsrate sales a�roquind Oy appilwbto lew.
<br /> ___. "`� TrustN may patporn�als of dl or�ny parcel of the propsrty by publla announcertNnt�t tha time�nd placs of any WsvbustY scMdul�d a�N.
<br /> -��'"� Lendlr or It�deafqnee may purchese the property at eny eelo.
<br />�"`�r"'��� UQon r t of payrt�nt of tM prite bid,Trust�e she11 dtlivwto the purcha�sr Tru:tes's deed corneyi the property.The recitials conUin�d In
<br /> ------'-,,.a�'ir'�•
<br /> _--- TnHtN'� ahall W prlma f�ci�wWknce of tP+e�ruth of tM st�tsmants cont�Ir»d tMroin.Truatee� all apply the p►ocesds of tM sab etia tha
<br />--�.�.w:.:�f�v. folbwkg otd�r: la1 to all expenaei of the �elo, inCiudiny,but oot Iimited to, reasonable Trusteo's fees, reasonable �ttorneV'e fees and
<br /> - - -- rotrKt�t�ment fNa;1D1 to dl suma aecured by thit deed of tsuit,and(c1 the balance,ff any,to the person�lepelly entitled to rocNve it.
<br /> °°�°= 13.Fa�etown.At L�nd�r'a option,this daed of vust m�y he for�cloaed in tlie mmner proviAe by epplicsble i�w for foreeloaurs of mortpape�
<br /> ---- _== on re�l property.
<br /> ��"'"�'�'� 14.�p�ctlon Lsndsr may enter tM propercy to in:pect it il Lander pivea Borrower notice Mfo�ehand.The notice must state the re�ton�bl� '
<br /> ---� cause fw Lendar'a iMPectio�.
<br /> 16.Cond�nrMYon.�orrowsr aas�nt to Lender theproceeda of sny�ward or claim fo►damaqe�connscted with�condemnatlon or other 3aklny
<br /> -- of all or�ny part o!tM poperty. uch proceed�will be spplied a+a p►ovided in Covenant 1.TN�es�lpnment 1��ubJect to the terms of sny prlor
<br />