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201201691 <br /> in the Prof�ecty and rights under this Security InBtruinenC; and(d) talces sucl�acfion as Lander may <br /> r�easonably require to asstitre tliat],enc1er's interest in tlie Property ai�d rights wider tl�is Security Instetuneut, <br /> and Bon'ow�'s abligation to pay the stiims secured by tl�is Security I�istrwnent, eha11 continue tuiehaaiged. <br /> Lencier mny require CbaL Borrower pay s��ch rcinntatcmcnt stiul�s v�d expenses in one or more af the£ollowing <br /> forms, as selectul Uy Lender: (n) cash; (l�)money orcier; (c) certifiai chec1c, 13an1<check, tre�surer's check or <br /> cashier's cl�ecl�, provided any such chack is drawn upon an instihition whose deposits are insured by a <br /> fedc�al a�ency, ii�ntrumantality or e�ifity; or(d)Flectronic Fuuds Tcansf'ei'. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, <br /> this Seourity Inatrument tuid obligncion.s sacured herehy eha71 rcmain fii11y effective as if no acceleration l�ad <br /> occurred. However, Yhis rig�ht to reinsiate shall not apply in the case af accelerati�m ru�dc�• Section 18. <br /> 20. Sale of Note7 Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of GrievancP. '1'lic Note or a pxrtial ;nterest in tlie <br /> Note (together with this Security lnstrwnent)ceai be eold one or inore Yimea without prior norice to <br /> 13orrower. A eale mig1�Y result in a change in the entity (laiown as the "LoaPC,�er•vicer•") that collects Periodic <br /> Payments ciue under Che Note and thie Sccurity hvstrumcnt and perfonns other mortgage loan seivicing <br /> obligations under the Note, thie Security InsieumenC, and Applionl�le La�v. Tlicre also mighti bc ovo or morv� <br /> changes of'The Loan Su•vicer ui�related to a eale of the Note. If there is e change oP the Loan Servioer, <br /> Rorrower will l�e brive�� r*n�tte�i nolice of the chaaige wluch will state the name and address of'tlie new Loan <br /> Servieer, ihe address Co wfuoh ptiyinenCs should bo made aud any othcr informatio»RliSPA iroc�crires in <br /> conuecYion wich a notice of transfer of aeivicing. If the Note is sold and thereaftex the Loan ie serviced by� <br /> Loa�i Service��other than the piu'cliaser of the Note, flie mortgage loau servicing obligatiious tio Borrower will <br /> ren�ain wiLh the Loan Scrviuwr or bc transforrai to a succcesor loan Serviccr aod are not assumed by fl�e <br /> NoCe purohaser unlees olherwise provicied 6y khe NoCe pnrehaser. <br /> Noikhor Borrowcr nor,Lcndcr may co�nmcncc,join, or bc joincd to anq judicial action(as cither an <br /> individu�al litigant or the meinber of a olass) that arises from the ofher parCp's nclions ptirsuant Lo hhis <br /> Security Inatrwnent or thak allages ttklt the oYher party hns breached any provision of, or any dury owed by <br /> reason of, t1iis Secw�ity his�i�wnent, wilil snch Borrower or Lender has notified the other�arty(wifli such <br /> notico given in eompliax�ce wii1�flie req�uromenCe of Seetion 15) of suoh alleged l�reaeh xmd afforciecl the <br /> other party hereYo a reesonable period after the giving of slzch notice to take corrective Ackion. If Applica�le <br /> Law provides a tiine pei�iod whioh mL�st elapse before certain action can Ue talcen, fliat Time period will Ue <br /> dccincd tn be rc�.sonal�le for purposes of this paragrlph, 'Phe notice of acceleration and op�aortunity b> ci{rc <br /> given to Borrower pursuant{o Section 22 and Uia notice oF acceleration given Co Borrowar pnrsuuit to <br /> SecCion 18 shall be deeinecl to sarisfy the notice and opp�rtunity to take correcrive action provisions of this <br /> �ecfion 24 � <br /> 21. Hazar'doug Substanees. As used i�i this 9ection 21: (a) "Hazar�doars Si�Gstancer"v�e tlioye sn1�stances <br /> defitxcd as toxic or hatz�trdoi[s enbs[tuices, pollutanfs, or wesCes by�nvirorm�enL��l L,aw and lhe following <br /> suUstnnces: gasoline, kerose�ie, other fl�inrunble or toacic petroleum prodmete, toxic peaticicles and herbicides, <br /> volatile solvents, containing asUesfos or fonnaldehycle, anci radioactive materials; (b) <br /> "Envirnnrnent�al Law"n�eans fedcxal laws and laws of the jurisdic�ion where the Propertq is locat'ed tih�ti <br /> relate to health,safety or envirorunent�l protection; (c) "Envlr•onmentad Cdeanup"includes any response <br /> actiou, remedial action, or removal action, as detined in Firviromnental Law; and(d) ui °F,�2vironmeft.tad <br /> Condition"ineane a condition thaY can causo, conh�ibutc to, or otlxn-wisc trigger an Envir�njncntal Cloantiip�. <br /> Borrower shali not canse or pennit the presence, L[ee, disposal, storage, or re]eASe of any Hazardous <br /> Substances, or thru2ten to rolcayc any Hazardous Substanccs, on or in thc Proper(y. B�rrowcr sl�all not dq <br /> nor allow anyone�else to cio, anyChing a�FPee[ing Che Property(a) thnt is in viol�fion of any Enviromnental <br /> Law, (b) whicfL areates an Enviromnental Conclition, or (c) whiali, due to Yhe presenoe, use, or release of'a <br /> Hazardotits Subskance, creates a condition tl�at advarsely affectr�the v�tlue of the Prope�t�. 'I'he preceding hv� <br /> z4000aa� <br /> NEBRASKASIngla Family-Fnnnie Mae/Freddie M ac UWFORId IN9TRUPdFNT Form 3028 1/Of <br /> ViNP(�7i VMPA(NEI('19051 <br /> Wolte�s Kluwcr Finencial Servloes Page 13 of 1Y <br />