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<br /> >.•�,1-
<br /> , 1�. L�lIDEl1'�lIIW!'Y TO GOI�iENCE O!1 REFi,MD LEGAL M:TIONS. QnrMa�I�I IrtrrMd�INYpro�Ade I.end�r whh wrftl�n nollo�of�ny�twl a
<br />:.s��..�.�.- -
<br /> �,r=�,,,.� �d�o1bn�wN�or olh�P���7�P►�Y. fir�nlor tNnbY�PP�n�L�rbK u h� •In•faa!o o�xsxrnr��Im�rvww In��nd
<br /> � �• •� ..� � M(w�d wbh wtlaur iWU�a ah�r N{�I proardr�end to oarprariw a�NIN�ny dNm a oontrownY tF�rMo. Lu�d�r rh�M nal b�N�bb lo
<br /> c�nta la�ny a�ion.�erta�midake�omi�obn a y ro the aetiom deiulb�d in MI� a�ny �nsuMkip th�nfrom. Nd►�Irp
<br /> . : ooMaN�d hadn wMl prrwrM LaxiK hom uWr�p th�adlon��in tht�p�n�pnph In lu own nertw. (�
<br />, ; - y _
<br /> -'�' .. � . 11. NiCE�Nt�NFiCATIOH. LK��F�aM not uwrr�a b�nrpon�hN ta th� � o�t�nyof�irr�nta►'�oW1p�Non�wRh rotp to th�PropKty -
<br /> . . - +M � my akaxrrW�oa. Q��nto►�h�M krrrs�iNy provkl�L�ndrr wMh wdtt�n of�nd kxMrtnfry�nd IwW l.�nd�r�nd R��w�F�otd�e+y,dnclon,ofAMrs�
<br /> � ����w d�lm,d�tr���N�blNtlw( .tttxn�yi'h�a�nd I�pN o�,cauwr ol�dbn��dlon.,wit.�nd
<br /> 4�� Clakn').r,.�.��.W�,,;,a.�10 th�PropKty(k�rq�bul not NrtiNd to,ihow Haiardou�IN�url�l�). C�anta�up+nF► _
<br /> �-.g�, '� ., ��n Q��M1�f�tlMll��OdXii�10 OMfW LMI�M�f010�UOfI C.�If1M��fld�y 1�M�IWfMy7�hM� �xp�n M��11d OI�Mf 00{1�kIC{Mf��fl�
<br /> -�% , ��ecdon tlMr�wMh In 1M�Il�m�tlw.Laridw shdl b��nfltNd lo�r�loy 11�own I�p�l oounrN ta dNond wch ClahrM at Cirunorr co�1. CinrMoP�
<br /> ', ,, •.
<br /> "' oEMpMbn to k�d�ntNly iw�r�x�►ml�PwGr�ph�h�M NxvN�tM Nrtr�ation�n�aM°�faradocura of ihla Oa:d ol Truet.
<br /> !�.,:,; • �_ 1a TAl(ES AND��B�AENTB. (irmlor rt�aN pay�II taxa�nd�ssNUrwn�nlatkW ta Pro�rty wMn du��nd km�tNy provld�I.e�r
<br /> �paynwM of wr�. Upon Hw nquNt of L�nd�r�Ciaw�tor rhaM d�po�i!wNh Lrr�d�r Nch month a�Mrethh(1/12)ot tM�stimt�d�vmual Inwrw�o�
<br /> �KIti wn�and asre�atMM��ro 1M Pro�ty So lap u tMn Is no d�fw�lt.th��rnouM��tMll 6��ppYrd to ths p�lun�M��o+hNd to
<br />-- _�.�' �p�x��r�d���p�pNpat�bn�, /1r�y�hx d��ip��d m�y��l�ir��i optlo�i�(�Md fn rwsr�ord�r of M dui d�t� hK�iol th�
<br /> .��` Bt)OKS,BECORDS ANf1 R@PORT3. Omtor�hsN�Yaw l�or Its�p�nt�to�wirnlna and Inspod tM P►�P�Y
<br /> �'� •:� 1r. INOPECTIONOFPROPERTY�
<br /> :;.• �nd�x,rrin�,In�pe��►d rt�io�oopN of a►u�tors booke�rxi na�rdr pKtek�rq to ih�Propwty trom WrN to tlrtM. (iraMor�I�all provid��ny awlst�
<br />, ,.•��, -�; nc��d py��rwN►lo►th�w pixpow�. AN of th���un�and Inforrt�do�oonlakwd In Cinntors boolc�md ncord�thaq b�p�ntdrN.ttu�.aocurat��nd
<br />•; ;�;�•,�.,;.:,• - oat�pMM fn NI n�ts. (lnnta�FiaN rat�tM�xfit�na�f L�lwa bsnNfcW kit�nq In h�booki and nootd�p�rtak�rq tn tM Prop�rly. Adcltlor�Ny.
<br />:;:',�,,'.�._ Or�rda NwM n p o r t�In�tortn wtlsfaclory to l.�nd�r,wch intortntlon�s L�nd�r m�y n q u n t np�drq Orantor's 1kw►ctel oondltion a th�P�. iTN
<br /> ��•��:�
<br /> h�`hxnitMd Ciranbr��Lind�r�h�N b�tn��a�axau�anda1oorrplit�M al l��n�p�ct�.ar�tlpnsdw by Oranta Il -Lend�r�i at me y d� at�. All
<br />`,f�,�,•µt.
<br /> i�"�� •� 1T. EST[1PPEL CER�IFIGA7'�s. Witl�tn t�n(t�)d�ya afle►any nquest b1l L�ndsr�Ciranta�h+ll deNvsr to L�rwMr�or�nyr kn+��d�d VansNrN of L�nd�►'s
<br /> '�y '.>.'',.. �qf wNh n�p�d to th�OhYpatlom,�sipr»d�r►d�dawwl�clp�d�tatamem��anqandrq b�na on tF»c�hiipafbn�•r�d(b)whrrrt►w
<br /> �6
<br />:;��,;' (;:' ` (inr�tor �ny d�irts�dN�nsn.wt-0ih a oowd�rdafma wl!h r+trsp�q to th� •and,If w,tM natun of�uch dafrro�ds�inaos.at-ofb a
<br />�:,',�,;���`•_•`_ � axK�brd�kn���Ci�anlor wNl b�ar.du�k�ly bo�xid by�ny�mttdon yhst I.�ndor rr�y rr�to tM InNrxi�d tr�shra with n�p�ct to thess matl�n In
<br />:,'��t., ,.,,. th�w�nt thAt(imtor hfl�to�ovid�the requen�d staterr�nt in a timaly menner.
<br /> d
<br /> :�= -• 10. D�AULT. GniMa�haM b�In d�hult ur�r tM�Desd ot Tn��t�nd�he TrmtN's pow�r ah�M b�oon�oparattw In th��wni thet t3rnntor.Bortow�r a
<br /> <;.� " any puranta►of tM ObllpaUons:
<br /> �;t�% •�. (d�10 P�Y nY��to lmcl�r wt�n dw;
<br /> '.',�- (b) hN to p�donn�ny ObNpstlon w brnch��eny wa�ramy a oow��nt to Und�r comakied{n thls ONd of T�ust a eny oUwr prosent or hAUn
<br /> �'�'`�Y� (o)��bws a d�rtrpt�th�Prop�ny k��rry rtrt�rial n�t a subJrcts th�Propxty to�sliun.conA�catlon,or oaidarcn�t{on,
<br /> '+_�°,=;{. (���Mrs W nvola�t�ttrik►�d�a oM�orwi�Ilrtrt II�M�killly wxMr rny ptw�nry to UrKMr;
<br /> "�•. t� dn�b�oortr�NtMNY k�o�npeUM�I�dadwd or t�rrrMul�d�b�oort�InroM���rtrla�en w�lprx�rnt ta th�6e�M of abiton,taNs to P�Y
<br /> d�6ta N ttNy t�oon�du��IN�s a p�lHlon undrrttw hcMrN ber�lvuptcy I�wi.ha�sn Involuntary p�tBlon In ben{cuptey flNd In wtdch Ci��ntar.Bortow�r
<br /> _���:� aarty/Jhr�ia is nenAO�6i iws��+j+w"i'f t'.iwii i;�nn;'ii'�•.:7"��7�::o!�:l;:
<br /> allow�yoods to b�uwd�tnn�port�d or�tond on th�Properly.th�po�a�fon,tron�porutbn�or ue�of which.is Hlp�l.
<br /> P��� (G ���►Y Pe►fY oth�r than(�rrNa a BorrowN to uaxrM or und�rt�lu�ny Obllgalio�witho��t 1M wmtm con�nl o(I.�nda:or
<br /> - ��r=�� (h; ceuwt Undor to de�m Il�slf knrain du�to a el�Mant d�clir»In 1M value ot th�Prop�rty;a Ii Lend�r,In flood falth,fa eny nesan.b�Awes
<br /> _-—�� thtl th�prapu;!af P�Y�a P�����Irtpalr�d.
<br />'-� 1i� p�pyT�pF L,ENDER ON DEFRULT. If tl�n le a d�fault unda tht�GNd ot 7rue�.Lend�r�haN he enUWd to sxedae on�a mati of ttM tollowinp
<br /> ==�-- n�n�d�s wltl�oi�t notks a d�rtrrid(�xapt o nc��lnd bY I�w).
<br /> - - (�)to d�aRthe ObNpNion�In�Miy du�nnd pey�bl�In 1ull�
<br /> ----_= (b)b oolf�d th�oulwndnp ObNptllwn wlth ar wrihout n�onkp to jud{cW proase;
<br /> _ (o� �p nquk�(irantor to doNvw�nd rr�ki avdle6M to LsrMK anY patonsl propK►Y or ChattM�conetltu8ny the Property et a pleos nesonably
<br /> ��� oonv�tY�tM to Onrda rt�d LerKNr,
<br /> -- (t� to�nt�r upon�nd tMa Po��lon ot th�Propafy withoul app(yinp fa a obtalnkip 1M appokiVtwnt of a no�iwr and.at Lar�r's opdorz,to
<br /> �ok�a naN�►wNhan bond�witlwut Ikst brinpkp wit on tt�oEYpula»and without dtMrwlN mwtlnp any ualutory oondhiom nprdnp
<br /> — nalwn,N bNnq IrMK�d�d that L�rxMr eh�N heve tht�oontrecRwl rlpht to eppokK a roo�lwr:
<br /> - (�)to p�loy e n�an�pkp�n1 ot tM Prope►ry and Nt ihs wrr.�ht►�r In TruatM's own narrw�In tM rwrn of Under or In th�neirr of C�rmtnr,and
<br /> ncvM tM rerdi,incorrw��iaw�a�nd ProNt�of th�Pro�»rty�nd epply th�turn�afla PsY�of aN n�oeuary�hargN end�xpms�e,on aooa�nt of
<br /> ,�� 1h�Qbllprtla�r, .
<br /> _ (Iy 1c psY any�unr In�ny hxm or m�ntNr dwrt�d s�srn by L�nrl�r ta protkt tFw warfty of thU DMd of Trutt or to cun�ny d�fwlt ottwr th�n
<br /> piprnern of Int�r�st or prkid�l on rtN Obllpatiom;
<br /> - - (p)to(ondo�o thla DMd of Tn►d K►ddMy or ranJudd�My end to dnct 1M taM of�w propNry 1Maiph�x�rcis�of ths pow�r W ral�a nbr�no�d in
<br /> - ---- �--- pr��ph 20 h�raof In�aoor�d�na wNh applfcaMe law;
<br /> (hl to wt�uff GkarMor�Ohllpdian�p�k�a arnaxrts o�w�d Cirar►ta bhr Und�r k�ckxlrKl.bul not Hrt9tsd to,rtwnl�s, tnrnm»rds, �nd d�posJt
<br /> - _ _ �ccourA���lnWrMd wNh I.�rxf�►or�ny a��xlttkp ar tutun afAllst�o�l�►KNr;end
<br /> _ (I)lo rx�d��II MMr rlpM�av�N�bi�to Ur�uncl�r my otMr w►rit�n�wr►rrN a apMk,�is law.
<br /> tander'i�p•w curtuWiw and mey h��x�td�d topNtNr NperatefY�md ki�ny ord�r. In tM svsnt tluit Lend�r In�tftute�en ecdon wkirp th�
<br /> - t+�oowry d iny of tM Prop�rtyby way ot a nrrndy In�n acdoa�InslOnnta,C�rantor w�iws th�posNrp of�rty ba�d whlohmIp1�t
<br /> - dfwrwN�b�nqutnd, Utid�►or C�KMr's may Wrohw 1M Prap�rty et anv�. ProcNda of any Tru�s�N f�x�dn�haM b�epplfid
<br /> i ��1p 1f1�ppq�Mld•�+ OI�XKGI�no 1INpow N 0��ai��r►d ot th�wN,k�dudinp bw p� of th�TrusiM'�tMS ictwqfr Inarnd rid not to
<br /> �xoMd 1h�rnaxn whict►ma�y b.aavlder�or In thM L�Md ol Trutt,�.00rM,to psymern of 1h.O�lom�.cured Mnby thkd.fo ih�piyrrMM o (uf r�lor
<br /> --- __,�� tru�dMds'rtpAp�p�s'or otlwr N�r�WkNrs�w�d the bdano� it�ny�to tFw pK�m or�►wn•Ip�Ny smitMd th�rato. TM or any pert thsrw�msy _
<br /> b��old In on�proM�or In wch p�rals rtwxwr a ord�r�s��r M Rs�ob d�croUon m�y�Nct,end one or moro�x N�of tha{�owK Mnln prmtrd
<br /> f� �. �11 rat�xtlnyt�lth or��dnusi tt�pow�r udou tFw�ntir�ptopary b eold or tM obNpatbn�aro pald{n}uli.
<br />..g-s=h.r� -
<br /> � 1p, TpUS'f EE'b�J(ERCISE OF POMI►ER OF BAI.E ON DEFAULT: tf Lrnd�r�Nct�to�NI Cimtar's Int�nst In tM Property by�xedw of 1M pcwrer ot
<br /> ":�'--��:'� �Mnk+aoM�k»d�I�KM►�hell notl(y Trwt�o In th�nyntwr 1Mn nqufnd by kw.
<br /> --�--w�;.
<br /> M!i��l Upo�naipt ot wch natbs af L�r��nd at th�dinction ot LsrKMr�TNfIN th01I CflUM to bs rocordad,publiclied end dellvsred such notlats of de(auft
<br /> ��`.—l-�;,�:�, �d r�o�s cf�N u mqr tMn b�nquind by law er�!by this OMd ot Trust. Trustee�hall,only at ths drectlon ot Lender end without demend on Gremor,
<br /> -f�i�;'�'.� ahK ruch tkrw�o may tMn bo by Iew end e8�r ncadetion of such notbs of defauft ond aflsr notloe of sals havinp be�n pivsn as nqulnd by law,
<br /> -°;�;•-�• . : Nq tM Pro�ty�1 th�tkr»�nd�of eaf�flx�cl by ft In wch notia ot�M,ehh�r et wiwl�or In te bte or parcels a ksm�es Leixior ehall ds�nt
<br /> c
<br /> ?ih'::-:�• `•" ' ��n ind In woh ord�r u N mey d�t�s,st pubilo audim to ths hlph�st dckbr tor cash In I rtunoy of tho United State�pa eble at ths tim�of
<br /> �r��-F!: - i u�� a a�o�Mrwiw rrry ttNn b�nqulnd by Itw. TrunN�hell dNiv�r to wch pixc!��scr cr purchainrs thKwf 8s pood end su�dMd or ds�fs -
<br /> -�;,-�.��`;'o`i oonwYh�th���w wld�but wNhoul any oownaM or wart�nty.sxpnu or IrrplNd. The redtel•In�uch deed of eny rraners or taec•shall be _
<br /> _ _ '?� �,....�r�...,.�'�1�h:tnnht�,N..a nrnof. Anv craon.kidi:3na.urfthoin Iimllatlon.(9raMor.Truates or Lend�r.mev aurcha�s ef wch saN. Tm�tse rrev
<br /> T`' �.�- ki 1M rtrnnir provid�d bY law Patpon�sat�of eG or anjr patlon ot tiw Props�ty.
<br /> •si:..'�t�
<br /> - • ',•a 31. QIC�UEBT FOH NOi10E9: Gmtorrsque�t�that a oopy ot eny notio�of defeult and e oopy oi any notke of eale hereunder be meiNd to wch p�rson
<br /> .. �.�S. wAo N a perty h�rMO at the sddrots ot axh pwson set fath herNn at the wtw tirtw and In the serr�mannar required ao thouph a�eperato roqueat
<br /> ,- th�nol had M�n tfbd by ssch wch p�rson.
<br /> - ;,�.
<br /> . ,rs1+.�±;s:
<br /> ��._• ,.,• r,�.��'
<br /> r, 2.y.,t; t. -
<br /> .•r,+�..i....
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<br /> -�ir.d. y�!'
<br /> _ .. .. . . __ -- -
<br /> . .�1.e.i:Ar...... ... .. . ... ...- . .. . _ .. .
<br />