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201201691 <br /> 23. Reconveyance. Upon payinent of'all sums secm�ed by Yhis SecmiYy Instrument, Lender shall requeat <br /> 1'ri�.stee to reconvey the Ptoperty and shall surrender fliis Security histrument and all notas evidenciixg debti <br /> securcd by ti�is Sccurity Tnst�-umcnt to T'rust�c. "Lr��sfce shall reconvey the Property witliout warranty to the <br /> peraon or peraons Isg�lly enLitleci to it. Such peraon or pee�ons shall p�y any recordation coste. Loncicr may <br /> charge such pes son or persons � fee fox Teconveying tlie Property, but only iP lhe Pee is F�aici Lo a uhird party <br /> (such as the Trtiistee) for serviees rendered and tha chnrg�hig of tlio Pee is permitted under Ai�plicable Law. <br /> 2A. SubstitUte Trustee. Lender, at iYs option, mey fi�om time to time remove Trustee�nd ap�oint a successar <br /> truntee to any"frLUtee aypoiuted hereuuder by ai� ii�tnunent recorded in tlia comrty in wluch this Sectuity <br /> InstrumenC ia recorcied. WiChotiC conveyance oP Lho Pro�erty, tlTC sucocsdor�trusk;o shall succccd to all the <br /> title, power and duties conferred upon Trustee herein and by Applicnble Lzw. <br /> 25. Request far Notices. Borrower requests that copies of Yhe not�ce of default nnd sale be sent to Boxrower's <br /> addi�ess wl�ich is the Property Address, <br /> 2a000aa� <br /> NEBIiASKA-Single Pamily-fan0ie Idae/Gretldie Mac I1NIfORtd INSTRUMENT Form 3428 7/07 <br /> VbiP� VMPBING1(1105) <br /> Walfers KNwer Flnenclal Servlces Page 46 of 7] <br />