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<br /> ab�odooed propaty. Bormwec sh�ll �1so b� in default if L�ar.rouna, during ihe loan application proau. g�ve
<br /> mueri�lly f�ise or iuuccunte infornntion oi,stntcments to l�erxkr (ar fallod to pravide Lender witd any matedal
<br /> iaform�tioa) in connection with the loun avade•.naod by thr,. rlMe, inaluding. but not limited to, representations
<br /> conoenilng Borrower's occupuscy of the Per,perty as a p:iar,•ipal rr.aicle�. !f this SecurIty Inetiument is on a
<br /> le�ehold, Borr�wer sh�l comply witd the pm��isions of the Utuu. If 8brrower acquites fa tide to t!x Properry.the
<br /> Iwebold aod fee tit�e aball not be mergod unit:ss Lwdcr agn�a t��tha rncrger in writiag.
<br /> �,Ca�deime�tior.The proceeds of wy•a�va�M or c1Nm far,damr;gea.direct or conaequential,in connection with
<br /> anp coodemwtioa or aher Wcing of uiy pmt of the Property, or. Tor convcyaoce in plsce of condemaatioQ, are
<br /> l�eJ:r,�y asisaed �od shall be paid to l.endet ta d�a catent o6 t�r. iWI:;tmwnt of tLe iadeMedness th�t rcm�i�unp�id
<br /> e�rt�:t tbe Nae aod tbis Securiry Imttumeat. Lender ahali�y aucti pnoce�ds to the reductiosi of tLe it�debtedt�ss
<br /> attnk� the NoWe�ind this Security Invnunn�t. firat to aay d�:i•ioq��rau aimuunts �ppiiad in che orckr providod in
<br /> p�tr,�nph 3.vnd d�es�to prep�ymeat of prin►ap�1.My�plicat��n of�he�Sa�o�,�oeda to the pcincip�l sd�ll not eatead or
<br /> pcxq�ruc�the due date of the mo�t6ly pxymeuto, which an rcfv�red tsr in p�ragra}�h 2, or ch�mga the aroount of such
<br /> prymeata. Any exoesa procoods over�n amount roquirod to p�ay all outatuding indeb��odness w�der tLe Nae and this
<br /> Socurity Insttuaxat sh�l be p�Id to the a�t3ry ltrgally entillM tAr.reta.
<br /> 7. CW�a to Dorrower wd Ptat+xnt�an of LeAda's Iti�� in tie Propt�tt7. Horrorrcir stall pay all
<br /> governmeat�l or municipal chuges. fina aard impnsitiona that, �re croc included in pexagraph 2. BtKrawer etWl pay
<br /> thae obli�tlons on time directly to the eatity which is owec�t�e pa;yment. [f fiiluce tco pay would adversely affoct
<br /> I,eader's i�etrat in tbe P,roQerty. upon Lrndar'a cequest L�rtw��er slull pr�nq�t[y furnish ta I.eader t+ooeipta
<br /> evideocios these p�yaoeats.
<br /> If Bortowar t�ils to make thae paymeutt ar tho pRymenc�c+eqakr,ed.Po!��aragraph 2.or feil�to perform any o�ber
<br />� COVdl�pts 7fod i�tOemLOts oqnt�inOd iG thti Spcuiity lnsttvRlqllt,Or�tlet!c as t ie�11�pt�zaiiiy{'wai ui'aj nysuiaii:iu'u'"�
<br /> afFect l�eader's ri�hu in the Ptope�ty(auch�r+a pr��coeding im buiYi;tuptcy, for oondemt�tion or W onfaroe la�va or �
<br /> re�ulxions)�tLen L,eader may do�nd pay whntcver is ur.crsascy tr�protocc tl�e valuc aE¢he Pmprocty aod La�dcr's
<br /> riahta tn t_�w p�r,p�rty,includin�ptymeat of w�os.hArscrl iwuc.rnco,�tnd other ItGms a�fsvned i�t pra�grnpb 2. '
<br />, Any �motmts di�burud by I�etder iu�des�thie pu�gr+�f�s8ek1 become an �ddition�l deM of Borrower aod t1e
<br /> aecu�ed by this Securiry lmtiu�eot. 'I'heae r�nounta sh�ll bear 3m:meat from tbe d�te of disbur�ernent. at the Noce
<br /> r�oe.�ad at the aptian of l�ender,eh�U be immedi�tely due iu�d t�aYx�►lo.
<br />_ Bocrower sA�ll prompdy diuchuge any lion whids ha�psiorfiy aver thia SecurJry instnimene unlas Bormwer:
<br /> (�) �oes in writiaa w tbe paymeat of the obligatiou ae��+u�ed b}• tLe lien ia a nu�nner acc�t+ble to I.wdr.r: (b)
<br /> c000ests in�ood fuch tbe lien by. or defend���gainac eaforee�t of the liea in, lepl pnooeodiags wliich in the
<br />- l�eoder�s opinioo opa�te to prevatt the eafosnemcat of the li�et7� af t�) secvra froni the holda of the liea an
<br />— a�reem�t a�tisf�dory to I,ender subordinating tho liai to chis 5eauit�Insaumait. If L.a�der detecmines th�t any pa�t
<br />- of the Propaty b subjoct to a liea which nany utain priaity.ovcr thi� Security Lsutiumeat. I.ender mry �ive
<br /> Aocrower a notia ideotifyia6 ttx liea. Bornov►�cr sh�ll s�tiefy tt�n lian or t�lce ano oc more of t6e�cxions�et forth
<br /> above�vitbia LO d�ys of tbc aiviaa of aotia.
<br /> ' � /.FeM.I.eader mzy collect fees aod duirgca�uthorined dy ttia St,cretuy.
<br /> � ' !.Grorwi for A�oade�Mio�of Debt.
<br /> a �a)DehWt. I,�adar may.�xcept as limited by reg�t:u io+ia (sau6d Ly t�e Socn,ury,iu tbe case of psymeat
<br /> def�tlq�t�eqi►ire imroedi�te pzyment in full of all aw�s srcuml by thia Security Insirumrnt if:
<br /> �� (i) Borrowet def�ults by fiilina to pay in full�uy nonnWlY WYmeat roqutrod by thia Securiry Instnu�mi
<br /> • pri�or w or on the due date of the ne�ct monthly payu�nt.or
<br /> ', (i�) Borrower defwlta by f�iling. for a period of tlb.nrty d�q�a.to pert'orm my otha�oblig�tians aoatained
<br /> � in tWs Secvrity Imtcumeat.
<br /> � (b?�WMYo�t CrMk A��l. Leadtr shall, if p�miuod by appl(cable law(including Sectioa 341(d)
<br /> cf thc (iu�n-St. Germ�it►Dtpository Institutio�se hct of 1982. l2 U.S.C. 1701j-3(d)) wd with the prior
<br /> , agproval of the Secretary,roquire immodixtc p�yment im full of all sums securcd byr this 5t�cvrity Insnumeat
<br /> if:
<br /> �lMMq ttswr.a� �.o.�a e iNUww�,� �r. �-.,.,���.
<br /> /I.rl. �?
<br /> G M.
<br />