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1:-103%2—WARRANTY DEED—Vesting Entlre Tltle ln SUI'VIVOI' - The Hngmaa(�enernl SnDDIy Honae, Liacoln. Nebr. <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That � - - , <br /> Louis M. Ruff and Edleen G. Ruff, husb'and and wife <br /> in consideration of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Seventy-six and 25/100 (7576.25)-- DOLLARS <br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargaiu, sell, convey and confirm unto <br /> Jerome F. Packer and/or Nancy L. Packer with Right of Survivorship <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common; the following described real estate, situated ii� the County of <br /> Hall and State of Nebraska , to-wit: <br /> A tract of land located in the East Half of the Northwest Quarter (FiaNfnT4) of <br /> Section Thirty-one (31), Township Ten (10) North, Range Eleven (11), West of <br /> ' the 6th PoM., in Ha11 County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br /> Beginning at a point on the North line of Section Thirty-one (31) which is Six <br /> Hundred and Eight (608.0) Feet West of the Northeast (NE) corner of the East <br /> Ha1f of the Northwest f�uarter of said Section Thirty-one� thence continuing <br /> Westerly along and upon the North line of said Section Thirty-one, a distance <br /> of One Hundred Eighty-five and Thirty-five Hundreths (185•35) Feet; thence <br /> �deflecting left Ninety (90) Degrees and running Southerly a distance of Three <br /> Hundred Fifty-eight (358.0) Feet; thenee deflecting left Thirty-four Degrees <br /> and Twenty-one Minutes and running Southeasterly a distance of Ninety and <br /> Twenty-one Hundreths (90.21) feet; thence deflecting left Fifty-six Degrees and <br /> Seventeen Minutes and runnir�g Easterly a distance of One Hundred Thirty-four and <br /> Fifty-five Hundreths (13�..55) Feet; thence de�lecting left Eighty-nine Degrees <br /> � and 2`wenty-two Minutes and running Northerly Four Hundred Thisty-one (l�31.0) <br /> Feet to the point of beginning and containin.g in all 1.79 acres more or less <br /> of which 0.7_1�. acres more or less are presently occupied by road right-of way. <br /> �� � <br />