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<br /> . �. • ......�.. �.., .� t�r'n the CiTY OF GRE+ND LSI.AN1)�
<br /> '1"lI16 L1txIl6c t1�i�+"�,n :'o .......� .�,1
<br /> N�BRASKA� a Muaicip�l Coipotation. 6�ia� re�esured to its the "I.xtt�'" aad TONY I.
<br /> ARUNT ard DFBRA L.BRUNT, husband�u�d�va�e,4�a+einafl�et teferrod Go�a tbc "Liansaes'.
<br /> S.. STATEMENf OF PURI'OSE. 'Il�e putpoe�e of tbis Lice��►Sc�ana�t ia to aet
<br /> fcx��c tann aad coaditions�nder wbich the I.ixasxs amiY ca�c�ct,m�idai�n,rq�ir, and
<br /> utiti�e tbe following descdbed iu�pc+oveme�t which will infrityge upos a�n asemeat held by t6c
<br /> Iaic�enaor:
<br /> P'l�ement of�concrete drivewsy w ezo�ad aix(6.0)fat inw dn exisain�g eight
<br /> (8.0) foot wide asanesti on tt�e aat side uf Lioc�naees' Ptopa�tY vf i 119 E.
<br /> Nebr�slcs Aveaue in Grand Isls�. and continun8 for s distaaa not�o eacood
<br /> s,�vrnty Fonr(74.0)fixt for acoess tv Iaceasow'SNaSe�i tbe rau(�)edSe of
<br /> Z,�es�propeity, 'z'he}�laocaxat of such dtivaw�y shill be ia�ocacr�4ax with
<br /> tbe att�cved drawing.
<br /> 2. DFSCRYP'ITON QF I.iCEN5BES' R�IL FSTATE. The L�cem�e� own t6e
<br /> fo�b�ix� demcribod real eRtade s�j�cxat to th�e Licxasor's e�aenoa� bu wThich this Liceffie
<br /> �rcmp�t ahall�pply'
<br /> Lot'ThittY'i'b�c�e(33).Fo�er View Subdivision,in tbe City of C�rand LiLmd�Hsll
<br /> C�unty, Nebr�ska
<br /> 3. I.ICLNSEES' Di3'�1E5 ArTD RISKS. It is widerstood �nd agrood that th�t
<br /> - Licxnaoea m�.y constiuct, maintain, repur �d utili�e the above described ienpmvanent zt the
<br /> Lioeasoes soia risk. The I.ioensoes hereby w�ive uty claim for d�miges ag�inst ti�e I.iansor,its
<br /> ._ _ . _.� _ ._.e� - ,r.�:;_ �. _ .
<br /> ----- - . .. � —� _ .g.-��y_ - - -
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<br /> v _____ •ii��•yS�L.�i���.-��-----_-_--� _ _ -�_ ,'.'. _
<br /> ar�s�rcruvnsvrancnc..rv�a-s � �r ---- -- --
<br /> ��.o � ��acase�cr�t`fy�., a . — _-_—
<br /> � _- ��...Jy ai��,� �•��i�ill� '=.��.v,�.,�� _-_ —_-_- —.
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<br /> ------ �Yis►iaPS-S.stC1�.9e�c.iti�s�ati�+��iir;."-
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