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<br /> rn�S�cond OeeG of Tn,sc lthis "Secon� Qeed of 7rusY1.ia mada as af npY 30 . 999�roy and :���� �`
<br /> PAUL H LEE, R g�N(:I.f,p�RSON �
<br /> l'Ttuxcor), wt�om nssiU���ddres�is 411 UlEST AVE. GRANp ISLAND, NE
<br /> COi+'1'�RCIAL FtL�ERAL BRNK„ A SAVI[11GS BRClt1'nsstee•1 , wtwss mai�i�q addreu is
<br /> 2120 SUUTH 72N0. OMAHA, NE 68124 , . N�bastca; snd Nabraska hwestmecn Finsnce Aud+o�fN
<br /> l'Ben�ficiary'l. whose msilinq addrass is 20aCamm�trce Caurt, 1230 0�tres� Llncotn. Nebraska 68508-14�2.
<br /> FOR VALUABLE COPIS1DEiATIQN,T�vstar trrevawbly transfers,ccrwa5►s and a�sipns to Trustee,IN TRUST,WITH POWEfl
<br /> OF SAtE,fo�tha benefit�d sec�+^t1'o�g°�a�1'���°^d Subject t°tM terms a�d conditions ot tMs 5eaond Oeed of Trust.
<br /> tt+e real properilr. 1a9��y d���� on ExhibitA atta�:hed herem and ir�corporated he�in hy reference(the "ProGenY�%�a�
<br /> TOGETHE�VS►�TH�all rents.profia,roy�ltiee,income and other benefiu derived frem tne Prapertv(c�llecsivelY.tt�e'rems'1,
<br /> a111easas or subleases coverin4 the Properry or any portion theraof now or hereartGr existinp a�eniered irrco, and all rlphT,titte and
<br /> �ntrrest nf Tn�ster tluraunder, all riqht.tide and interest of Truscor in and ta any greaxer esrdte i�w�T vphw a n reaeauueren t�ha
<br /> dCQUiJtd. ull interests. �state or amer ccaims,oo:n�r. iaw onu o�cywaT� ••�•:�•• ••w•-. .._.- .-- - •
<br /> Prpperty,alt easpments.riQhts-of-waV,tenemMCS,hereciraments and apourtenances tt�ereof and tt�ereto,a�l v�racer riphts.all rlqhc,
<br /> ntle and intetesr oi Trusu►. now owned or 1r.re;�her acwuirea, �n and ta arry �an�. �yinp within the dOht-or°Nav ot any suent or
<br /> hignwi�y adjoininp the PropertY, and any �nd a4 aileYS and rnips and qores ot iantl adjacent:o ar useo :� �annection wirn the
<br /> Proaer�Y.znd a�N anA all buildir:qs. fixtures antl(rnprovements now ar hereafter erec:td there�n Irhe"1mRrcve.menu"1. ana alI the
<br /> estat�.anterest. riG�t� ntte or any�ieim or demand we-iie:i Trustor nuw has a�mey hzsFra�ter ac�uire in die�'4AEtTY,and anY�nd
<br /> , all awnnis made far the tak�ny��em�n��t d�e,^y ew�ds aesutti qef oim a chanqe of p�rade of ineets anC awsrtlS fcr sevennce
<br /> ths Tru.tt EStaLe. inG:udirq
<br /> damages.
<br /> _ The properry and the enuro estate and interest comrayed to the Trusteo aro reieRed to collectively as the 'Trusc Esnte'.
<br /> a Far t!�Purpos�of 5�4�
<br /> r A. paymMnc of indabtednesa evidenud by any promissaN�u�af Tnutor in favor mf�eneficiary:and
<br /> � 8. PeYm��Rll sums sdva�ced �y Bencfidary to prottct the Tnsat Etats. wifi icnereet thereon �t the raa of
<br /> sixtean p�rcenc(1Q%1 per ar�rn.
<br /> � The ihdebtRdn�ss desaibed in pusOnqtu A�nd B above is Pefe�red m as the'tnde6tednas.'
<br /> ' This S�cond Oeed ot Trust,sml P�^t�ry "�t��Tnutor in twor at Bsneftciary and u�v �rt+�* instrumem gw� m
<br />� ' p�IIYi�M G��s�'r=•-h�'^.'-'Y^^""*"'"a °�a�anca of arn obNaation sncured herobY are referrod to coiletciv�ely as the "Loa�
<br /> IntLttxtl�MtL'f'.
<br /> Tnutor covensna ttut fil Trusca taolds tide to the Trust Fsate�nd has tawful autl�oriN to encumber the Tnuc F.smt�,
<br /> Cri1 ttw Tn�st C�tats is tree snd dear ot ap fi�s�nd encwnbranc�.t sxcept tor wsfn+ents.resbticooes�nd covansnu of record ard
<br /> • s� Oeed of Yn�sc frorn Tnttcar er,�,rr+be�ir�9 dse PraP�Y dated on or abouc tt+e date hereof (ihe 'First Deed ot Y'rust'1�and
<br /> � (iiq Trusior wiG detend the 1'nu�;Esute a0aimt tJ+e lawiu!claims of any person.
<br /> To Prot�ei t!w S�aritV of thi�S�ca�d DMd ot Yrus�
<br /> t. �'iyw�rnt o/ln�trt�s� Trus4ar sh�ll p�y when due the princiPal of.and the irttaest o�.the Indebt�edneas and
<br /> �11 ottwr wms as Pro+�� in ths I.wn Instrvmern�. .
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