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<br /> of Borrower's covenants and agxeements under this Securiry Instrumeat and the Note. For this putpose. Bonower
<br /> irrevocably grants and conveys to the Tiustee,in trusc,with pawer of sale, the following described�p�r1otye NeUrask�a�.
<br /> in Hal l
<br /> Lot Seven (J� „ Block Two (2), Valley View Subdivision, bein� a part
<br /> of th� t�ar�4� 1103.0 Feet of the East Ha1T wnship Elevena(1��j�North,
<br /> (E1/2NEa,��� of Section Twenty-Two (22) ,
<br /> Range N9ne Z�� West of the 6th P.M., in Nall County, Nebraska
<br /> (Suatt,C ityl,
<br /> w�ich ha�the addsess of 1007 E. Bi smark Road[Z P��d� �5���Add�ss���
<br /> Nebraska 68801 and all ea.semr.sns,
<br /> TOGETHBR WITH all the IA1pIOVCA1GAt4 AOW or bereafter erxted on the propercy.
<br /> appurt�panas and fiasuns now or hereafter a part of the propeny• All replacements and addition� sh�11 abQ 6�
<br /> covecod by this Security tnsi�uiixut.�11�f 2hR foregoin¢is referred to:n thia 5ceurity Insuument ag tho"Propercy•'
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is 1is u�nenc�red exeepttforcaacum nraziees�of�record hB rmt�r
<br /> grant aad convey the PmPatY and that the Properry� a �inst all cluims �nd deu�xls� subJoci ta any�.
<br /> w,atranta and will defend generally the title [o the PrapenY 8
<br /> encumbruacxs oP zecord.
<br /> TH15 S8C�oas b INST�ction o wnstbtute a umform cecurity AB[[UIMAOCAYering a1 propertY rn►cova�nvnte
<br /> with limited ven Y J
<br /> Bocrower sud Lender covenant and agree a+follows:
<br /> 1. P�ymant o[Pr[ncipal. Inta�est aad I.Ate Char`e. Borcower shall pay
<br /> whcn due the princlPa�of. aiad,
<br /> interest on,the debt evide�xxd by the Note nnd lau charges due undcr the Note.
<br /> - 2. Monthly Pwymeat ot Taxes� Imunna and Ot6�r Clu�r�es. Borrowe� shcll include fn each manQ�lys.
<br /> p�ymeut, together witb the principal aad�►terest as set forth in the Note�Q d p�y�Bsso=����ts�on tt+ta
<br /> spocial assessmeats levied or to be levied against thc ProPertY•h 4, In any yeu ia which the Lender mwt•P�4'�•fi
<br /> �I�Y. +�nd(c)Pnmiums for insurance re9uirod under puaBreP �,�,�
<br /> roortgage insurana Pnuilum to the SecretuY of Housing aad Urban Development("Secc+etuy")� or in anY Y
<br /> which such prern[um would h�ve ban*e9uirod if Lender sdll held the Security Insmiment,each wonthLy Wyrm�lt
<br /> shall�lso[nclude either. (i)a sum for the anaual mort8A8n���h�s����suument ls�he diby�Sec't�u►.
<br /> or(ii)a uwnthly charBe instead of a mortgage insuranca P
<br /> in a reasonable �nount to be det�miined by the Secntary. Except for the monWly charge by the Secrr�tt��: these
<br /> itecns ue calla! 'Escrow Items"and the sums paid to Lemla are called"Escmw Funds•�ate u�wiwt nort ta eza'�ed the
<br /> Lendtr may,at any time.collect and hold amouncs for Bscrow Items in an aggng
<br /> �a�cj�m�amount tl�at cnay b�ralui�d for Borrower's escrow ac�ount undar the Real Estatc Settlern:nt.Ftocedures
<br /> Act of 1974. 12 U.S.C. Sectioa Z601 et seq. atxl imPlcme°��nB �8v��tions,
<br /> 24 CPR Put 3504), as t���y�y '�
<br />� amended from timesbursements before the Borrower'shp ymen s am�availablee in the�account�ir,yf ewt be based on
<br /> disbutsements or d
<br /> — amunnts due for t�e mortgage insuranc�Pn��• �
<br /> Pp�2 01 B IMt��
<br /> � �RINE)�asai.o�
<br /> �
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