<br /> � _ _
<br /> I .
<br /> � v/��� �Q�� a-
<br /> ' B.��ro �,��(�g��Ciuy to Tc�ut�or dhor futuro obU uiau of Tnaswr to Beaeficl�ry under wy �
<br /> i n�t��caotact,�rrnty a� ollar eviaence of debt execu�by Tnu�r in►fivor oP Beaetici�ry executed �..
<br /> �A�er t�5ecudty L�uweat whee�ier or n�t thi�Security Ia�tcument i�speoificdly rofaranced. If a.wre tFuw oo,e .. _
<br /> i p«� � tN� Skurit�' InMturaent� Mcb TtuNor �c+ue� that tbi� Security Jnotruoceo�t will wcuro dl futuro ;
<br /> aoe or owro'frustor�oc�Y aw or aiore T�uKa r
<br /> ; �dvt,soa�od fWwt+e obli t6�t�n�iwo a or incurrod by+aY � .
<br /> c:�d a'•h:m.All futvro n v�noc�e a�d other fl�turo�bUg�tioo�are�eoural by thi■ Secu�ity Isutnimeat evee thouKh all
<br /> ! orpa�t ary aw yet b��dv�ao�d.A11 t�utu»advaoa�rnc!atber futuro obl�g�ti�ua�oural r�sa if��n tho dhi� ` ,
<br /> ( af ihi�S�c�taty ia�t�weeot Nomia�in Ihl��ty�t�ll ooa�tawta�oommlta�ont W rodce�ddfuoal or
<br /> futuro lao�or dvaoca m iwy�mouat. Aoy arcb�taieat mu:e be� r�oed to ia a sep�rute wdtIa ,
<br /> � T�v�Wr ava to Beaeficiuy.whlch mry late�ari�e� to� extent not prohlbitod by��w includtn� _
<br /> C.Nl obilp�i�
<br /> but aot liwted to� UaMlltia for ovesrdnib reluln� t� �ny dePalt nccount �roemant betwean '�n►+�r
<br /> Baieficl�rlr• by p
<br /> ; A'�Fio�pert�y�i v�l���iad�y� r eumic�v�nced nd�oxpeneee�incurred bY B��efic'lary uuder the�terms of tt�i .
<br /> Secunty I�urneot. • :
<br /> '�tii Securtry Ia�tn�ment will not recuro�ay dhar debt if BeneficiRry f�Il�to �ive any requited natice of the ri�ht of ,:. ;,-
<br /> � cnschsion. ••.�;:�'.;�..�:.�.
<br /> '1 S. �'AY1�Ni'9.'IYwAor sfnM tdt aU paya�a uoder tM 5eourod Debt will be p�id wheA duo and ia�ccoralNOO�witY�e •,�^Q°:=�
<br /> • � � 't�!.�-�_-'tY��'r:
<br /> IOfOf O�1�0 S001M'Od�ut Mld(bl/.SOWflty�N��. '«,4'��--�
<br /> �. WAiETitANTY O�''C��. T�urwr war�sntr 18ot Truiior ia ar will be bwfully eoixtd of tlre ertate caave�ed by tbtf :
<br /> S�qr�ty I�M�umNt�od hy tM ri�6t to irtevac�bly�wo�.ooavsy��ad oell t1w P'�operty to Tnutee�ia truat�wlt6 porvver ---
<br /> is uoeacumba�ed�except for�eocumbnaces of recacl. � ��
<br /> � rle.Ttu�tot dw warcsou tiwt the Prc�aty =_-_
<br /> 7. PIRiOR SLCUft1TY II�f6RD�.STS•Wit6 crprd ta�ny dher mortY+�e,deed of tn�st� �aocurlty��roea�e°t or othu lia� , +�a-�__�
<br /> n k-�_
<br /> docua�eet t6M crated a pdor recurlty intacast ot encumbnuwe aa tLe Propecty�TtuYtnr�rea: -.���;
<br /> A.'�'c►mrce�ll p�ymeoN when due aod to paform or oompiy wlth all ooveaaab. .�
<br /> B.To promptl�ddiver W Beoeficiary�oY aot�ca A�at Tnucor raoeives fiom tl�e holder.
<br /> C.Not W�11 any coodificatian or exceosian of. aor to requect�ay futurd�dvaaces uodcr�ay note or a�oeemart P;'
<br /> • �ecut�ed by tire 1[a�documeot witl�out Baoeficiuy'�pdor wnttea caa�en� ,. , _
<br /> �,: ' .
<br /> 8. CLAIMS AGAIIdST T1TI.E.T�u�toc wlllpa y all taaa�wessroenta G.eiu�eacumbnace�.la�se PwYmeaW��ra�txl renn� ,
<br /> utiQtie�,�nd otLee re1�tir�ta tbe PmP�'whan due. Bcwaficiary tuty rec�uin Truttor to ptov�de to BeneficistY .F ~ ,
<br /> of dl s�Nca�iucb�awuuu ue dne the receipts avldencla�Tcustor s P�Ymmt. Tn�swr will dsfaod titb to y, �
<br /> �.: . �°� � ���;, �••�:'s� .�,�. .yw_�.i i�ir U�e li� of thi� SecuritY Iurtavment. Trwtor�W asr�m W "^e�' �
<br /> � 1 HeM ��requ�,�by Beaeficiary��ny nQ6b,cl�iuns or defanoer Trustor auy Iuve a�ainst pa�ie� w�pp�i.:��� -
<br /> f � ar�b muebun or improve tbe PropenY• �
<br /> ��� !. t�lE oIV sAI.E oA ErteJMBw�rvcE.9eaefiai.ry m.y��t Ite aphoo�aecl.re tLe eoti,+e 6.t.noe oe we secuna nebc a
<br /> be imniedi�ldy due ad P+yabb.�.the cn�tiva of1 or ooatr�ct�or�edea1 I�w f 1�C.R.591��,__�i�e�app�ic�bi�.T7ib��
<br /> . _ u�le nf bs Propwty..ILie n u wtib�ei.K to the re�tnctiom imposed, y 1 � �od thi� Security
<br /> �,q�� �s v�nt��le�paty�od ehdl�+emsin in effxt unql tUe Secuced Debt is d in tuu �' .
<br /> .� Inwrumeet 1�releMed. c .
<br /> w 1�. PJtOP�TY CONDiTION, ALTERA'1'IONS AND 1NSPEC'CION. Tn�ator wlq keep H�ee Pmpaty in jood ooudidaa
<br /> �nd m�ta dl th�t ane r�awoaWW� �eoe�y� Tnutor rhaU not conunit oc�llow �ny wute. tmpi��the -
<br /> �(��y T�urtar wi11 1u�ePu�e tb PropatY free of ooxiou� �roal�ad�nwa. Tn�tor a,�cees
<br /> � �f�W oocup�cy�sd we wW not�ub�hntuUy ch�u�e without Beae '�prior writtea oao�eot.Tcu�tor will not �.,.: .
<br /> p��t�ny cL!N i�aney licea�e.re�rktive oova�wt or en�eaoeat witbout�le�y'�prior wriuen cm�at.TrusWr will '�
<br /> �� �oliy Bwefic�r of �A dem�orb� Pi'oaeaio�. claino�. aod actjoo�a�aio�t Tnutor�wd of aoy las a d�se w tie !�����
<br /> ,. p�7.
<br /> � B�cisry o�B�o�ficiwry'� m�y�+►t Beos{.��r��op8on�.eater We Property at my re�oo�ble tlme[or th� �_
<br /> the ��i�vo '1'mator not�ce �t oLe dme of or befon ao uu�on. 6eoe�
<br /> ' �.. °�� p�t1i i��p��Any�� of tbo Pmpe�ty �b�li be aotireiy for Beoe •s aod =�z?r�
<br /> :� T����ws�I tely oa le �''�—
<br /> � 11. AVI'Hf�til'Y TO POtF�ORM. It Ttu�tor Wls w parform�ny duty a�ay ot tl�e covau�t►te cont�ined in thia Sec�rt� __—__ --- -
<br /> IaMnmeot�Haaehc+�ry,maY�without oota.x�Pecform or uu�e tLem to be paformed. Tru�ta appoint� Banet'ticLcY M ` .
<br /> . ert�ra�oce.Beoef'iciuy�ri=Lt�o uroa for
<br />= �� �tanxr i�fioe a�rt�Mor...me a p.y..y,w�oua moe�..ry w�p a,;u,0.,pc�ecaeae Gcn. `.r�:_v
<br /> � } 'TaMor i�l wot crMt��s o6ilptia��ojprxfotro��ad BeaaficluY'a hilwe b petform ' �
<br /> � � � ���y ot��we&+!*y��other d rits nodet the la w o r t h i�Security in�ument.If iuy 000�xti�a c�a t6e p� ,r� :�.---�
<br /> i�du�cootnw�d or not carned os is�nwoo�bb mwner.Beaeficisry rasy t�lce�ll stepr neoew+ry W p�otect Baoe � ;=F;:� _
<br /> �y'r, j �ax�tity ioMe�e�t ia tMs Ptope�ty.includin{oo�i►letion of t6e 000stn+otiva. :. : . : _�';
<br /> .-.•CYr�?��'1•
<br /> �� OF LEASES AND RENiTS Ttuator irnvocably envit�. conve s�ad ae11s w Tnutee� in trost for 1he ;�-*: ,;,��, ,
<br /> •� 12. ASSIG N M P'.N'I' y aod dl exiain�or fut�re IeaAa �,: . .� . `�,;;:'..
<br /> • . ,��'� 6aiefit of i�,,, �t additioo�i�ecurtty dl ttie ri�ht�title aod intereet in aal co�ny ' :. _. �1'_�`�'�
<br /> ,� of au of the Pcope includio� -•j':;;�;
<br /> - _.���_ .�.i��v�Ntyr WriNeo OC VKbV SII[db�lttltS for(b0 lise�Gd OCC1I�M�CY y�.r�._...���' �. t.���.. '„��y�-�i�',:�.�
<br /> . . '� �uy su� -No�ior TreaeYVala��oodific�tiosti or subaatut►ais oi suca s�ieem�uw�s.ii�o."�.�o..N,.� . =-.--. :,,:-o-.T, , —„-- .
<br /> �u vido Beneficiary with tnse�ad correctcop ia of dl ' .
<br /> , ,� aod prof�b(�reterred w � 'Renta'). Tnutor wiil prom{►t1Y :,..'.>
<br /> .'a' exirtao��nd futiub Lca�. Tniitor may collect. roceive� e�joy�uso the Reo�ro lon��Trupor is uot in dofa�lt tss�d�r . ..�f.;;'•::
<br /> t h a t�e�o f t l w S e c u ri t y I n e t ro m w4.
<br /> � TnNoor�ckaa�'kdtee t1�t dti�aw�nmeuR u p�rfeckd upon the recordinj of this Deed of 1`nut �od thai Benoficiary is
<br /> eatitled w wtify�y o�nutor��te�omtsll Bao�efioN y notify Tn�utoe�ad Tru eor'�tmo nt�s�od mvice derym�od that dl .
<br /> ' �{�Lry�r�t1�t t, ury
<br /> i. fi�t�e R����Tn�or'�i fpoe�ioa�wd will smce�iv aay�eau inTtnut for Beoe��s�ary�aad w1U not oomai3�to-�}y_lo-
<br /> . :.-� ��y� --u_y�__tt t_�1:�.1�. wwiA�rl in fb11 S�(i1lt�11 TDt�flllll��. TRiFU[
<br /> _- '. "7 �p�p�W�dl�Dp��0�IU00�. Mr�7Dl7�ni�Wuw�w w�u w p..�..�_— --_ _ -..--'_ '_,.. -.-
<br /> _ � w�traota th�t no defsult exisu uoder the L��es or anY�PPlicabb�iadlot+d/tenaat law.Truator dio i�oees to m�int�a�ac1
<br /> ���y�o�n�w comply wiW tho term�of tbe I.eavca md applicable I�►w. • ,
<br /> , 13. LEASF•HOI.DSi C�NDOMINIUMS• PLANNED iJN[T DEVEI.OPMENTS. Tn�atoc a�roea to comply. with tLe
<br /> ' providom of any la�se if tbir Securlty�nctn►moat is au a kasehold.If the P�p�ty includa s unit ia a coodominiu�a a w
<br /> i �������t��w��l�t orm dl of Tn�etor'e dutia under tl�e coveoRaU,by'la�►n,nr ro�ul�tioa�of tbs
<br /> I 1
<br /> fpap�2 0l Il
<br /> 01N���+MM��YM�nr.Mt-.fl.tlw/.�IN 11400�0�7•ZS�1)FK�nIIE-DTdI[ t�11�1N
<br /> — _ ' � � _
<br /> I , I
<br /> � _ . . . . .. ._ _ ._ �....�-- - ... ._ _.. .._ -.
<br />