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<br /> _ - . 4i'CA'C.IIi �ICSCI.s'fi+��-••�-
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<br /> �, SEGURITV INTEREST UNDER'fHE UNIFQR�1 COMMERCIAL GQD�. Thls Deed ot Trast thali t�conddond end b� �Noctive ea e flnandnQ
<br /> tletetm�t nnd e 'iYm•n t�tin�p�r:uenl to Iho provisbn�of iha UnNorm Coimwrcial Codo (as edopted in�he atate�vhare tho rosl propety Is locatx�
<br /> eowmiq fixnirz,,chiucis,ao�d un.�i3s u1 p�r�orn�propeAy now o•Hnnd or horenfmr ntlached to or to M used in cannection wllh the Properly togelher with _
<br /> �ny dnd ell raFiacenbms iherool�ld addiilons thereto ph�'Chanets"�,end Qrnntor hereby praN�Lsnder a�urily Imerosl In auch Chanela. Tho d��btor I�
<br /> �Qrantor deccribud Htwvc,. This DoQd al Trusl wlll be ellective c�a e financing ctalement Iiiod es a fixwre fJing wllh res�ect io all Ilxturea Included wllhln
<br /> �alc1prsmisea er�d Is to pe(ilecl lor�ocord In thn roal�ttot�racerds ol tact�county wlisn ony part of tald prenVsa�(InGud�ng tald tixlurmn)I�eltuatsd. Thl��
<br /> pMd OI TfUSI 611A11 i1150 b0 eficc�ivo ea�Iinanclnp ntnurrwnt covarinp nny othorp�an9�ea snd mey be fitad In eny oihernpproplata flling or ncordi���i+
<br /> pif{p. A c�ruon,pliotoprnphicor nti�er roproductlon o11hU Doed o}Trull or of nny flnancing staternant rolatinp to Ihla Dend at Trual ehflll lx sulllclent ea d'J
<br /> An�nclnp ai�temarn bu:+ny oi Ihe 1r�rposo�rolorrecl to In tnls Peregrnph Thn secured peny I�tho Landnr tN�criWd ebc��s Upon demand,Ciranror shaN�
<br /> Irr1u.oxeS�itn nnd d•�ivnr s��cn sccurity nqreRnbnte(a�duch�orm is dofu�ed In sald Un6orm CortrnsrcuU Cod�)as Lend�r ei any tirr�nny cwam
<br /> n:c::sa�y u� proper �r rcqufr•d����!�������������A f��xted tocunly Inlcrovi�n ilm Chatlala,And upon Crantor e talluro to do so,lor�dor le aulhonzed.tp c
<br /> dpn ary tuch�g�crn�±ot��a�fe��Inr.l at(3rantor. �rontor harcby auRionr.os Lontler to hle Imananp 6t�twrynts(as such tcnn I�d�tincd In�a!d Unllorm�
<br /> �-0mr��arcl:�i Cotlol v;�Ih risrrcl�n i`�c Cl�attols,at eny time,wUhout Ihe si�n�tura of Ciremo� Qrentor wlll,howevor,r,t any tlme upon request ol Londar, Q
<br /> �{pn R��ch Iin�nch�q s�vunk��.�s �a�.�❑i�r�vill pay all lilinp lees lor the filing ol such Ilnanc�r�g sintemeMU end lor ihe rotiling thereo}el tha Ilmes requlred,in
<br /> 1M opmlon o�Loi�r.cr,ny sa;�U�il uun Cummcrtlal Codo. It tha Ilen ol tliis Duod ol Trusi b�aubJoct to any ucurily agreement covndng ih9 Ghanels,Ihen
<br /> In the�vnm c,l e i,y.:��:���i1 • "�::r ,�Dr=o of Trust,all tha r�ght, lille end interest ot orpntor In end to any and ell of the Chattels Is hereby asslpned to
<br /> ��ndcr,togettar a ii i�•a r_•s�.��� : o�.y a�t+osits or{wymerns now on c�rcafler made ihere�l by Grentor or the predecessora or successors In title o1
<br /> Cirantor in tlia Pro,xi iy
<br /> �. REIMBURSEMEN7 O�AMIOUNTS EXPEN0�0 BY LENDER. l.�ender.at LendePs optlon,may expend lunds(Incluckng atlorneys'(ees end I�gel
<br /> �xp�nses)lo porform anv ac1 req�irod to bo teken by Gtentor or to ex�rclse eny rlght or remedy of Lender under ihis Deed of Trust.UF+on demand,C3rentor
<br /> �h�JI Imme4i:�tely re�i�t�..rso Ler,der lo�all such emounts expended by Lender together wiih Interost thereon et the lower of the hiphost rate descdbed In any
<br /> Obligfltian or th»I�iqhest rate el:owed by law from tha dalo of paymem uNil tho date of reim6ur6ement. TFwte surta shall be Induded In the definition ot
<br /> (1bYpetlons nerein and sn�ll bo sea�red by tYio benefidal Intc►resPgranlod hnrofn. If the ObUgatbnsA f T��eations a er the begln nng of publlcatlo ol
<br /> Ww,ns herain prov,aeci,or In Ih�e�ant Londo�shall,et its soia o tion,permit Grentor to pc�y eny pa k�
<br /> k�-g reasonaole attoinoys a��s ioniho ettomeys lo�ralho Trustoe andlfor ihe��LonckrrUand a er�asornable fenetn t e Truslea,end hs Deed of�Truustt�hall�6i
<br /> alltuhtY for all such nxponses end le�s.
<br /> at. AF'NI.ICA710^I UF PAy'tiIrNT:i. T�io Trustoe shall eppiy mn IxocQals ot tna trusteo's nale,firsL to the costs and oxponsc�of oxorcislng Ihe power ol _
<br /> sds end of Ine saio,incl.,di�gihe payi i nm al tno Tructee's teos aclually Inwrred not to exceud the amounl whiGh rray bo P�s or�otheri Ilenhaldees,a dnthe
<br /> second,to payntenl ot t'io obgaiwn socurod by ihe Dead of Trust,ihird,to tha paymenl of junlor deeds otirust,mongege
<br /> belarn:e,If ony.to�he person or pr:rsons leqally entitled thareto.
<br /> �, POWER OF ATTORNEY, �}rnntor horeby eppoinis Lender as fts attomeyIn•taet to endors�Grantors name on ell Insirumonts and other documents
<br /> p�rtalning ta tho ���i,yalions cr Cxd of'frusi. In eddition, Lendar shall bo cntitled,bul nol requIred, tdpe Aom1 any actlan ar oxewte sny documaM
<br /> nqukErd to ao tak�n or exeaac�d b�Grantor under this Deed of Trust. Londer's perlo�mance ol sudi aqion or exewtlon ot such documanis shall nol
<br /> rel(eva Qmntor from an�Cblii�tio�nr cu.o r,ny de'ault under ihls Deed of Trust. All powers�1 attomey desafbed In thls Deed of Trust cue c.�wpled wHh an
<br /> k11KQSt and nro Irrc�:oeHClcs.
<br /> �, SUBRQRA'fION OF LEND:R. Lond.or chall be suixogated to tha righis of the hdder ot any previous Oen,secudty hterost or encurtixana
<br /> �:rgod vr�ih lunds n��ar�ced 1»�l.nn�r rogardleas of whethar these tiens,sewrity Interesis or othe��enami6�ances have baen released of record.
<br /> 17,COI.LCGT{t�T!(:�:'i S '�+�c ox�t�i Furmined by law.Granta agreos to pay Lender�8 l6ASOI18bIB 1085 9IId C0416,Indudinp,but not IlmNed to,feat
<br /> ard costa o`nt�crnu��s �^�o'h�r c�=ni5 (Includinv wl�ho;t Ilmit�tbn paral�galr,�oa�ks a�Aoo H�aorsr,�w�t under his D�d of Tn�si,whothor or not
<br /> Wt�oyea ol l�rd^.•.r:r.ch�re•rccnca oy�.y^u.�r���u,��...i�y�r';a���^!».._.:. _..._._..o. y
<br /> wH Is broughl,inCluCi�s.but nol"�bi�d to,all fees and costs Inwrred on appr,�i.in banlwptcy,and 1'or post•wdyroo:►1 collection aawns.
<br /> �1. PARTIAL H�::LEE:s.:JE. �e::u� r�a7 raaase its :nterust in npo nion ot tho Pro�orty by execuUnp and recording one or moro Penlal Deeds of
<br /> AeCa�vnyanco vri.h: r:�itec!irp�,i.torost f��the remalning�sorllen af the Prc.p�rry. Nothlr�g hereln shall be dsarnad ta obligete L�nder to r�leaaa eny of if�
<br /> eoa qy
<br /> Int�rsst Ir.tho Prcpcn}ierupt�:, �•qwred i ndor Paragreph 3Fl r.r as r.�ay ba othorwlse reyulrAd law),nor eltall Lender be oWigated to releea�any
<br /> �f�he ProoeKy E Gia���r i�In a:`��It under this Daed of 7rus�. Tho liun nnd s.�curNy Imeresl aMfed by�h�Deed ot Trust reme�n In eHaet with reapect to
<br /> fh�p pon'on of sM Er:•p�dy.ns�loGnod In the Deod of Trust,thal is not the subj��rcct ot lhls ar any Partial Deed of Recorneyanc9
<br /> �, MODI('IC.A710�I�ND 41'A.`�Eli. Thu:nodiflcation or w2lver of any o'Grantors Oblipallons or Lender'�rlghts under ihit Doed ol Trust must h�
<br /> qonta�ra:l�n�wi�P^��s'�r.c�h;� l cnd,:r Lunder may porlorm eny of Borrower's or Gramor's OMlgatbns.dNay w ieN to exxclae eny of Na riqhis or acupt
<br /> pyrnsnls irom Orantor or anyone othor than Granta wllhout causing a waivar of those Obli�elbna or dgh�s• A welY�r����°������s�����
<br /> �wn.y,.,�„a� ��;�,,,..;:�,:;o-. '�;n;or's Cb'i�atlons under this Desd of Trust shail not be effected il�ender em�nds,carryxarJtes,exehan s,fails to
<br /> •xrrcise.Irr�,aiii:o�:nl�.�.c:_,�:;•ofr+��oC�feil��ento I�nsl�st�une sirid pertormiBco of eny ot 1'he OblrtlgeUon yal�all noibe6de�errrd wYM�r erxl Lender aheN
<br /> tl�lyd p:�rty o,a.y,.tr�'roF, ,� � po
<br /> hav�the�1{�ht at nny inF3 lhMC3�"'So ins'st i:oon strld porfomunco.
<br /> 00. SUR3T.'iUTF T;�!�STEE;TPI ISTEE 1_IABILITY;COMPENSATION. In case af the deatlt,InebNity,rotuad 10 act n►dx�ia of the TruqN from Ih�
<br /> q�N whNe ine re�i n•o�•srry is�eca�ed a��cesa�he holder ol the Obi�ge��ons shell deslre la any nason 10 renbve 1M��a�o����wniinp a��
<br /> Uu��M hKOUnder ann+o:�:�^'��ie'N�ru�toe in hIs placo and steaa,the holder of the Obligetlons ia heraby g�an1 Paw► ePPd�
<br /> �ubatitute+nistee ro�sa'd�!NS�eP.9nd IhQ 611bS1I�U19 iNSI�ShOII,when eppofNed,h9CAR1D 6UOC�tiO►t0 011 fi�llb O1 TNS100 h9�M111dB�Blld ifN 68fT1E`hdl
<br /> � bpp�ry�yes1IX1 In hfM�qr nl+i F�U(bses and cbpcts ol thls Oaed ot Trust with all tho powor,dulies end obligntbna h�roln oonlernd on the Truqs�• Trusi»
<br /> ttwN not bo Ilede for any aror o(Judprriem w at.t dono by Trustee, or bo otharwise respondble a eaourtebls under onY drw►m�eno°s w'hats°�wr'
<br /> Trustee sha��ro!bo p^•::^n^"��I�h�o�n case of emry by {t or Anyone actin(�by virtue of the powere hero{n gani�mOUpai 1M rO��ed�o��y jn�a�s
<br /> ooniraclun or uub:nry cr dan.acx�mairr�d in ihe menage�rent or operetlon ol sald premises. T►ustee aha0 f�a on
<br /> docunxenl or s�qnaturo:+uironiir•y ur supponing eny actlon tawon or proposod to be taken by it hereunder a beli�+rot1 bY t in talth to b�ganulr�.
<br /> TNf1M 6hrli t�ca e�U���+�t�rcurix^Serrnm tar expenses Incurrod by.it ln tho perfoRr�ence o�nlssAtonedue Tai ts�ee henu�nder e�nd rMrribu�rsi�Tr�usteerlor and
<br /> of Ms senices hen:in�o<>r as:n.til tHt reMforod. Gte1t10r Wdl,troro lirrs io tiita.paY canpe
<br /> pw anJ hold it nnm+less vwu anr r�qa�nsi any end ali bss,cast,6aWlity.dan�age and expense whatcoevar incuROd I�I i7 In the perlDmtanc�of its dutlea.
<br /> NY moneye recelvou by�rusiau sl„il�.until used or applled as here(n provldod,be held In truat Tu thepu►poses tcr whkh they wen r�aFied,but n�ed no1
<br /> b�s�p•egatod in en�mani�r from ony other moneya(except to the extem reqtdred by law)end Truske shnll be under no I'�ebllity tor Intxsst an eny
<br /> nw�Nys r��c�vtu Ly i,!,..v�nder-
<br /> ' wxeisors�S�Rs tnNDeASS�IG�Ne S.T�ri�I.s�D�oetorsTpareon�t re�o�en amos,�ioga�todes�and��lseosenefil ot Grantor end lender end thelr respectlw
<br /> �. NOti'iCL•S. wzcr.p�^:,a`�=r, �f•req�iired by law,nny notice cr other comcrunicallan to 6e provided ur�►thls Deed of Trust ahall he ln wrilir�end sent
<br /> to the pin�os rd th^adu•es�,e°�crsrrihca In Ihls D00d Ot 7rust or such o�hor addrosa as tho pertlea mar doslgnate In wrlting irom tlme ro time. My such
<br /> nolfce so groon a.c!sont hy iirst c!�ss mall,postago propald,shdl bo deomod given Iho Qadler of thret>,3)days aftor such notlee tc sont or when tecervod
<br /> bythap^�n��i�+rhn:h��:h•+at�a �sb^Ing.rvon.
<br /> � � SEV�yRA0�L1^fY'�;�vsri��ir F'rust�v`.nl�sheVaw or�Istu eoforceable�.�the rosl o the Doed of Trus sha confu�iue to�be vel�ld and o�nt�I�e 6tat�
<br /> ��h�erAwls3 IGrantoi•CJ.�lif:-�115 IO IIDIC j ulsdic on and von uo ot eny court sc octedt5y Lenderwnt a solo disuet�I�Iyocated In�that states appllcab:e law provkies
<br /> I �6. 6�ISCGL�_ANEOU�. GraNCr:t�d Lerde•egroo�ha �t tlmo�.�0�^O±�I Tr•`.et Ghnll InrWdta asl OD85A�I5 SIOIIY G I]CIOwf�If�e e I�s�moro�than ontt Grantortl
<br /> proi05t oxcep�os rec�uirud'oy iim. :+77 l6��a��i.00•..���..............'-----. --
<br /> ��{�(X�'�p�•�ns shr�he n!n� ^����^s•oral Thic Doed ol Trust represents�ho comploto lntegratad cnderstanding bOtwaen Grantor ancl Lcntlor portroning to
<br /> ttt�tenna va•.a•..,x- .,,..;.
<br /> �/, Kn TF�IR 7 N'�.'Tl'�•Gl•1'f5 'Jo�:crson Is or ahall be a thlyd party ba�eflClary of anypravls:on ol fhls Deed ol7rust. All provisla�s of th{s Qeod ot
<br /> Trust in fa��:r nf Lr:�er�n•In�c�r.�.i_olci7�or tho benofit ot l_^ncbr,ond no th;rd party shnll Yo entitled to assumo or oxpect that Lender will not waive or
<br /> ppnscr�•n t:-i�•ro•:i�.'��•�'�' "�ra{�r��.�:fc�i o'�his Ueed of Truat.In Londer's s�.�o d�suoUon.
<br /> a'7. PRESERVATIUN(IF LiABIL!TY ANU PRIORITY. Wilhout effocting the IiaZ�ility of Borroww Granta,or atey Auarantor ot�Obllga�tlons��LQnn�yO o�h h
<br />— perecn -�r.np•�-u�rr•�aa,��os,• �^Icac.nd��wri�ing)(or Ihe payment a�d�!tkrm3ntt>of 1hA�bl!$elfons,end wilhout altscti thu riyh
<br />