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<br /> ' �W/W7(11Fy\ . -....M,..-•Jt—�------
<br /> 97�- �i���
<br /> (i)All a part of the Propaty,or a berieficiel inurest in a uust owning all or part of d�e Pcnperty,i9 s�ld or
<br /> otherwt�e G�ansfurod(othu than by deviso or descu�t),and
<br /> (ii)'I'he Pmpr.:ty is nat occupied by the purchaser or granue as his or her principal residence. or the
<br /> putcha�er a grentee does so occupy the Property but I�is or her crodit has not bexn approved in eccordance
<br /> with ttie m�qli�tem,�a.ts v€tt�e Secretary.
<br /> 6c3 1�'W�4�a.r�r c��:�,xati.a�oosw�r cfi�,w��c�r����)l.ender to rc.�uire im�ed�tasc paymcnt in fuU. bzce
<br /> L.�w.�:c�c��,:�.;,•�.�s:��+;�y3^-..nt;."��tr�'��.s t�;�'t wai•.'r`]13 l��+Zc's.'3'.f'�ICSpCi.`:'!'.1$��`SCQS.Yi!!Q�'�!!S. _
<br /> (d) Re�rhtec�n �at HUD Srp�etary. fim an�nn� xMCnr���'l:u�ces n���m�rn�s essuod �y u�Stcme�°�i91 Iamit _.
<br /> �ada's rig��s,in the caae of paym�na r;{:�.'inutGa,8u re��air�a unmu'i��la puyme.ns in fanU an�Eva�cc6msu 8f not�m'.d. _
<br /> lfiis Securiry Instrument d�oc3 not sur�haQi.•u a:z:tiaati�ua�r?nr��:i�+urc if noi�.va�a�a�9�}s��a4�rians�f 13�
<br /> (e)MorE�e N�t Ioaured.�orrowet egrees th�t if tta��TCt�ry 3tn�a�manl and the�Vote nrw m�1�ie1�;anined W
<br /> be eligit�k.�i�;r,�utenCO unde=thc Pletional Housing ACi Ritttln 6��1s>»s'fr�m the d8ie ficr�tn:!t:n�IG:anay,at
<br /> its opaon,►.�r�urre immedlste payment in fuU of aU swns secnred by this Security Iai�nm�.nz � wrlttcn
<br /> ataLemecav.c�:na3•authorized agea�t of the Secretary dated subseq�ertt W 60 days from�he date 3�:�o�f,declining
<br /> to ineum��s Sxurity Instrument and thc Note, st�all be da,mod conclusivo proof of sach L�ellgtbility.
<br /> Notaitts:st�d�ng the foregoing, this option may nut bo eaucised by Lenda when the unav�ilabllity of
<br /> lnsur�nce u sr�lely due to I.ender's failure to remit a mcxtgAge insurenca prcanium to the Socreta�y.
<br /> 10.ReiWateeen�R�xmwu hav a right to be reinstated if Lendu has required lmmodi�te p�yment in full bocau�e
<br /> cf1D,,:�zuuar�'s fm9lure W gay�smounL due ui!Qe!tlx:Noia or diis Scradty Instr�me�t'I�.is right sgpllet eves� afttr -
<br /> iaeciios�+a pocaainge�ao insaiuiAw i;�i�►o i;��a, �.y u�usr�,:,t,°c.-m���'s�:::;,sttl.:iss a lumg ats�s!!
<br /> amo�u:ts rcciurod a bcing Bocrowa's eccount cumnt including,to the ext�ra�t they�re obligatluns of Barowa urKia
<br /> thla Sociulty InsWment, faoclosiu�e costs u�d reaSOnabk and custornary atton�eys' fea and eapenses prope[ly
<br /> associa�ad with the faeclosure p�uceeding. Upon r�a�statanei►t by Bamwu� thls Socurity Instrument and ttro
<br /> obUgationv thu it exures slull renwin in effect ac if Lender had not roqulrod inunodiate peyrt�ait in full.However.
<br /> L,arder is not roquired oo pamit re3n.gtuement if: (i) I.r.nda h.�aceeptod reinsutentau afia tho c:amma�a,ment of
<br /> foroc3osure procadings within two yar� imrnediatelY precedin8 the canrt�encema�t of a curra�t foe�ocbsure
<br /> pro�oedin6. (li) rdost�lement will preclude forocbsum on dift'erent grotu�ds in the fuwre.or (iii)tdnstatetriau will
<br /> advauly affocc tt,e priocicy of the lien creatoci by chis socurity uistcumait
<br /> 11. �orrowra Nat Rekased; Forbearaea Br [,eader Not a Wa[ver. Extcnsia► of the titne of payma�t ar
<br /> modification uf anart�tion of the s�rns socurod by this Security L�stcumau granted by Lendu to any succes.+oc in
<br /> inla�est af Barowa stWl not qxrale to nJta�e the Wbility of the aigi�ul Bomoxer a Borrower's sucooaaac in in�arst.
<br /> J.enckt sha71 not 6e t+equired to comu�crxe pr0000din8s ageinst any suaxssor in intaest ar rcfuse to extaid time for
<br /> p�Ymant or othtr+�ife modify art�ocdzation of the sums secund by this Security I�suurtxnt by r�easc�n of any dan��
<br /> m�de:by the aiguul Porrowu a Borrowa's successors in ink.rest.Any forbearana by Lendu ur excxcising any right
<br /> or remedy sh�ll nat be�waiva of a proclude the exacise of m►y right a remody.
<br /> 1Z.Sucoea�on a�d Aesi�ae Bound;Joint snd Several Li�6ilit�;Co-Siaoen,The c:ovenant�and agroanenu of
<br /> this Security Ins�wnent sf�aU bind and benefit the s�ccessors and assigns of I.a�drr and Batrnwa. subjoct w the
<br /> provisions of pan�gteph 9(b). Barowu's wvenantc and ogceements st�all be joint aad sevtral. My Barower who
<br /> co-signs lhis Security L�suumsnt but does not execuu the Note: (a) is co-sigai�g this Sociuity Insuuma�t only W
<br /> mottgage.grant and convey ttiat Barowa's inu�st 3n thu Pmpelty unda the ter�ms of this Securiry Instrwna�t;(b)is
<br /> not personally obli�tod to pry tho sums socurod by this Socurity Instrumenr and(c)agrees that L�endrx and any aQkr
<br /> Baruwer may�grae to outend.modify.forbear or make any acoommodations with regerd to fhe tems of this Securiry
<br /> Instruma�t ot the Not�without that Bocrower's consenL
<br /> �4R(M�)�otwl.oi P�p�6 of 0 ini�uu:
<br /> �,y� ?�Tr� �
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