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<br /> 1'HIS DEEO OF i'RUST,I�mtxle es of thp,,,�,�day of ,�,_.. . 1B ., ,by and an�a�p�
<br /> �.r,._„ �
<br /> the 1'rUStOr. - � , ��,�� c ' b
<br /> Wt10S9(I1�f�D�d4f88lIS -�l \I Ilo�anra F��•Y �t:.,'�1 L�:i'���-�:1 1'.l:�nd (h0����Or",�� -�� ���.�Of1TW�0). \
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<br /> the Tnniee � , ._ , " . ,. . .
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<br /> YY110SC f11�f1(���� _.:..�J..
<br /> Rn,� t�.(�7 Rr�cci " � �,l , (he�6�t1'TfL!{1�07�M1d
<br /> �g�p(��(p�gry. C i .i n 4�n�n P N-tt k
<br /> Wf1050 111811if1�8dd('BS1IS_ :•tn f!- ��. Nr u,.�,�L�t �,r��h , � � -,-� �' h �R�q� �•- jl; ._(�6k1"I.eI1C�Er�).
<br /> FOR VALU/18LE CONSIDERATION,Mduding Lenders�xtAnsion of credft{dentfied heteln to
<br /> t i 1� �ar ne:-s : p (heroin'Bwtnwer,'+Nhether one or more)and tl1e trust her�eMi Cr�eaEed,ths�oeip�
<br /> oi which is t�+eby ad�nc►wled9ed, Tnistor hereby IRevocably greMs�trenafera,convays and assbpns W Tnistes. IN TRUST, iNff7-I
<br /> onu,�a n�cs�F, ior ttse benelit nnd security of LorxJer.under and suA}ect 10 the tertns end oadklons t�shMwller�st fodh.Nw raal =--
<br />_ pfppeAyde&xibed al1011owe: [��i.t B iA t11E(ice� Yei�std I1t�:wir� Bi3.L1d1rg (��° �"l+«�7 °��'�� �r 1r C�inr
<br /> Hall dounty t�xaelra as de:fined ia thc Heebcr[leod cceatinB
<br /> ���, �bd;vls�lqn, GYty of GrAOd Ialerxi, + and Mead�ent
<br /> (tard Ials�d Aoctocs Euildin8 Caad�ominim P�op�t9�i°1e �+D�as Docis�ent No. 80-001693
<br /> to Maetec lked e�reating Grand Island Doctore Building Condomiaium Property Regiwe record�d
<br /> ae ��'�h�bu�ng��I�Y��Jements.flxturea�atreets.elbys�PeasHgeweYa�eesemeMa�rigi�'m�q�viby�uxi�Fi��"
<br /> loceted fherson a in anywise DertaUtng there0o�end the rents�issuas anci profds. reverslons end romek�ders tliereol.end such Pe�
<br /> aonai Fro{'�rty tl�t ie Ktedx�b the Improvements ao as to constitute a fixture.Nx�udin9.but not WntiEed to.hsedn�a�d 000lkq�VuiP'
<br /> �t:�� �flh the homeatead or marital Interests,It eny,whid�Interosla are hereby robeaed end w�vsd�aN°��►�•��'
<br /> �D�rf�and additlo+�thereto,ls hereby deciared to be a part of the roel esteDe securecl by the Men aF this Deed of Tnat a�d
<br /> aN of It��oro�o�� b�M►0 ro(errod to herein as the'Propart�/'. nde or crodit aprsie�
<br /> This Osed of'Tnnt�hall aecure(e)the payment of tfie P��Pa�ving a msturiiy da��d�bY 8 P��
<br /> merK d�lsd � •.- � � .
<br /> ,aY - .n .
<br /> M�wipM�l princip�f artiount of i� and eny and all modfHcatbns,extenskx�s a�d�naM
<br /> theneof or thatelo and eoy and all future edve -b e readvances fo&xr�ower(or any ol tl►em it more than one�ttereur�ck�W��
<br /> b oM or+bo�ne p'embaay'notea or credit egreer►�ente(heroln callad 7Jote7(b) �PaY�t of other sums adva�x'.ed DY Leidx b
<br /> p,oaect the se�rlh/d the Note;(o)the P�rmance of all covsnents and eyreements of Trustor eet fo�th hersi�:and(d)�II W'es�ent.wad
<br /> duturo fndebt�drnss�nd o�+tigadon3 oi Bortower(or eny o3 them H rtwre than or�)to lander whether direct.k�dM�ect.sl�aoluts or oa�tin�
<br /> qent and wl��9 by rate�9uaranty,overdralt or��therwisa.The Note�this Deed of Tn�st and any end aN o'lrier dodirtienb lhet
<br /> �scure the Note or oc�i�rwise executed(n connection therewith, including wiltwut 8mitatfon guarantees,sea�r+tY e9roemente a�d
<br /> se�fprununta of leaaes and rents�shaN be roferred to heroin es the'Loan Inshument�'.
<br /> Trustor cover►�ts end egree�with�onder as tdlows:
<br /> 1. Pay�nt dk�d�bNdness.All indebtedness eecured hareby ahall ba Pefd whe�due.
<br /> 2. Titl�.Tru�for ia tl►e owner oi tha Property,has the right end autfiority to Gonvey the Property.end werrenta that 1h9 I{en aeat•
<br /> Lender beforo ex�aaitlon fo�Is Deed of Trust e d t e execuUan a d deli�very O�t11�ISSDBEd O�TR!$Nd�g��m�CO^�a
<br /> �q�r obNg�bn to MNch Trustor Is subjoct.
<br /> 3.Tax�s,AaNSSm�nts.To pay bufore delinquency all taxe3,speclal essessmente And ail other charges a9airtst the Prof�b
<br /> now or hereatter i�vied.
<br /> 4.�nsur�,To keep the Property insured�irist damago by flre,hazarcis InciuAed wlthin tM�term'extencled cm►er�ge��and
<br /> such other hezaMa as Lender may reqairo, in amounts end with componles acceptable to LAnder. naming Lender as an ad�Ntlond
<br /> �med fneu�ed,wNh Ios�payabFe to the Lender.In case of loss under such poiiclea. the Lender is eulhorfzed io adJust,collat and
<br /> �omprombe. all cl�rns tMrounder and shail have the opdon ot ePplYing ell or patt of the I�surance proceeds(I)to eny indebtedneas
<br /> ��r�d hero�y a�d In such ordor es Lender may determine,(fi)to the Trustor to be used to�the repair or restorcirion oi the Property as
<br /> (tli)tor any otf� purprne or obJect salisfactory to Lender without atiecHnp the ilen of thle Deed ot Tnist tor ths full emount eea�aed
<br /> �ereyy pe(q�,s euch payment ever toc�fc pfece.MY epplicatbns of procaeds to Irtdebtedness shail not extend or postPa�e the due dale
<br /> ..s e.,,,..s„�,nnar u�e Nnte.or cure anv detauft U�ereunder or hereunder.
<br /> •�•••••t r�a...—..— ---- - � t�o. OVIIMV�n �
<br /> — S.Escrow. Upon writton demand hy Lender.Tn�stor shall pay to Lender, In such manner ns�ender may des+� ainst
<br /> �- suns to enablelLc��r emfums on the ro e dUlnsurance ereuired hereunder,aind'(i��the p mgiufms oneeny mort age ni w�nce
<br /> the Praperh�.() P p Pe�Y �
<br /> requked by�.ender• I conditbn and repalr, shali
<br /> — 6. M�Int��anco.R�p�irs �nd Complianc�with L�ws.Trustor shall keep the Property n pood
<br /> = Fxomptly repafr,cxreplece any improvement wh�h may be damagud or destroyed;shall not commit or permit eny waste or deterioro-
<br /> — t{on W the Property,shaN not ro�ve,demolish or substanUally alter any of the Improvements on the Property;shaM not commN,sulfer
<br /> ur permit any act ro be do�e In or upon the Proporty In vlolatlqn nf eny law,ord(nance,or regulatbn;and shall pay oncl promptly
<br />--- charge at Trusla►'s cnst and oxpense elf liens,encumbrances and chaiges lovled,impoced or accessed egalnat Ihe ProperiY or any
<br />__ part thereot.
<br /> 7. Fmlrnn3 Dorn�ln. lender fa hereby assigned all compensa:lon,awards,damages end other ps►yments or reliet(ilerelnaAer
<br /> �wcHSrcw�+.uK+rno...eM, an� s ; ` �!
<br />__ o,wwvwewacor'.�.aT..,.�r�es«*a�••«��.n.u�caY�.wa«+,
<br /> _—
<br />.-,—
<br /> .` . . _ . . .. . .. . .. . _ . . ..
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