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<br /> � LAU�EN;°iM GARSTENSQN and LuEL1A F. CARSTENSON , husband and wife , �
<br /> each in his_ and ;k.ier. own right and� as spouse of the other, herein called
<br /> � ,Grantors, in� cons�ti�deration of Eighteen ,Thousand Dollars ($18,000,00) ,
<br /> �receive.d from� Gr�;n�ees , does grant, bargain , sell , convey and confirm unto
<br /> €RAYMONQ E . STAH�A:.��nd DIANNE R. STAHLA, husband and wife , as joint tenants
<br /> � �with right of st�r:vivorship , 'and not as tenants in common , the following
<br /> �✓de's`cribed real pi^op;erty in Hall County , Nebraska: .
<br /> A` tract :of"landri:n the Sautheast Quarter (SE4) of Section Twenty-nine (29)
<br /> i:n Tio.wnship Ten�- (10) North , Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M. , Hall �
<br /> County, Nebraska�; described as : Beginning at the Sou.t'hwest corrter of said �
<br /> SE�; thence running Northerly along the West line of said SE4;; �
<br /> . �,
<br /> �ua� a distance of 1 ,796.8 feet to the Southerly right-of-way line of
<br /> the Interstate H`ighway; thence running Northeasterly along said right-of�
<br /> way a distance of 536 . 6 feet; thence deflecting righ� 19°��' and running
<br /> Easterly 436 . 1 feet, thence deflecting right 90°00 ' and running South-
<br /> erly and parallel to the west line a�i�tSE4 a distance of 7 ,666.5 feet
<br /> i?,}z�n��;xukir�i��, Sa��1�ae�ter7�r,a d�;�tance�;of�'�o the poi nt of begi nni ng , contai n-
<br /> ing 38�. 303 acres more or less , including the easement right-of-way granted
<br /> ; to the Grantors by Quit Claim Deed date:d October 28, 1944, and recorded in
<br /> � Book 86 page 581 of the Deed Records of Hall County , Nebraska , and a tri -
<br /> �� angular tract of land containing . 7 acres , a little more of less , described
<br /> � �as foTlows : � �
<br /> ;� �
<br /> � Comm�ncing at the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter (SEa) of Sec-
<br /> � tion Twenty-nine (29) , Township Ten (10) .North , Range Ten ( 10) West of the
<br /> � 6th P.M. , thence north along the half section line 120 rods , thence east
<br /> at right angles 57 rods to a point which is also the northeast corner of
<br /> a certain tract of land conveyed by Grantors herein to Loyal H . Denman by
<br /> deed recorded in Book 86 of Dea�s Page 581 in the Office of the Register of
<br /> Deeds of Hall County , which is the point of beginning ; thence north�e��ly
<br /> from said point of beginning on a line parallel with the west line of the
<br /> .Southeast Quarter (SE4) of said Section Twenty-nine (29) to the point where
<br /> said line intersects with the south line of the Interstate Highway right-
<br /> I �of-way, running thence southwesterly along the southerly right-of-way line
<br /> of said Interstate Highway to a point where it intersects the north line
<br /> of the premises heretofore conveyed to Loyal H. Denman by deed aboye re-
<br /> ferred to , thence in an easterly direction along and upon said north line
<br /> to the point of beginning , in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> To have and to hold the above described premises together with all
<br /> tenements , hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the Grantees
<br /> and to their assigns and to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them
<br /> forever.
<br /> And grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their
<br /> assigns and with the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them that Grantors
<br /> are lawfully seised of said premises ; that they are free from enc�mbrance ,
<br /> except subject to a mortgage to the Commercial National Bank & Trust Com-
<br /> pany of Grand Island , Nebraska ; that Grantors have good right and lawful
<br /> authority to convey the same ; and that grantors warrant and will defend the
<br /> title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whonsoever.
<br /> It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the
<br /> death of either of the Grantees , the entire fee simple title to the real
<br /> estateehall vest in the surviving Grantee .
<br /> � Dated this 7th day of July , 1971 .
<br /> �TF�F,n;F' T.,r-�y, �rz � -�^G -���:z—�,�—:. _
<br /> � Lauren . Carstenson
<br /> JUL � 1971 - �,..- .��, .
<br /> STATE OF "NE,BRASKA ) �� LuElla F. Carstenson
<br /> ) �� �` —.� sY � ���
<br /> CDUJVTY','0`F��-HALL ) """""`�"�"
<br /> ` � � ��'�Before me , a Notary Public qualified for said County , personally
<br /> ���l;a��,�en� M -'C�rstenson and LuElla F. Carstenson , husband and wife , each in his
<br /> " a►�d; �er ��o�r� ri_ght and as spouse of the other, known to me to be the i denti cal
<br /> ��per5o'r�s,=��,� st,gned the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution
<br /> = ,t�i°��eof�'�;a be;:�th��i r vol untary act and deed.
<br /> ' �_���'`ness my hand and notaria� seal on July 7th , 1971 .
<br /> %;= ;> �� �l/ � /� �,
<br /> <.�
<br /> `'����`� �� � Notar bl i c ��
<br /> My �Commission expires. November 13, 1973. I
<br /> Filed for record Jul 8 1 1 ai gLM, in Book 16�. of Deeds ,
<br /> page ��� egistef Gf �BedS, 8all Cotlnty, H81��EMENT ATTACHED
<br /> � ��_�.. ._ .b90A
<br />