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�� <br />��1�0���� <br />4. So long as any portion of the descnbed obligation to the Secured Party is outstanding and unpaid, the provisions of the <br />Deed of Truat or other instrument of security between the Debtor and the Secured Party are contralling as to tha Collateral in which <br />Secured Party is to have a first securiiy interest, including any time there is a conflict between it and the provisions of any lien <br />insirument granted to the Subordinating Creditor by the Debtar. <br />5. This Agreement is a continuing, absolute and unconditional agreement of subordination without regard to the validity or <br />enforceability of the Promissory Notes or other instruments of indebtedness between the Debtor and the Secured Party evidencing <br />sums due or documents grantin� a security interest in the ColIateral, irrespective of the iune or order of attachment or perfection af the <br />security' interest in the Collateral ar the order of filing the Deeds of Tnist or other instruments of security with respect to the Collateral. <br />6. This Agreement shall remain in fiill force and effect and is binding upon the Subordinating Creditor and upon its <br />successors and assigns, so long as any portion of the sums sectn'ed as described in Paragraph 3 are outstanding and uzipaid. <br />7. The Subordinating Creditor and agrees that the Pramissory Notes ar other instruments of indebtedneas of the Debtor <br />evidencing the obligation between the Debtor and the Secured pariy may from time to time be renewed, extended, modified, <br />compromised, accelerated, settled or released, without notice to or consent by the Subordinating Creditor. <br />Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka <br />� <br />- "Suhordinating Creditor" <br />STATE OF KANSAS <br />COUNTY OF Shawnee <br />) <br />(ss: <br />) <br />,r �Be me, a�otary Public qnalified in said County, personaUy came ��� ()yVfQ S�'IGc /� as <br />.-�I `�'� 6'��.-Sl(��!/1 of Home Federal Home I,oan Bank of Topeka, lmowa to me to be the identical person who signed the <br />foregoing Subordination Agreement on behalf of such antity, and aclaiowledged the execution thereof to be (his)(her) voluntary act <br />and deed on behaif of suci� entity. <br />Witness my hand and Notarial seaf on tbis �� <br />� J. <br />���� � PVB�.`� <br />�„ eu�,. �r.wsr� . <br />�. . �� i � / <br />r / <br />/� <br />=��.�/J �_ �/ �.� <br />.. , � <br />� <br />