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<br /> z�aa��: Aan��Nm �►rch �, ��-5- 9.C1��3 -
<br /> 7�'FIxS AQREEMEIJ'x entered in*�� between KUESTER LAICE, INC., LF«SSOR, and
<br /> Haward S. H�,nr�an
<br /> ��.�.�.�{,.�y.�_�Q.e.{�•.#���s) (aa eo].e c�wnor) �strike out
<br /> p4���.o� �,�� a.��n7.�.cak��,e) whethQr ame ��t��eh ving a� lake front £or��e�ays o�C �
<br /> 1. Descrintion af leased �xemi,st�. 50 feet, situated on the Weat eide oF
<br /> the West port on of Kuea�er Lake and being on a part ot the E'�SW�C in Section 13,
<br /> xownahip 12, Range 9, in Hall Ccuntp. Nebraska, baunded on �he Nor�hwe�tierly �ide
<br /> by the common road; such lo� is as ehown on a plat in �he possesaion of the Leseor
<br /> Z. Term of .LPase:
<br /> 35yeara, commenaing Mareh 1. 1975 and terminatiny
<br /> "" Februarv 2B 2Q�4 .
<br /> 3. Op�ion to extend term:
<br /> Lessee has the option trr• extend the term of this leaee for an
<br /> addi.�ional 35 yeara by gjvi.ng Leasor natice t.hereof; in writinq,
<br /> }a� 3uly l, 2Q09.
<br /> 4. Riqtht to assiqnment of lease�
<br /> i�essee has �he righ� to� assic�n thia lease prnvided -
<br /> (a) Lc�asee Yaas camplied with all terms of this lease. '
<br /> (b) Leaeee trana�ers �o the n�w ow►�er al]. intereat and
<br /> ownership o£ thc� �essee i.n the r_omm�n st�ck of
<br /> Kue��er La}c�, Inc.
<br /> (C) The new Loseee agrees, in wri�ing, to abide by �'tie
<br /> term:� of tha lease ao asaigned, any new lease for
<br /> t�ese pacem.l.ses, and to abido by the Agreemen�
<br /> HT►�:G�au ���� by th3� Iss�sp=, w94_Y1 KL1P.F�P.� Lake. Inc. .
<br /> an or aboui: Novembex 4, 1974, the terms of which -
<br /> axe incorporated herein by reterenoe. �
<br /> (d) T�-io new La�see sha11 be entitled �to a ngw lease �or • : _
<br /> a 3S yQar t�erm. The term may be lon,qer if consaxat�d
<br /> to by �cTi�a �+essar.
<br /> (e) Any sub-�lesaing must hav� tihe Lessor' s approval.
<br /> (�) The Lassee has the absolute right to aondi�ionnlly
<br /> assign �h;� lQase to any mortgagee for the purpose
<br /> of furn3ahinq such mortgagee additional security. �
<br /> � � 5. Rgnt:
<br /> . The Lessee �hal1 ��y to Leseor, as a�ual rent, payable in
<br /> advance and on or before Jaly £irst each �ea�, such ren� a�
<br /> . may' be ania�ually d�.+Cerrnined by the Lessor �under the followi�g
<br /> formuLas �
<br /> T'he ann.�al rent sba11 be an amount, �ach year,
<br /> equal t:o the result of dividing �he tota�
<br /> number of residential lessee--s�ocklzolder lots
<br /> - � into �h�t year's anticipated ne� budget needs
<br /> ' of tho Le�eor. .
<br /> '_� . The computa�ivn af the annual re.n� sY►all bo done by tl�e � -
<br /> � T�essor, but sha11 be uniform among all lessee-s�ocicholders
<br /> of Kuester Lake, Inc. �n any event, tihe annual rent o�
<br /> �he Lessee sha�l not exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00)
<br /> unl�ss a majori�y o� all 7Lessee-stockholders of Kues�er
<br /> Lake, Ine. (on.a vote for each share? , preaent and voting
<br /> � � at a special tt»eting c+slled for that puxpase, shall
<br /> ; approve �hc� eame.
<br /> : 6. Accesss
<br /> � The Lessee shall have access Erom �he leased premises onto
<br /> � the Lessor'e roaas ana shall also have the rlglzt to use
<br /> �w� ,n�e �.,r t,na�-ineY. RorimminQ and fis'hing. 'i'heae access
<br /> � rights�are �.n comanon with the nther leaseholders at
<br /> Kuester La�co.
<br /> 6-a. Prior Leases: P � �ior .L�as� for said -
<br /> This lease re lac.ea and su rsede� any p
<br /> premisss which tlze lessee or h3.s preaecenaors :Ln t3tlo may -
<br /> have held.
<br />