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<br /> COVENANTi �'.� f,
<br /> 1. P�ym�nt�. Borrower npreoe to meke eil peyment�on the tecund debt when due. Unlen Borrower end Lendsr�flr`i���s. pny �
<br /> p�ym�nt�Lend�r ncefv��from Borrow�r or for Borrow�r'�b�nNit wlll b��ppll�d fir11 to�ny�mounte Borrow�r owe� on tha iocursd debt
<br /> �xciwiv�of intere�t or princi�l s�cond to Int�rnt, �ttJ Ih��to princlpd.If p�rttd prep�ym�nt o}the�saurod debt occun for any reason,It wfll
<br /> . rtot reduc�or�xcu�s�y,/c�}�dul���ymint unai ths��cu`r�d d�bt is p�id In full.
<br /> 2. CIYm�A�In�t �!lolr�vr�r li}II•pa�_)�tt1u�;��im�nt�,�nd othu che��• �ttrfbut�bl�ta the propaty wMn due and will ds(end titN "
<br /> to tM prop�rtY ay�'nt any cidma wMal►MaUIOMi{� r the +m of this d�ad of trwt.Lender meyrsqulre Borrower to euipn any rlpht�,claim�or R
<br /> d�hnt��whlcl�Botro �rTMn�y�nl�lq�M+1IP+KtM�,whO�dY���►or m�t�rld�to{mprova or mNnt�in th�prop�►ty. _,
<br /> -� 9. kwwane�. Borrowu will k�ep tha property Insu►ed undsr term� �cc�pt�bls tu Londsr et Borrower'� expeme and for Londer's heoefit. All �
<br /> '*� Insur�nC�policNs thNl Includ��snnd�rd mortp�p�clauw in lova oi Landor.Lander will ba n�mcd a.lo.s payoo or as tho insurod on any euch E
<br /> Insur��c�polioy.Any Insurinc�p�ocNda m�y W�ppll�d,withln Und�r'�dl�cntlan, ta Ntt»�th�nuontlon cr rep�ir of the d�m�ped property _
<br /> .;,�� or to th�t�cund d�bt.If L�nd�r raqulns mortp�p�fnsunnc�,Borrow�r�prN�to mslntUn wch Insunnce tot�t long�s Lander requint. =
<br /> � E
<br /> ' �,PropKty.Bor►owu wfil keep the prop��t�In pood condition�nd msk�ail npyln rse�onebly MCSSUry.
<br /> ��, 6.Exp�ruM.Borrower apn��to p�y di Lmder'�sxpenwa,Includinq reuon�bl��ttorn�ys'fen,if Borrower breaks+ny coven�ntt in this deed
<br /> . of trust a In�ny oblipatlon secured by thlt de�d of tru�t.Borrowar will p�y these�mount�to lendar e�provided in Covenant 9 of thte deed o} �
<br /> •+• trott.
<br /> �_
<br /> 6. Prlo�S�ct�rity Mri�tMb.UnNss BorrowH firtt obt�int L�nd�r'�writtan con��nt, Borrower wtll not m�ks or permit any chanyea to any(xior �_.
<br /> � �eeurity int�n�tt. Borrowe� wlil p1r}orm NI of Borrow�r'�oblip�tlom under �ny prior morty�Qe, desd of trust or other security�preement, ��
<br /> 1�, Includinp Bortower'�coven�ntt to m�k�p�yment�wMn du�. _
<br /> ' � 7.A�of R��nd Profit�.Barow�r uilgna to Lend�r tM nnts and prafits ot the prope►ty.Unl�ss Borrower and Lender have ayreed
<br /> otMrw s�I�writinp, Borrower may cotiect�nd retafn iM rent��� lony as Borrower b �ot in default. If Barrower defaults, Lender,Lender'e
<br /> spmt, or� coun�ppolnted nceiver mwy uka posasstbn snd m�naye th�propercy md collect the ronta. Any ronn Lender collecta shali be _
<br /> �ppli�d fint to th�cost�of m�n Inp ttw p►op�rty. Includin� court cost�artd�ttorneys'feei, comml�slone to rental agents, and eny other
<br /> + neatsary nlat�d�xp�nsas.Th��em�fni�p tmour�t of nnts wfll then applV to paymsnt�on the�ecured debt a�provided in Covenant 1. _
<br />�„+ �'
<br /> B.L�wol�oldi�C�ndwdr�iuma;Pt�r'r�d Urdt l?�.Borrower eQreee to comply with the provislans of sny leaie if this deed of trust is on __
<br /> ��� �� e lee�ehold. 11 thi�deed of tru�t i�on s uMt in� condominium or�pl�nned unit devalopmsnt,Borrower wiil perform all ot Borrower's dutie�
<br /> y; •rj��'. urtdW tM cov�nant�,by-laws,o►�epulatioru of th�cordominlum or plannsd unit d�vetnpment.
<br /> ` 9. Autl�adty of Lw�to Pwlane for dartowM. If Barowsr fall�to outam any of Borrower'� dutlss undsr tt�is d�ed of truat, Lender m�y
<br /> pKtorm ths duti��or c�uss them to b� pKfo�m�d. l�nd�r may�Ifln qorrow�r'�name or p�y tny�mount if r�ecess�ry for performance. If any
<br /> �� �t' ��� corntruotior►on tM oputy I�discontinwd or mt aarrMd on In�n��onabN m�nnsr,lend�r m�y do whatswr Is r�ass�ryr to protect Lsnd�r's
<br /> �� �ecurlty IntK��t in t�aopern.TN�m�y InctuM compNtinp the conshuctbn.
<br />�,,,..;=� LsndK'�hilun to pwform wiN not pnclud�Lendv(rom�xardsinp any of It�otiwr rf�hn under ths I�w or thi�desd of trost.
<br /> �;' AnY�mauna patd by LsndN to prot�ct Lmder'�recwiry int�n�t wiil br�ecund by this d�ed of trust.Such Wnounts wiil be due on demsnd
<br /> "'�' `, ,, � and will bar Inten�t hom the d�te of the p+yment untN p�id In full�t ths intsrett nte In sfNct on the secured de6t. _
<br />�,, u:
<br />-`'`= �- 10.D�hdt md A�aMrWon,If BorrowK fa(I�to m�ke aoy p�ym�nt wh�n dw or bre�k� my cowmnt�under this desd of trwt or any
<br />�''�'�' oblipation��cwed by tfiis dNd of trust a rny prio► mat9W�or d�ed of trust,L�ndK m�y�cc�Nr�ts ths m�twiry of the sac�xed debt and
<br />_;r,�" :1?r; d�nund immediat�peyment and maY�nvob the power o}sal�and�ny otMr retrNdi��+pamittad by�pplic�ble I�w.
<br /> ` 7 7.M�IML iof 1�OYGf Oi�a•it ii iroiiuji iiy�iSiG2i��i:2 t.Gj+ivt�}2�'.:^:2:� �!$.:��J�L:!`�!�7��,..u�nr�r.�Ar_.h n�rRnn wh0 b e Oafty .
<br /> �,�;:.',. �V., hereto,at tM address of sacl��uch pvson,as�et forth henin.
<br /> S',;.� ..- .n �
<br /> g,>,!:j�,,�:; 12.�own of S�M.M ihe LarWsr invokq ihs powK of 1�1�,the Trusts�shall fint rocord In tM office of tM rpiste of dssd�of each counry
<br />� .4 � whe�in ths trust propxty a tom�p�rt a psral tMnof i�tituat�d�notics of d�fauft contN ths informatlon rpuirsd by I�w.Ths Trustee
<br />�.�,r�.::.•'�. �" eroto, �nd to otMr persons a� e:cr(bed by
<br /> _,,,_�, Yf � �haH atto maN copi�a of the notice of d�fwit ro tM Borro�vsr,to each p�non who I�• party _
<br />�,�... �ppNc�bN I�w. Nmt k�s than a�month�ftar the Trutt�ncorda tM notic�of d�huit or two months If ths Vu�t proputy not fn any
<br /> � incorpont�d city a vfllap��nd is us�d I�irminp op�r�tio�+s curiod on by ths uu�tor,th�fruetN sh�ll piva public ratiw of s�le to tM p�rson�
<br />;°���„'�,,,� and In tM msrwN►pnscr{b�d by�ayppflcaDN law.TrustM, wittwut d�mand on BorrowK, �hall�ell tM propsrty�Y public�uction to th�hipMst
<br /> _;-�:��,,p� bidd�r.if rpuind by tfie Fa►m HorrNaisad P►ot�ction Act, Trust�e sh�ll off�r tM p�op�rty In two s�psr�ts��N� a�nquhsd by epplicable law.
<br />' -=::.� Lf�a iti d�isstp�i�e miy purc�liaa ths qopirty ii i�yiaM�by public announcem�nt at ths time�nd placs of sny prsviously scMdul�d sak.
<br /> �"��� Upore r�pIpt of paym�nt of tM pria bid,TrustN shall d�liver to the purch�tsr Trustee's deed conveyt�0 the property.The rechtale oontdnsd In
<br /> '`����� Truttw's dMd shNl be{xtma hci��vldienc� of th�truth of tha�t�t�ment�contNned tMr�ln.Truste�sfidl appty tM p►ocseds of tM sal�in tM
<br /> = -- foNowhg ordu: (�) to all experue� of ths nl�, incNxlinp, but not Bmind to, rea�on�bts Trust�e's fees, res�onsWe atto�oey's 4�si and
<br /> — r�t�t�n»nt f�e�;(b)to all�ums acur�d by thl�d�ad of trwt,and(ol th�bai�nc�, (f eny,to the paton�IspNly entiUed to recoive it.
<br /> - 13.Fa�dosun.At Lender'�option,this deed oi trust may be foroclotsd in tl+�manrkr provid�by�pplicabN I�w iM foreclo�urs of mortpaqt
<br /> -- on nd propKty.
<br /> —'`==�'�'�� 14,k�spal6on, L�rxler may�nter tM property to Insp�ct it it Lender pfvas Borrowsr notia heforohand.7M notice muet state the reasonabb
<br />�� • cww fa L�nder'�irop�ctbn,
<br /> 16.Co�rMtlon.Borrower�ssipru to Unda thep►ocMd�of any�ward a cl�lm fa dam�ye�comsctsd with e condemnstion a oth�r t�kinp
<br /> -------- oi NI w my pn�t of th�propwty. 5uch proco�d�will b��ppli�d+�provid�d In Covsrnnt 1.Thit�:al�nment It aubJ�ct to tM terms ot my prlor
<br /> _
<br />